This is why we need to tax the wealthy

Puh-lease. There are plenty of able-bodied adults on welfare.
There are parents on SNAP, sure but 90% of people on that program are dependents, the elderly, and the disabled.

Again I think you all don’t even bother doing research on this subject because you would rather just feel superior because you think it’s uncommon for people to have jobs lol
Nobody is for communism, chump of greedy lying megarich swine.... and socialism is fair capitalism and always democratic. Ask anyone who not an English speaking Tory dupe....Vive la difference

Socialism is the guaranteed successor of capitalism, are you preparing to become a socialist? If not rest assure your progeny will be socialists. Advanced automation and artificial intelligence = Socialism/Communism.
Nobody is for communism, chump of greedy lying megarich swine.... and socialism is fair capitalism and always democratic. Ask anyone who not an English speaking Tory dupe....Vive la difference
Socialism is the earliest stage of communism or the means to communism. A marketless, non-profit, centrally planned system of production at a national scale is inevitable due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence.
There are parents on SNAP, sure but 90% of people on that program are dependents, the elderly, and the disabled.

Again I think you all don’t even bother doing research on this subject because you would rather just feel superior because you think it’s uncommon for people to have jobs lol
Today you can have a job and still be homeless. The cost of living is through the roof.
Why do you want to mooch off others franco?
Why are you such a brainwashed functional moron? Lol. I'm still hai
Socialism is the earliest stage of communism or the means to communism. A marketless, non-profit, centrally planned system of production at a national scale is inevitable due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence.
NEVER, SUPER dupe. That is communism. Only. UK USA and a chumps don't know it...."We are all socialists now!"- President of Finland when O-care passed ..duhhhhh
Why are you such a brainwashed functional moron? Lol. I'm still hai

NEVER, SUPER dupe. That is communism. Only. UK USA and a chumps don't know it...."We are all socialists now!"- President of Finland when O-care passed ..duhhhhh
You're so triggered. Market socialism or mixed economies will eventually have to become, non-profit, marketless, centrally planned economies, due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence. Markets can only sustain a certain degree of unemployment before they're no longer worth investing in, due to lack of customers. Capitalist markets rely on wages to make sales.
It builds real wealth, for everyone who works. Not just for a privileged few.
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You're so triggered. Market socialism or mixed economies will eventually have to become, non-profit, marketless, centrally planned economies, due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence. Markets can only sustain a certain degree of unemployment before they're no longer worth investing in, due to lack of customers. Capitalist markets rely on wages to make sales.
More creative industry for people perhaps....birth control!! Lol.Sounds good

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