This is why we need to tax the wealthy

Stop trying to steal MY money. Earn your own damn money and pay your own damn bills. Franco buddy, I'm not buying your toilet paper next month or paying your damn cable bill.
For one thing, they want to lower your taxes if anything, dupe. They want to tax the rich again and invest in America again duhh....
It's been GOP giveaway to the rich for forty years
Which is where I say we need to revisit the idea of "tax incentives/penalties/carveouts/credits/rebates/loopholes/etc/etc..." It's an egregious abuse of the taxation power. Via the Constitution, we grant government the power to tax us, but not to use taxation rules as a means of manipulating behavior.
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What the fk are you trying to say

He has not the vaguest idea, he just mouths random buzzwords.

What does that even mean? WTF you okay?

No, he has no idea.

You don't understand "rights". Try again. Maybe read a book? Go back to school?

He understands nothing. Franky simply parrots random words, having no idea what they mean, not any real idea how to string them together coherently.
Makes it fair. Like every other modern country but us
What is your idea of fair ? Punishing hard worker's who try their best to do right, and to punish the more educated that reside in the lower ranks as they try to move up(?), otherwise punish them by placing them into a box due to your socialist policies or views that you think are right ? Well your views and opinion's are wrong on a theory that socialism is somehow more right than other forms of governmental practices that has given us a powerful merit based economy over many year's... Hey if you can't keep up, then get yourself some help, but in no way expect the train to be stopped while you contemplate how to get over on other people.
Government has no money you fool, they take OUR money we the people worked to earn. AND it's not my responsibility to work a job to pay for your kids college education. Where do all these mooching begging losers come from?

Who earned the trillions and trillions that have been pumped into the markets? Who exactly was it stolen from to pump into the markets?
Who earned the trillions and trillions that have been pumped into the markets? Who exactly was it stolen from to pump into the markets?
It's all been by design once the power was recognized by nefarious people who slipped into that power without much notice. Once in power the bribing for votes, the diversion and attempt's at redistribution became front and center by the occupiers, and all in hopes to steal a nation over a long period of time. They do this by way of government being toppled first from within, and then weaponized after that in order to make the people submit over time.

It's going to get worse and worse it appears, unless people turn back somehow. The MAGA movement has recognized the situation, and it has been engaged in a last ditch effort to hopefully restore some order back to a place getting so far out of control..

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