This Is Your Side, Liberals

Exactly WHERE has jillian said this? Not to mention that you are likely lying, I am used to Righties lying. So, I just called Jillian over here.

he is lying. but that's standard operating procedure for him.
Shall I go back to 2009 and 2010 and find the times you claimed that some opponent was a racist for being against Obama?

Oh look Re-Liar guy is back. Whadja find Re-Liar? Got that evidence where I "routinely declare all republicans, all teaparty or conservatives did something, supported something or were responsible for something" for show and tell?

Or did your dog eat your homework?

isn't it funny that people who blame anyone to the left of atilla the hun for everything bad in the world are worried about not being treated fairly. boo hoo!

Obama, de Blasio, Holder.....they drummed up the racial division and the anti-police hatred.

And your vote aided them.

Live with it.
No doubt she happily voted for the communist scum Deblasio. Highly doubtful that she ever voted for Rudy Giuliani who actually cleaned up the cesspool that was New York city.
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"President Obama has engaged in “propaganda” encouraging people to “hate the police,” former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) charged a day after two city police officers were shot and killed in their patrol car by a man who posted anti-police messages to his social media account.

“We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Giuliani said during an appearance on Fox News early Sunday. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all of them lead to a conclusion: The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”
Obama s propaganda pushed people to hate the police Giuliani says TheHill

Let me repeat the question:

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.
You kiss Obama's ass, and he has blood on his hands and so do you. If not, let me hear you criticize Obama for fanning the flames.

He didn't. The rightwing fanned the flames by demonizing Eric Garner, THE VICTIM, and treating his killers as gods.
Garner was breaking the law, and he resisted arrest. The cops did their job, garner died because he was out of shape. I hope the cops refuse to police the ghettos, then see how your type likes that.

Resisting arrest in NY is a misdemeanor, the equivalent of shoplifting a candy bar.

We don't have the death penalty without due process in NY for misdemeanors.

Point's breaking a law. Period. You want to stay out of stay inside the law. Lousy choices, lousy lives.

This is the risk ideologues take when they go 100% with their agenda.

Anti-cop, pro-Islamist, anti-military, anti-capitalism, anti-Christmas, on and on.

It doesn't mean it's true, necessarily, but this is what happens when you simplistically "take sides" - you set yourself up.

Life is nuance.


Name names. Who is anti cop? Name one USMB liberal. Thanks.


These Liberals:

Who are they? Got some names? Are they famous? Important? Any close up videos of that chant? Who was the leader of that chant? Bitch.

At a tea party rally, a black congressman goes out of his way to walk through it. Then claims he was called the n word. Liberals nation wide go crazy. Thousands of liberals chant death to cops. Your silent, can I say hypocrite? Oh, and by the way a $100,000 dollar reward was offered for any proof for the n word, nothing came up. Lol can I say liberals are idiots?
"President Obama has engaged in “propaganda” encouraging people to “hate the police,” former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) charged a day after two city police officers were shot and killed in their patrol car by a man who posted anti-police messages to his social media account.

“We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Giuliani said during an appearance on Fox News early Sunday. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all of them lead to a conclusion: The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”
Obama s propaganda pushed people to hate the police Giuliani says TheHill

Let me repeat the question:

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.
You kiss Obama's ass, and he has blood on his hands and so do you. If not, let me hear you criticize Obama for fanning the flames.

He didn't. The rightwing fanned the flames by demonizing Eric Garner, THE VICTIM, and treating his killers as gods.
Garner was breaking the law, and he resisted arrest. The cops did their job, garner died because he was out of shape. I hope the cops refuse to police the ghettos, then see how your type likes that.

Resisting arrest in NY is a misdemeanor, the equivalent of shoplifting a candy bar.

We don't have the death penalty without due process in NY for misdemeanors.

Mode #2 in effect.
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"President Obama has engaged in “propaganda” encouraging people to “hate the police,” former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) charged a day after two city police officers were shot and killed in their patrol car by a man who posted anti-police messages to his social media account.

“We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Giuliani said during an appearance on Fox News early Sunday. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all of them lead to a conclusion: The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”
Obama s propaganda pushed people to hate the police Giuliani says TheHill

Let me repeat the question:

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.
You kiss Obama's ass, and he has blood on his hands and so do you. If not, let me hear you criticize Obama for fanning the flames.

He didn't. The rightwing fanned the flames by demonizing Eric Garner, THE VICTIM, and treating his killers as gods.
Garner was breaking the law, and he resisted arrest. The cops did their job, garner died because he was out of shape. I hope the cops refuse to police the ghettos, then see how your type likes that.

Resisting arrest in NY is a misdemeanor, the equivalent of shoplifting a candy bar.

We don't have the death penalty without due process in NY for misdemeanors.

Are police out intentionally killing black people because they are black? You're a moron
Let me repeat the question:

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.
You kiss Obama's ass, and he has blood on his hands and so do you. If not, let me hear you criticize Obama for fanning the flames.

He didn't. The rightwing fanned the flames by demonizing Eric Garner, THE VICTIM, and treating his killers as gods.
Garner was breaking the law, and he resisted arrest. The cops did their job, garner died because he was out of shape. I hope the cops refuse to police the ghettos, then see how your type likes that.

Resisting arrest in NY is a misdemeanor, the equivalent of shoplifting a candy bar.

We don't have the death penalty without due process in NY for misdemeanors.

Mode #2 in effect.
What an idiot, he acts like the cops meant to kill the law breaker.
"President Obama has engaged in “propaganda” encouraging people to “hate the police,” former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) charged a day after two city police officers were shot and killed in their patrol car by a man who posted anti-police messages to his social media account.

“We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Giuliani said during an appearance on Fox News early Sunday. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all of them lead to a conclusion: The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”
Obama s propaganda pushed people to hate the police Giuliani says TheHill

Let me repeat the question:

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.
You kiss Obama's ass, and he has blood on his hands and so do you. If not, let me hear you criticize Obama for fanning the flames.

He didn't. The rightwing fanned the flames by demonizing Eric Garner, THE VICTIM, and treating his killers as gods.
Garner was breaking the law, and he resisted arrest. The cops did their job, garner died because he was out of shape. I hope the cops refuse to police the ghettos, then see how your type likes that.

By that logic if a guy beats his wife to death for pilfering 50 bucks out of his wallet,

it's her fault.
I guess we can say the message here is, you need to quit beating your wife.
Let me repeat the question:

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.
You kiss Obama's ass, and he has blood on his hands and so do you. If not, let me hear you criticize Obama for fanning the flames.

He didn't. The rightwing fanned the flames by demonizing Eric Garner, THE VICTIM, and treating his killers as gods.
Garner was breaking the law, and he resisted arrest. The cops did their job, garner died because he was out of shape. I hope the cops refuse to police the ghettos, then see how your type likes that.

Resisting arrest in NY is a misdemeanor, the equivalent of shoplifting a candy bar.

We don't have the death penalty without due process in NY for misdemeanors.

Are police out intentionally killing black people because they are black? You're a moron

Blacks are killing those who would lay down their lives to protect their sleazy lives.
You kiss Obama's ass, and he has blood on his hands and so do you. If not, let me hear you criticize Obama for fanning the flames.

He didn't. The rightwing fanned the flames by demonizing Eric Garner, THE VICTIM, and treating his killers as gods.
Garner was breaking the law, and he resisted arrest. The cops did their job, garner died because he was out of shape. I hope the cops refuse to police the ghettos, then see how your type likes that.

Resisting arrest in NY is a misdemeanor, the equivalent of shoplifting a candy bar.

We don't have the death penalty without due process in NY for misdemeanors.

Mode #2 in effect.
What an idiot, he acts like the cops meant to kill the law breaker.

It is the plan of Liberal tacticians to advance all sorts of paint folks as potential victims if not for the beneficent big government.

Some jump on that bandwagon.....some morons actually believe it!

1 in 5 women being sexually assaulted while in college?
There is an epidemic of white police out to shoot unarmed blacks?
Global Warming?
.Life magazine’s July 1985 cover declared in bold red letters, “Now No One Is Safe from AIDS.”Heterosexual AIDS?
Photo ID is aimed at Voter suppression?
Second Hand Smoke kills?
Islam is the Religion of Peace?
Killer African Bees are about to invade the country?
DDT is a health threat?
J.Edgar Hoover wore dresses?
DNA proves that Thomas Jefferson had children with slave Sally Hemings?

A guy who was both breaking the law and resisting arrest is the victim. He did nothing wrong.

And the PC Police wonder why.....

.... oh, never mind.


He's dead. Believe it or not, simpleton, you can be a victim without having done nothing wrong.

So he was doing something wrong?

What, precisely?

You kiss Obama's ass, and he has blood on his hands and so do you. If not, let me hear you criticize Obama for fanning the flames.

He didn't. The rightwing fanned the flames by demonizing Eric Garner, THE VICTIM, and treating his killers as gods.
Garner was breaking the law, and he resisted arrest. The cops did their job, garner died because he was out of shape. I hope the cops refuse to police the ghettos, then see how your type likes that.

Resisting arrest in NY is a misdemeanor, the equivalent of shoplifting a candy bar.

We don't have the death penalty without due process in NY for misdemeanors.

Are police out intentionally killing black people because they are black? You're a moron

Blacks are killing those who would lay down their lives to protect their sleazy lives.

Do you know what color the two rightwing terrorists were who killed 2 cops in Las Vegas earlier this year?

The two who were supporters of Clive Bundy's lawlessness? The two who bought into the conservative hatred of the federal government that is preached in the rightwing media every day?

A guy who was both breaking the law and resisting arrest is the victim. He did nothing wrong.

And the PC Police wonder why.....

.... oh, never mind.


He's dead. Believe it or not, simpleton, you can be a victim without having done nothing wrong.

So he was doing something wrong?

What, precisely?


He was allegedly resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, and he got a police administered death penalty for it.

A guy who was both breaking the law and resisting arrest is the victim. He did nothing wrong.

And the PC Police wonder why.....

.... oh, never mind.


He's dead. Believe it or not, simpleton, you can be a victim without having done nothing wrong.

So he was doing something wrong?

What, precisely?


He was allegedly resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, and he got a police administered death penalty for it.

The cops were there, again, because he was breaking the law, again.

I wonder how you missed that part of the story!

And he was only "allegedly" resisting arrest. I see.

But for you, an obedient, dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, that's as close as you'll get to being accurate.

That's what happens when a mind is distorted by ideology.

Just going that far must have REALLY hurt. Good for you!


A guy who was both breaking the law and resisting arrest is the victim. He did nothing wrong.

And the PC Police wonder why.....

.... oh, never mind.


He's dead. Believe it or not, simpleton, you can be a victim without having done nothing wrong.

So he was doing something wrong?

What, precisely?


He was allegedly resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, and he got a police administered death penalty for it.

The cops were there, again, because he was breaking the law, again.

I wonder how you missed that part of the story!

And he was only "allegedly" resisting arrest. I see.

But for you, an obedient, dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, that's as close as you'll get to being accurate.

That's what happens when a mind is distorted by ideology.

Just going that far must have REALLY hurt. Good for you!


So you have no objection to the police using unnecessary force.


A guy who was both breaking the law and resisting arrest is the victim. He did nothing wrong.

And the PC Police wonder why.....

.... oh, never mind.


He's dead. Believe it or not, simpleton, you can be a victim without having done nothing wrong.

So he was doing something wrong?

What, precisely?


He was allegedly resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, and he got a police administered death penalty for it.

The cops were there, again, because he was breaking the law, again.

I wonder how you missed that part of the story!

And he was only "allegedly" resisting arrest. I see.

But for you, an obedient, dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, that's as close as you'll get to being accurate.

That's what happens when a mind is distorted by ideology.

Just going that far must have REALLY hurt. Good for you!


So you have no objection to the police using unnecessary force.


Yet another lovely straw man.

This is just too easy.

Poor, poor PoliticalShit.

Reduced to quoting an unknown student leader from somewhere, somewhere.

Poor, poor PoliticalShit.


Your vulgarity is far from the worst aspect of Liberals....

"...former New York Gov. George Pataki called the killings the "predictable outcome of divisive, anti-cop rhetoric of Attorney General Eric Holder and Bill De Blasio."
Killings of 2 New York officers trigger backlash - Yahoo News

George Pataki should be put in a chokehold until he acknowledges his irrelevance. lol.

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