This Is Your Side, Liberals

Democrats hate racism. Republicans hate blacks.

Funny....JIm Crow was Democrat big government in action.

Democrats encouraged the anti-cop rhetoric that resulted in two dead NYC policemen.
A nut with a gun is why two cops are dead. As for the South and their laws to keep the ******* down, they vote for you now, you have them all locked up, pointy hoods and all. Congrats.

You're right ... a nut whose actions were stoked by race hustlers and cop haters.

This is the risk ideologues take when they go 100% with their agenda.

Anti-cop, pro-Islamist, anti-military, anti-capitalism, anti-Christmas, on and on.

It doesn't mean it's true, necessarily, but this is what happens when you simplistically "take sides" - you set yourself up.

Life is nuance.


Name names. Who is anti cop? Name one USMB liberal. Thanks.


These Liberals:

Who are they? Got some names? Are they famous? Important? Any close up videos of that chant? Who was the leader of that chant? Bitch.

What's with the name calling? Are you really that immature that you can't conduct a discussion with someone with whom you disagree without calling them childish names?

Stick to the subject.

Hey Mr PC police, either become a Mod or give it a rest, asshole.
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.'s the latest one on your side of the aisle:

1. "Student Leader: 'No Sympathy' for Executed NYPD Officers

2. Following the execution of two New York Police Department officers, a Brandeis University student leader wasted no time in making it clear that she did not care that they were murdered. sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” Khadijah Lynch, a junior and an Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies Department, wrote on Twitter..... i hate this racist fucking country.

4. ... not the first time that Lynch has made questionable statements on race relations in the United States. .... She proceeded to claim that "American police forces of today descend from a legacy of slave captives and overseers" and are racist bigots.

5. ....we are not that far removed from this country’s legacy of slavery and that most of our laws are shaped to uphold a system of white supremacy. The Mike Brown case is only a reflection, a repeat and a reminder that this nation rests on the brutality and criminalization of black people and other non-whites.

6. Lynch was also a featured speaker at a Brandeis community-wide vigil in memory of those allegedly killed as a result of racial profiling earlier this academic year and is listed as an undergraduate department representative for the Department of African and Afro-American studies.

7. ....a social justice themed institution grounded in zionism. word. thats a fucking fanny dooley.

8. ...the fact that black people have not burned this country down is beyond me...

9. “She's a UDR, which means she's a leader on campus responsible for advising younger students,” a recent Brandeis graduate told TruthRevolt.

10. Lynch then returned to Twitter and called for an "intifada," in which innocents are murdered, in America....i need to get my gun license. asap."
Student Leader No Sympathy for Executed NYPD Officers Truth Revolt

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.

Are you pretending that you, and others of your ilk, have not, on USMB, advocated against the police, and promoted the anti-police agenda of the race hustlers?

Ilk? A definite tell that we are dealing with a nutter.

My son is a police officer. I don't want him to shoot an unarmed person or choke an unarmed person or drop a 12 year old with a toy gun or slay a dude shopping for toys at Wal Mart. And.....I assure you....I am not anti-police. Idiot.

Last time I checked, it was a valid word in the English language, meaning "a type of people or things similar to those already referred to" .... I'm sorry if the English language overwhelms you.

I'll try to keep it simpler in the future.

I guess I'm supposed to be impressed your son is a police officer (if he is). You can be assured I'm not, however.

Childish name calling negates (for the simple minded - cancels, nullifies, undoes) any credibility you might have had (slim though it was).

Nutters like the word "ilk". They think it's cool.
Democrats hate racism. Republicans hate blacks.

Funny....JIm Crow was Democrat big government in action.

Democrats encouraged the anti-cop rhetoric that resulted in two dead NYC policemen.
A nut with a gun is why two cops are dead. As for the South and their laws to keep the ******* down, they vote for you now, you have them all locked up, pointy hoods and all. Congrats.

You're right ... a nut whose actions were stoked by race hustlers and cop haters.
Your side wanted Second Amendment solutions. Be careful what you wish for...
Once again the OP reaffirms the fact that she's a liar, with yet another thread that fails as a straw man fallacy.

And the OP manages to demonstrate just how reprehensible most conservatives are, by contriving and seeking to propagate the lie that 'liberals' are in some manner 'responsible' for violence against law enforcement officers.

It's a mental illness, goes way beyond ODS.
You say it like it's a bad thing
I prefer slightly drunk college girls, not falling down drunk, who wear panties. It's polite.
You're no Bill Cosby
Thank God for small favors...
Is your name a Jackie joke

You were not trying to say "Jackie The Jokeman Martling" were you?
Not sure if I am telling it right, but it goes something like this:

A guy gets a prostitute and asks her how much.
She says, "I'll do whatever you want for $25 an hour."
He says, "Good. Here's $200. Go paint my house."
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.'s the latest one on your side of the aisle:

1. "Student Leader: 'No Sympathy' for Executed NYPD Officers

2. Following the execution of two New York Police Department officers, a Brandeis University student leader wasted no time in making it clear that she did not care that they were murdered. sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” Khadijah Lynch, a junior and an Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies Department, wrote on Twitter..... i hate this racist fucking country.

4. ... not the first time that Lynch has made questionable statements on race relations in the United States. .... She proceeded to claim that "American police forces of today descend from a legacy of slave captives and overseers" and are racist bigots.

5. ....we are not that far removed from this country’s legacy of slavery and that most of our laws are shaped to uphold a system of white supremacy. The Mike Brown case is only a reflection, a repeat and a reminder that this nation rests on the brutality and criminalization of black people and other non-whites.

6. Lynch was also a featured speaker at a Brandeis community-wide vigil in memory of those allegedly killed as a result of racial profiling earlier this academic year and is listed as an undergraduate department representative for the Department of African and Afro-American studies.

7. ....a social justice themed institution grounded in zionism. word. thats a fucking fanny dooley.

8. ...the fact that black people have not burned this country down is beyond me...

9. “She's a UDR, which means she's a leader on campus responsible for advising younger students,” a recent Brandeis graduate told TruthRevolt.

10. Lynch then returned to Twitter and called for an "intifada," in which innocents are murdered, in America....i need to get my gun license. asap."
Student Leader No Sympathy for Executed NYPD Officers Truth Revolt

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.
Ascelpis for one.
I prefer slightly drunk college girls, not falling down drunk, who wear panties. It's polite.
You're no Bill Cosby
Thank God for small favors...
Is your name a Jackie joke

You were not trying to say "Jackie The Jokeman Martling" were you?
Not sure if I am telling it right, but it goes something like this:

A guy gets a prostitute and asks her how much.
She says, "I'll do whatever you want for $25 an hour."
He says, "Good. Here's $200. Go paint my house."
No, it's a hot young girl sits down next to a guy at a bar. She turns to him and says I'll do anything you want to as long as you can name it in three words. He thinks for a moment and then says to her, paint my house.
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.'s the latest one on your side of the aisle:

1. "Student Leader: 'No Sympathy' for Executed NYPD Officers

2. Following the execution of two New York Police Department officers, a Brandeis University student leader wasted no time in making it clear that she did not care that they were murdered. sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” Khadijah Lynch, a junior and an Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies Department, wrote on Twitter..... i hate this racist fucking country.

4. ... not the first time that Lynch has made questionable statements on race relations in the United States. .... She proceeded to claim that "American police forces of today descend from a legacy of slave captives and overseers" and are racist bigots.

5. ....we are not that far removed from this country’s legacy of slavery and that most of our laws are shaped to uphold a system of white supremacy. The Mike Brown case is only a reflection, a repeat and a reminder that this nation rests on the brutality and criminalization of black people and other non-whites.

6. Lynch was also a featured speaker at a Brandeis community-wide vigil in memory of those allegedly killed as a result of racial profiling earlier this academic year and is listed as an undergraduate department representative for the Department of African and Afro-American studies.

7. ....a social justice themed institution grounded in zionism. word. thats a fucking fanny dooley.

8. ...the fact that black people have not burned this country down is beyond me...

9. “She's a UDR, which means she's a leader on campus responsible for advising younger students,” a recent Brandeis graduate told TruthRevolt.

10. Lynch then returned to Twitter and called for an "intifada," in which innocents are murdered, in America....i need to get my gun license. asap."
Student Leader No Sympathy for Executed NYPD Officers Truth Revolt

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.

Are you pretending that you, and others of your ilk, have not, on USMB, advocated against the police, and promoted the anti-police agenda of the race hustlers?

Are you admitting you are too stupid to know the difference between a criticism of police policy and a call to murder policemen?

By your logic, a disagreement with Obama's policies is a call to assassinate him.

Is that what you're doing when you criticize him?
According to your side disagreeing with Obama is racism and calls for assassination, as I recall you personally have so posted.

This is the risk ideologues take when they go 100% with their agenda.

Anti-cop, pro-Islamist, anti-military, anti-capitalism, anti-Christmas, on and on.

It doesn't mean it's true, necessarily, but this is what happens when you simplistically "take sides" - you set yourself up.

Life is nuance.


Name names. Who is anti cop? Name one USMB liberal. Thanks.
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.

The posit is nakedly absurd. No one is responsible for the actions of a third party, whether they voted for that party or not. Not to mention, no entire group (of "Liberals" or any other label) ALL took the same action, for any group is made up of indiiduals and individuals are by definition individual. By that antilogic all "conservatives", unanimously, are responsible for George Bush (either or both) and everything they did. Not to mention Nixon, Harding and so on. Not gonna happen in Logicland.

I stopped reading here where the OP left the launchpad of reality and faded into the stratosphere of the upper atmosphere's Bizarro-Wackiside Layer.

Buh-bye. :bye1:
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.'s the latest one on your side of the aisle:

1. "Student Leader: 'No Sympathy' for Executed NYPD Officers

2. Following the execution of two New York Police Department officers, a Brandeis University student leader wasted no time in making it clear that she did not care that they were murdered. sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” Khadijah Lynch, a junior and an Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies Department, wrote on Twitter..... i hate this racist fucking country.

4. ... not the first time that Lynch has made questionable statements on race relations in the United States. .... She proceeded to claim that "American police forces of today descend from a legacy of slave captives and overseers" and are racist bigots.

5. ....we are not that far removed from this country’s legacy of slavery and that most of our laws are shaped to uphold a system of white supremacy. The Mike Brown case is only a reflection, a repeat and a reminder that this nation rests on the brutality and criminalization of black people and other non-whites.

6. Lynch was also a featured speaker at a Brandeis community-wide vigil in memory of those allegedly killed as a result of racial profiling earlier this academic year and is listed as an undergraduate department representative for the Department of African and Afro-American studies.

7. ....a social justice themed institution grounded in zionism. word. thats a fucking fanny dooley.

8. ...the fact that black people have not burned this country down is beyond me...

9. “She's a UDR, which means she's a leader on campus responsible for advising younger students,” a recent Brandeis graduate told TruthRevolt.

10. Lynch then returned to Twitter and called for an "intifada," in which innocents are murdered, in America....i need to get my gun license. asap."
Student Leader No Sympathy for Executed NYPD Officers Truth Revolt

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.

Are you pretending that you, and others of your ilk, have not, on USMB, advocated against the police, and promoted the anti-police agenda of the race hustlers?

Are you admitting you are too stupid to know the difference between a criticism of police policy and a call to murder policemen?

By your logic, a disagreement with Obama's policies is a call to assassinate him.

Is that what you're doing when you criticize him?
According to your side disagreeing with Obama is racism and calls for assassination, as I recall you personally have so posted.

Did Mal-Wart have a sale on Strawmen blankets again?
You're no Bill Cosby
Thank God for small favors...
Is your name a Jackie joke

You were not trying to say "Jackie The Jokeman Martling" were you?
Not sure if I am telling it right, but it goes something like this:

A guy gets a prostitute and asks her how much.
She says, "I'll do whatever you want for $25 an hour."
He says, "Good. Here's $200. Go paint my house."
No, it's a hot young girl sits down next to a guy at a bar. She turns to him and says I'll do anything you want to as long as you can name it in three words. He thinks for a moment and then says to her, paint my house.
No I think I was right
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc. Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.

The posit is nakedly absurd. No one is responsible for the actions of a third party, whether they voted for that party or not. Not to mention, no entire group (of "Liberals" or any other label) ALL took the same action, for any group is made up of indiiduals and individuals are by definition individual. By that antilogic all "conservatives", unanimously, are responsible for George Bush (either or both) and everything they did. Not to mention Nixon, Harding and so on. Not gonna happen in Logicland.

I stopped reading here where the OP left the launchpad of reality and faded into the stratosphere of the upper atmosphere's Bizarro-Wackiside Layer.

Buh-bye. :bye1:
And yet you and your buddies routinely claim all republicans, all teaparty or conservatives did something, supported something or were responsible for something, so we can conclude that according to you, you can claim anything you want, but the rest of us can not.
Thank God for small favors...
Is your name a Jackie joke

You were not trying to say "Jackie The Jokeman Martling" were you?
Not sure if I am telling it right, but it goes something like this:

A guy gets a prostitute and asks her how much.
She says, "I'll do whatever you want for $25 an hour."
He says, "Good. Here's $200. Go paint my house."
No, it's a hot young girl sits down next to a guy at a bar. She turns to him and says I'll do anything you want to as long as you can name it in three words. He thinks for a moment and then says to her, paint my house.
No I think I was right
No, you weren't. Three words is what makes the joke funny since it was supposed to be Suck My Dick.
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.

The posit is nakedly absurd. No one is responsible for the actions of a third party, whether they voted for that party or not. Not to mention, no entire group (of "Liberals" or any other label) ALL took the same action, for any group is made up of indiiduals and individuals are by definition individual. By that antilogic all "conservatives", unanimously, are responsible for George Bush (either or both) and everything they did. Not to mention Nixon, Harding and so on. Not gonna happen in Logicland.

I stopped reading here where the OP left the launchpad of reality and faded into the stratosphere of the upper atmosphere's Bizarro-Wackiside Layer.

Buh-bye. :bye1:
And yet you and your buddies routinely claim all republicans, all teaparty or conservatives did something, supported something or were responsible for something, so we can conclude that according to you, you can claim anything you want, but the rest of us can not.

And where did I do that, liar?

Just show me ONE post. Anywhere, anytime.

See what I mean?
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.'s the latest one on your side of the aisle:

1. "Student Leader: 'No Sympathy' for Executed NYPD Officers

2. Following the execution of two New York Police Department officers, a Brandeis University student leader wasted no time in making it clear that she did not care that they were murdered. sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” Khadijah Lynch, a junior and an Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies Department, wrote on Twitter..... i hate this racist fucking country.

4. ... not the first time that Lynch has made questionable statements on race relations in the United States. .... She proceeded to claim that "American police forces of today descend from a legacy of slave captives and overseers" and are racist bigots.

5. ....we are not that far removed from this country’s legacy of slavery and that most of our laws are shaped to uphold a system of white supremacy. The Mike Brown case is only a reflection, a repeat and a reminder that this nation rests on the brutality and criminalization of black people and other non-whites.

6. Lynch was also a featured speaker at a Brandeis community-wide vigil in memory of those allegedly killed as a result of racial profiling earlier this academic year and is listed as an undergraduate department representative for the Department of African and Afro-American studies.

7. ....a social justice themed institution grounded in zionism. word. thats a fucking fanny dooley.

8. ...the fact that black people have not burned this country down is beyond me...

9. “She's a UDR, which means she's a leader on campus responsible for advising younger students,” a recent Brandeis graduate told TruthRevolt.

10. Lynch then returned to Twitter and called for an "intifada," in which innocents are murdered, in America....i need to get my gun license. asap."
Student Leader No Sympathy for Executed NYPD Officers Truth Revolt

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.

Are you pretending that you, and others of your ilk, have not, on USMB, advocated against the police, and promoted the anti-police agenda of the race hustlers?

Are you admitting you are too stupid to know the difference between a criticism of police policy and a call to murder policemen?

By your logic, a disagreement with Obama's policies is a call to assassinate him.

Is that what you're doing when you criticize him?
According to your side disagreeing with Obama is racism and calls for assassination, as I recall you personally have so posted.

Did Mal-Wart have a sale on Strawmen blankets again?
You deny that a host of board liberals have claimed that any opposition to Obama makes one racist? You deny that anyone on your side on this board has not claimed simply criticizing Obama and his policies equates to asking he be assassinated?

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