This Is Your Side, Liberals

You deny that a host of board liberals have claimed that any opposition to Obama makes one racist? You deny that anyone on your side on this board has not claimed simply criticizing Obama and his policies equates to asking he be assassinated?

Exactly WHO has claimed this, RetiredGySgt ? Hmmmm?

I have never claimed that and I know of not one single lib here who claims that.

I call out racist behavior. Let the chips fall where they fall.
One real easy name is Jillian and you know as well as I do others have as well, ANY criticism of Obama is automatically responded to with calling the poster a racist, Rdean has done it as well, Remind me how you have never read their shit.

Exactly WHERE has jillian said this? Not to mention that you are likely lying, I am used to Righties lying. So, I just called Jillian over here.

he is lying. but that's standard operating procedure for him.

I am shocked. Just shocked, I say.

Ok, RetiredGySgt - please provide the EXACT quote where Jillian said that anyone who opposes Obama is automatically a racist. Please, do proceed.

We can wait:

Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc. Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.

Actually, the points made are deeply significant......they expose the anti-society bent that has always been in the nature of Liberalism.

And said points are at the expense of can feel that in the hostility coming from Liberals who recognize the truth, and feel the heat.
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc. Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.

Actually, the points made are deeply significant......they expose the anti-society bent that has always been in the nature of Liberalism.

And said points are at the expense of can feel that in the hostility coming from Liberals who recognize the truth, and feel the heat.


You mistake "hostility" for "laughing our asses off over fools who are not to be suffered", PoliticalShit.

If you're perceived as being anti-cop, anti-military, anti-business, anti-capitalism, pro-criminal, anti-American, pro-Islamist, anti-white, anti-Christian, maybe it's not the other guy's fault you're perceived that way.

Maybe people are just listening to you.

If that isn't where you stand, maybe you could temper your comments to where you really DO stand.

Or maybe gadflies are just pinning those strawmen on because they haven't a clue what rational debate is and are only out to start a fight. :eusa_hand:

Yep, that's the risk you take with your words and actions.

I wouldn't want to be in a position of defending myself against the murder of two cops.

I haven't posted anything about that, so it would have to be --- and I'll just keep saying it until it starts to sink in -- pinned on there as a strawman by some dishonest hack.

Just like RGS' last outburst that he painted himself into a corner with since he can't prove it.

Last night in another failed thread I actually had one asshole telling me I and "the left" were responsible for ---- "all this", whatever that meant. When I asked him what the fuck he was even talking about he accused me of not addressing the question by asking what the question was.

Another thread, I've got TheNutHouse calling me a supporter of "infanticide", even though I've never posted on that, or abortion or anything resembling it. Yet another thread I've got an assclown who's actually a mod, telling me I and my cronies, the whole label thing, have said this, that and the other about climate change. Even though I've never posed on that either.

You really can't make this shit up.

I don't know if you folks really don't see this, or whether you're just not being honest.

The American Left has aggressively created a climate in this country that divides and isolates Black Americans from the rest of us. When you do that, it can be no surprise when tragedies occur. Day by day, piece by piece, you add more and more to the divisions, and then you're somehow surprised when you're called on it.

How do you do this, you ask? Well, here's a few examples:
  • Hyphenated Americans
  • Identity Politics
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Assuming the worst of white Americans
See, it all adds up. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Over and over. And now here we are, and the Left is pretending this cop-killing incident is somehow happening in a vacuum.

Surely you see this. Surely you know that constantly shoving this in the face of the rest of us is not only going to retard the growth of Black Americans, it's going to increase animosity of white Americans who don't deserve this crap. So I can only assume you don't care.

Deny the above actions all you want, but at least you can't pretend not to know what I'm talking about.

Last edited:
You deny that a host of board liberals have claimed that any opposition to Obama makes one racist? You deny that anyone on your side on this board has not claimed simply criticizing Obama and his policies equates to asking he be assassinated?

Exactly WHO has claimed this, RetiredGySgt ? Hmmmm?

I have never claimed that and I know of not one single lib here who claims that.

I call out racist behavior. Let the chips fall where they fall.
One real easy name is Jillian and you know as well as I do others have as well, ANY criticism of Obama is automatically responded to with calling the poster a racist, Rdean has done it as well, Remind me how you have never read their shit.

Exactly WHERE has jillian said this? Not to mention that you are likely lying, I am used to Righties lying. So, I just called Jillian over here.

he is lying. but that's standard operating procedure for him.

I am shocked. Just shocked, I say.

Ok, RetiredGySgt - please provide the EXACT quote where Jillian said that anyone who opposes Obama is automatically a racist. Please, do proceed.

We can wait:


i have said there is nothing wrong with honest disagreement. but the obama-deranged lunacy has a lot of its basis in race.

but those who live in wackoworld don't really understand or want to acknowledge the distinction.

i mean, yeah, there's nothing racist in portraying the first lady and president as simians or having an apoplectic fit because the first lady encourages healthy eating.

now, nancy reagan running the country using an astrologer and ronnie trading arms for hostages, well, that was hunky dory. shrub signing executive orders was fine... but when this president does it it's "lawless".

Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc. Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.

Actually, the points made are deeply significant......they expose the anti-society bent that has always been in the nature of Liberalism.

And said points are at the expense of can feel that in the hostility coming from Liberals who recognize the truth, and feel the heat.

more nonsense ....
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc. Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.

Actually, the points made are deeply significant......they expose the anti-society bent that has always been in the nature of Liberalism.

And said points are at the expense of can feel that in the hostility coming from Liberals who recognize the truth, and feel the heat.

more nonsense ....

You feel the heat, huh?


If you're perceived as being anti-cop, anti-military, anti-business, anti-capitalism, pro-criminal, anti-American, pro-Islamist, anti-white, anti-Christian, maybe it's not the other guy's fault you're perceived that way.

Maybe people are just listening to you.

If that isn't where you stand, maybe you could temper your comments to where you really DO stand.

Or maybe gadflies are just pinning those strawmen on because they haven't a clue what rational debate is and are only out to start a fight. :eusa_hand:

Yep, that's the risk you take with your words and actions.

I wouldn't want to be in a position of defending myself against the murder of two cops.

I haven't posted anything about that, so it would have to be --- and I'll just keep saying it until it starts to sink in -- pinned on there as a strawman by some dishonest hack.

Just like RGS' last outburst that he painted himself into a corner with since he can't prove it.

Last night in another failed thread I actually had one asshole telling me I and "the left" were responsible for ---- "all this", whatever that meant. When I asked him what the fuck he was even talking about he accused me of not addressing the question by asking what the question was.

Another thread, I've got TheNutHouse calling me a supporter of "infanticide", even though I've never posted on that, or abortion or anything resembling it. Yet another thread I've got an assclown who's actually a mod, telling me I and my cronies, the whole label thing, have said this, that and the other about climate change. Even though I've never posed on that either.

You really can't make this shit up.

I don't know if you folks really don't see this, or whether you're just not being honest.

The American Left has aggressively created a climate in this country that divides and isolates Black Americans from the rest of us. When you do that, it can be no surprise when tragedies occur. Day by day, piece by piece, you add more and more to the divisions, and then you're somehow surprised when you're called on it.

How do you do this, you ask? Well, here's a few examples:
  • Hyphenated Americans
  • Identity Politics
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Assuming the worst of white Americans
See, it all adds up. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Over and over. And now here we are, and the Left is pretending this incident is somehow happening in a vacuum.

Surely you see this. Surely you know that constantly shoving this in the face of the rest of us is not only going to retard the growth of Black Americans, it's going to increase animosity of white Americans who don't deserve this crap. So I can only assume you don't care.

Deny the above actions all you want, but at least you can't pretend not to know what I'm talking about.


Wrong on all counts.
You deny that a host of board liberals have claimed that any opposition to Obama makes one racist? You deny that anyone on your side on this board has not claimed simply criticizing Obama and his policies equates to asking he be assassinated?

Exactly WHO has claimed this, RetiredGySgt ? Hmmmm?

I have never claimed that and I know of not one single lib here who claims that.

I call out racist behavior. Let the chips fall where they fall.
One real easy name is Jillian and you know as well as I do others have as well, ANY criticism of Obama is automatically responded to with calling the poster a racist, Rdean has done it as well, Remind me how you have never read their shit.

Exactly WHERE has jillian said this? Not to mention that you are likely lying, I am used to Righties lying. So, I just called Jillian over here.

he is lying. but that's standard operating procedure for him.

I am shocked. Just shocked, I say.

Ok, RetiredGySgt - please provide the EXACT quote where Jillian said that anyone who opposes Obama is automatically a racist. Please, do proceed.

We can wait:


We can wait even longer, since I'm already waiting for his previous strawman.

"Your wait time is approximately ..... Infinity".
Surely you see this. Surely you know that constantly shoving this in the face of the rest of us is not only going to retard the growth of Black Americans, it's going to increase animosity of white Americans who don't deserve this crap. So I can only assume you don't care.

Everybody, Mac's precious feewings are being hurt, therefore you're forcing him to attack blacks. Everyone here needs to be more sensitive concerning how tender the feelings of conservatives are, and understand how conservatives can't be held responsible for the actions that the dirty liberals forced them into doing.
Surely you see this. Surely you know that constantly shoving this in the face of the rest of us is not only going to retard the growth of Black Americans, it's going to increase animosity of white Americans who don't deserve this crap. So I can only assume you don't care.

Everybody, Mac's precious feewings are being hurt, therefore you're forcing him to attack blacks. Everyone here needs to be more understand of how tender the feelings conservatives are, and how they're not ever responsible for their own actions.

More dishonest, diversionary straw men.

You folks literally can't help yourselves.

Make jokes while Black Americans are being victimized by people like you.



If you're perceived as being anti-cop, anti-military, anti-business, anti-capitalism, pro-criminal, anti-American, pro-Islamist, anti-white, anti-Christian, maybe it's not the other guy's fault you're perceived that way.

Maybe people are just listening to you.

If that isn't where you stand, maybe you could temper your comments to where you really DO stand.

Or maybe gadflies are just pinning those strawmen on because they haven't a clue what rational debate is and are only out to start a fight. :eusa_hand:

Yep, that's the risk you take with your words and actions.

I wouldn't want to be in a position of defending myself against the murder of two cops.

I haven't posted anything about that, so it would have to be --- and I'll just keep saying it until it starts to sink in -- pinned on there as a strawman by some dishonest hack.

Just like RGS' last outburst that he painted himself into a corner with since he can't prove it.

Last night in another failed thread I actually had one asshole telling me I and "the left" were responsible for ---- "all this", whatever that meant. When I asked him what the fuck he was even talking about he accused me of not addressing the question by asking what the question was.

Another thread, I've got TheNutHouse calling me a supporter of "infanticide", even though I've never posted on that, or abortion or anything resembling it. Yet another thread I've got an assclown who's actually a mod, telling me I and my cronies, the whole label thing, have said this, that and the other about climate change. Even though I've never posed on that either.

You really can't make this shit up.

I don't know if you folks really don't see this, or whether you're just not being honest.

The American Left has aggressively created a climate in this country that divides and isolates Black Americans from the rest of us. When you do that, it can be no surprise when tragedies occur. Day by day, piece by piece, you add more and more to the divisions, and then you're somehow surprised when you're called on it.

How do you do this, you ask? Well, here's a few examples:
  • Hyphenated Americans
  • Identity Politics
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Assuming the worst of white Americans
See, it all adds up. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Over and over. And now here we are, and the Left is pretending this incident is somehow happening in a vacuum.

Surely you see this. Surely you know that constantly shoving this in the face of the rest of us is not only going to retard the growth of Black Americans, it's going to increase animosity of white Americans who don't deserve this crap. So I can only assume you don't care.

Deny the above actions all you want, but at least you can't pretend not to know what I'm talking about.


Wrong on all counts.

"Wrong on all counts!"

You've come up with the defining description of Liberals!!!!


Hey....did you read Coulter's statement first???

"Nothing Liberals relish more than searching for reasons for being morally indignant! This is because they can’t take the moral high ground on abortion, adultery, illegitimacy, the divorce rate, drugs, crime, a president molesting an intern and then lying to federal investigators. They stake out a clear moral position only on the issue of slavery…of course, when it mattered, they were on the wrong side of that, too."

If you're perceived as being anti-cop, anti-military, anti-business, anti-capitalism, pro-criminal, anti-American, pro-Islamist, anti-white, anti-Christian, maybe it's not the other guy's fault you're perceived that way.

Maybe people are just listening to you.

If that isn't where you stand, maybe you could temper your comments to where you really DO stand.

Or maybe gadflies are just pinning those strawmen on because they haven't a clue what rational debate is and are only out to start a fight. :eusa_hand:

Yep, that's the risk you take with your words and actions.

I wouldn't want to be in a position of defending myself against the murder of two cops.

I haven't posted anything about that, so it would have to be --- and I'll just keep saying it until it starts to sink in -- pinned on there as a strawman by some dishonest hack.

Just like RGS' last outburst right above, where he painted himself into a corner since he can't prove it.

Last night in another failed thread I actually had one asshole telling me I and "the left" were responsible for ---- "this problem", whatever that meant. When I asked him what the fuck he was even talking about he accused me of not addressing the question by asking what the question was.

Another thread, I've got TheNutHouse calling me a supporter of "infanticide", even though I've never posted on that, or abortion or anything resembling it. That's a thread where I've been pinned a "supporter of Satan" -- even though I have already posted that I don't even believe in "Satan". That doesn't matter -- they pin it. Yet another thread I've got an assclown who's actually a mod, telling me that I and my cronies, the whole label thing, have said this, that and the other about climate change. Even though I've never posed on that topic either.

You really can't make this shit up. It's the tool of rhetorical pissants who dig themselves into fallacy holes and don't even get that they're doing it.

That isn't a "risk I take". That's a "bullshit they commit". And they'll get called on it, every fucking time, like it or lump it.

I don't know if you folks really don't see this, or whether you're just not being honest.

The American Left has aggressively created a climate in this country that divides and isolates Black Americans from the rest of us. When you do that, it can be no surprise when tragedies occur. Day by day, piece by piece, you add more and more to the divisions, and then you're somehow surprised when you're called on it.

How do you do this, you ask? Well, here's a few examples:
  • Hyphenated Americans
  • Identity Politics
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Assuming the worst of white Americans
See, it all adds up. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Over and over. And now here we are, and the Left is pretending this cop-killing incident is somehow happening in a vacuum.

Surely you see this. Surely you know that constantly shoving this in the face of the rest of us is not only going to retard the growth of Black Americans, it's going to increase animosity of white Americans who don't deserve this crap. So I can only assume you don't care.

Deny the above actions all you want, but at least you can't pretend not to know what I'm talking about.

Are you fucking stupid? Did you read a damn thing I just posted, where I gave you not one, not two, not three, not four but FIVE examples of bullshit misrepresented points pinned on by hacks, complete with their own links? What the fuck did you think those are there for?

There is no such thing as "The Left says X" or "The Right says Y". Get it?? That's a BULLSHIT fallacy employed by hacks with no point.

Like you just did. Dishonest fucking HACK.

Go ahead Hackmouth -- go fetch one of my posts on ANY of your bullshit bullet points here.
Any one at all. Whatcha got??

If you're perceived as being anti-cop, anti-military, anti-business, anti-capitalism, pro-criminal, anti-American, pro-Islamist, anti-white, anti-Christian, maybe it's not the other guy's fault you're perceived that way.

Maybe people are just listening to you.

If that isn't where you stand, maybe you could temper your comments to where you really DO stand.

Or maybe gadflies are just pinning those strawmen on because they haven't a clue what rational debate is and are only out to start a fight. :eusa_hand:

Yep, that's the risk you take with your words and actions.

I wouldn't want to be in a position of defending myself against the murder of two cops.

I haven't posted anything about that, so it would have to be --- and I'll just keep saying it until it starts to sink in -- pinned on there as a strawman by some dishonest hack.

Just like RGS' last outburst right above, where he painted himself into a corner since he can't prove it.

Last night in another failed thread I actually had one asshole telling me I and "the left" were responsible for ---- "this problem", whatever that meant. When I asked him what the fuck he was even talking about he accused me of not addressing the question by asking what the question was.

Another thread, I've got TheNutHouse calling me a supporter of "infanticide", even though I've never posted on that, or abortion or anything resembling it. That's a thread where I've been pinned a "supporter of Satan" -- even though I have already posted that I don't even believe in "Satan". That doesn't matter -- they pin it. Yet another thread I've got an assclown who's actually a mod, telling me that I and my cronies, the whole label thing, have said this, that and the other about climate change. Even though I've never posed on that topic either.

You really can't make this shit up. It's the tool of rhetorical pissants who dig themselves into fallacy holes and don't even get that they're doing it.

That isn't a "risk I take". That's a "bullshit they commit". And they'll get called on it, every fucking time, like it or lump it.

I don't know if you folks really don't see this, or whether you're just not being honest.

The American Left has aggressively created a climate in this country that divides and isolates Black Americans from the rest of us. When you do that, it can be no surprise when tragedies occur. Day by day, piece by piece, you add more and more to the divisions, and then you're somehow surprised when you're called on it.

How do you do this, you ask? Well, here's a few examples:
  • Hyphenated Americans
  • Identity Politics
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Assuming the worst of white Americans
See, it all adds up. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Over and over. And now here we are, and the Left is pretending this cop-killing incident is somehow happening in a vacuum.

Surely you see this. Surely you know that constantly shoving this in the face of the rest of us is not only going to retard the growth of Black Americans, it's going to increase animosity of white Americans who don't deserve this crap. So I can only assume you don't care.

Deny the above actions all you want, but at least you can't pretend not to know what I'm talking about.

Are you fucking stupid? Did you read a damn thing I just posted, where I gave you not one, not two, not three, not four but FIVE examples of bullshit misrep?

There is no such thing as "The Left says X" or "The Right says Y". Get it?? That's a BULLSHIT fallacy employed by hacks with no point.

Like you just did.

I certainly didn't expect you to like my post.

And the emotional, personal insults are not a surprise.

Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc. Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.

Actually, the points made are deeply significant......they expose the anti-society bent that has always been in the nature of Liberalism.

And said points are at the expense of can feel that in the hostility coming from Liberals who recognize the truth, and feel the heat.

more nonsense ....

You feel the heat, huh?


No. We are laughing at you.
Must really suck when your discernment quotient goes into negative values...
Surely you see this. Surely you know that constantly shoving this in the face of the rest of us is not only going to retard the growth of Black Americans, it's going to increase animosity of white Americans who don't deserve this crap. So I can only assume you don't care.

Everybody, Mac's precious feelings are being hurt, therefore you're forcing him to attack blacks.

Coming from one who does nothing but shelter them. The indignance you display when you perceive racism against blacks is proof of it. Not many of your ilk have come forward to condemn the assassinations of those two cops by a black man.

Save it.
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc. Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.

Actually, the points made are deeply significant......they expose the anti-society bent that has always been in the nature of Liberalism.

And said points are at the expense of can feel that in the hostility coming from Liberals who recognize the truth, and feel the heat.


You mistake "hostility" for "laughing our asses off over fools who are not to be suffered", PoliticalShit.

Of course calling her "PoliticalShit" isn't proof of your hostility...
Or maybe gadflies are just pinning those strawmen on because they haven't a clue what rational debate is and are only out to start a fight. :eusa_hand:

Yep, that's the risk you take with your words and actions.

I wouldn't want to be in a position of defending myself against the murder of two cops.

I haven't posted anything about that, so it would have to be --- and I'll just keep saying it until it starts to sink in -- pinned on there as a strawman by some dishonest hack.

Just like RGS' last outburst right above, where he painted himself into a corner since he can't prove it.

Last night in another failed thread I actually had one asshole telling me I and "the left" were responsible for ---- "this problem", whatever that meant. When I asked him what the fuck he was even talking about he accused me of not addressing the question by asking what the question was.

Another thread, I've got TheNutHouse calling me a supporter of "infanticide", even though I've never posted on that, or abortion or anything resembling it. That's a thread where I've been pinned a "supporter of Satan" -- even though I have already posted that I don't even believe in "Satan". That doesn't matter -- they pin it. Yet another thread I've got an assclown who's actually a mod, telling me that I and my cronies, the whole label thing, have said this, that and the other about climate change. Even though I've never posed on that topic either.

You really can't make this shit up. It's the tool of rhetorical pissants who dig themselves into fallacy holes and don't even get that they're doing it.

That isn't a "risk I take". That's a "bullshit they commit". And they'll get called on it, every fucking time, like it or lump it.

I don't know if you folks really don't see this, or whether you're just not being honest.

The American Left has aggressively created a climate in this country that divides and isolates Black Americans from the rest of us. When you do that, it can be no surprise when tragedies occur. Day by day, piece by piece, you add more and more to the divisions, and then you're somehow surprised when you're called on it.

How do you do this, you ask? Well, here's a few examples:
  • Hyphenated Americans
  • Identity Politics
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Assuming the worst of white Americans
See, it all adds up. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Over and over. And now here we are, and the Left is pretending this cop-killing incident is somehow happening in a vacuum.

Surely you see this. Surely you know that constantly shoving this in the face of the rest of us is not only going to retard the growth of Black Americans, it's going to increase animosity of white Americans who don't deserve this crap. So I can only assume you don't care.

Deny the above actions all you want, but at least you can't pretend not to know what I'm talking about.

Are you fucking stupid? Did you read a damn thing I just posted, where I gave you not one, not two, not three, not four but FIVE examples of bullshit misrep?

There is no such thing as "The Left says X" or "The Right says Y". Get it?? That's a BULLSHIT fallacy employed by hacks with no point.

Like you just did.

Go ahead Hackmouth -- go fetch one of my posts on ANY of your bullshit bullet points here.
Any one at all. Whatcha got??

I certainly didn't expect you to like my post.

And the emotional, personal insults are not a surprise.

Nor should they be, since you deserve them -- fucking LIAR.

Fuck with the bull and you get the horn. Deal with it. Don't want the horn? Then don't fuck with the bull. Ain't rocket surgery.
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc. Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.

Actually, the points made are deeply significant......they expose the anti-society bent that has always been in the nature of Liberalism.

And said points are at the expense of can feel that in the hostility coming from Liberals who recognize the truth, and feel the heat.

more nonsense ....

You feel the heat, huh?


No. We are laughing at you.
Must really suck when your discernment quotient goes into negative values...

Same could be said for your manners, Stat.

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