This Is Your Side, Liberals

Yep, that's the risk you take with your words and actions.

I wouldn't want to be in a position of defending myself against the murder of two cops.

I haven't posted anything about that, so it would have to be --- and I'll just keep saying it until it starts to sink in -- pinned on there as a strawman by some dishonest hack.

Just like RGS' last outburst right above, where he painted himself into a corner since he can't prove it.

Last night in another failed thread I actually had one asshole telling me I and "the left" were responsible for ---- "this problem", whatever that meant. When I asked him what the fuck he was even talking about he accused me of not addressing the question by asking what the question was.

Another thread, I've got TheNutHouse calling me a supporter of "infanticide", even though I've never posted on that, or abortion or anything resembling it. That's a thread where I've been pinned a "supporter of Satan" -- even though I have already posted that I don't even believe in "Satan". That doesn't matter -- they pin it. Yet another thread I've got an assclown who's actually a mod, telling me that I and my cronies, the whole label thing, have said this, that and the other about climate change. Even though I've never posed on that topic either.

You really can't make this shit up. It's the tool of rhetorical pissants who dig themselves into fallacy holes and don't even get that they're doing it.

That isn't a "risk I take". That's a "bullshit they commit". And they'll get called on it, every fucking time, like it or lump it.

I don't know if you folks really don't see this, or whether you're just not being honest.

The American Left has aggressively created a climate in this country that divides and isolates Black Americans from the rest of us. When you do that, it can be no surprise when tragedies occur. Day by day, piece by piece, you add more and more to the divisions, and then you're somehow surprised when you're called on it.

How do you do this, you ask? Well, here's a few examples:
  • Hyphenated Americans
  • Identity Politics
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Assuming the worst of white Americans
See, it all adds up. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Over and over. And now here we are, and the Left is pretending this cop-killing incident is somehow happening in a vacuum.

Surely you see this. Surely you know that constantly shoving this in the face of the rest of us is not only going to retard the growth of Black Americans, it's going to increase animosity of white Americans who don't deserve this crap. So I can only assume you don't care.

Deny the above actions all you want, but at least you can't pretend not to know what I'm talking about.

Are you fucking stupid? Did you read a damn thing I just posted, where I gave you not one, not two, not three, not four but FIVE examples of bullshit misrep?

There is no such thing as "The Left says X" or "The Right says Y". Get it?? That's a BULLSHIT fallacy employed by hacks with no point.

Like you just did.

Go ahead Hackmouth -- go fetch one of my posts on ANY of your bullshit bullet points here.
Any one at all. Whatcha got??

I certainly didn't expect you to like my post.

And the emotional, personal insults are not a surprise.

Nor should they be, since you deserve them -- fucking LIAR.

Fuck with the bull and you get the horn. Deal with it. Don't want the horn? Then don't fuck with the bull.



Fuck with the bull and you get the horn.

Of course there are people such as you who spew bull from the horn...

(And yes, you walked right into that one.)

The offer is open TK. YOU go ahead, since Mac is to much of a liar pussy to do it, and quote me any post about anything he's been talking about. Any at all.

He couldn't do it. Have a go. Show us all how blanket generalizations are legitimate argument.
Fuck with the bull and you get the horn.

Of course there are people such as you who spew bull from the horn...

(And yes, you walked right into that one.)

The offer is open TK. YOU go ahead, since Mac is to much of a liar pussy to do it, and quote me any post about anything he's been talking about. Any at all.

He couldn't do it. Have a go. Show us all how blanket generalizations are legitimate argument.

Decaf, seriously.

You don't like what I said, and judging from your reaction, I really struck a nerve.

Too bad.

Fuck with the bull and you get the horn.

Of course there are people such as you who spew bull from the horn...

(And yes, you walked right into that one.)

The offer is open TK. YOU go ahead, since Mac is to much of a liar pussy to do it, and quote me any post about anything he's been talking about. Any at all.

He couldn't do it. Have a go. Show us all how blanket generalizations are legitimate argument.

Decaf, seriously.

You don't like what I said, and judging from your reaction, I really struck a nerve.

Too bad.

Mainly too bad for you, since you just came out completely as a dishonest lying sack of shit.
Me, I'm still smelling like a rose.

You reap what you sow, sow.
Fuck with the bull and you get the horn.

Of course there are people such as you who spew bull from the horn...

(And yes, you walked right into that one.)

The offer is open TK. YOU go ahead, since Mac is to much of a liar pussy to do it, and quote me any post about anything he's been talking about. Any at all.

He couldn't do it. Have a go. Show us all how blanket generalizations are legitimate argument.

Decaf, seriously.

You don't like what I said, and judging from your reaction, I really struck a nerve.

Too bad.

Mainly too bad for you, since you just came out completely as a dishonest lying sack of shit.
Me, I'm still smelling like a rose.

You reap what you sow, sow.

Okie dokie!

And I love that "reap what you sow" line.

Kinda like the PC Police and the slain cops.

Fuck with the bull and you get the horn.

Of course there are people such as you who spew bull from the horn...

(And yes, you walked right into that one.)

The offer is open TK. YOU go ahead, since Mac is to much of a liar pussy to do it, and quote me any post about anything he's been talking about. Any at all.

He couldn't do it. Have a go. Show us all how blanket generalizations are legitimate argument.

Decaf, seriously.

You don't like what I said, and judging from your reaction, I really struck a nerve.

Too bad.

Mainly too bad for you, since you just came out completely as a dishonest lying sack of shit.
Me, I'm still smelling like a rose.

You reap what you sow, sow.

Okie dokie!

And I love that "reap what you sow" line.

Kinda like the PC Police and the slain cops.

I have no idea what that means. That's another story I haven't even followed, let alone commented on.

But just so you know, because you're obviously not very bright, "sow" and "sow" in that sentence are not homonymic.
You do the math.

And yes, I openly admit, as I always have, that I have a very short fuse with deliberate intellectual sloth.
Fuck with the bull and you get the horn.

Of course there are people such as you who spew bull from the horn...

(And yes, you walked right into that one.)

The offer is open TK. YOU go ahead, since Mac is to much of a liar pussy to do it, and quote me any post about anything he's been talking about. Any at all.

He couldn't do it. Have a go. Show us all how blanket generalizations are legitimate argument.

How's that search coming, TK? Any clues yet?
Of course there are people such as you who spew bull from the horn...

(And yes, you walked right into that one.)

The offer is open TK. YOU go ahead, since Mac is to much of a liar pussy to do it, and quote me any post about anything he's been talking about. Any at all.

He couldn't do it. Have a go. Show us all how blanket generalizations are legitimate argument.

Decaf, seriously.

You don't like what I said, and judging from your reaction, I really struck a nerve.

Too bad.

Mainly too bad for you, since you just came out completely as a dishonest lying sack of shit.
Me, I'm still smelling like a rose.

You reap what you sow, sow.

Okie dokie!

And I love that "reap what you sow" line.

Kinda like the PC Police and the slain cops.

I have no idea what that means. That's another story I haven't even followed, let alone commented on.

But just so you know, because you're obviously not very bright, "sow" and "sow" in that sentence are not homonymic.
You do the math.

When did I express confusion over two uses of the word "sow"?

I guess you were hoping, huh?

You really had to stretch there for your personal insult.

Too bad.

Ever notice, when one of these killings happen, whether it's ambushed police or children at Sandy Hook, the right wing will rush to protect the rights of the killer. "No Background Checks - EVER". Their only solution is to arm everyone everywhere. A guy who had been arrested 19 times and convicted of multiple felonies. And Republicans protect his "right" to own a gun.

Then, then have the nerve to promote the fucking delusion that this is somehow the fault of Democrats. Man, right wingers are something else. Something nasty.
“We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Giuliani said during an appearance on Fox News early Sunday. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all of them lead to a conclusion: The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”
Obama s propaganda pushed people to hate the police Giuliani says TheHill

Giuliani is a fascist. Nobody needs to be told to hate the police. One just needs to interact with police to learn what they are like.
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.

Actually, the points made are deeply significant......they expose the anti-society bent that has always been in the nature of Liberalism.

And said points are at the expense of can feel that in the hostility coming from Liberals who recognize the truth, and feel the heat.

more nonsense ....

You feel the heat, huh?


No. We are laughing at you.
Must really suck when your discernment quotient goes into negative values...

Same could be said for your manners, Stat.

Tsk, tsk...
Show us all how blanket generalizations are legitimate argument.

Sure, like all of the times liberals call people racist, for example? So, tell me, how is that not a blanket generalization? Why do liberal Democrats feel the need to attach labels to people who disagree with any aspect of their premise?

As oft cited, the art of identity and race politics goes like this:

1. If she is Democrat, anyone who disagrees with her is a misogynist.

2. If she is black and a Democrat, anyone who disagrees with her is a misogynist and racist.

3. If he is a Black Democrat, anyone who disagrees with him is racist.

4. If someone disagrees with homosexuality, the are a bigot and a homophobe.

5. If she is a Republican who disagrees with any of the liberal Democrat arguments on abortion, she is a woman who doesn't know what's good for her.

6. If he or she is a black Republican who disagrees with any of the liberal Democrat arguments on race, he or she is a traitor to their race.

Finally, if you want to lecture someone on making 'blanket generalizations,' be sure you don't belong to a liberal clique who does nothing but.
The offer is open TK. YOU go ahead, since Mac is to much of a liar pussy to do it, and quote me any post about anything he's been talking about. Any at all.

He couldn't do it. Have a go. Show us all how blanket generalizations are legitimate argument.

Decaf, seriously.

You don't like what I said, and judging from your reaction, I really struck a nerve.

Too bad.

Mainly too bad for you, since you just came out completely as a dishonest lying sack of shit.
Me, I'm still smelling like a rose.

You reap what you sow, sow.

Okie dokie!

And I love that "reap what you sow" line.

Kinda like the PC Police and the slain cops.

I have no idea what that means. That's another story I haven't even followed, let alone commented on.

But just so you know, because you're obviously not very bright, "sow" and "sow" in that sentence are not homonymic.
You do the math.

When did I express confusion over two uses of the word "sow"?

I guess you were hoping, huh?

You really had to stretch there for your personal insult.

Too bad.

As I said you're obviously not the brightest bulb in the light tower, so I figured it sailed over your head.

I like wordplay. You know us (fill in label here)s -- we all like wordplay.
Show us all how blanket generalizations are legitimate argument.

Sure, like all of the times liberals call people racist, for example? So, tell me, how is that not a blanket generalization? Why do liberal Democrats feel the need to attach labels to people who disagree with any aspect of their premise?

As oft cited, the art of identity and race politics goes like this:

If she is Democrat, anyone who disagrees with her is a misogynist.

If she is black and a Democrat, anyone who disagrees with her is a misogynist and racist.

If he is a Black Democrat, anyone who disagrees with him is racist.

If someone disagrees with homosexuality, the are a bigot and a homophobe.

If she is a Republican who disagrees with any of the liberal Democrat arguments on abortion, she is a woman who doesn't know what's good for her.

If he or she is a black Republican who disagrees with any of the liberal Democrat arguments on race, he or she is a traitor to their race.

If you want to lecture someone on making 'blanket generalizations,' be sure you don't belong to a liberal clique who does nothing but.

Sez exactly WHO??? Names, please.
Show us all how blanket generalizations are legitimate argument.

Sure, like all of the times liberals call people racist, for example? So, tell me, how is that not a blanket generalization? Why do liberal Democrats feel the need to attach labels to people who disagree with any aspect of their premise?

As oft cited, the art of identity and race politics goes like this:

If she is Democrat, anyone who disagrees with her is a misogynist.

If she is black and a Democrat, anyone who disagrees with her is a misogynist and racist.

If he is a Black Democrat, anyone who disagrees with him is racist.

If someone disagrees with homosexuality, the are a bigot and a homophobe.

If she is a Republican who disagrees with any of the liberal Democrat arguments on abortion, she is a woman who doesn't know what's good for her.

If he or she is a black Republican who disagrees with any of the liberal Democrat arguments on race, he or she is a traitor to their race.

If you want to lecture someone on making 'blanket generalizations,' be sure you don't belong to a liberal clique who does nothing but.

No no no no no. I said show us how blanket generalizations are any kind of legitimate argument. I didn't say "show us what one looks like". If we don't all know what one looks like by now, then this thread does not exist and we are not here.

Are you unable to execute the challenge? (hint: "yes" is a good answer here)
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.'s the latest one on your side of the aisle:

1. "Student Leader: 'No Sympathy' for Executed NYPD Officers

2. Following the execution of two New York Police Department officers, a Brandeis University student leader wasted no time in making it clear that she did not care that they were murdered. sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” Khadijah Lynch, a junior and an Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies Department, wrote on Twitter..... i hate this racist fucking country.

4. ... not the first time that Lynch has made questionable statements on race relations in the United States. .... She proceeded to claim that "American police forces of today descend from a legacy of slave captives and overseers" and are racist bigots.

5. ....we are not that far removed from this country’s legacy of slavery and that most of our laws are shaped to uphold a system of white supremacy. The Mike Brown case is only a reflection, a repeat and a reminder that this nation rests on the brutality and criminalization of black people and other non-whites.

6. Lynch was also a featured speaker at a Brandeis community-wide vigil in memory of those allegedly killed as a result of racial profiling earlier this academic year and is listed as an undergraduate department representative for the Department of African and Afro-American studies.

7. ....a social justice themed institution grounded in zionism. word. thats a fucking fanny dooley.

8. ...the fact that black people have not burned this country down is beyond me...

9. “She's a UDR, which means she's a leader on campus responsible for advising younger students,” a recent Brandeis graduate told TruthRevolt.

10. Lynch then returned to Twitter and called for an "intifada," in which innocents are murdered, in America....i need to get my gun license. asap."
Student Leader No Sympathy for Executed NYPD Officers Truth Revolt

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.

that was easy

I'm sure there have been others

This is the risk ideologues take when they go 100% with their agenda.

Anti-cop, pro-Islamist, anti-military, anti-capitalism, anti-Christmas, on and on.

It doesn't mean it's true, necessarily, but this is what happens when you simplistically "take sides" - you set yourself up.

Life is nuance.


Name names. Who is anti cop? Name one USMB liberal. Thanks.


These Liberals:

Who are they? Got some names? Are they famous? Important? Any close up videos of that chant? Who was the leader of that chant? Bitch.

What's with the name calling? Are you really that immature that you can't conduct a discussion with someone with whom you disagree without calling them childish names?

Stick to the subject.

Hey Mr PC police, either become a Mod or give it a rest, asshole.

That's the best you got to offer ... unmitigated bullshit that does nothing more than pollute the subject under discussion??? That's it??? You're incapable of putting together a coherent response so you resort to childish, immature behavior like this? I have no idea where you supposedly learned to respect the rights, and the views, of others ... but you have allowed the putrid hatred of the left to wash it completely from your thought process.

You want name calling, I can give you name calling. But, tell me just exactly what purpose it would serve other than to fluff up an ego clearly damaged by the small size of your dick.

Grow the fuck up ----- You don't need to talk to me, and I sure as hell don't need to put up with childish little temper tantrums like you publish as an excuse for intelligent commentary.

Go talk to somebody else ... I want an adult, mature conversation about the issues of the day. I don't want mindless little piss ants like you polluting a discussion about important things.

Go play in the mud ... and let the adults talk.

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