This Is Your Side, Liberals

Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.'s the latest one on your side of the aisle:

1. "Student Leader: 'No Sympathy' for Executed NYPD Officers

2. Following the execution of two New York Police Department officers, a Brandeis University student leader wasted no time in making it clear that she did not care that they were murdered. sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” Khadijah Lynch, a junior and an Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies Department, wrote on Twitter..... i hate this racist fucking country.

4. ... not the first time that Lynch has made questionable statements on race relations in the United States. .... She proceeded to claim that "American police forces of today descend from a legacy of slave captives and overseers" and are racist bigots.

5. ....we are not that far removed from this country’s legacy of slavery and that most of our laws are shaped to uphold a system of white supremacy. The Mike Brown case is only a reflection, a repeat and a reminder that this nation rests on the brutality and criminalization of black people and other non-whites.

6. Lynch was also a featured speaker at a Brandeis community-wide vigil in memory of those allegedly killed as a result of racial profiling earlier this academic year and is listed as an undergraduate department representative for the Department of African and Afro-American studies.

7. ....a social justice themed institution grounded in zionism. word. thats a fucking fanny dooley.

8. ...the fact that black people have not burned this country down is beyond me...

9. “She's a UDR, which means she's a leader on campus responsible for advising younger students,” a recent Brandeis graduate told TruthRevolt.

10. Lynch then returned to Twitter and called for an "intifada," in which innocents are murdered, in America....i need to get my gun license. asap."
Student Leader No Sympathy for Executed NYPD Officers Truth Revolt

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.

Are you pretending that you, and others of your ilk, have not, on USMB, advocated against the police, and promoted the anti-police agenda of the race hustlers?

Ilk? A definite tell that we are dealing with a nutter.

My son is a police officer. I don't want him to shoot an unarmed person or choke an unarmed person or drop a 12 year old with a toy gun or slay a dude shopping for toys at Wal Mart. And.....I assure you....I am not anti-police. Idiot.

Last time I checked, it was a valid word in the English language, meaning "a type of people or things similar to those already referred to" .... I'm sorry if the English language overwhelms you.

I'll try to keep it simpler in the future.

I guess I'm supposed to be impressed your son is a police officer (if he is). You can be assured I'm not, however.

Childish name calling negates (for the simple minded - cancels, nullifies, undoes) any credibility you might have had (slim though it was).

Nutters like the word "ilk". They think it's cool.

Let me guess ... you're Paint's little girl, huh?

Rule No. 4. When unable to post a coherent or cogent counter-argument, attack the poster.

Go away. I want to talk to the adults around here ... you clearly don't qualify.
Show us all how blanket generalizations are legitimate argument.

Sure, like all of the times liberals call people racist, for example? So, tell me, how is that not a blanket generalization? Why do liberal Democrats feel the need to attach labels to people who disagree with any aspect of their premise?

As oft cited, the art of identity and race politics goes like this:

If she is Democrat, anyone who disagrees with her is a misogynist.

If she is black and a Democrat, anyone who disagrees with her is a misogynist and racist.

If he is a Black Democrat, anyone who disagrees with him is racist.

If someone disagrees with homosexuality, the are a bigot and a homophobe.

If she is a Republican who disagrees with any of the liberal Democrat arguments on abortion, she is a woman who doesn't know what's good for her.

If he or she is a black Republican who disagrees with any of the liberal Democrat arguments on race, he or she is a traitor to their race.

If you want to lecture someone on making 'blanket generalizations,' be sure you don't belong to a liberal clique who does nothing but.

Sez exactly WHO??? Names, please.

Quotes would be nice. With links.
In the realm of rhetorical argument, documentation talks. Bullshit walks.
Poor, poor PoliticalShit.

Reduced to quoting an unknown student leader from somewhere, somewhere.

Poor, poor PoliticalShit.


Name calling? Grow the fuck up .... if you don't want to talk about the subject, then just shut the hell up. Go play in the street - the adults want to talk.
Name names. Who is anti cop? Name one USMB liberal. Thanks.


These Liberals:

Who are they? Got some names? Are they famous? Important? Any close up videos of that chant? Who was the leader of that chant? Bitch.

What's with the name calling? Are you really that immature that you can't conduct a discussion with someone with whom you disagree without calling them childish names?

Stick to the subject.

Hey Mr PC police, either become a Mod or give it a rest, asshole.

That's the best you got to offer ... unmitigated bullshit that does nothing more than pollute the subject under discussion??? That's it??? You're incapable of putting together a coherent response so you resort to childish, immature behavior like this? I have no idea where you supposedly learned to respect the rights, and the views, of others ... but you have allowed the putrid hatred of the left to wash it completely from your thought process.

You want name calling, I can give you name calling. But, tell me just exactly what purpose it would serve other than to fluff up an ego clearly damaged by the small size of your dick.

Grow the fuck up ----- You don't need to talk to me, and I sure as hell don't need to put up with childish little temper tantrums like you publish as an excuse for intelligent commentary.

Go talk to somebody else ... I want an adult, mature conversation about the issues of the day. I don't want mindless little piss ants like you polluting a discussion about important things.

Go play in the mud ... and let the adults talk.

Put them on ignore, Jesus if everyone would they would either grow up or not have anyone to talk to
Poor, poor PoliticalShit.

Reduced to quoting an unknown student leader from somewhere, somewhere.

Poor, poor PoliticalShit.


Name calling? Grow the fuck up .... if you don't want to talk about the subject, then just shut the hell up. Go play in the street - the adults want to talk.

You might start at the beginning here -- this thread has no topic in the first place. It starts with a litany of fallacies. So there is no "subject" beyond that.

I mean hell, you can see that in the title alone without even clicking in here.
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc. Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.

Actually, the points made are deeply significant......they expose the anti-society bent that has always been in the nature of Liberalism.

And said points are at the expense of can feel that in the hostility coming from Liberals who recognize the truth, and feel the heat.

more nonsense ....

You feel the heat, huh?


No. We are laughing at you.
Must really suck when your discernment quotient goes into negative values...

“We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Giuliani said during an appearance on Fox News early Sunday. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all of them lead to a conclusion: The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”
Obama s propaganda pushed people to hate the police Giuliani says TheHill

Giuliani is a fascist. Nobody needs to be told to hate the police. One just needs to interact with police to learn what they are like.

On the one had, it's good to find an 'honest' Liberal, ready and willing to verify everything I've posted in this thread.

On the other hand, it is so disheartening to find an American ready and willing to verify everything I've posted in this thread.
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.

Actually, the points made are deeply significant......they expose the anti-society bent that has always been in the nature of Liberalism.

And said points are at the expense of can feel that in the hostility coming from Liberals who recognize the truth, and feel the heat.

more nonsense ....

You feel the heat, huh?


No. We are laughing at you.
Must really suck when your discernment quotient goes into negative values...

I really pu

Way TMI.

Change your diet.


Or is that a metaphorical confession about this thread?
You deny that a host of board liberals have claimed that any opposition to Obama makes one racist? You deny that anyone on your side on this board has not claimed simply criticizing Obama and his policies equates to asking he be assassinated?

Exactly WHO has claimed this, RetiredGySgt ? Hmmmm?

I have never claimed that and I know of not one single lib here who claims that.

I call out racist behavior. Let the chips fall where they fall.
One real easy name is Jillian and you know as well as I do others have as well, ANY criticism of Obama is automatically responded to with calling the poster a racist, Rdean has done it as well, Remind me how you have never read their shit.

Exactly WHERE has jillian said this? Not to mention that you are likely lying, I am used to Righties lying. So, I just called Jillian over here.
Have you been here since 2008? She said it more then once in 2009 and 2010. Lately she just 'been on much. I notice you ignored my mention of Rdean.
This is just the kind of black and white binary thinking that has earned them the title "Conservatards".

The guy who murdered the cops has now been determined to have a history of anti-government extremism.

PoliticalChic is an anti-government extremist.

...there's an equation right out of her political mathematics textbook.

He was also a Muslim.
But not representative of all Muslims.

The tiny, hateful minority making moronic statements against the police are not representative of all protesters.

And the ignorance and stupidity of the OP is not representative of all conservatives.

See how that works?
Millions is tiny now?
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc. Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.

Actually, the points made are deeply significant......they expose the anti-society bent that has always been in the nature of Liberalism.

And said points are at the expense of can feel that in the hostility coming from Liberals who recognize the truth, and feel the heat.

more nonsense ....

You feel the heat, huh?


No. We are laughing at you.
Must really suck when your discernment quotient goes into negative values...


You deny that a host of board liberals have claimed that any opposition to Obama makes one racist? You deny that anyone on your side on this board has not claimed simply criticizing Obama and his policies equates to asking he be assassinated?

Exactly WHO has claimed this, RetiredGySgt ? Hmmmm?

I have never claimed that and I know of not one single lib here who claims that.

I call out racist behavior. Let the chips fall where they fall.
One real easy name is Jillian and you know as well as I do others have as well, ANY criticism of Obama is automatically responded to with calling the poster a racist, Rdean has done it as well, Remind me how you have never read their shit.

Exactly WHERE has jillian said this? Not to mention that you are likely lying, I am used to Righties lying. So, I just called Jillian over here.

he is lying. but that's standard operating procedure for him.
Shall I go back to 2009 and 2010 and find the times you claimed that some opponent was a racist for being against Obama?
You deny that a host of board liberals have claimed that any opposition to Obama makes one racist? You deny that anyone on your side on this board has not claimed simply criticizing Obama and his policies equates to asking he be assassinated?

Exactly WHO has claimed this, RetiredGySgt ? Hmmmm?

I have never claimed that and I know of not one single lib here who claims that.

I call out racist behavior. Let the chips fall where they fall.
One real easy name is Jillian and you know as well as I do others have as well, ANY criticism of Obama is automatically responded to with calling the poster a racist, Rdean has done it as well, Remind me how you have never read their shit.

Exactly WHERE has jillian said this? Not to mention that you are likely lying, I am used to Righties lying. So, I just called Jillian over here.

he is lying. but that's standard operating procedure for him.
Shall I go back to 2009 and 2010 and find the times you claimed that some opponent was a racist for being against Obama?

Oh look Re-Liar guy is back. Whadja find Re-Liar? Got that evidence where I "routinely declare all republicans, all teaparty or conservatives did something, supported something or were responsible for something" for show and tell?

Or did your dog eat your homework?
Exactly WHO has claimed this, RetiredGySgt ? Hmmmm?

I have never claimed that and I know of not one single lib here who claims that.

I call out racist behavior. Let the chips fall where they fall.
One real easy name is Jillian and you know as well as I do others have as well, ANY criticism of Obama is automatically responded to with calling the poster a racist, Rdean has done it as well, Remind me how you have never read their shit.

Exactly WHERE has jillian said this? Not to mention that you are likely lying, I am used to Righties lying. So, I just called Jillian over here.

he is lying. but that's standard operating procedure for him.
Shall I go back to 2009 and 2010 and find the times you claimed that some opponent was a racist for being against Obama?

Oh look Re-Liar guy is back. Whadja find Re-Liar? Got that evidence where I "routinely declare all republicans, all teaparty or conservatives did something, supported something or were responsible for something" for show and tell?

Or did your dog eat your homework?

isn't it funny that people who blame anyone to the left of atilla the hun for everything bad in the world are worried about not being treated fairly. boo hoo!
Obama is still pissed off over losing the senate. So is Holder and all of the other dinosaur democrats in the house and senate. The only thing they know how to do is to rev up civil unrest here in our country and engage in actions that will cause unrest abroad. They know they have no chance to hold onto the presidency in 2016 even if queen Clinton runs. So all they have left in their bag of tricks is to cause havoc and mayhem. Typical liberal response to losing...they can't handle it.
I'd a bit about what you have to say, if I believed you actually cared about the cops. All you seem to care about is making some cheap political points at someone else's expense. Pretty disgusting, IMO.

Actually, the points made are deeply significant......they expose the anti-society bent that has always been in the nature of Liberalism.

And said points are at the expense of can feel that in the hostility coming from Liberals who recognize the truth, and feel the heat.

more nonsense ....

You feel the heat, huh?


No. We are laughing at you.
Must really suck when your discernment quotient goes into negative values...

“We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Giuliani said during an appearance on Fox News early Sunday. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all of them lead to a conclusion: The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”
Obama s propaganda pushed people to hate the police Giuliani says TheHill

Giuliani is a fascist. Nobody needs to be told to hate the police. One just needs to interact with police to learn what they are like.

On the one had, it's good to find an 'honest' Liberal, ready and willing to verify everything I've posted in this thread.

On the other hand, it is so disheartening to find an American ready and willing to verify everything I've posted in this thread.

Look, I'm not saying that killing those two people was right. But when one works for an organized crime syndicate such as the NYPD, that's what one should expect to happen. You can't have an effective system of laws without good cops. When they are able to kill at their own absolute discretion, that is not a system of laws, but one of men.
One real easy name is Jillian and you know as well as I do others have as well, ANY criticism of Obama is automatically responded to with calling the poster a racist, Rdean has done it as well, Remind me how you have never read their shit.

Exactly WHERE has jillian said this? Not to mention that you are likely lying, I am used to Righties lying. So, I just called Jillian over here.

he is lying. but that's standard operating procedure for him.
Shall I go back to 2009 and 2010 and find the times you claimed that some opponent was a racist for being against Obama?

Oh look Re-Liar guy is back. Whadja find Re-Liar? Got that evidence where I "routinely declare all republicans, all teaparty or conservatives did something, supported something or were responsible for something" for show and tell?

Or did your dog eat your homework?

isn't it funny that people who blame anyone to the left of atilla the hun for everything bad in the world are worried about not being treated fairly. boo hoo!

The left has ZERO moral high ground on that topic around here.

Well, neither the left nor the right does, but of course no one expects you to be honest in regards to the left.
Look, I'm not saying that killing those two people was right. But when one works for an organized crime syndicate such as the NYPD, that's what one should expect to happen. You can't have an effective system of laws without good cops. When they are able to kill at their own absolute discretion, that is not a system of laws, but one of men.

So you're saying those two cops were bad cops? Are you saying that they are part of a crime syndicate? I think you're a very mixed up human being and if I read your comments correctly you are bordering on being an animal.
How would you like to hear this being shouted in our streets?...What do we want? Dead protesters When do we want them? Now!
This is just the kind of black and white binary thinking that has earned them the title "Conservatards".

You gotta LOVE the Relativists... They're so pitifully helpless.

Allow me to demonstrate:

According to "THEM!" there is just SO much justification for quality gray to be set in discussions of unbridled murder of the innocent.

And this because...

"Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

It is through this deviation in reason that relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice."

LOL! See how that works?

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