This Just In: Dede Scozzafava Drops Out

I found
im thinking he may have been trying to test his clout against that of Palin
also interesting but then thinking more on it would Newt really do something like that and risk it all? Maybe the RNC had him do it to test exactly the temperature on the political thermometer. Newt is all about party if you ask me so the later to me fits better.

maybe he was of the mind that a third party candidate could not win in a traditionaly republican area.
I found
im thinking he may have been trying to test his clout against that of Palin
also interesting but then thinking more on it would Newt really do something like that and risk it all? Maybe the RNC had him do it to test exactly the temperature on the political thermometer. Newt is all about party if you ask me so the later to me fits better.

You're on the right track there.

And you're also right that Newt is well entrenched within the party power structure.

If Hoffman wins, it will be a signal to them that there is indeed a powerful grassroots movement afoot in America.

Also interesting to note Hoffman is polling well across party lines acording to the most recent Siena poll. And he now has the cash to do a powerful 72-hour final campaign blitz.

Palin power indeed!
yeah, wonder what got into that guy. im thinking he may have been trying to test his clout against that of Palin.
The '95 beatdown by the Clintonistas smoked him out as the party man insider wimp he really is.

Anyone lending him any credibility after that has been living in a fantasy world, IM not-at-all HO.

this one has really landed a hook to the jaw
No I think more like the RNC is having some in fighting too. Remember Lindsey Graham and others a few years ago and still today are talking about how the Rep party has to be more inclusive? I think possible this was a little test to just find that out.

A lot more goes on behind the scenes then we will ever guess. I just know through that there was a motive here for this because Newt is a smart man but this was a very big ass BOO BOO on his part.

Then again it is Halloween. LOL
Newt used to talk a good game about principles. He is, lately, however, indifferent to principles and is more into whatever he seems to consider pragmatic politics.

Others DO call it "hack."

In fact, they may be right.

yeah, wonder what got into that guy. im thinking he may have been trying to test his clout against that of Palin.[/QUOTE]

Ah, that is an interesting observation - and would be very "Newt-like", as bit of a tester to see not so much the public reaction, but rather the Republican Party machine reaction.

Gingrich is a valuable intellectual voice for the conservative movement, but if Hoffman does in fact win, it will be a clear misstep for Newt on this occassion. Nothing that will harm him long term going into 2010 and beyond, but certainly a bit of a wake up call.

More notably, will be the party elite scratching their collective heads and wondering if Palin does in fact hold that much grass roots influence. Again, if Hoffman wins, it would have to be an undeniable yes. A couple of Facebook postings and big bucks began pouring in for Hoffman the next day and voter interest in the race shot up - followed by a leap in the polling data that could very well carry Hoffman to comfortable victory.

Both a fascinating and remarkable turn of events!

One can hope that Newt takes notice?
No I think more like the RNC is having some in fighting too. Remember Lindsey Graham and others a few years ago and still today are talking about how the Rep party has to be more inclusive? I think possible this was a little test to just find that out.

A lot more goes on behind the scenes then we will ever guess. I just know through that there was a motive here for this because Newt is a smart man but this was a very big ass BOO BOO on his part.

Then again it is Halloween. LOL

I find Lindsey Grahmnesty a bit Dubious seeing HE is one of the so-called "Gang Of 14". I will side with Mark levin in calling Graham for what he is...

A "Repubican".
One can hope that Newt takes notice?
What would be the point if it's already known that he has no spine?

I noticed this when he and Bill Bennett locked horns earlier this week on Bennet's "Mornining In America". Bennett graciously said "We disagree, Mr. Speaker...Sorry...".

And for those of you that don't know whom Bill Bennett is? He was Reagan's Education "Czar".

And on that note? I had my doubts of Bill until he disagreed with Newt.
yeah, wonder what got into that guy. im thinking he may have been trying to test his clout against that of Palin.

One can hope that Newt takes notice?

im sure he was taking notice the whole time, im sure he took notice of the leftist he was supporting before the race ever started. he did not go into this eyes wide shut
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The more I think of Newt backing this assclown the more it leaves me baffled I mean we all know that Newt isn't stupid...but damn this has got to be one of the most ass thing to do. I mean one would expect something like this from like a BLOG POSTER but Newt?

I lost my respect for him with this. Really I have but curious as what was going on behind the scenes.
That's a shame. Apparently the right wing loons are entrenched in the GOP.

The leftwing loons are even more rabidly entrenched in (which is to say part of) the liberoidal Democrat Party.

The GOP could stand a very healthy influx of more archly conservative voters and politiicians.

It's not a "shame" at all. The only shame is that it is just beginning now instead of years ago.
That's a shame. Apparently the right wing loons are entrenched in the GOP.

The leftwing loons are even more rabidly entrenched in (which is to say part of) the liberoidal Democrat Party.

The GOP could stand a very healthy influx of more archly conservative voters and politiicians.

It's not a "shame" at all. The only shame is that it is just beginning now instead of years ago.
:lol: It did begin years ago. The GOP just can't shed their nuts. Social conservatism is an oxymoron.
That's a shame. Apparently the right wing loons are entrenched in the GOP.

The leftwing loons are even more rabidly entrenched in (which is to say part of) the liberoidal Democrat Party.

The GOP could stand a very healthy influx of more archly conservative voters and politiicians.

It's not a "shame" at all. The only shame is that it is just beginning now instead of years ago.
:lol: It did begin years ago. The GOP just can't shed their nuts. Social conservatism is an oxymoron.

The GOP would like to oust their more wacko wingnut radical fringe just as I think the Democrats would like to oust theirs. Unfortunately, neither party can deny any person ability to register Republican or Democrat or any other political party.

It is more useful to point to the centrists in each party to determine what we mean by liberal and conservative instead of pointing to a few individuals that are not typical of the whole.
well the GOP dumped their fringe nutter in this race, and its a good thing, a positive step forward. now to get rid of those who propped her up in the first place.
Since the centrist candidate just got forced out of the race I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.

A liberal in the guise of a "Republican" is not a "centrist."

There ain't nothin' "central" about the political philosophy of a liberal.

You are just very very confused; the situation is thus completely normal.
Missed her list of endorsers, didn't you?

Newt Gringrich, Peter T. King, NRA, and Log Cabin Republicans are Liberals?

Or are you referring to the endorsement she received that she did not seek from the founder of DailyKos?

I like to know what makes her radically different from Doug. The fact she's not against Gay Marriage I'm assuming?
Daily Kos, ACORN, the uber leftist Working Families Party.

She's also for the card check and cap-n-gouge scams.

Like Kos said; "she's the most liberal candidate in the race who's not a democrat".

Nope. Both ACORN and Working Families Party endorsed Owens.

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