'This land has never once been Jewish'

A big problem is that the Islamic fanatics are teaching the kids.
SherriMunnerlyn; Lipush; et al,

I didn't know that I was such a comedian.

Watching depravity of Israelis increase with every day seems to be something you find amusing. I do not find it to be funny, I will never see the human rights abuses of the Occupation as amusing or funny and the people do not desire it to continue, the people simply are seemingly powerless to stop it. They simply are left to respond to the human rights abuses as they may effect each of them personally every day.

What you call "depravity" and "human rights abuses" on the part of the Israelis, I see as an inevitable set of consequences and result of the accumulated hostility exhibited by the Palestinian. The overall behaviors of the Palestinian, going back to Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, the turn of the century - father of Palestinian Terrorism, for 100 years, cannot be expected to come without consequence. And such behaviors --- whether we speak of the Hebron, Jaffa, Munich or Maalot Massacres, the taking of the Achille Lauro, the hijacking and attacks of TWA Flight 841, Lufthansa Flight 181, Gulf Air Flight 771, Kuwait Airlines Flight 221, TWA Flight 847, Egyptair Flight 648, TWA flight 840, Pan Am Flight 73, or when a Palestinian woman triggered a massive explosion in Jerusalem. This is a sample history of terrorist behaviors that has had --- the accumulated effect, for which the Palestinians claim they have the right to perform.

If there is a history of "depravity," the Palestinian was a major contributor.

Young Palestinians graduate from college in Gaza and cannot get a job. My advice to them is remain steadfast in the face of the Occupation. It is these college students who contributed substantially to the Facebook campaign to free unlawfully detained political prisoner Samer Issawi. What inspiring young people they are! Like a breath of fresh air, they embrace their challenges, they know justice and truth are on their side as they seek freedom from Occupation! What beautiful people they are!

So your advice is to promote hostility and to abandon the advantages of their higher education. (That's not depraved - oh - hell no!)

Samer Issawi --- illegally detained. Hummm, interesting that you should select that subversive to peace as an example. A peaceful Palestinian, carrying on the proud tradition of manufacturing and distributing pipe bombs and IEDs --- and small crime of attempted murder. A man paroled on his own recognizance, and rearrested for violating the terms of his release. Yes, he ranks right up there with terrorists like Izz ad-Din al-Qassam. If he is one of the beautiful people, I would sure hate to see the ugly Palestinian.

Most Respectfully,
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