'This land has never once been Jewish'

The tribe of Judea never sat here.?

Booth you and him are lacking history lessons.!

A tribe and a judgeship and a kingdom and a nation are all entirely different things from one another. And the OT is not a history book either. it says nothing about history. The tribe of Judea, is that a people the Historian Herodotus wrote about?

All of history's documents and findings support and show Israel in early ages.

The fiction you call "Palestine" is not Israel.
Republicans have never been this Jewish "wannabe".

They think the "end times" are approaching now that the anti Christ is president and gays are engaging in "unholy" unions.

The tribe of Judea never sat here.?

Booth you and him are lacking history lessons.!

A tribe and a judgeship and a kingdom and a nation are all entirely different things from one another. And the OT is not a history book either. it says nothing about history. The tribe of Judea, is that a people the Historian Herodotus wrote about?

All of history's documents and findings support and show Israel in early ages.

The fiction you call "Palestine" is not Israel.

There was never a nation of Israel before 1948 and it is impossible for you to prove something that never was. You do not even try.
A tribe and a judgeship and a kingdom and a nation are all entirely different things from one another. And the OT is not a history book either. it says nothing about history. The tribe of Judea, is that a people the Historian Herodotus wrote about?

All of history's documents and findings support and show Israel in early ages.

The fiction you call "Palestine" is not Israel.

There was never a nation of Israel before 1948 and it is impossible for you to prove something that never was. You do not even try.

Sure there was. But at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter.
Israel is here, Palestine isn't and everyone who has tried to destroy us has failed miserably ......:cool:
A tribe and a judgeship and a kingdom and a nation are all entirely different things from one another. And the OT is not a history book either. it says nothing about history. The tribe of Judea, is that a people the Historian Herodotus wrote about?

All of history's documents and findings support and show Israel in early ages.

The fiction you call "Palestine" is not Israel.

There was never a nation of Israel before 1948 and it is impossible for you to prove something that never was. You do not even try.


A tribe and a judgeship and a kingdom and a nation are all entirely different things from one another. And the OT is not a history book either. it says nothing about history. The tribe of Judea, is that a people the Historian Herodotus wrote about?

All of history's documents and findings support and show Israel in early ages.

The fiction you call "Palestine" is not Israel.

There was never a nation of Israel before 1948 and it is impossible for you to prove something that never was. You do not even try.

YOU cannot change history
All of history's documents and findings support and show Israel in early ages.

The fiction you call "Palestine" is not Israel.

There was never a nation of Israel before 1948 and it is impossible for you to prove something that never was. You do not even try.



My children are all artists, even they can draw a map as pretty and colorful as that. But no matter how many maps they draw or anyone else draws,, it will not prove the truth about people or nations who lived in our world in prior times.
There was never a nation of Israel before 1948 and it is impossible for you to prove something that never was. You do not even try.



My children are all artists, even they can draw a map as pretty and colorful as that. But no matter how many maps they draw or anyone else draws,, it will not prove the truth about people or nations who lived in our world in prior times.

LOL. I love laughing in the morning. It makes my day haha !
As I keep saying there can't be any peace unless there is recognition of Israel as a Jewish state from the entire Arab muslim world. That's it, anything else is pure bullshit.
A tribe and a judgeship and a kingdom and a nation are all entirely different things from one another. And the OT is not a history book either. it says nothing about history. The tribe of Judea, is that a people the Historian Herodotus wrote about?

All of history's documents and findings support and show Israel in early ages.

The fiction you call "Palestine" is not Israel.

There was never a nation of Israel before 1948 and it is impossible for you to prove something that never was. You do not even try.

It's ironic how you make claims that a country that's been designated the Holy Land and has been mentioned in the Bible (which apparently you read) many times, 'never existed', while you support a place so called 'Palestine' which is as fictional as the tooth fairy !
As I keep saying there can't be any peace unless there is recognition of Israel as a Jewish state from the entire Arab muslim world. That's it, anything else is pure bullshit.

It shall never happen, its exactly like Hitler asking for recognition of a Germany free of Jews!
All of history's documents and findings support and show Israel in early ages.

The fiction you call "Palestine" is not Israel.

There was never a nation of Israel before 1948 and it is impossible for you to prove something that never was. You do not even try.

It's ironic how you make claims that a country that's been designated the Holy Land and has been mentioned in the Bible (which apparently you read) many times, 'never existed', while you support a place so called 'Palestine' which is as fictional as the tooth fairy !

The Bible is not a history book and there were not even nations then.
There was never a nation of Israel before 1948 and it is impossible for you to prove something that never was. You do not even try.

It's ironic how you make claims that a country that's been designated the Holy Land and has been mentioned in the Bible (which apparently you read) many times, 'never existed', while you support a place so called 'Palestine' which is as fictional as the tooth fairy !

The Bible is not a history book and there were not even nations then.

Please refer me to a history book or source that would give me valid information concerning history of the Middle East (ancient time until now).
I would love to see where you get your history from !
toastman; SherriMunnerlyn; Lipush; et al,

This discussion, centered on the historical record, and establishing ancient links in the past, is counterproductive.

All of history's documents and findings support and show Israel in early ages.

The fiction you call "Palestine" is not Israel.

There was never a nation of Israel before 1948 and it is impossible for you to prove something that never was. You do not even try.

YOU cannot change history

The pro-Palestinian movement cannot and will not acknowledge any point that does not directly support their claim that they, somehow, are the rightful inheritors of the land that they call Palestine (self-defined).

This is not about "right or wrong;" this is not about "the right thing to do;" this is not about "peaceful resolution and productive relationships among people" or "nation building." This is about power and influence. This is about the inability of the Arab to assimilate or interact with other cultures.

What has happened in ancient times is of no consequence. What has happened a century ago, means nothing. The events of a half-century ago are contested. And the reality of today, is unacceptable to the Arab/Palestinian. They accept no interpretation of events, except their own.

The Arab Palestinian, supported today by terrorist organizations, the conduct terrorist activity, that support Irans bid to establish their regional hegemony, that support the Assad Regime in the suppression of the general population; and is attempting to further Shia Law and barbaric applications of imposed religious justice, enforce religious teachings, and further religious decrees; are what you are trying to deal with in this conversation. It is a futile effort.

While there are legitimate grievances on both sides, issues that could be resolved through peaceful means, the relationship between between the two parties (Israeli 'v' Palestinian) has deteriorated to such a degree that neither side can now accomplish much in terms of a peaceful settlement.

We have to assume, given the attitude of the Palestinian, that they are not interested in a negotiated peaceful settlement and that they fully appreciate the current economic conditions and prosperity that the hostiles brings them; and are willing to continue their current path indefinitely. And we see the Israeli is content with the status quo of the current situation.

Since both sides are in agreement, that the continuation of hostilities is in the absolute best interest of the people and a peaceful solution is not in the best interest of the people, we (as outside observers) should not be too concerned with the current conditions of either people (Palestinian or Israeli); but attempt to help them maintain this obscene status quo.

Most Respectfully,
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There was never a nation of Israel before 1948 and it is impossible for you to prove something that never was. You do not even try.



My children are all artists, even they can draw a map as pretty and colorful as that. But no matter how many maps they draw or anyone else draws,, it will not prove the truth about people or nations who lived in our world in prior times.

This map was drawn by the children of history.
A prominent Islamic scholar who is making a landmark visit to the Gaza Strip has declared that Israel has no right to exist.


Yusuf al-Qaradawi said Thursday that "this land has never once been a Jewish land. Palestine is for the Arab Islamic nation." The Qatar-based cleric was made famous by his popular TV show and is widely respected in the Muslim world.

Islamic cleric in Gaza, rejects Israel's existence - Israel News, Ynetnews



Does Yusuf al-Qaradawi call Abraham his Father?
Do the Jews call Abraham their Father?
Yes, both Arabs and Jews claim Abraham as their father.
The guy should do a DNA test and he would find out he has Jewish blood as well as Arab blood.
The Jews and Arabs have lived in that same land for over 5,000 years.
As I keep saying there can't be any peace unless there is recognition of Israel as a Jewish state from the entire Arab muslim world. That's it, anything else is pure bullshit.

It shall never happen, its exactly like Hitler asking for recognition of a Germany free of Jews!

:confused: it's the Arabs that want a Jew free state get your facts straight. If you and the rest of the Arabs have their way most of the Jews in Israel would be annihilated while you'd look on with glee as Hitler did:cuckoo:
As I keep saying there can't be any peace unless there is recognition of Israel as a Jewish state from the entire Arab muslim world. That's it, anything else is pure bullshit.

It shall never happen, its exactly like Hitler asking for recognition of a Germany free of Jews!

:confused: it's the Arabs that want a Jew free state get your facts straight. If you and the rest of the Arabs have their way most of the Jews in Israel would be annihilated while you'd look on with glee as Hitler did:cuckoo:

Get your facts straight, it is the fascist state of Israel ethnically cleansing nonJews from the land for the past 65 years!
As I keep saying there can't be any peace unless there is recognition of Israel as a Jewish state from the entire Arab muslim world. That's it, anything else is pure bullshit.

It shall never happen, its exactly like Hitler asking for recognition of a Germany free of Jews!

Then you can kiss the idea of a Palestinian State goodbye ! :cool:

Germany survived the Nazis, Palestine shall survive Zionism! History always is repeating itself.

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