This makes one wonder...

Neither do 99% of Muslims. Just like 99% of Catholic priests don't molest children.
As for what makes the 1% (just an estimate) of Muslims tick (and go off on suicide missions), my guess is it may be related to propaganda that they hear from leaders of terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, Hamas or Hezbollah. The influence is obviously greater in countries where these terrorist organizations are allowed to operate.

The impetus for terrorists who claim to be fighting for Muslims and Allah is the Palestinian situation. Take that away and the terrorism groups will fade away. Palestine is the issue.

LOL. Some people just never learn... :rolleyes:
The same thing that makes you and everyone else ‘tick.’
With all due respect, we don't go running around with suicide vests strapped to our bodies, and blowing ourselves up.

Neither do 99% of Muslims.

That number is more realistically estimated at 95%. That means 5% are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers. Given the billion-plus muslims in the world that means that only 50 million or more are terrorists. No problem, eh? The rest are moderates who are only adamantly and violently opposed to abortion, feminism and homosexuality. But that's OK, too, as long as they're not viewed as 'white and/or Christian'.

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