This Must Be The Whore Super Bowl

Well, you gotta respect Jlo's python-like thighs. As far as the costumes, they look like they were poured into them. The music reminded me of the latest teenybobber stuff I hear my granddaughter listening to, not my cup of tea.
Triggered dusty fart is still triggered. Hilarious. Maybe another dozen or so posts to me will convince yourself my words are so worthless.
Not as triggered as you are, hater of women. And no need to wait and see. I've always known your words are worthless and filled with lies. That's why I said what I did so many posts ago...when you were still pretending you couldn't be bothered to reply to my posts.
DrGrump: Good, you neocons are such stereotypes.
Love guns. Hate women's bodies. Hate minorities....I could go on... lying.

And you assuredly will. Lies are all Leftists have.

Conservatives don't confuse women with men. That's YOU LEFTISTS who practice such insanity, along with so much else that is insane.
So have you had your transgender surgery yet? And your period?

Great...all this messageboard needs. Another neocon loon.

I'm not a leftist moron.
Great...all this messageboard needs. Another neocon loon.

I'm not a leftist moron.

You talk like a Leftist. You lie, hatefully, maliciously, ignorantly.
How is anyone to know that you're not a Leftist when you act and talk like them?
My best man was black, and you call me racist. Your lies are sickening and destructive.
To my Ignore List you go now. I have no time for more of your sickening lies.
Sex is not some new vogue thing. It’s been around at least as long as strip clubs. What you’re suggesting is that exposing kids to porn is now a vogue thing. That’s criminal.

when did porn happen???
Based on the report there were lots of closeup beaver shots.

that would mean every cheerleader for the last 50 yrs did the same thing,,,
NFL cheerleaders have been glorified strippers for decades. That was a point of contention, too. One doesn’t justify the other. It’s all a reflection of the coarsening of the culture.
Cheerleaders don't wear assless nylons with G-strings.
Oh? Do tell.
You voted for the guy that raped a woman at Cambridge and in the White House....didn't you???

you voted for the guy that likes to grab women's pussies didn't you?
you voted for the guy that went into chapter 11 six times didn't you?
you voted for the guy that lied about the size of the crowd at his inauguration didn't you?
you voted for the guy that lied about Muslims celebrating 9/11 in NY didn't you?
you voted for the guy that hung a fake Time Man of the Year poster at his resort didn't you?
depends on what pool you go to,,and she was wearing a skin color body suit,,,so there wasnt any nudity let alone porn,,,
If you finger yourself (J-LO) or wear an outfit cut so your barely concealed bright red pussy is prominently displayed (Shakira) all in the middle of massively viewed television broadcast, it's clear what your intent is.

It isn't porn and neither is it the sort of thing you want to view with the old folks and your kids, mouths agape, watching.

I'm clearly not a prude but neither am I going to lie about the Super Bowl halftime show
and it's intent to appeal to America's throbbing groin.

just watched it. have no idea what you are rambling on about. You can see 7 out of 10 music videos every hour on TV with women dressed and dancing like that. Been like that for the past 30 years. Suddenly now you have a problem with it? Yes, you are a prude.
You voted for the guy that raped a woman at Cambridge and in the White House....didn't you???

you voted for the guy that likes to grab women's pussies didn't you?
you voted for the guy that went into chapter 11 six times didn't you?
you voted for the guy that lied about the size of the crowd at his inauguration didn't you?
you voted for the guy that lied about Muslims celebrating 9/11 in NY didn't you?
you voted for the guy that hung a fake Time Man of the Year poster at his resort didn't you?
And you voted for murderers, rapists, and child-molesters.
You must be so proud.
A moment of honesty here: The message behind all of those gyrations is simply this: "I am a great piece of ass!"

It is grotesque.
You voted for the guy that raped a woman at Cambridge and in the White House....didn't you???

you voted for the guy that likes to grab women's pussies didn't you?
you voted for the guy that went into chapter 11 six times didn't you?
you voted for the guy that lied about the size of the crowd at his inauguration didn't you?
you voted for the guy that lied about Muslims celebrating 9/11 in NY didn't you?
you voted for the guy that hung a fake Time Man of the Year poster at his resort didn't you?
And you voted for murderers, rapists, and child-molesters.
You must be so proud.

I did? I haven't voted in election for 12 years. And I'm not American.

Who are the rapists and child molesters? And the murderers for that matter.
You voted for the guy that raped a woman at Cambridge and in the White House....didn't you???

you voted for the guy that likes to grab women's pussies didn't you?
you voted for the guy that went into chapter 11 six times didn't you?
you voted for the guy that lied about the size of the crowd at his inauguration didn't you?
you voted for the guy that lied about Muslims celebrating 9/11 in NY didn't you?
you voted for the guy that hung a fake Time Man of the Year poster at his resort didn't you?
And you voted for murderers, rapists, and child-molesters.
You must be so proud.

I did? I haven't voted in election for 12 years. And I'm not American.

Who are the rapists and child molesters? And the murderers for that matter.
Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Nothing but commercials and entertainment featuring whores shaking their asses. A Secret deodorant commercial with some Lesbian kicking fieldgoals. WTF!!!

Can we get some motherfucking wholesome entertainment for once????

What ever you say, Ayatollah
JayLo just mooned everyone.....Christ....we got kids watching this shit!!!
Why do we think they are teaching little children to say " YES" . all by themselves.

While mom stands up there bending over in thongs with tights daughter gets to say to men all over the world to imagine me bent over too.

These whores teach their daughter to be strippers just like them.

These are the same sluts who sleep with Harvey Weinstein then yell rape.
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just watched it. have no idea what you are rambling on about. You can see 7 out of 10 music videos every hour on TV with women dressed and dancing like that. Been like that for the past 30 years. Suddenly now you have a problem with it? Yes, you are a prude.
Sure. Whatever you say. Catch me next year, maybe.

That's why so many people's heads snapped around during the Super Bowl half time
fingering and twerking extravaganza....because it's exactly what people see on tv every single day. And have for years! :113:
What's your doctorate in? Stupidity?
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Hopefully you made it to your fainting couch in time.
Sorry......but if I wanted to see this sort of shit I'd go to a Madonna concert.
Just think Madonna is the one who lead the way to the child molesters you see askinng what is so wrong with this. You see they have secret desires in their unconcious pysche that makes them want to do little kids too.

This is the push to make America accept sexulized moves in front of children.

The left are in left field.
JayLo just mooned everyone.....Christ....we got kids watching this shit!!!

doesnt your TV have an off button??

I have to agree. Super Bowls are rarely the great games they promise to be, the halftime shows stink and most of the commercials suck (though there were a few). America has the option to send the message to Roger by tuning out, if only they can break their addiction to national football.

The game is becoming a joke anyway with some of the ridiculous penalties and missed calls. The game is fast losing the very things that once made it very good.

The NFL has enough revenue to hire full time referees and umpires. Too often a game is turned around by a penalty, many times when it had no bearing on the play. And calls, such as Pass Interference, defense and offense holding, is too subjective.

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