This Nonsense Of Bringing Up "Black on Black Crime" Whenever Policy Brutality Has Taken Place

Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.

(Only a small minority of) Black Lives Matter!
in 2018 about 7,400 blacks killed 6,000 whites killed, mind you blacks represent 13% of the population over 95% of the blacks killed were killed by other blacks. That tells you blacks are killing a lot of blacks.

Is it vastly that different? Really?

In 2018, there were 43.8 million blacks in America, and according to you 7,400 blacks were killed. Even if they were all killed by fellow blacks. That's only 1.7% of the black population. Yet to let you tell it, "the black community is murdering each other like nothing on earth."

Meanwhile, there were 250.14 million whites. 6000 killed by say all whites puts us at 0.0000239%

Not bad all told. But your propaganda is projecting to the world that blacks are just all criminals. At 1.7% murders a year.
Systemic Racism. This weeks media buzzword for the simple mind and guilt ridden white liberals.
Strange that liberals have been running the inner city plantations for decades and have done nothing but pay lip service to "racial justice" only every four years, but have done absolutely nothing to improve the lives of poor black people.
Yet black folks who immigrated from Africa and brown folks from Mexico seem to have no problem finding success in this so called unjust system.
My recent video in the White Fragility thread addresses the guilt claptrap that you've posted here.
You're a coward punk assed little bitch kid. Not a testicle to be found. Your "brethren" are out there doing something.
Here you sit. I shit bigger than you little dick boy.Grow a pair and go do something,.
I understand you cucks are absolutely OBSESSED with the negro phallus, but it's truly a sick and demented thing. Go throw yourself in the sea and do the world a favor.
in 2018 about 7,400 blacks killed 6,000 whites killed, mind you blacks represent 13% of the population over 95% of the blacks killed were killed by other blacks. That tells you blacks are killing a lot of blacks.

Is it vastly that different? Really?

In 2018, there were 43.8 million blacks in America, and according to you 7,400 blacks were killed. Even if they were all killed by fellow blacks. That's only 1.7% of the black population. Yet to let you tell it, "the black community is murdering each other like nothing on earth."

Meanwhile, there were 250.14 million whites. 6000 killed by say all whites puts us at 0.0000239%

Not bad all told. But your propaganda is projecting to the world that blacks are just all criminals. At 1.7% murders a year.

I never said all blacks are criminals, but blacks are killing blacks at a higher rate than anyone else. So it’s amazing how libs will put the focus squarely on white by black killing when those make up a tiny fraction of the killings.
I never said all blacks are criminals, but blacks are killing blacks at a higher rate than anyone else. So it’s amazing how libs will put the focus squarely on white by black killing when those make up a tiny fraction of the killings.
i never said that all police are criminals either.
Blacks kill each other 15X more than whites kill blacks even while being outnumbered by whites 7X
Systemic Racism. This weeks media buzzword for the simple mind and guilt ridden white liberals.
Strange that liberals have been running the inner city plantations for decades and have done nothing but pay lip service to "racial justice" only every four years, but have done absolutely nothing to improve the lives of poor black people.
Yet black folks who immigrated from Africa and brown folks from Mexico seem to have no problem finding success in this so called unjust system.
My recent video in the White Fragility thread addresses the guilt claptrap that you've posted here.
Didn't read that soundbite bullshit. You should worry about your own Fragility and less about the White devil.
1. We don’t talk about white on white crime because it’s almost nonexistent. We also aren’t burning cities down because of it.

2. Then talk about police brutality, because it does effect everyone, not just blacks. Making it a racial thing does nothing for the argument since the numbers don’t back it up.

3. We are not injecting “random numbers”, you’re the ones talking about “black lives” and trying to limit the issue to only blacks. You’re not going around chanting “end police brutality”, you’re screaming “black lives matter”. Then if someone has the audacity to include others by saying “all lives matter”, meaning it’s an issue we all deal with when it comes to police brutality, they are shouted down as racists, fired from their jobs, and threatened by the BLM mob. This proves that your movement has nothing to do with actual police brutality, but rather a political movement based on tribalism and identity politics.

Yea, we all agree police should be held to a higher standard, but at the same time you can’t expect 100% of them to be perfect and never make a mistake, or to never “snap” on their job. They are people too, and they are doing what is easily the shittiest job in the world, patrolling the streets of crime infested America. They have to deal with drug addicts, rapists, thieves, gang members, and murderers on about a daily basis. If YOU think you can do better, maybe you should try being in their shoes. If the “black community” doesn’t like the way cops are, maybe more of them should become cops so they can patrol their own neighborhoods.
1. Whites are thee biggest criminals in this country, both historically and currently. So that's blown out the water.

2. Whites are not targeted and brutalized as blacks are, the evidence, nor the numbers do not support your bogus claim. Another one gone.

3. If black lives mattered to whites, America would not have been, and still perpetuate, the systematic racism that it has. Look at how racists whites like yourself totally lose your crap at the mere mention of #BlackLivesMatter.

Bonus: You simultaneously support the police brutality and falsely attack blacks at the same time. Perhaps more blacks would become cops if their relationship with them wasn't one based in hostility, fear and brutality. Think for a change. THINK!

And you just keep on playing the denial game.
As I've said over and over and over on these boards, when YOUR behavior BRINGS the police to you, the odds of a not so good ending increases !
There is no doubt that over the decades black men have been treated worse by cops than white men. Today however is not the same as decades ago, but when you paint a target on your back you increase the chances that you're going to be hit.
Threads like these explain why Blacks don't vote republican in any significant numbers.

Yeah, they would much rather have someone fill their heads with lies by telling them that they are not responsible for anything bad going on in their lives, that someone else has kept a foot on their necks all of their lives, and it's understandable why they have failed to make their lives better.

I guess if I had a political party always treating me like a baby and always excusing my fuck ups, I would rather stick with them too.
And you just keep on playing the denial game.
As I've said over and over and over on these boards, when YOUR behavior BRINGS the police to you, the odds of a not so good ending increases !
There is no doubt that over the decades black men have been treated worse by cops than white men. Today however is not the same as decades ago, but when you paint a target on your back you increase the chances that you're going to be hit.
OK, tell me the year, heck, even the decade that cops stopped brutalizing blacks. You don't even have to provide proof, pull it out your ass if you must.

Looking forward to that number.
And you just keep on playing the denial game.
As I've said over and over and over on these boards, when YOUR behavior BRINGS the police to you, the odds of a not so good ending increases !
There is no doubt that over the decades black men have been treated worse by cops than white men. Today however is not the same as decades ago, but when you paint a target on your back you increase the chances that you're going to be hit.
OK, tell me the year, heck, even the decade that cops stopped brutalizing blacks. You don't even have to provide proof, pull it out your ass if you must.

Looking forward to that number.

Tell me the year or decade black males were not involved in violent crime at a lower rate than other groups ?

Violent behavior = laws broken = police dispatched to the scene

No violent behavior = no laws broken = no police dispatched to the scene
Tell me the year or decade black males were not involved in violent crime at a lower rate than other groups ?

Violent behavior = laws broken = police dispatched to the scene

No violent behavior = no laws broken = no police dispatched to the scene
Every year. Whites are the most violent beings on planet earth. They just protect themselves from prosecution. As we see clearly in the thugs in blue situations going on currently nationwide.
Tell me the year or decade black males were not involved in violent crime at a lower rate than other groups ?

Violent behavior = laws broken = police dispatched to the scene

No violent behavior = no laws broken = no police dispatched to the scene
Every year. Whites are the most violent beings on planet earth. They just protect themselves from prosecution. As we see clearly in the thugs in blue situations going on currently nationwide.

Damn these FACTS !!!

Published: July 22, 2019
The truth behind racial disparities in fatal police shootings
Contact(s): Caroline Brooks , Joseph Cesario

“Many people ask whether black or white citizens are more likely to be shot and why. We found that violent crime rates are the driving force behind fatal shootings,” Cesario said. “Our data show that the rate of crime by each racial group correlates with the likelihood of citizens from that racial group being shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of white people committing crimes, white people are more likely to be shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of black people committing crimes, black people are more likely to be shot. It is the best predictor we have of fatal police shootings.”


Raising your fucking kids properly would be a good start.


I'm not white, so I can't be racist, remember? You tards said so.
Welp, there you have it folks.

The venom and racial hatred is just dripping from his words. Nuff said.


Says a lot about a race when saying "raise your fucking kids properly" is considered "racial hatred."

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