This Nonsense Of Bringing Up "Black on Black Crime" Whenever Policy Brutality Has Taken Place

in 2018 about 7,400 blacks killed 6,000 whites killed, mind you blacks represent 13% of the population over 95% of the blacks killed were killed by other blacks. That tells you blacks are killing a lot of blacks.

Is it vastly that different? Really?

In 2018, there were 43.8 million blacks in America, and according to you 7,400 blacks were killed. Even if they were all killed by fellow blacks. That's only 1.7% of the black population. Yet to let you tell it, "the black community is murdering each other like nothing on earth."

Meanwhile, there were 250.14 million whites. 6000 killed by say all whites puts us at 0.0000239%

Not bad all told. But your propaganda is projecting to the world that blacks are just all criminals. At 1.7% murders a year.
^^ Somebody doesn’t know how to calculate percentages.

Clearly you are the victim of a racist Democrat run public education system.
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What happens when the perpetrator of brutality has been arrested? Is lynching the next step if the brutality was deemed to be pervasive?
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.

Its an attempt to lessen the crime of police brutality by saying the victim is somehow less of a victim due to their social standing. Oldest play in the playbook.
I never said all blacks are criminals, but blacks are killing blacks at a higher rate than anyone else. So it’s amazing how libs will put the focus squarely on white by black killing when those make up a tiny fraction of the killings.
i never said that all police are criminals either.
No you called them all "Race Soldiers" who should go dig ditches.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.

Its an attempt to lessen the crime of police brutality by saying the victim is somehow less of a victim due to their social standing. Oldest play in the playbook.

Never have I said a particular race DESERVES to be treated differently by police.

When you play violent games, you get violent results MORE OFTEN than those who are NOT playing.

As this one study mentions, regardless of your race, if you are involved in violence, you are more likely to end up in the middle of a violent outcome.

"By connecting the findings of police officer race, victim race and crime rates, the research suggests that the best way to understand police shootings isn’t racial bias of the police officer; rather, by the exposure to police officers through crime."

The vast majority – between 90% and 95% – of the civilians shot by officers were actively attacking police or other citizens when they were shot. Ninety percent also were armed with a weapon when they were shot. The horrific cases of accidental shootings, like mistaking a cell phone for a gun, are rare, Cesario said.
in 2018 about 7,400 blacks killed 6,000 whites killed, mind you blacks represent 13% of the population over 95% of the blacks killed were killed by other blacks. That tells you blacks are killing a lot of blacks.

Is it vastly that different? Really?

In 2018, there were 43.8 million blacks in America, and according to you 7,400 blacks were killed. Even if they were all killed by fellow blacks. That's only 1.7% of the black population. Yet to let you tell it, "the black community is murdering each other like nothing on earth."

Meanwhile, there were 250.14 million whites. 6000 killed by say all whites puts us at 0.0000239%

Not bad all told. But your propaganda is projecting to the world that blacks are just all criminals. At 1.7% murders a year.
That’s 1.7% too many you racist

Raising your fucking kids properly would be a good start.


I'm not white, so I can't be racist, remember? You tards said so.
Welp, there you have it folks.

The venom and racial hatred is just dripping from his words. Nuff said.

That’s not what happened
#butthurt lives matter

Raising your fucking kids properly would be a good start.


I'm not white, so I can't be racist, remember? You tards said so.
Welp, there you have it folks.

The venom and racial hatred is just dripping from his words. Nuff said.


You don't have a monopoly on victimhood. Plenty of people in this country and others have dealt with hardships based on discrimination, but most of them ultimately move past it. Funny how Hispanics and Asians don't have the problems you do. Maybe it's because most of us know who our fathers are.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.

Its an attempt to lessen the crime of police brutality by saying the victim is somehow less of a victim due to their social standing. Oldest play in the playbook.

Never have I said a particular race DESERVES to be treated differently by police.

When you play violent games, you get violent results MORE OFTEN than those who are NOT playing.

As this one study mentions, regardless of your race, if you are involved in violence, you are more likely to end up in the middle of a violent outcome.

"By connecting the findings of police officer race, victim race and crime rates, the research suggests that the best way to understand police shootings isn’t racial bias of the police officer; rather, by the exposure to police officers through crime."

The vast majority – between 90% and 95% – of the civilians shot by officers were actively attacking police or other citizens when they were shot. Ninety percent also were armed with a weapon when they were shot. The horrific cases of accidental shootings, like mistaking a cell phone for a gun, are rare, Cesario said. thought I was talking about you in particular. Guilty Conscience?

I'll say this about your bold type above....

The investigations are great. But if there was no cell phone video evidence of what happened to Mr. Floyd and we had the same exact outcome--Mr. Floyd dying...tell me honestly; what do you think would have happened to those 4 officers? What would be on the report? C'mon.

I'm not saying the investigations are useless but seriously; cops investigating cops who use deadly force often find no issue with the way cops perform whether there is a minority victim involved or not. Not always....but often. Do you find that shocking? If you do, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

I agree with the findings that MOST OFTEN, the alleged offender is most responsible for their treatment. Otherwise, we'd have instances like this every night. But I doubt it's anywhere near 90-95% given the rash of videos we've seen and the mysterious lag time between the deaths of arrested persons and the eventual release of body-cam videos. Why does it take years to release the vids?

Raising your fucking kids properly would be a good start.


I'm not white, so I can't be racist, remember? You tards said so.
Welp, there you have it folks.

The venom and racial hatred is just dripping from his words. Nuff said.


You don't have a monopoly on victimhood. Plenty of people in this country and others have dealt with hardships based on discrimination, but most of them ultimately move past it. Funny how Hispanics and Asians don't have the problems you do. Maybe it's because most of us know who our fathers are.

Hispanics don't have a problem with discrimination? Wow...okay.

Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.

Has anyone mentioned yet that the police will leave you alone if you don't do illegal stuff?
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
You know its simply a deflection. White people arent so retarded that they cant get on the internet and lookup an organizations mission statement.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.

Its an attempt to lessen the crime of police brutality by saying the victim is somehow less of a victim due to their social standing. Oldest play in the playbook.

Never have I said a particular race DESERVES to be treated differently by police.

When you play violent games, you get violent results MORE OFTEN than those who are NOT playing.

As this one study mentions, regardless of your race, if you are involved in violence, you are more likely to end up in the middle of a violent outcome.

"By connecting the findings of police officer race, victim race and crime rates, the research suggests that the best way to understand police shootings isn’t racial bias of the police officer; rather, by the exposure to police officers through crime."

The vast majority – between 90% and 95% – of the civilians shot by officers were actively attacking police or other citizens when they were shot. Ninety percent also were armed with a weapon when they were shot. The horrific cases of accidental shootings, like mistaking a cell phone for a gun, are rare, Cesario said. thought I was talking about you in particular. Guilty Conscience?

I'll say this about your bold type above....

The investigations are great. But if there was no cell phone video evidence of what happened to Mr. Floyd and we had the same exact outcome--Mr. Floyd dying...tell me honestly; what do you think would have happened to those 4 officers? What would be on the report? C'mon.

I'm not saying the investigations are useless but seriously; cops investigating cops who use deadly force often find no issue with the way cops perform whether there is a minority victim involved or not. Not always....but often. Do you find that shocking? If you do, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

I agree with the findings that MOST OFTEN, the alleged offender is most responsible for their treatment. Otherwise, we'd have instances like this every night. But I doubt it's anywhere near 90-95% given the rash of videos we've seen and the mysterious lag time between the deaths of arrested persons and the eventual release of body-cam videos. Why does it take years to release the vids?

If cops killed pretty much anyone in this manner, regardless of race they likely would have covered each others asses, so what's your point ?
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.

Has anyone mentioned yet that the police will leave you alone if you don't do illegal stuff?
Well thats a fucking lie.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.

Has anyone mentioned yet that the police will leave you alone if you don't do illegal stuff?

Sure, but they are not supposed to kill you once you've been subdued and are in handcuffs. Has anyone explained that to you?
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
So, we are simply asking If black lives matter, why do they only matter to you when a white cop kills a black.? It’s a simple question. We are observant. You don’t see blacks in the streets looting, pillaging, burning and murdering when a black cop is shot down by black looters. Why. Do black lives matter or don’t they? Secondly when whites are killed by cops you don’t see looting pillaging riots and murder. When it happens then come back and ask your question.
" So, we are simply asking If black lives matter, why do they only matter to you when a white cop kills a black.? "

So when you ask dumb shit like that we wonder if youre retarded or if youre just kidding.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
“I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?”

They don’t have an argument, just a red herring fallacy.

It’s yet another failed attempt to deflect.

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