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This one is for the gun grabbers. Explain this.

Part of the reason that there is so much violence and crime in the big cities is because the people are closely pressed together and don't have time to decompress from constant contact.

If you put a bunch of rats together in an area where they each have enough room, they are peaceful and will coexist.

If you place a whole bunch of rats together in an area where they are crawling all over each other, they will end up fighting and killing each other until there is enough room to comfortably accommodate the survivors.

Not true...even in big cities the gun violence areas are tiny......Take Chicago...out of 3 million people, there are about 1,500 who are known to police who are the shooters and shooting victims....in tiny areas of the city.
I imagine that the top 10 cities, crimewise, have some of the toughest gunlaws because they are the top 10 cities, crimewise...
How often do criminals obey laws?
Depends on the risk/reward, but definitely not as often as most. why?
Just don't see how laws stop people who ignore them.

Not saying don't look for answers but if more laws equates to less crime, I could never explain Chicago or LA gang violence.
Well laws do work to some degree to help crime. We aren't living in the wild west anymore nor are we living in Central Africa or areas in the middle east that are basically run by gangs, thugs and violent corruption. So with that said we know that the rule of law is conducive to a civilized and safe society. There is no universal system that will work everywhere so the needs of each city and society need to be analyzed so the best laws, and enforcement policies are put in place.

There will never be a solution that gets rid of all violence or all gun violence or all mass shootings, but there are things that can be done to limit the consistency and the damage that is done. We need to be able to have a conversation about the realistic middle ground and not about the extreme absolutes.
Agreed. Like I said all for searching for a solution, just more laws to me isn't it.
I agree with that... I think community programs, better education and improved financial opportunity is the key. I also think legalizing drugs will do a big part in defunding the gangs and opening up legitimate financial opportunities.
Wyoming has more guns per capita than any other state. They have open carry, and you do not need a permit to carry concealed. Yet the crime rate is 40 percent less than the national average, with some cities well below that. Some of them are among the safest places to live in America. So, if guns are the problem, as you believe, why aren't people being gunned down in the streets?

Because there's like 300 people there each separated by 50 miles.
There are two cities with a population in excess of 60,000. Of the top ten, cities, the smallest is ten thousand. Try again.

The point is, there just isn't a large enough population to have the dynamics that cause more crime like we see in more densely populated areas.

The dynamic for violance exists everywhere. Casper has the dynamic. So does Cheyenne.

Yes...more gun = less gun crime....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Part of the reason that there is so much violence and crime in the big cities is because the people are closely pressed together and don't have time to decompress from constant contact.

If you put a bunch of rats together in an area where they each have enough room, they are peaceful and will coexist.

If you place a whole bunch of rats together in an area where they are crawling all over each other, they will end up fighting and killing each other until there is enough room to comfortably accommodate the survivors.
Nope. First of all, we're not rats. Second, blacks are responsible for the vast majority of that crime. So if you wanted to be honest, blacks are the problem
You could also say that the poor are responsible for the vast majority of the crime. Shall we demonize the poor as well?
So what if the black thugs are poor. It's no excuse. There are many poor people, Most of them are white, but blacks are the poor people committing all the violent crime.
I'm not going to get into an ugly race conversation with you. I don't have the energy for it today. It is pointless and divisive and only pours fuel on the fire. Just ask yourself where you think it is going to lead if you only point your finger at an entire race to place blame... Are you expecting all the blacks to say, wow, your are right, we suck and we are responsible, we will just go back to Africa now... I honestly can't comprehend where your head is at when you spew this garbage.
I'm simply stating the facts. It's not racist. It's statistics. Blacks are responsible for most violent crime. More precisely, it's a small percentage of blacks. Can you deny this?
No I don't deny it. I also don't think it is a useful thing to focus on. The root cause is poverty and gang culture. Placing blame on the "blacks" is only going to fuel devision. Can you deny that?
Part of the reason that there is so much violence and crime in the big cities is because the people are closely pressed together and don't have time to decompress from constant contact.

If you put a bunch of rats together in an area where they each have enough room, they are peaceful and will coexist.

If you place a whole bunch of rats together in an area where they are crawling all over each other, they will end up fighting and killing each other until there is enough room to comfortably accommodate the survivors.
Nope. First of all, we're not rats. Second, blacks are responsible for the vast majority of that crime. So if you wanted to be honest, blacks are the problem
You could also say that the poor are responsible for the vast majority of the crime. Shall we demonize the poor as well?
So what if the black thugs are poor. It's no excuse. There are many poor people, Most of them are white, but blacks are the poor people committing all the violent crime.
I'm not going to get into an ugly race conversation with you. I don't have the energy for it today. It is pointless and divisive and only pours fuel on the fire. Just ask yourself where you think it is going to lead if you only point your finger at an entire race to place blame... Are you expecting all the blacks to say, wow, your are right, we suck and we are responsible, we will just go back to Africa now... I honestly can't comprehend where your head is at when you spew this garbage.

The conversation's only getting ugly because the guy's right and you won't say 'uncle'. The only thing ugly is the political correctness that has taken over honest discourse.
What do I need to say Uncle to? And how is saying "Blacks are the problem" honest discourse?
The point is, there just isn't a large enough population to have the dynamics that cause more crime like we see in more densely populated areas.
So, are you admitting that guns aren't the problem? Is that what you're saying?
Did I say they were?
How do you know that the guns are responsible for the lower crime rate?
I did not say that guns were responsible for low crime rates. I said they were not responsible for HIGH crime rates. But you might want to ask yourself why the top ten cities, crimewise, have some of the toughest gunlaws.
I imagine that the top 10 cities, crimewise, have some of the toughest gunlaws because they are the top 10 cities, crimewise...

And those gun laws keep normal, good people from having guns...while the criminals get the guns they want and need.....

Why is it so difficult for you guys to understand that taking guns away from normal people will not lower the crime rate....?
I don't support any law that support normal, good people from having guns. I haven't seen much legislation that has done that either. I know there has been some measures in NYC that has made it expensive and difficult to get a permit, but I haven't seen much of anything on a national level that is taking guns away from honest people. So what exactly are you talking about?
I noticed you didn't post the actual list of most dangerous states : from the FBI STATS you love.

10- Arkansas
South Carolina
New Mexico
1- Alaska .

All gun nut states , except for Maryland .

The Most Dangerous States in America
Do you know why those states are dangerous? It's because they have large cities that vote democrat. The majority of crime is in those democrat cities Just look at the crime rate in Tampa Bay, vs the rest of the state. The rest of the sate is cool to live in.
I noticed you didn't post the actual list of most dangerous states : from the FBI STATS you love.

10- Arkansas
South Carolina
New Mexico
1- Alaska .

All gun nut states , except for Maryland .

The Most Dangerous States in America
Do you know why those states are dangerous? It's because they have large cities that vote democrat. The majority of crime is in those democrat cities Just look at the crime rate in Tampa Bay, vs the rest of the state. The rest of the sate is cool to live in.

What's your point ? States control the gun laws . More guns = less crime is the premis of this thread .

If democrats were the problem then the worst list would be all democratic states now wouldn't it ?
Nope. First of all, we're not rats. Second, blacks are responsible for the vast majority of that crime. So if you wanted to be honest, blacks are the problem
You could also say that the poor are responsible for the vast majority of the crime. Shall we demonize the poor as well?
So what if the black thugs are poor. It's no excuse. There are many poor people, Most of them are white, but blacks are the poor people committing all the violent crime.
I'm not going to get into an ugly race conversation with you. I don't have the energy for it today. It is pointless and divisive and only pours fuel on the fire. Just ask yourself where you think it is going to lead if you only point your finger at an entire race to place blame... Are you expecting all the blacks to say, wow, your are right, we suck and we are responsible, we will just go back to Africa now... I honestly can't comprehend where your head is at when you spew this garbage.

The conversation's only getting ugly because the guy's right and you won't say 'uncle'. The only thing ugly is the political correctness that has taken over honest discourse.
What do I need to say Uncle to? And how is saying "Blacks are the problem" honest discourse?
Because they ARE the problem, you blithering idiot! Who is committing most of the violent crime and murders? It's not whites. It's not Hispanics. It's blacks. What part of that don't you understand?
I noticed you didn't post the actual list of most dangerous states : from the FBI STATS you love.

10- Arkansas
South Carolina
New Mexico
1- Alaska .

All gun nut states , except for Maryland .

The Most Dangerous States in America
Do you know why those states are dangerous? It's because they have large cities that vote democrat. The majority of crime is in those democrat cities Just look at the crime rate in Tampa Bay, vs the rest of the state. The rest of the sate is cool to live in.

What's your point ? States control the gun laws . More guns = less crime is the premis of this thread .

If democrats were the problem then the worst list would be all democratic states now wouldn't it ?
You are either a fool or deliberately disingenuous. I repeat. Those states have large cities where most of the crime happens. The rural areas are reletively crime free.
You could also say that the poor are responsible for the vast majority of the crime. Shall we demonize the poor as well?
So what if the black thugs are poor. It's no excuse. There are many poor people, Most of them are white, but blacks are the poor people committing all the violent crime.
I'm not going to get into an ugly race conversation with you. I don't have the energy for it today. It is pointless and divisive and only pours fuel on the fire. Just ask yourself where you think it is going to lead if you only point your finger at an entire race to place blame... Are you expecting all the blacks to say, wow, your are right, we suck and we are responsible, we will just go back to Africa now... I honestly can't comprehend where your head is at when you spew this garbage.

The conversation's only getting ugly because the guy's right and you won't say 'uncle'. The only thing ugly is the political correctness that has taken over honest discourse.
What do I need to say Uncle to? And how is saying "Blacks are the problem" honest discourse?
Because they ARE the problem, you blithering idiot! Who is committing most of the violent crime and murders? It's not whites. It's not Hispanics. It's blacks. What part of that don't you understand?
The part I don't understand is the blanket claim about an entire race of people, the vast majority of which are good hearted Americans. I can't think of a more ignorant and idiotic way to frame an argument, and I really don't understand your point. You call me a blithering idiot, well look in the mirror man, you are not making sense. The problem is with criminals, not black people. The problem is with poverty, lack of education and opportunity, violent gang culture etc etc. If a disproportionate amount of blacks are caught up in that group then so be it but that doesn't make it a Black problem. Whats wrong with you?
I noticed you didn't post the actual list of most dangerous states : from the FBI STATS you love.

10- Arkansas
South Carolina
New Mexico
1- Alaska .

All gun nut states , except for Maryland .

The Most Dangerous States in America
Do you know why those states are dangerous? It's because they have large cities that vote democrat. The majority of crime is in those democrat cities Just look at the crime rate in Tampa Bay, vs the rest of the state. The rest of the sate is cool to live in.

What's your point ? States control the gun laws . More guns = less crime is the premis of this thread .

If democrats were the problem then the worst list would be all democratic states now wouldn't it ?
You are either a fool or deliberately disingenuous. I repeat. Those states have large cities where most of the crime happens. The rural areas are reletively crime free.

Alaska is #1 ! What state has more rural areas than AK!?
Nope. First of all, we're not rats. Second, blacks are responsible for the vast majority of that crime. So if you wanted to be honest, blacks are the problem
You could also say that the poor are responsible for the vast majority of the crime. Shall we demonize the poor as well?
So what if the black thugs are poor. It's no excuse. There are many poor people, Most of them are white, but blacks are the poor people committing all the violent crime.
I'm not going to get into an ugly race conversation with you. I don't have the energy for it today. It is pointless and divisive and only pours fuel on the fire. Just ask yourself where you think it is going to lead if you only point your finger at an entire race to place blame... Are you expecting all the blacks to say, wow, your are right, we suck and we are responsible, we will just go back to Africa now... I honestly can't comprehend where your head is at when you spew this garbage.
I'm simply stating the facts. It's not racist. It's statistics. Blacks are responsible for most violent crime. More precisely, it's a small percentage of blacks. Can you deny this?
No I don't deny it. I also don't think it is a useful thing to focus on. The root cause is poverty and gang culture. Placing blame on the "blacks" is only going to fuel devision. Can you deny that?
And yet poor white people are only responsible for 5 percent of crime. Probably less.
I noticed you didn't post the actual list of most dangerous states : from the FBI STATS you love.

10- Arkansas
South Carolina
New Mexico
1- Alaska .

All gun nut states , except for Maryland .

The Most Dangerous States in America
Do you know why those states are dangerous? It's because they have large cities that vote democrat. The majority of crime is in those democrat cities Just look at the crime rate in Tampa Bay, vs the rest of the state. The rest of the sate is cool to live in.

What's your point ? States control the gun laws . More guns = less crime is the premis of this thread .

If democrats were the problem then the worst list would be all democratic states now wouldn't it ?
You are either a fool or deliberately disingenuous. I repeat. Those states have large cities where most of the crime happens. The rural areas are reletively crime free.

Alaska is #1 ! What state has more rural areas than AK!?
Alaska is dengerous because of the climate. Not because of guns.
Wyoming has more guns per capita than any other state. They have open carry, and you do not need a permit to carry concealed. Yet the crime rate is 40 percent less than the national average, with some cities well below that. Some of them are among the safest places to live in America. So, if guns are the problem, as you believe, why aren't people being gunned down in the streets?
Because the people in Wyoming are all six miles apart from each other, and NO ONE is that good a crack shot.
So what if the black thugs are poor. It's no excuse. There are many poor people, Most of them are white, but blacks are the poor people committing all the violent crime.
I'm not going to get into an ugly race conversation with you. I don't have the energy for it today. It is pointless and divisive and only pours fuel on the fire. Just ask yourself where you think it is going to lead if you only point your finger at an entire race to place blame... Are you expecting all the blacks to say, wow, your are right, we suck and we are responsible, we will just go back to Africa now... I honestly can't comprehend where your head is at when you spew this garbage.

The conversation's only getting ugly because the guy's right and you won't say 'uncle'. The only thing ugly is the political correctness that has taken over honest discourse.
What do I need to say Uncle to? And how is saying "Blacks are the problem" honest discourse?
Because they ARE the problem, you blithering idiot! Who is committing most of the violent crime and murders? It's not whites. It's not Hispanics. It's blacks. What part of that don't you understand?
The part I don't understand is the blanket claim about an entire race of people, the vast majority of which are good hearted Americans. I can't think of a more ignorant and idiotic way to frame an argument, and I really don't understand your point. You call me a blithering idiot, well look in the mirror man, you are not making sense. The problem is with criminals, not black people. The problem is with poverty, lack of education and opportunity, violent gang culture etc etc. If a disproportionate amount of blacks are caught up in that group then so be it but that doesn't make it a Black problem. Whats wrong with you?

The analysis
It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.

Blacks were disproportionately likely to commit homicide and to be the victims. In 2008 the offending rate for blacks was seven times higher than for whites and the victimisation rate was six times higher.

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
Wyoming has more guns per capita than any other state. They have open carry, and you do not need a permit to carry concealed. Yet the crime rate is 40 percent less than the national average, with some cities well below that. Some of them are among the safest places to live in America. So, if guns are the problem, as you believe, why aren't people being gunned down in the streets?

Guns can only shoot around a mile
Not much to hit in Wyoming

Silly far left drone..

I bet you could put a gun out loaded, on your porch, laying on a table and it will not shoot anyone all day long!
Wyoming has more guns per capita than any other state. They have open carry, and you do not need a permit to carry concealed. Yet the crime rate is 40 percent less than the national average, with some cities well below that. Some of them are among the safest places to live in America. So, if guns are the problem, as you believe, why aren't people being gunned down in the streets?
Because the people in Wyoming are all six miles apart from each other, and NO ONE is that good a crack shot.
So, we have another liberal agreeing that it's not the guns fault. Thanks for playing.
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