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This Person Has A Brain!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I loved this entry in his journal. CmdrMcNeil is awesome!

OH The Humanity - CmdrMcNeil s Blog - GameSpot Blog - GameSpot

So Louisiana has gotten in on the "Games Are Evil" bandwagon that politicians of both parties are so eager to hop onto. As you can read in the Gamespot News article here: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/esa-ema-file-suit-against-louisiana/1100-6152869/ The reason this caught my attention was, besides this being more of the same inane drivel that we've come to expect from the anti-gaming community is who signed the bill into law. Kathleen Blanco, the same moron who refused federal aid while New Orleans was seeing Noah's Flood the sequel. But why, you ask, are all these politicians doing this now. Simple, it's an election year. The problem is most politicians don't know what side of an issue to be on, they can't figure out immigration, and they don't know if they should say they were for the war in Iraq and alienate the kook left, or say they were against it and alienate the bible thumping majority. I'm a Republican admittedly but I can't support anyone in this shooting gallery. I'm sick and tired of this stuff happening, and all it does is give Jack The Man With A Tree Trunk Up His A** Thompson air time. The man has been booted from so many court rooms for legal misconduct and yet he continues to come back.

The more I see this the more insane the opposition becomes. That and it really bothers me that Hillary Clinton needed to waste our tax money on yet ANOTHER study on the effects of video game violence. What effects? How many innumerable studies have there been concerning this subject. The majority have come back saying that games are no more effectual than books. If I decided to kill my girlfriend (even though I don't have one ~_~) and then myself and leave a note blaming Shakespeare should we then get the CDC to launch a study on the effects of Shakespeare. The CDC study itself will be ignored if it contradicts what Clinton, Durbin, and a few other politicians think about games and just will continue to make an issue out of this.

It continues to bother me that our hobby is being turned into political issues from politicians who are only fed slogans and catchphrases like ā€œProtect Our Childrenā€ by aides and strategists. By people who know no more about gaming than they do about fornicating. (Thank You Patton). The media in general is also guilty of this. Every so often I continue to see junk like ā€œGTA Is Evilā€ and so on and so forth on the evening news. Not just on the local hacks but on cable networks as well. This extends into other tech related topics that the press and public in general know too little about, such as MySpace.com a popular whipping boy for the local DC area news teams.

Thankfully most laws such as the one recently penned do get overturned. The same fate will probably be met by this one as well despite Thompsonā€™s smugness. Donā€™t misunderstand Iā€™m not for twelve year olds playing GTA: San Andreas, but itā€™s not the governments place to dictate to me what a parent buys from a store for their child. Itā€™s this general idea of forcing parenting onto a government that canā€™t even balance its checkbook. Iā€™m not one for anarchy but I canā€™t wait till this generation of politicians goes the way of the Dodo so we as gamers donā€™t have to put up with this crap and the stigma that seems to have been associated with gaming. Only when a new generation that has grown up with and understands gaming is in office will this finally stop. That day canā€™t come soon enough.

So what do you think? Are games evil?
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