This photo captures the difference between socialists and freedom loving capitalists...

You can call them anything you want. History paints them as humanists..People who believed that God was not involved in human affairs or non existent....In other words, they believed in their own philosophy above that of religion......and they have killed more humans in the past century than all religions combined in all of human history.

The numbers don't lie....
History doesn't paint them as humanists, you paint them as humanists.
"Hitler wrote: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country. This text presents selected quotes from the infamous anti-Semite himself."
I won't blame christianity though.
He also wrote Mien Kampf......

Consider that.

However, it was clear by many of his writing and speeches he had no need for religion and thought the state (HIM) was all powerful.....Its a matter of historical record...

He was a humanist at agnositic at best....completely crazy and anti-religious.....

Oh, and responsible for 55 million deaths.
Historians can barely decide if he was a christian or an atheist at the end of his life, I won't listen to your pathetic partisan bullshit.

Ah...and so we show you where your democrat controlled education lied to you...and now you lash out......
Partisan stupidity at it's finest. Democrats do not control all education, how do you even measure that?
History doesn't paint them as humanists, you paint them as humanists.
"Hitler wrote: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country. This text presents selected quotes from the infamous anti-Semite himself."
I won't blame christianity though.
He also wrote Mien Kampf......

Consider that.

However, it was clear by many of his writing and speeches he had no need for religion and thought the state (HIM) was all powerful.....Its a matter of historical record...

He was a humanist at agnositic at best....completely crazy and anti-religious.....

Oh, and responsible for 55 million deaths.
Historians can barely decide if he was a christian or an atheist at the end of his life, I won't listen to your pathetic partisan bullshit.

Ah...and so we show you where your democrat controlled education lied to you...and now you lash out......
Partisan stupidity at it's finest. Democrats do not control all education, how do you even measure that?
Unfettered capitalism is as destructive as unfettered socialism. Both need regulated. An optimum combination of both is best.
There is no such thing a unfettered capitalism. Capitalism by nature has restraints.

Yes, it checks itself. If businesses, consumers or employees misbehave, they lose out
Now days with the regulations, they will, but not so much before the era of regulations...

Liberals like to use the word "regulation" without actually committing to what you are referring to.
Be ignorant if you so desire then...

Ignorant of what? Your evasiveness?
You can call them anything you want. History paints them as humanists..People who believed that God was not involved in human affairs or non existent....In other words, they believed in their own philosophy above that of religion......and they have killed more humans in the past century than all religions combined in all of human history.

The numbers don't lie....
History doesn't paint them as humanists, you paint them as humanists.
"Hitler wrote: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country. This text presents selected quotes from the infamous anti-Semite himself."
I won't blame christianity though.
He also wrote Mien Kampf......

Consider that.

However, it was clear by many of his writing and speeches he had no need for religion and thought the state (HIM) was all powerful.....Its a matter of historical record...

He was a humanist at agnositic at best....completely crazy and anti-religious.....

Oh, and responsible for 55 million deaths.
Historians can barely decide if he was a christian or an atheist at the end of his life, I won't listen to your pathetic partisan bullshit.

Ah...and so we show you where your democrat controlled education lied to you...and now you lash out......
Partisan stupidity at it's finest. Democrats do not control all education, how do you even measure that?

By the number of teachers in unions......
There is no such thing a unfettered capitalism. Capitalism by nature has restraints.

Yes, it checks itself. If businesses, consumers or employees misbehave, they lose out
Now days with the regulations, they will, but not so much before the era of regulations...

Liberals like to use the word "regulation" without actually committing to what you are referring to.
Be ignorant if you so desire then...

Ignorant of what? Your evasiveness?
Do you still need directions when using toilet paper?
There's a big effin difference between social democracy and pure socialism. The ancient Greeks used to tax people to build their infrastructure and to fund the army...

You loserterians have a lot to learn.

So do we.....and they had just as much corruption as we do......the fleet that beat the Persians was government corruption that came in handy.....
History doesn't paint them as humanists, you paint them as humanists.
"Hitler wrote: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country. This text presents selected quotes from the infamous anti-Semite himself."
I won't blame christianity though.
He also wrote Mien Kampf......

Consider that.

However, it was clear by many of his writing and speeches he had no need for religion and thought the state (HIM) was all powerful.....Its a matter of historical record...

He was a humanist at agnositic at best....completely crazy and anti-religious.....

Oh, and responsible for 55 million deaths.
Historians can barely decide if he was a christian or an atheist at the end of his life, I won't listen to your pathetic partisan bullshit.

Ah...and so we show you where your democrat controlled education lied to you...and now you lash out......
Partisan stupidity at it's finest. Democrats do not control all education, how do you even measure that?

By the number of teachers in unions......
Yet not all public schools are unionized.....imagine that...
Not even close...that is how socialism starts.....the government and business get together until the government starts dictating to everyone...that is socialism...not the free exchange of goods and services which is what capitalism is....

Capitalism is NOT the free exchange of goods and services. Capitalism is predatory by nature. I agree that a well regulated capitalism is the best system we can have but left to it's own devices with no regulation capitalism consumes as much as it can at as little cost as it can arrange. It certainly is not some Utopian arrangement where all have free and fair access to get a piece of the pie.

I think you're a little late, Marx already covered that, Comrade.

Capitalism keeps itself in check. Companies that misbehave are punished by consumers and employees in free markets. Only government can warp markets because only government can use force to compel people to do things that are not in their interest because only government can use force

Nonsense. Walmart has done enormous harm to countless small communities by it's predatory practices. Mitt Romney destroyed the lives of thousands of hard working Americans by taking advantage of companies that were going through difficult times. Staples is one of the few examples of Romney actually saving a company but he did it off the backs of the employees reducing pay and benefits. Romney's business practices are only in place to benefit Romney at a very high cost to the companies that have the bad judgement to get involved with him. Even in a society that attempts to protect workers and companies from unfair practices vampires like Mitt Romney will fix the system and find ways to take unfair advantage.

You know zero about business or the economy, I'd stick to your sewing club

You know zero on how to conduct yourself in a rational reasonable discussion. Your position must feel weak for you to resort to name calling and insult.

I have owned several companies some successful, some not. A startup can be difficult for many reasons some foreseen and some not. You don't know how much I have risked. Stop being glib and juvenile. It exposes your lack of real knowledge on this subject.

OMG, you've "owned several companies" and you don't grasp that ... lower prices ... are good for an ecomony????

You are a L-I-A-R. I am what you claim to be plus. You have zero knowledge of the subject you speak. A kid with a lemonade stand knows more about business than you do.

That's classic. Walmart comes in and slashes prices for an entire community costing them nothing, they are reselling hats. And you think that harms the community. Shaking head, laughing at you
Yes, it checks itself. If businesses, consumers or employees misbehave, they lose out
Now days with the regulations, they will, but not so much before the era of regulations...

Liberals like to use the word "regulation" without actually committing to what you are referring to.
Be ignorant if you so desire then...

Ignorant of what? Your evasiveness?
Do you still need directions when using toilet paper?

He isn't a lefty so you need help...I could send you a youtube link?
He also wrote Mien Kampf......

Consider that.

However, it was clear by many of his writing and speeches he had no need for religion and thought the state (HIM) was all powerful.....Its a matter of historical record...

He was a humanist at agnositic at best....completely crazy and anti-religious.....

Oh, and responsible for 55 million deaths.
Historians can barely decide if he was a christian or an atheist at the end of his life, I won't listen to your pathetic partisan bullshit.

Ah...and so we show you where your democrat controlled education lied to you...and now you lash out......
Partisan stupidity at it's finest. Democrats do not control all education, how do you even measure that?

By the number of teachers in unions......
Yet not all public schools are unionized.....imagine that...

Almost all are.....
History doesn't paint them as humanists, you paint them as humanists.
"Hitler wrote: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country. This text presents selected quotes from the infamous anti-Semite himself."
I won't blame christianity though.
He also wrote Mien Kampf......

Consider that.

However, it was clear by many of his writing and speeches he had no need for religion and thought the state (HIM) was all powerful.....Its a matter of historical record...

He was a humanist at agnositic at best....completely crazy and anti-religious.....

Oh, and responsible for 55 million deaths.
Historians can barely decide if he was a christian or an atheist at the end of his life, I won't listen to your pathetic partisan bullshit.

Ah...and so we show you where your democrat controlled education lied to you...and now you lash out......
Partisan stupidity at it's finest. Democrats do not control all education, how do you even measure that?

By the number of teachers in unions......
What do unions have to do with democrats controlling what is thought in school? LOL. You're insane.
Yes, it checks itself. If businesses, consumers or employees misbehave, they lose out
Now days with the regulations, they will, but not so much before the era of regulations...

Liberals like to use the word "regulation" without actually committing to what you are referring to.
Be ignorant if you so desire then...

Ignorant of what? Your evasiveness?
Do you still need directions when using toilet paper?

Here you go moonglow.....I would use a tablet so you can actually do this during the.....event.....

He also wrote Mien Kampf......

Consider that.

However, it was clear by many of his writing and speeches he had no need for religion and thought the state (HIM) was all powerful.....Its a matter of historical record...

He was a humanist at agnositic at best....completely crazy and anti-religious.....

Oh, and responsible for 55 million deaths.
Historians can barely decide if he was a christian or an atheist at the end of his life, I won't listen to your pathetic partisan bullshit.

Ah...and so we show you where your democrat controlled education lied to you...and now you lash out......
Partisan stupidity at it's finest. Democrats do not control all education, how do you even measure that?

By the number of teachers in unions......
What do unions have to do with democrats controlling what is thought in school? LOL. You're insane.

They protect bad teachers, they support left wing politicians who push left wing crap onto public schools.....
Historians can barely decide if he was a christian or an atheist at the end of his life, I won't listen to your pathetic partisan bullshit.

Ah...and so we show you where your democrat controlled education lied to you...and now you lash out......
Partisan stupidity at it's finest. Democrats do not control all education, how do you even measure that?

By the number of teachers in unions......
What do unions have to do with democrats controlling what is thought in school? LOL. You're insane.

They protect bad teachers, they support left wing politicians who push left wing crap onto public schools.....
Yes, better that they have a good, wholesome right wing education...
Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.

Yes, you read that right. The party opposes the teaching of “higher order thinking skills” because it believes the purpose is to challenge a student’s “fixed beliefs” and undermine “parental authority.”

It opposes, among other things, early childhood education, sex education, and multicultural education, but supports “school subjects with emphasis on the Judeo-Christian principles upon which America was founded.”
Texas GOP rejects critical thinking skills. Really. - The Washington Post
Ah...and so we show you where your democrat controlled education lied to you...and now you lash out......
Partisan stupidity at it's finest. Democrats do not control all education, how do you even measure that?

By the number of teachers in unions......
What do unions have to do with democrats controlling what is thought in school? LOL. You're insane.

They protect bad teachers, they support left wing politicians who push left wing crap onto public schools.....
Yes, better that they have a good, wholesome right wing education...
Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.

Yes, you read that right. The party opposes the teaching of “higher order thinking skills” because it believes the purpose is to challenge a student’s “fixed beliefs” and undermine “parental authority.”

It opposes, among other things, early childhood education, sex education, and multicultural education, but supports “school subjects with emphasis on the Judeo-Christian principles upon which America was founded.”
Texas GOP rejects critical thinking skills. Really. - The Washington Post

Wow...the Post...really? They are fair.....:haha:
Partisan stupidity at it's finest. Democrats do not control all education, how do you even measure that?

By the number of teachers in unions......
What do unions have to do with democrats controlling what is thought in school? LOL. You're insane.

They protect bad teachers, they support left wing politicians who push left wing crap onto public schools.....
Yes, better that they have a good, wholesome right wing education...
Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.

Yes, you read that right. The party opposes the teaching of “higher order thinking skills” because it believes the purpose is to challenge a student’s “fixed beliefs” and undermine “parental authority.”

It opposes, among other things, early childhood education, sex education, and multicultural education, but supports “school subjects with emphasis on the Judeo-Christian principles upon which America was founded.”
Texas GOP rejects critical thinking skills. Really. - The Washington Post

Wow...the Post...really? They are fair.....:haha:
Are you denying the facts of the report?
I bet you didn't even look at it.

The boxes the ones on the right are standing on were looted from the guy on the left.

“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Thomas Sowell, Barbarians inside the Gates and Other Controversial Essays
Because a modern society helps those who need helping

That's just leftwing conceit. First, the delude themselves by believing they're helping anyone. Second, they delude themselves by believing that is the true intention.

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