This "rigged election" stuff is a real shame.

Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
I am sure Greene would gladly relinquish her seat if the election in GA. is flipped.

Wny would she?

Trump still loses if Georgia is flipped
If there is a forensic audit in GA. the fact Trump was cheated will become very clear. Arizona will prove that shortly.

By forensic you mean an audit from someone who has never done it before and is led by a Conspiracy Theorist?
There will be proof. The illegal ballots themselves are proof. Physical concrete proof. It will be indisputable. That is too bad for you, but great for this country.

No there will not be proof

If your audit continues to show Trump losing, you will not believe it anyway
How are the ballots themselves not proof? If they are counterfeit, filled out by a machine, or sent to adjudication because of a misalignment they are illegal. Again the ballot will be the physical proof. You just can't change that with your lying bullshit.
Now you are going all Goofy on me...
You demonstrate you have no concept of how vote tabulation works.

A mail in vote comes in with a bar code. That code is scanned and the ballot is linked to a specific voter and his signature.

Counterfeit votes are not linked to a registered voter
Votes filled out by machine are not linked to a registered voter
The number of ballots are linked to the number of bar codes scanned.
And? They can still find illegal ballots. Keep sweating.

I'm not sweating until they find enough "illegal" votes to actually change the results of the election. Or even ten percent of that amount. Or if they find ANY evidence that there was as deliberate coordinated effort to "steal" the election. That shit is purely made up by a delusional egomaniac who simply can't accept that fact that he lost.
Arizona Citizens Investigation Discovers Thousands of Phantom Voters in State – Up to 30% of Addresses in Investigation Were Fraudulent

Liz Harris then rounded up several hundred patriot volunteers who knocked on these doors looking to find what Piton calls “phantom sleeper” and suspicious Undefined or “U” voters.
They are not eligible to vote for a variety of reasons.
He estimated there are 160,000 to 400,000 of these illegal voters in Arizona.
The team were able to visit 1,000 of the addresses in person and were often harassed or threatened by the residents.
They found 539 voters DID NOT LIVE at these addresses. Additional results are below.
Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
I am sure Greene would gladly relinquish her seat if the election in GA. is flipped.

Wny would she?

Trump still loses if Georgia is flipped
If there is a forensic audit in GA. the fact Trump was cheated will become very clear. Arizona will prove that shortly.

By forensic you mean an audit from someone who has never done it before and is led by a Conspiracy Theorist?
There will be proof. The illegal ballots themselves are proof. Physical concrete proof. It will be indisputable. That is too bad for you, but great for this country.

No there will not be proof

If your audit continues to show Trump losing, you will not believe it anyway
How are the ballots themselves not proof? If they are counterfeit, filled out by a machine, or sent to adjudication because of a misalignment they are illegal. Again the ballot will be the physical proof. You just can't change that with your lying bullshit.
Now you are going all Goofy on me...
You demonstrate you have no concept of how vote tabulation works.

A mail in vote comes in with a bar code. That code is scanned and the ballot is linked to a specific voter and his signature.

Counterfeit votes are not linked to a registered voter
Votes filled out by machine are not linked to a registered voter
The number of ballots are linked to the number of bar codes scanned.
And? They can still find illegal ballots. Keep sweating.

I'm not sweating until they find enough "illegal" votes to actually change the results of the election. Or even ten percent of that amount. Or if they find ANY evidence that there was as deliberate coordinated effort to "steal" the election. That shit is purely made up by a delusional egomaniac who simply can't accept that fact that he lost.
Arizona Citizens Investigation Discovers Thousands of Phantom Voters in State – Up to 30% of Addresses in Investigation Were Fraudulent

Liz Harris then rounded up several hundred patriot volunteers who knocked on these doors looking to find what Piton calls “phantom sleeper” and suspicious Undefined or “U” voters.
They are not eligible to vote for a variety of reasons.
He estimated there are 160,000 to 400,000 of these illegal voters in Arizona.
The team were able to visit 1,000 of the addresses in person and were often harassed or threatened by the residents.
They found 539 voters DID NOT LIVE at these addresses. Additional results are below.
Great. When can we expect some arrests?
Sure it does. But using it as an excuse for one's failings is ugly. Whining about it incessantly is annoying. Using it as an excuse to undermine the whole system for short term political gain is traitorous.
what was undermined? Our law states a candidate in an election may challenge the results of an election. I don't see anything other than that taking place. still unclear your point here.

Trump is a five year old. He didn't win, so now he flips the table and throws a fit. But in the process, he convinces many gullible people that a vast left-wing conspiracy cheated him of his victory. Convinces them that the sitting government isn't legitimate. That kind of thing destroys nations.
he's entitled to challenge results. you know that right? So big Al was a baby in 2000?
Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
have your candidate challenge the results. that's their right. you know that correct?

I feel sorry for you demofks. you left your brains somewhere you don't know. I feel your pain.
Democrats are in charge. It should be a brave new world of liberalism but lefties still play the victim card whining about legitimate questions about the election. It beats trying to defend the bumbling idiot in thw White House I guess.

Legitimate questions?

We've had recounts. They returned the same results.
no, no we didn't. recounting fraudulent ballots will produce the same false numbers. you're really suffering to understand that, wow.
Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
have your candidate challenge the results. that's their right. you know that correct?

I feel sorry for you demofks. you left your brains somewhere you don't know. I feel your pain.

The election was not rigged...challenging just to challenge is something republican losers do when they want to make their demented single-digit-IQ followers believe they are serious. It worked on you.
Democrats are in charge. It should be a brave new world of liberalism but lefties still play the victim card whining about legitimate questions about the election. It beats trying to defend the bumbling idiot in thw White House I guess.

Legitimate questions?

We've had recounts. They returned the same results.
no, no we didn't. recounting fraudulent ballots will produce the same false numbers. you're really suffering to understand that, wow.

The re-counts verified that your blob got his ass kicked.
Even before Trump came on the scene, folks did not trust the institutions of power any longer.

Trump was a symptom, not a cause. If you deny this?

Not at all. It's a point I've often made myself. But we need intelligent, moral leaders, not symptoms.
so putting a 47 year symptom in office is rather stupid. you have no right to touch any moral ground here.
Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
have your candidate challenge the results. that's their right. you know that correct?

I feel sorry for you demofks. you left your brains somewhere you don't know. I feel your pain.

The election was not rigged...challenging just to challenge is something republican losers do when they want to make their demented single-digit-IQ followers believe they are serious. It worked on you.
Al Gore 2000. Al Franken around the same time, fk off now.
Democrats are in charge. It should be a brave new world of liberalism but lefties still play the victim card whining about legitimate questions about the election. It beats trying to defend the bumbling idiot in thw White House I guess.

Legitimate questions?

We've had recounts. They returned the same results.
no, no we didn't. recounting fraudulent ballots will produce the same false numbers. you're really suffering to understand that, wow.

The re-counts verified that your blob got his ass kicked.
well we're going to remove the fraudulent ballots and we'll see.
So, you won't answer the question whether you are a Jew, but you come on here trying to get us to swallow Jewish lies.
Shut up you twat
Blow me, Shlomo
Another frustrated old white failure, hiding on the internet.
The parasite truly doth hate the host.
haha, a pseudo-intellectual white supremist. Don't see THAT here every day. Wait, yes we do.
Oh, wow, you can name-call. Yawn.
It includes most of us. Fuck Trump and his idiot followers.

Herr Black, in 4 year of Trump I never once saw the Gestapo dispatched to kick in the doors of political enemies of the Republicans.

I mean, feel free to post evidence to the contrary..

It sure didn't take your Reich long to use the Gestapo against political enemies though.

Rudy Giuliani: FBI raid on NY apartment, offices 'unjustified'; denies wrongdoing (

It's just the way you Nazis roll.....

How are things on the crazy train?
Even before Trump came on the scene, folks did not trust the institutions of power any longer.

Trump was a symptom, not a cause. If you deny this?

Not at all. It's a point I've often made myself. But we need intelligent, moral leaders, not symptoms.
so putting a 47 year symptom in office is rather stupid. you have no right to touch any moral ground here.
I have every right. I didn't vote for Biden. If you voted for Trump, you put that shitstain in office.
Even before Trump came on the scene, folks did not trust the institutions of power any longer.

Trump was a symptom, not a cause. If you deny this?

Not at all. It's a point I've often made myself. But we need intelligent, moral leaders, not symptoms.
so putting a 47 year symptom in office is rather stupid. you have no right to touch any moral ground here.
I have every right. I didn't vote for Biden. If you voted for Trump, you put that shitstain in office.
I'd vote for trump every time he ran. He don't take no demofk shit. and that my friend is glorious. fk all demofks. they hate my country.

but please don't tell me a 47 year politician is in favor of my country, when the man hasn't done one fking thing in that time, fk that.
Even before Trump came on the scene, folks did not trust the institutions of power any longer.

Trump was a symptom, not a cause. If you deny this?

Not at all. It's a point I've often made myself. But we need intelligent, moral leaders, not symptoms.
so putting a 47 year symptom in office is rather stupid. you have no right to touch any moral ground here.
I have every right. I didn't vote for Biden. If you voted for Trump, you put that shitstain in office.
I'd vote for trump every time he ran. He don't take no demofk shit. and that my friend is glorious. fk all demofks. they hate my country.

but please don't tell me a 47 year politician is in favor of my country, when the man hasn't done one fking thing in that time, fk that.

I'm not telling you that. I'm telling you that the dumb motherfuckers who are mired in the "lesser-of-two-evils" partisan death march aren't "part" of the problem. They ARE the problem.
Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
I am sure Greene would gladly relinquish her seat if the election in GA. is flipped.

Wny would she?

Trump still loses if Georgia is flipped
If there is a forensic audit in GA. the fact Trump was cheated will become very clear. Arizona will prove that shortly.

By forensic you mean an audit from someone who has never done it before and is led by a Conspiracy Theorist?
There will be proof. The illegal ballots themselves are proof. Physical concrete proof. It will be indisputable. That is too bad for you, but great for this country.

No there will not be proof

If your audit continues to show Trump losing, you will not believe it anyway
How are the ballots themselves not proof? If they are counterfeit, filled out by a machine, or sent to adjudication because of a misalignment they are illegal. Again the ballot will be the physical proof. You just can't change that with your lying bullshit.
Now you are going all Goofy on me...
You demonstrate you have no concept of how vote tabulation works.

A mail in vote comes in with a bar code. That code is scanned and the ballot is linked to a specific voter and his signature.

Counterfeit votes are not linked to a registered voter
Votes filled out by machine are not linked to a registered voter
The number of ballots are linked to the number of bar codes scanned.
And? They can still find illegal ballots. Keep sweating.

I'm not sweating until they find enough "illegal" votes to actually change the results of the election. Or even ten percent of that amount. Or if they find ANY evidence that there was as deliberate coordinated effort to "steal" the election. That shit is purely made up by a delusional egomaniac who simply can't accept that fact that he lost.
Arizona Citizens Investigation Discovers Thousands of Phantom Voters in State – Up to 30% of Addresses in Investigation Were Fraudulent

Liz Harris then rounded up several hundred patriot volunteers who knocked on these doors looking to find what Piton calls “phantom sleeper” and suspicious Undefined or “U” voters.
They are not eligible to vote for a variety of reasons.
He estimated there are 160,000 to 400,000 of these illegal voters in Arizona.
The team were able to visit 1,000 of the addresses in person and were often harassed or threatened by the residents.
They found 539 voters DID NOT LIVE at these addresses. Additional results are below.

The Gateway Pundit is an "Questionable Source" and nothing they publish in regard to the 2020 election has been proven to be anything but completely false.
Even before Trump came on the scene, folks did not trust the institutions of power any longer.

Trump was a symptom, not a cause. If you deny this?

Not at all. It's a point I've often made myself. But we need intelligent, moral leaders, not symptoms.
so putting a 47 year symptom in office is rather stupid. you have no right to touch any moral ground here.
I have every right. I didn't vote for Biden. If you voted for Trump, you put that shitstain in office.
I'd vote for trump every time he ran. He don't take no demofk shit. and that my friend is glorious. fk all demofks. they hate my country.

but please don't tell me a 47 year politician is in favor of my country, when the man hasn't done one fking thing in that time, fk that.

I'm not telling you that. I'm telling you that the dumb motherfuckers who are mired in the "lesser-of-two-evils" partisan death march aren't "part" of the problem. They ARE the problem.
well that ain't me. I wanted trump, I wanted trump for who he is an asshole. I wanted him to tell the politicians that they aren't, still aren't, doing the people's work. I wanted to hear him say you're fired, they're only doing their work. fk that. And as such we have that 47 year guy who is all that back in there. how fking stupid and sad. wow.
Even before Trump came on the scene, folks did not trust the institutions of power any longer.

Trump was a symptom, not a cause. If you deny this?

Not at all. It's a point I've often made myself. But we need intelligent, moral leaders, not symptoms.
so putting a 47 year symptom in office is rather stupid. you have no right to touch any moral ground here.
I have every right. I didn't vote for Biden. If you voted for Trump, you put that shitstain in office.
I'd vote for trump every time he ran. He don't take no demofk shit. and that my friend is glorious. fk all demofks. they hate my country.

but please don't tell me a 47 year politician is in favor of my country, when the man hasn't done one fking thing in that time, fk that.

I'm not telling you that. I'm telling you that the dumb motherfuckers who are mired in the "lesser-of-two-evils" partisan death march aren't "part" of the problem. They ARE the problem.
well that ain't me. I wanted trump, I wanted trump for who he is an asshole. I wanted him to tell the politicians that they aren't, still aren't, doing the people's work. I wanted to hear him say you're fired, they're only doing their work. fk that. And as such we have that 47 year guy who is all that back in there. how fking stupid and sad. wow.

You voted for a symptom.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

Fuck you're dumb, and so dishonest. Let's review.

Trump elected, PROGS cry and spend the next four years LYING about Trump, denying his accomplishments and sucking off Democrat scum.

Biden is appointed and what do guys like Mac do? Ah shucks, can't we just work together?

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