This "rigged election" stuff is a real shame.

What? Are you kidding?

Republicans have serious issues like:

A stolen election
Obamas Birth Certificate
Hillary running a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
Millions of illegal Mexicans voting in our elections
Jewish death rays from space
Oh B.S. Go troll somewhere else.
Are you denying those are Republican issues?


As usual, when Conservatives don’t like the facts, they just create their own

What fact did I create ?

Even when there was stuff on birth certificates, I never read it.

It was never discussed anywhere but on this board (as far as circles I am involved in).

Those are my facts.
Birth Certificates were very big with Republicans in 2012 when Obama was running for a second term. Republican State Legislatures passed laws requiring candidates to show a birth certificate.
They lost interest four years later when Canadian Ted Cruz was running.

Never paid any attention to it.

Trump was pushing this in 2012.

It was stupid then.

It is stupid now.
Who cares what you believe?

I made the statement that Republicans created an issue over Birth Certificates.....they did

It was never a central issue.

Quit lying.
Even before Trump came on the scene, folks did not trust the institutions of power any longer.

Trump was a symptom, not a cause. If you deny this?

Not at all. It's a point I've often made myself. But we need intelligent, moral leaders, not symptoms.
Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
I am sure Greene would gladly relinquish her seat if the election in GA. is flipped.

Wny would she?

Trump still loses if Georgia is flipped
If there is a forensic audit in GA. the fact Trump was cheated will become very clear. Arizona will prove that shortly.

By forensic you mean an audit from someone who has never done it before and is led by a Conspiracy Theorist?
There will be proof. The illegal ballots themselves are proof. Physical concrete proof. It will be indisputable. That is too bad for you, but great for this country.

No there will not be proof

If your audit continues to show Trump losing, you will not believe it anyway
How are the ballots themselves not proof? If they are counterfeit, filled out by a machine, or sent to adjudication because of a misalignment they are illegal. Again the ballot will be the physical proof. You just can't change that with your lying bullshit.
Now you are going all Goofy on me...
You demonstrate you have no concept of how vote tabulation works.

A mail in vote comes in with a bar code. That code is scanned and the ballot is linked to a specific voter and his signature.

Counterfeit votes are not linked to a registered voter
Votes filled out by machine are not linked to a registered voter
The number of ballots are linked to the number of bar codes scanned.
And? They can still find illegal ballots. Keep sweating.

Explain how an “illegal ballot” gets tabulated.

This should be good
It gets tabulated with the legal ones but if there are no folds in a mail in ballot it is illegal. If Republican votes are seperated and misaligned they are fraudulent. Let Arizona explain it to you. The proof is coming.
The legal ballots are matched to a registered voter and the number of registered voters who cast ballots are recorded

There was no mismatch between the number of ballots and voters who cast ballots.

So where do your fake ballots show up?
Watch and learn. I have tried to explain what a full scan of the ballot can uncover. If you cannot comprehend that, it is on you.
What? Are you kidding?

Republicans have serious issues like:

A stolen election
Obamas Birth Certificate
Hillary running a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
Millions of illegal Mexicans voting in our elections
Jewish death rays from space
Oh B.S. Go troll somewhere else.
Are you denying those are Republican issues?


As usual, when Conservatives don’t like the facts, they just create their own

What fact did I create ?

Even when there was stuff on birth certificates, I never read it.

It was never discussed anywhere but on this board (as far as circles I am involved in).

Those are my facts.
Birth Certificates were very big with Republicans in 2012 when Obama was running for a second term. Republican State Legislatures passed laws requiring candidates to show a birth certificate.
They lost interest four years later when Canadian Ted Cruz was running.

Never paid any attention to it.

Trump was pushing this in 2012.

It was stupid then.

It is stupid now.
Who cares what you believe?

I made the statement that Republicans created an issue over Birth Certificates.....they did

It was never a central issue.

Quit lying.

Birtherism was a central issue to Trump
Also to Republican State Legislatures who rushed to invoke a Birth Certificate as a requirement to be on the ballot in 2012

It was no longer a central issue for Republicans in 2016 when Obama was not running and Canadian born Ted Cruz was
Mail-in balloting isn't "new". It's been done since the Civil War. Donald Trump votes by mail-in ballot.

Yet there was absolutely no major election fraud found in any of the 50 states, or the 100 major cities. Not one Democrats has come forward to confess their crimes, or to provide evidence of this massive corruption of the election process.

William Barr sent out a memo to the Justice Department and Donald Trump signed an Executive Order giving the Justice Department broad powers to go after election fraud in the cities, and the Federal Prosecutors in every state was under orders to investigate every report of fraud in the election.

There were a handful of cases of the "dead" voting. Trump claimed 5000 "dead" people voting. The evidence was that 2 dead people voted - both votes were caught not counted, and both of these "dead" votes were for Trump.

I'll bet you think Obama was born in Kenya, and Hillary Clinton is a criminal, too.

You Nazis are such shameless liars.

Unrequested mail in ballots were a first this election.

Prior to the Great Fraud, one had to mail in a request for a mail in ballot.

You know this, but shamelessly lie because power to your Reich is the only thing you care about.

Colorado has had unrequested mail-in ballots for decades, with no major fraud or problems, as has Florida.


Republicans have been promoting mail-in ballots to encourage their elderly voters to vote conveniently. In fact, Republicans have been getting elected for decades just on the strength of the mail-in ballot.

Now that Democrats have caught on to mail in ballotting, and Red State Republicans have continued to close polling stations in poor and minority neighbourhoods, Democrats are now voting by mail, so of course Republicans want to end it.

Republicans are trying to make it more and more difficult for the elderly and the poor Democrats to vote. They've closed over 1000 polling stations closed in the past 10 years, even as the populations have increased. They've gerrymandered House seats to that the Party chooses the voters, not the other way around.

Republicans can no longer win elections just on the angry white vote. Now they are trying to prevent "urban" voters from casting ballots, or undercounting those ballots.

Which of these signatures are valid?
One is from the voter's mail in ballot and the other is the voter's registration form.
Which is the ballot and which is the form.
Which is the voter's REAL signature?
Remember the election worker had according to this article:
Election workers eyeball voter signatures on ballots one by one, comparing the loop of an “L” or the squiggle of an “S” against other samples of that person’s writing.
When performed by professionals in criminal cases or legal proceedings, signature verification can take hours. But election employees in many states must do the job in as little as five seconds.

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Whether it is true or not, our officials should never give ANYONE a reason to think the (an) election is rigged.

Exactly what Republicans have been doing for the last six months.
Disrupting the Democratic process and trying to overturn the will of the violence if necessary
Glass houses. Edit: You are ABSOLUTELY welcome to ask for a link.

Which "Questionable Source", right wing hate site were you planning to link to?
I was going to link to ... You choose the source.
Your blob could have paid Americans to make his shit. He paid Chinese people.
You’re beating a dead horse

trump was never a huge importer of chinese products

but if he can limit chinese imports that will apply to him along with everyone else

You voted for someone who chose to hire Chinese workers instead of Americans...true or false?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.
Oh my fucking god.

Your blob could have paid Americans to make his shit. He paid Chinese people.

And you find a way to ignore that fact and insist that his Blobness cares about American workers.

The same Chinese who paid your demented pedo?

And you find a way to ignore his corruption and lie that Veggie Joe cares about America.
How did a President who allowed 400,000 people die from COVID agent 74 million votes?

Herr Himmler, only 200,000 had died under Trump, the others died under Quid Pro.

Plus, Trump delivered the vaccine that you Nazis swore would take 5 years.

If not for Trump, it WOULD have taken 5 years, or longer - because the Wuhan Designer Virus® gives your Reich power to crush civil rights.
I'm not sweating until they find enough "illegal" votes to actually change the results of the election. Or even ten percent of that amount. Or if they find ANY evidence that there was as deliberate coordinated effort to "steal" the election. That shit is purely made up by a delusional egomaniac who simply can't accept that fact that he lost.

Of course you don't mind. The election, including the massive irregularities such as voting after the deadline, unrequested ballots, no signature matching, etc. is exactly what you want, as long as your Reich gains power and liberty is crushed.

You got what you wanted, that it is corrupt sure isn't going to bother you.
You voted for someone who chose to hire Chinese workers instead of Americans...true or false?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

You voted for someone who is bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party and takes orders from Xi Jinping. ...true or false?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

That Trump stood up to China in favor of America is a large part of why you Nazis hate him so bitterly.

The Friend of America is your enemy - fact.
Birtherism was a central issue to Trump
Also to Republican State Legislatures who rushed to invoke a Birth Certificate as a requirement to be on the ballot in 2012

It was no longer a central issue for Republicans in 2016 when Obama was not running and Canadian born Ted Cruz was
There is no such word as 'Birtherism' Mr. Troll.
Birtherism was a central issue to Trump
Also to Republican State Legislatures who rushed to invoke a Birth Certificate as a requirement to be on the ballot in 2012

It was no longer a central issue for Republicans in 2016 when Obama was not running and Canadian born Ted Cruz was
There is no such word as 'Birtherism' Mr. Troll.
tell me more.....

You voted for someone who is bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party and takes orders from Xi Jinping. ...true or false?

False, obviously. You're lying openly for the glory of fascism, like you always do. You literally get off on lying.

Now, you should to have noticed that the nation just told fascists like you to suck it hard. That means you should be trying to conceal your fascist ways, instead of flaunting them.

That Trump stood up to China in favor of America is a large part of why you Nazis hate him so bitterly.

China's opinion of the US has gone _down_ since Biden took office. It seems China liked Trump better. Birds of a feather there, you, Trump, and the commies.

Now, run along. There are so many Republican pedos who need defending, so your services are required.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.
Your side had no such attitude about this time 4 years ago. Could not beat Trump thru the front door in 2016, so rig an election in key states and go thru the back door in 2020. Now you come with is post asking for understanding the nations problems when your side wanted NO SUCH discussion 4 years ago. Take a hike. I do however give you and A for brass.

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