This "rigged election" stuff is a real shame.

Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
I am sure Greene would gladly relinquish her seat if the election in GA. is flipped.

Wny would she?

Trump still loses if Georgia is flipped
If there is a forensic audit in GA. the fact Trump was cheated will become very clear. Arizona will prove that shortly.

By forensic you mean an audit from someone who has never done it before and is led by a Conspiracy Theorist?
There will be proof. The illegal ballots themselves are proof. Physical concrete proof. It will be indisputable. That is too bad for you, but great for this country.

No there will not be proof

If your audit continues to show Trump losing, you will not believe it anyway
How are the ballots themselves not proof? If they are counterfeit, filled out by a machine, or sent to adjudication because of a misalignment they are illegal. Again the ballot will be the physical proof. You just can't change that with your lying bullshit.
Now you are going all Goofy on me...
You demonstrate you have no concept of how vote tabulation works.

A mail in vote comes in with a bar code. That code is scanned and the ballot is linked to a specific voter and his signature.

Counterfeit votes are not linked to a registered voter
Votes filled out by machine are not linked to a registered voter
The number of ballots are linked to the number of bar codes scanned.
Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
I am sure Greene would gladly relinquish her seat if the election in GA. is flipped.

Wny would she?

Trump still loses if Georgia is flipped
If there is a forensic audit in GA. the fact Trump was cheated will become very clear. Arizona will prove that shortly.

By forensic you mean an audit from someone who has never done it before and is led by a Conspiracy Theorist?
There will be proof. The illegal ballots themselves are proof. Physical concrete proof. It will be indisputable. That is too bad for you, but great for this country.

No there will not be proof

If your audit continues to show Trump losing, you will not believe it anyway
How are the ballots themselves not proof? If they are counterfeit, filled out by a machine, or sent to adjudication because of a misalignment they are illegal. Again the ballot will be the physical proof. You just can't change that with your lying bullshit.
Now you are going all Goofy on me...
You demonstrate you have no concept of how vote tabulation works.

A mail in vote comes in with a bar code. That code is scanned and the ballot is linked to a specific voter and his signature.

Counterfeit votes are not linked to a registered voter
Votes filled out by machine are not linked to a registered voter
The number of ballots are linked to the number of bar codes scanned.
And? They can still find illegal ballots. Keep sweating.
Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
I am sure Greene would gladly relinquish her seat if the election in GA. is flipped.

Wny would she?

Trump still loses if Georgia is flipped
If there is a forensic audit in GA. the fact Trump was cheated will become very clear. Arizona will prove that shortly.

By forensic you mean an audit from someone who has never done it before and is led by a Conspiracy Theorist?
There will be proof. The illegal ballots themselves are proof. Physical concrete proof. It will be indisputable. That is too bad for you, but great for this country.

No there will not be proof

If your audit continues to show Trump losing, you will not believe it anyway
How are the ballots themselves not proof? If they are counterfeit, filled out by a machine, or sent to adjudication because of a misalignment they are illegal. Again the ballot will be the physical proof. You just can't change that with your lying bullshit.
Now you are going all Goofy on me...
You demonstrate you have no concept of how vote tabulation works.

A mail in vote comes in with a bar code. That code is scanned and the ballot is linked to a specific voter and his signature.

Counterfeit votes are not linked to a registered voter
Votes filled out by machine are not linked to a registered voter
The number of ballots are linked to the number of bar codes scanned.
And? They can still find illegal ballots. Keep sweating.

Explain how an “illegal ballot” gets tabulated.

This should be good
Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
I am sure Greene would gladly relinquish her seat if the election in GA. is flipped.

Wny would she?

Trump still loses if Georgia is flipped
If there is a forensic audit in GA. the fact Trump was cheated will become very clear. Arizona will prove that shortly.

By forensic you mean an audit from someone who has never done it before and is led by a Conspiracy Theorist?
There will be proof. The illegal ballots themselves are proof. Physical concrete proof. It will be indisputable. That is too bad for you, but great for this country.

No there will not be proof

If your audit continues to show Trump losing, you will not believe it anyway
How are the ballots themselves not proof? If they are counterfeit, filled out by a machine, or sent to adjudication because of a misalignment they are illegal. Again the ballot will be the physical proof. You just can't change that with your lying bullshit.
Now you are going all Goofy on me...
You demonstrate you have no concept of how vote tabulation works.

A mail in vote comes in with a bar code. That code is scanned and the ballot is linked to a specific voter and his signature.

Counterfeit votes are not linked to a registered voter
Votes filled out by machine are not linked to a registered voter
The number of ballots are linked to the number of bar codes scanned.
And? They can still find illegal ballots. Keep sweating.

Explain how an “illegal ballot” gets tabulated.

This should be good
It gets tabulated with the legal ones but if there are no folds in a mail in ballot it is illegal. If Republican votes are seperated and misaligned they are fraudulent. Let Arizona explain it to you. The proof is coming.
Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
I am sure Greene would gladly relinquish her seat if the election in GA. is flipped.

Wny would she?

Trump still loses if Georgia is flipped
If there is a forensic audit in GA. the fact Trump was cheated will become very clear. Arizona will prove that shortly.

By forensic you mean an audit from someone who has never done it before and is led by a Conspiracy Theorist?
There will be proof. The illegal ballots themselves are proof. Physical concrete proof. It will be indisputable. That is too bad for you, but great for this country.

No there will not be proof

If your audit continues to show Trump losing, you will not believe it anyway
How are the ballots themselves not proof? If they are counterfeit, filled out by a machine, or sent to adjudication because of a misalignment they are illegal. Again the ballot will be the physical proof. You just can't change that with your lying bullshit.
Now you are going all Goofy on me...
You demonstrate you have no concept of how vote tabulation works.

A mail in vote comes in with a bar code. That code is scanned and the ballot is linked to a specific voter and his signature.

Counterfeit votes are not linked to a registered voter
Votes filled out by machine are not linked to a registered voter
The number of ballots are linked to the number of bar codes scanned.
And? They can still find illegal ballots. Keep sweating.

I'm not sweating until they find enough "illegal" votes to actually change the results of the election. Or even ten percent of that amount. Or if they find ANY evidence that there was as deliberate coordinated effort to "steal" the election. That shit is purely made up by a delusional egomaniac who simply can't accept that fact that he lost.
Unless the Deep State can restore faith in the electoral system?

I honestly don't think the nation will have faith in elections or the government any longer.

If there comes a time when the State needs the cooperation of ALL the public? It will probably have to go pound sand unless the institutions and the interlocking directorate stop being so nakedly partisan.
I don't want a President who builds things or employs people. That's not what government is for
You will submit and obey as self-appointed royalty beat you and flog you into submission to the government which it to rule over you, dictate and regulate your life from cradle to grave, punishing you into subordination to every law, rule, and regulation.
I don't want a President who builds things or employs people. That's not what government is for
You will submit and obey as self-appointed royalty beat you and flog you into submission to the government which it to rule over you, dictate and regulate your life from cradle to grave, punishing you into subordination to every law, rule, and regulation.
Yep. That's what Trump's little tantrum has cost us.
What in the world are you Democrats so desperate to hide that you go to such extreme measures to shut your opponents up?
I'm not a Democrat.
For one thing, none of Trump's Twitter posts or public outbursts did any harm to anyone. He speaks the truth, comes right out with it. A new generation of sleazy RINOs comes into office with the same old covert Democrat agenda. You've got to hesistate so much, be so careful what you say, walk on eggshells out of respect for the ladies, and then you wonder why people assume you're lying through your false teeth.
Yep. That's what Trump's little tantrum has cost us.
What in the world are you Democrats so desperate to hide that you go to such extreme measures to shut your opponents up?
I'm not a Democrat.
For one thing, none of Trump's Twitter posts or public outbursts did any harm to anyone. He speaks the truth, comes right out with it. A new generation of sleazy RINOs comes into office with the same old covert Democrat agenda. You've got to hesistate so much, be so careful what you say, walk on eggshells out of respect for the ladies, and then you wonder why people assume you're lying through your false teeth.

Yeah. I get it. You're sick to death of all the niddling, liberal PC nonsense. So am I. But what good does it do to drop your drawers and crap all over the dining room table? It might make you feel better, but it only makes the political situation worse. We need leaders who can argue against that stuff persuasively, who actually understand the principles of limited government and free society, and can make the case for those principles without offending half the country.

Trump is just a troll. You mistake his tactless, offensive behavior for "candor" and "telling it like it is". But it's not. It just tactless, offensive behavior. It might give you some catharsis, it might tickle you to watch the liberals freak out when he does it, but it does exactly NOTHING to make the situation better. It makes it worse.
Last edited:
Unless the Deep State can restore faith in the electoral system?

I honestly don't think the nation will have faith in elections or the government any longer.

Yep. That's what Trump's little tantrum has cost us.
I had followed the statistics.

Even before Trump came on the scene, folks did not trust the institutions of power any longer.

Trump was a symptom, not a cause. If you deny this? You haven't been paying attention and are quite in denial.

This was years before Trump declared. . . everyone knew that the system was corrupt and broken.

I tell the Trump supporters, that, there is a very good chance that Trump himself is their instrument, but they don't want to hear it. So, w/e.

All of it was a farce. Nothing will change.

It's all been an attempt to get people to trust the traditional power structure and traditional corporate media again.
Where are the arrests?

The 2020 elections was every bit as legitimate as elections North Korea. No one is arrested their, either.

It's what you Nazis have always dreamed of. :thup:

So Marjorie Taylor Green's election was a complete sham too then right?
I am sure Greene would gladly relinquish her seat if the election in GA. is flipped.

Wny would she?

Trump still loses if Georgia is flipped
If there is a forensic audit in GA. the fact Trump was cheated will become very clear. Arizona will prove that shortly.

By forensic you mean an audit from someone who has never done it before and is led by a Conspiracy Theorist?
There will be proof. The illegal ballots themselves are proof. Physical concrete proof. It will be indisputable. That is too bad for you, but great for this country.

No there will not be proof

If your audit continues to show Trump losing, you will not believe it anyway
How are the ballots themselves not proof? If they are counterfeit, filled out by a machine, or sent to adjudication because of a misalignment they are illegal. Again the ballot will be the physical proof. You just can't change that with your lying bullshit.
Now you are going all Goofy on me...
You demonstrate you have no concept of how vote tabulation works.

A mail in vote comes in with a bar code. That code is scanned and the ballot is linked to a specific voter and his signature.

Counterfeit votes are not linked to a registered voter
Votes filled out by machine are not linked to a registered voter
The number of ballots are linked to the number of bar codes scanned.
And? They can still find illegal ballots. Keep sweating.

Explain how an “illegal ballot” gets tabulated.

This should be good
It gets tabulated with the legal ones but if there are no folds in a mail in ballot it is illegal. If Republican votes are seperated and misaligned they are fraudulent. Let Arizona explain it to you. The proof is coming.
The legal ballots are matched to a registered voter and the number of registered voters who cast ballots are recorded

There was no mismatch between the number of ballots and voters who cast ballots.

So where do your fake ballots show up?
What? Are you kidding?

Republicans have serious issues like:

A stolen election
Obamas Birth Certificate
Hillary running a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
Millions of illegal Mexicans voting in our elections
Jewish death rays from space
Oh B.S. Go troll somewhere else.
Are you denying those are Republican issues?


As usual, when Conservatives don’t like the facts, they just create their own

What fact did I create ?

Even when there was stuff on birth certificates, I never read it.

It was never discussed anywhere but on this board (as far as circles I am involved in).

Those are my facts.
Birth Certificates were very big with Republicans in 2012 when Obama was running for a second term. Republican State Legislatures passed laws requiring candidates to show a birth certificate.
They lost interest four years later when Canadian Ted Cruz was running.

Never paid any attention to it.

Trump was pushing this in 2012.

It was stupid then.

It is stupid now.
What? Are you kidding?

Republicans have serious issues like:

A stolen election
Obamas Birth Certificate
Hillary running a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
Millions of illegal Mexicans voting in our elections
Jewish death rays from space
Oh B.S. Go troll somewhere else.
Are you denying those are Republican issues?


As usual, when Conservatives don’t like the facts, they just create their own

What fact did I create ?

Even when there was stuff on birth certificates, I never read it.

It was never discussed anywhere but on this board (as far as circles I am involved in).

Those are my facts.
Birth Certificates were very big with Republicans in 2012 when Obama was running for a second term. Republican State Legislatures passed laws requiring candidates to show a birth certificate.
They lost interest four years later when Canadian Ted Cruz was running.

Never paid any attention to it.

Trump was pushing this in 2012.

It was stupid then.

It is stupid now.
Who cares what you believe?

I made the statement that Republicans created an issue over Birth Certificates.....they did

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