This "rigged election" stuff is a real shame.

Or, at the very least, they wanted him more than Biden. I don't know why this doesn't register with Democrats. They went up against a carnie huckster and almost lost. They need to change their tune in a hurry, or another unhinged populist - perhaps one with more nefarious ambitions than Trump - will tap into the same anger and frustration.
Trump built things, employed people, worked with people.
I don't want a President who builds things or employs people. That's not what government is for

Biden is a 47 year old who despises the people, if he didn't, than he would surely have accomplished one thing for them in 47 years. Look, Biden didn't win the demofk primary. he did absolutely nothing. NOTHING. hmmm just like his 47 year old career. Please, that mere fact says cheat. I'm from another flavor candy. I hate do nothings. Trump built quite a lot. Yes, yes he is an asshole, I never said he wasn't. I wanted an asshole there to take on the do nothingers. again, you simply don't understand. You don't want to accept my explanation, I get it. you're far smarter than me. LOL.

I wish Biden were a do-nothing. Then I might have actually voted for him. Unfortunately, he's doing quite a lot.

See, I love do-nothings, especially in government. The less government does the better.

There was ample evidence that Russia interfered with our elections. US Intelligence concluded Russia had engaged in a misinformation campaign......Trump sided with Putin

There is ZERO evidence that US States engaged in a campaign to rig the election for Biden

Lying is hardly the way to win the point, shitflinger

Go ahead and show us proof, evidence, or hints of evidence that Russian changed a single vote?

You can't, the Inquisition couldn't. The Baghdad Bob's of your filthy, lying propaganda press couldn't (though they lied incessantly)

Poll: 52 Percent Of Democrats Believe Russia Rigged Voting Tallies | The Daily Caller
Democrats sue Trump campaign and Russia, claiming they interfered in 2016 election (
Was Friday's declassified report claiming Russian hacking of the 2016 election rigged? | Fox News

For four YEARS, your filthy Reich spewed this unsupported conspiracy theory.

The irregularities of the 2020 election are greater than any prior election in history. The democrat Reich used the Covid virus to their advantage in the election.


And the 2020 presidential election was rife with mail-in voting irregularities. In Michigan, Republicans led Democrats 41% to 39% in both requested and returned mail-in ballots, yet after the final tally, Biden led Trump 69.1% to 29.6% in mail-in votes according to Edison data on the New York Times website.

In Nevada, a lawsuit alleges that 15,000 people voted by mail multiple times—casting ballots both in Nevada and other states. Thousands of mail-in ballots were “cast” by deceased people.

Multiple poll observers testified that many ballots’ signatures didn’t match the ones on file but were still counted. Multiple postal workers claimed that management had told postal employees to backdate late mail-in ballots so that they would count in the election. Record high number of mail-in ballots went through the adjudication process this year, where multiple poll watchers saw ballots altered.


Home - 2020 Election Irregularities

The major difference between you and I is I deal in facts and support my claims.

You are a troll and spew bullshit from your Reich with zero foundation in reality.

Nobody claimed Russia changed votes
The claim was that Russia influenced the election through releasing stolen private emails and spreading misinformation.

It is TRUMP who claims votes were changed and tried to manipulate the courts, pressure local election officials and pressure his Vice President to overturn the will of the voters
I don't want a President who builds things or employs people. That's not what government is for
what is a government for then? let's start there. I want a president to put policies in place to get every mther fking person a job. do you even grasp what is needed to do that? someone needs to build something, I honestly can't believe you posted that.
You mean Biden? I don't know that much about him. He's boring, so that's a plus. Other than that, I'm just hoping Rs can keep him in check. It sure doesn't help that Trump gave Dems the Senate.
the demofks win the same way every time in these scenarios. recounts, extended election nights. they cheat. I'll go to my grave knowing I'm right. you can close your eyes and see your country die to cheaters. I'll call them on it. I certainly ain't afraid of the losers who support cheaters.


Did you ever raise kids?
I don't want a President who builds things or employs people. That's not what government is for
what is a government for then? let's start there. I want a president to put policies in place to get every mther fking person a job.
Government is there to keep the peace and protect our rights. It's not there to attend to our employment. Unless you're talking socialism.
I don't want a President who builds things or employs people. That's not what government is for
what is a government for then? let's start there. I want a president to put policies in place to get every mther fking person a job.
Government is there to keep the peace and protect our rights. It's not there to attend to our employment. Unless you're talking socialism.
well that is all correct if the slate had not already been marked up. Restrictions are in place to remove the ability to promote ones rights. so, in the government that actually exists, those punks promote demonasion of rights. they install tax bills that removes money from investors ability to create jobs. You're short sided on your actual knowledge of our actual government today. You merely wrote what the fore fathers wanted. corrupt politicians favors for money, destroys your statement. Trump was there to destroy that. that's all. it doesn't take a scientist mind to understand.
You mean Biden? I don't know that much about him. He's boring, so that's a plus. Other than that, I'm just hoping Rs can keep him in check. It sure doesn't help that Trump gave Dems the Senate.
the demofks win the same way every time in these scenarios. recounts, extended election nights. they cheat. I'll go to my grave knowing I'm right. you can close your eyes and see your country die to cheaters. I'll call them on it. I certainly ain't afraid of the losers who support cheaters.


Did you ever raise kids?
yes why? with eight grand kids today
You mean Biden? I don't know that much about him. He's boring, so that's a plus. Other than that, I'm just hoping Rs can keep him in check. It sure doesn't help that Trump gave Dems the Senate.
the demofks win the same way every time in these scenarios. recounts, extended election nights. they cheat. I'll go to my grave knowing I'm right. you can close your eyes and see your country die to cheaters. I'll call them on it. I certainly ain't afraid of the losers who support cheaters.


Did you ever raise kids?
yes why? with eight grand kids today

I'm just thinking of the countless time one of my kids insisted that they only lost because the other was cheating. They'd cling to that excuse with every fiber of their being.
I don't want a President who builds things or employs people. That's not what government is for
what is a government for then? let's start there. I want a president to put policies in place to get every mther fking person a job.
Government is there to keep the peace and protect our rights. It's not there to attend to our employment. Unless you're talking socialism.
well that is all correct if the slate had not already been marked up. Restrictions are in place to remove the ability to promote ones rights. so, in the government that actually exists, those punks promote demonasion of rights. they install tax bills that removes money from investors ability to create jobs. You're short sided on your actual knowledge of our actual government today. You merely wrote what the fore fathers wanted. corrupt politicians favors for money, destroys your statement. Trump was there to destroy that. that's all.

If that's what he was there for, he failed. Completely and utterly.
I'm just thinking of the countless time one of my kids insisted they only lost because the other was cheating. They'd clung to that excuse with every fiber of their being.
I see cheating all of the time. you don't think bias ever comes into play in a sporting event? home field vs away games in sports? preferential treatment for certain athletes?

I taught my kids to collect data and to observe behaviors before reaching any judgements on anyone or anything. if it walks like a duck however, i told them it is a duck.
If that's what he was there for, he failed. Completely and utterly.
I don't deny that fact. he didn't count on RINOs from the GOP stepping aside. Jeff Blake for one John McCain another. yeah, some bridges he burned failed him. Still was a much better option then a failed 47 year long politician with absolutely no wins.

if you think obammy was winning during his campaign in 2012, well, nope. did he get reelected? indeed.
I'm just thinking of the countless time one of my kids insisted they only lost because the other was cheating. They'd clung to that excuse with every fiber of their being.
I see cheating all of the time. you don't think bias ever comes into play in a sporting event? home field vs away games in sports? preferential treatment for certain athletes?

Sure it does. But using it as an excuse for one's failings is ugly. Whining about it incessantly is annoying. Using it as an excuse to undermine the whole system for short term political gain is traitorous.
Sure it does. But using it as an excuse for one's failings is ugly. Whining about it incessantly is annoying. Using it as an excuse to undermine the whole system for short term political gain is traitorous.
what was undermined? Our law states a candidate in an election may challenge the results of an election. I don't see anything other than that taking place. still unclear your point here. oh and every ballot is owned by the people. not a fking political party.
Sure it does. But using it as an excuse for one's failings is ugly. Whining about it incessantly is annoying. Using it as an excuse to undermine the whole system for short term political gain is traitorous.
what was undermined? Our law states a candidate in an election may challenge the results of an election. I don't see anything other than that taking place. still unclear your point here.

Trump is a five year old. He didn't win, so now he flips the table and throws a fit. But in the process, he convinces many gullible people that a vast left-wing conspiracy cheated him of his victory. Convinces them that the sitting government isn't legitimate. That kind of thing destroys nations.
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You ignorant little pissant. I've been a member here since 2012. 7 years longer than you've been here a$$hat. You're in no position to tell me to do ANYTHING.

But thank you for admitting that you have nothing but lies to counter anything I post. You come here with your right wing conservative lies and bullshit and then have the balls to tell the truth tellers to "fuck off".


Sure it does. But using it as an excuse for one's failings is ugly. Whining about it incessantly is annoying. Using it as an excuse to undermine the whole system for short term political gain is traitorous.
what was undermined? Our law states a candidate in an election may challenge the results of an election. I don't see anything other than that taking place. still unclear your point here.

Trump is a five year old. He didn't win, so now he flips the table and throws a fit. But in the process, he convinces many gullible people that a vast left-wing conspiracy cheated him of his victory. Convinces them that the sitting government isn't legitimate. That kind of thing destroys nations.

No what destroys nations are policies like Biden is already proposing and implementing. By all means, ignore the obvious in lieu of your indoctrination.
Sure it does. But using it as an excuse for one's failings is ugly. Whining about it incessantly is annoying. Using it as an excuse to undermine the whole system for short term political gain is traitorous.
what was undermined? Our law states a candidate in an election may challenge the results of an election. I don't see anything other than that taking place. still unclear your point here.

Trump is a five year old. He didn't win, so now he flips the table and throws a fit. But in the process, he convinces many gullible people that a vast left-wing conspiracy cheated him of his victory. Convinces them that the sitting government isn't legitimate. That kind of thing destroys nations.

No what destroys nations are policies like Biden is already proposing and implementing.

In time, yes, they do. But burning everything to the ground isn't how you defeat that. We need intelligent, persuasive leaders to make the argument. Trump is just an assclown making a mess.
Sure it does. But using it as an excuse for one's failings is ugly. Whining about it incessantly is annoying. Using it as an excuse to undermine the whole system for short term political gain is traitorous.
what was undermined? Our law states a candidate in an election may challenge the results of an election. I don't see anything other than that taking place. still unclear your point here.

Trump is a five year old. He didn't win, so now he flips the table and throws a fit. But in the process, he convinces many gullible people that a vast left-wing conspiracy cheated him of his victory. Convinces them that the sitting government isn't legitimate. That kind of thing destroys nations.

No what destroys nations are policies like Biden is already proposing and implementing.

In time, yes, they do. But burning everything to the ground isn't how you defeat that. We need intelligent, persuasive leaders to make the argument. Trump is just an assclown making a mess.

He can't mess it up any more than what Biden is doing now, in fact, I would argue there needs to be a fly in the ointment to keep the Democrats from completely ruining our country forever in the next 3.5 years.
Now that we know Raving Rudy was under investigation by the DA and Barr was blocking the investigation, it makes sense why he was pushing the Big Lie. The longer Trump stayed in power, the less likely he would be prosecuted.

But ... but ... but ... Hillary!


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