This seems to be a New National Security Clearance Scandal

A couple of months ag, the news revealed Cohens
congressional testimony was requested by the Special Counsel and then he was charged in court that Friday for lying to congress.

Roger Stones congressional testimony was requested as well, but no charges came right away. CNN stalked the court where the grand jury resided, on Thursdays since then, looking for a hint of the Special Counsel pre filings for a Friday indictment....

all of Mueller`s indictments come on Friday, since the beginning of him charging people.

the Thursday before Stone`s Friday indictment, special counsel filed a sealed indictment in the court for Friday... Everyone thought it could be for Roger Stone.... The arrest they had been waiting for since his congressional testimony had been requested.

CNN had a LOCAL reporter who lived in Stone's area, stake out his house, not the big guns from CNN headquarters... A local guy... After the sealed filings by the SC on Thursday...

this is not out of the realm of reality, except to those convinced in their own heads, of a conspiracy, or a leak.

Who arrived a full hour ahead of time so that his cameraman could set up for the shot. In other words they were tipped off by the fbi, yet another in a long line of actions that shows them to be an out of control, corrupt organization.

sealed indictments filed are sealed so that the arrest or sealed search warrant can be executed without the alleged peep knowing, and given a chance to destroy evidence, and are served at the crack of dawn. That is the general protocol....

They served Manafort's sealed search warrant the same time, right before the crack of dawn.

it is not out of the norm to expect the sealed indictment and search warrant to be served to Roger Stone that friday, before the rooster crows imo. Sending a LOCAL reporter with his camera man to the stone residence, before the crack of dawn is not far fetched, again...imo. Especially if you've been following the Russia\Trump campaign investigation closely, as I have been doing.

Corsi, Don jr, and Kushner's homes are probably being staked out as well.... Any of them are likely next...

No knock Warrant Services, as you just described are reserved for DANGEROUS felons, and spies who might be able to destroy valuable evidence, and clearly, now political opponents so long as you are allied against the "ruling political class".

You had best be very careful what you are wishing for here Care, this way leads to madness and revolution. These are the tactics of tyrants. Not the USA.
Agree that no knock warrants are and should be reserved in the least for those who may try to destroy evidence...
A judge must agree with Law Enforcement that there is probable cause to suspect such... Roger Stone's emails, with the threats he made to others involved, for not lying for him to the investigators, put that 'possible' willingness to destroy evidence in to the 'probable' willingness to destroy evidence category imho.

The guns seemed excessive to me, but that very well may be the standard protocol for such type searches, as I heard experts say on the news?? Seems like that protocol should be reviewed... because it did seem unnecessary...

But this could simply be a, ''better safe than sorry'' protocol???

No Knock was used on both Michael Cohen and on Paul Manafort as well... no leaks to the press on those warrants...

Mueller would never in a million gazillion years have his people leak such a no knock search to the press. He and his team have leaked nothing, zero, zip... they are not about to play foolish now, and leak this to CNN ahead of time, and make all of these questions swirl around about him and his team leaking.... he is way way way, smarter than that.... it is likely, just as I described, CNN took an educated guess, that the sealed indictment/warrant filed in the court the afternoon before the raid, was for roger Stone...

Or if there was a leaker to CNN, maybe it was someone at the courthouse.... but if that were the case you would think CNN would send down one of their top rate news reporters, instead of using a temp' 2nd hand reporter and cameraman, from Miami...
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Was I the only one who caught the look on Whitaker's face when Roger Stone's arrest came up at his inquisition? Watch for the questions from Collins to Whitaker, especially when it delves into the timing of when CNN knew of the impending raid. Whitaker acknowledged that it would be illegal for a news media to be alerted to a raid while it was still sealed. His look at that point in time betrayed his thoughts of "... crap, they can take out the security clearances of Mueller's entire team with this one ...". Leaking a raid while it is still under seal is a felony. Knowing a leak occurred and not reporting it is also a felony, both of which would immediately affect a national security clearance. Without a security clearance classified documents are illegal to read. Without the ability of secrecy of national security clearances the communications among the insurrectionists may be fatally crippled.

Evidence of the leak was reported here

Stone's lawyer offers proof CNN is in bed with FBI
American Thinker ^ | 02/05

Apparently all President Trump has to do is suspend the national security clearances of Mueller's entire team until the leaker ('AAW'?) is prosecuted.

Video of the proceeding can be found here -

There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
So what?

"A perp walk, or walking the perp,[note 1] is a practice in American law enforcement of taking an arrested suspect through a public place, creating an opportunity for the media to take photographs and video of the event. The defendant is typically handcuffed or otherwise restrained, and is sometimes dressed in prison garb. Within the United States the perp walk is most closely associated with New York City.[1][2] The practice rose in popularity in the 1980s under U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, when white-collar criminals were perp-walked."
Perp walk - Wikipedia

Roger Stone brought this on himself.

What the fuck does the perp walk have to do with the FBI leaking classified information to a news outlet so they could be there before the raid and film the entire thing?

Outside of the fact the tip off was illegal. Nothing. Perp walk my ass.
A couple of months ag, the news revealed Cohens
congressional testimony was requested by the Special Counsel and then he was charged in court that Friday for lying to congress.

Roger Stones congressional testimony was requested as well, but no charges came right away. CNN stalked the court where the grand jury resided, on Thursdays since then, looking for a hint of the Special Counsel pre filings for a Friday indictment....

all of Mueller`s indictments come on Friday, since the beginning of him charging people.

the Thursday before Stone`s Friday indictment, special counsel filed a sealed indictment in the court for Friday... Everyone thought it could be for Roger Stone.... The arrest they had been waiting for since his congressional testimony had been requested.

CNN had a LOCAL reporter who lived in Stone's area, stake out his house, not the big guns from CNN headquarters... A local guy... After the sealed filings by the SC on Thursday...

this is not out of the realm of reality, except to those convinced in their own heads, of a conspiracy, or a leak.

Who arrived a full hour ahead of time so that his cameraman could set up for the shot. In other words they were tipped off by the fbi, yet another in a long line of actions that shows them to be an out of control, corrupt organization.

sealed indictments filed are sealed so that the arrest or sealed search warrant can be executed without the alleged peep knowing, and given a chance to destroy evidence, and are served at the crack of dawn. That is the general protocol....

They served Manafort's sealed search warrant the same time, right before the crack of dawn.

it is not out of the norm to expect the sealed indictment and search warrant to be served to Roger Stone that friday, before the rooster crows imo. Sending a LOCAL reporter with his camera man to the stone residence, before the crack of dawn is not far fetched, again...imo. Especially if you've been following the Russia\Trump campaign investigation closely, as I have been doing.

Corsi, Don jr, and Kushner's homes are probably being staked out as well.... Any of them are likely next...

No knock Warrant Services, as you just described are reserved for DANGEROUS felons, and spies who might be able to destroy valuable evidence, and clearly, now political opponents so long as you are allied against the "ruling political class".

You had best be very careful what you are wishing for here Care, this way leads to madness and revolution. These are the tactics of tyrants. Not the USA.
Agree that no knock warrants are and should be reserved in the least for those who may try to destroy evidence...
A judge must agree with Law Enforcement that there is probable cause to suspect such... Roger Stone's emails, with the threats he made to others involved, for not lying for him to the investigators, put that 'possible' willingness to destroy evidence in to the 'probable' willingness to destroy evidence category imho.

The guns seemed excessive to me, but that very well may be the standard protocol for such type searches, as I heard experts say on the news?? Seems like that protocol should be reviewed... because it did seem unnecessary...

But this could simply be a, ''better safe than sorry'' protocol???

No Knock was used on both Michael Cohen and on Paul Manafort as well... no leaks to the press on those warrants...

Mueller would never in a million gazillion years have his people leak such a no knock search to the press. He and his team have leaked nothing, zero, zip... they are not about to play foolish now, and leak this to CNN ahead of time, and make all of these questions swirl around about him and his team leaking.... he is way way way, smarter than that.... it is likely, just as I described, CNN took an educated guess, that the sealed indictment/warrant filed in the court the afternoon before the raid, was for roger Stone...

Or if there was a leaker to CNN, maybe it was someone at the courthouse.... but if that were the case you would think CNN would send down one of their top rate news reporters, instead of using a temp' 2nd hand reporter and cameraman, from Miami...

As we have seen repeatedly in this case, the judges are in the hip pockets of the fbi agents. The judges have been PROVABLY lied to, and nothing has happened to them. That should give you cause for concern.
A couple of months ag, the news revealed Cohens
congressional testimony was requested by the Special Counsel and then he was charged in court that Friday for lying to congress.

Roger Stones congressional testimony was requested as well, but no charges came right away. CNN stalked the court where the grand jury resided, on Thursdays since then, looking for a hint of the Special Counsel pre filings for a Friday indictment....

all of Mueller`s indictments come on Friday, since the beginning of him charging people.

the Thursday before Stone`s Friday indictment, special counsel filed a sealed indictment in the court for Friday... Everyone thought it could be for Roger Stone.... The arrest they had been waiting for since his congressional testimony had been requested.

CNN had a LOCAL reporter who lived in Stone's area, stake out his house, not the big guns from CNN headquarters... A local guy... After the sealed filings by the SC on Thursday...

this is not out of the realm of reality, except to those convinced in their own heads, of a conspiracy, or a leak.

Who arrived a full hour ahead of time so that his cameraman could set up for the shot. In other words they were tipped off by the fbi, yet another in a long line of actions that shows them to be an out of control, corrupt organization.

sealed indictments filed are sealed so that the arrest or sealed search warrant can be executed without the alleged peep knowing, and given a chance to destroy evidence, and are served at the crack of dawn. That is the general protocol....

They served Manafort's sealed search warrant the same time, right before the crack of dawn.

it is not out of the norm to expect the sealed indictment and search warrant to be served to Roger Stone that friday, before the rooster crows imo. Sending a LOCAL reporter with his camera man to the stone residence, before the crack of dawn is not far fetched, again...imo. Especially if you've been following the Russia\Trump campaign investigation closely, as I have been doing.

Corsi, Don jr, and Kushner's homes are probably being staked out as well.... Any of them are likely next...

No knock Warrant Services, as you just described are reserved for DANGEROUS felons, and spies who might be able to destroy valuable evidence, and clearly, now political opponents so long as you are allied against the "ruling political class".

You had best be very careful what you are wishing for here Care, this way leads to madness and revolution. These are the tactics of tyrants. Not the USA.
Agree that no knock warrants are and should be reserved in the least for those who may try to destroy evidence...
A judge must agree with Law Enforcement that there is probable cause to suspect such... Roger Stone's emails, with the threats he made to others involved, for not lying for him to the investigators, put that 'possible' willingness to destroy evidence in to the 'probable' willingness to destroy evidence category imho.

The guns seemed excessive to me, but that very well may be the standard protocol for such type searches, as I heard experts say on the news?? Seems like that protocol should be reviewed... because it did seem unnecessary...

But this could simply be a, ''better safe than sorry'' protocol???

No Knock was used on both Michael Cohen and on Paul Manafort as well... no leaks to the press on those warrants...

Mueller would never in a million gazillion years have his people leak such a no knock search to the press. He and his team have leaked nothing, zero, zip... they are not about to play foolish now, and leak this to CNN ahead of time, and make all of these questions swirl around about him and his team leaking.... he is way way way, smarter than that.... it is likely, just as I described, CNN took an educated guess, that the sealed indictment/warrant filed in the court the afternoon before the raid, was for roger Stone...

Or if there was a leaker to CNN, maybe it was someone at the courthouse.... but if that were the case you would think CNN would send down one of their top rate news reporters, instead of using a temp' 2nd hand reporter and cameraman, from Miami...

As we have seen repeatedly in this case, the judges are in the hip pockets of the fbi agents. The judges have been PROVABLY lied to, and nothing has happened to them. That should give you cause for concern.
It's hard to believe the FISA Court Judges are in the hip pocket of the FBI... the FBI does not present the warrant to the FISA Court Judge, it would be a prosecutor from the DOJ, I believe?

The FISA Court Judge is appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who has been a Republican/Conservative in that position for the past 50 plus years...
If the Page case were handled normally, and Nunes, Jordan, Gowdy etc had NOT inserted themselves in to this situation,

there is protocol to handle cases where the person being put under surveillance can put in a complaint, saying they were wrongly spied on. The Chief Justice would then appoint 3 FISA Court Judges to review the case from the request from DOJ and including the Judge who handled the Case's actions and hearings, to see if the complaint is justified and the warrant was issued, unconstitutionally/Wrongly...

If the Review of the 3 Judges conclude the warrant was not issued properly, then there is a set fee that the person can collect for every day the DOJ/FBI wrongly had a warrant on them.
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