This senate discussion this morning is pretty interesting




For how long did Sparacus speak?

I love these Dems saying that just because you can, doesnt mean you should.....DID THEY SAY THAT WHEN OBAMA SAID “ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES”?

Fuck no, and fuck off Dems.

I know I sound like a broken record, but all of this theater from the Dems is about the election. PERIOD.
Yep, RBG wanted Hillary to name her replacement. She rolled the dice and crapped out.

Yes indeed, crapped out big time. Looking back it appears Obama also rolled those dice with similar luck when it came to Merrick Garland. At the time I thought if Obama really wanted any chance to get this guy appointed and with the polls looking strongly in the Hillary's favor, he should announce a deadline before the election for the Senate to approve the nomination. That would have tossed the gamble to the Senate Republicans. They could take the bird in hand, a mid-60s age moderate or risk Hillary's victory and a younger and far more liberal appointment. I'm guessing that in the weeks leading to the election Obama was just dying in anticipation to call Mitch McConnell immediately after Hillary's election to tell Mitch that Garland was off the table. But probably that's the risk Republicans already knew they were taking.
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Booker is just trying to score election points here. What the fuck does all this bullshit have to do with Barrett’s qualifications?



It is all political grandstanding.

We know they should be embarrassed, but they have no clue.
I have never seen so many blatant, provable lies presented by a collection of political hacks, on television.

There is NOTHING illegitimate about these proceedings. It is Constitutional, legal, and entirely consistent with political realities.

There is NOTHING this nominee can do to "take away anyone's healthcare," let alone anyone's health insurance.

This nominee will be PROHIBITED BY HER OATH OF OFFICE from even considering whether the Unaffordable Care Act is good policy, or would help or harm anyone in the United States.

There is NOTHING this nominee can do to take away anyone's [fictitious] "right" to get an abortion.

AND WORST OF ALL, the Democrats' accusation that the Republicans are POLITICIZING the nomination process, when this recent trend is ENTIRELY A DEMOCRAT INITIATIVE, starting with the "Borking" of Judge Bork. In fact, NO DEMOCRAT NOMINEE EVER has been abused like the Democrats have heaped on every Republican nominee.

Democrats are evil.

Well they all sure look like fools.

Barrett has been calm, cool and collected throughout all the ridiculous questions.

Holy cow, the Dems doing the questioning sound like idiots.
The token Democrat house ex slave just gave her racist spew denouncement of Barrett. Ho hum

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