this sentence about santorum sums up whats wrong with the 'conservatives' today

Santorum in White House race; 'In it to win' - Yahoo! News

"His opposition to abortion, gay marriage and embryonic stem cell research makes him an appealing candidate for conservatives."

why can't social cons just join the democrats where they belong? they want to control every detail of someone's life.

If anyone wants to control anyone's life it's the democrats. Abortion is murder, gay marriage is an abomination, and embryonic stem cell research kills unborn infants as does abortions.

Irony at it's finest....You want to control a woman's want to control CIVIL marriage based on gender...and you want to control medicine based on your moral totalitarianism.
how is being against abortion wanting to "control a womans body"?
I disagree with abortion as I beleive it is murder....but that is me and I am well aware that half the country believes it is not murder and therefore, I will not vote against abortion nor will I criticize one who beliueves it it.
However, the argument that it is controlling a womans body is empty.
If anythiung, iot is controlling the body of someone who is igven no choiiuce...the unborn child.
If you want to debate....use a valid argumnet....but the controilling a womans body is not valid.
You want to use that argument?
Go right ahead and do with your body what you wish...but do not take the life of the child within as just as you dont want a third party fto decided what to do with YOUR body, you should want the same for the child within.
Bodecea...I have a question....

If your neighbor told you that he got a great deal on a piece of real estate.....he paid 1/10 of the typical market rate....and he told you it was so cheap because it is in such a severe flood zone that the last 3 homes on it were washed away...and he told you he was building his home on it...and a year later, his house was washed away.....and he did not have flood insurance as no one would insure him

Would you feel he deserved to get aid from the government?
No I don't want to control any of those things. I want to eliminate them altogether.

Ah...lonestar_logic.....Wanting to Eliminate DOES NOT MEAN wanting to control

Hard to control what doesn't exist.

Tell me, why do you need validation for your abominable lifestyle?

Ah, here it is. :lol::lol::lol:

So tell us, what is so abominable about my lifestyle?

Is it my military service?

Maybe my owning a business in the black?

Perhaps it's my paying all my bills/mortgage on time every month?

Or, raising a kid who has mostly A's, an excellent citizen, soon off to college?

Maybe it's honoring and taking care of my elderly parents?

Or never getting in trouble with the law?

It could be my monthly donations in time and $$ to military charities?

Or even being faithful to my wife for the over 20 years we've been together?

Even maybe my being a regular voter in every election since my first one in 1976?

Maybe you can put your finger on what it is in my lifestyle that is abominable.
Bodecea...I have a question....

If your neighbor told you that he got a great deal on a piece of real estate.....he paid 1/10 of the typical market rate....and he told you it was so cheap because it is in such a severe flood zone that the last 3 homes on it were washed away...and he told you he was building his home on it...and a year later, his house was washed away.....and he did not have flood insurance as no one would insure him

Would you feel he deserved to get aid from the government?

Deserved? No. But I know he would probably get it anyways.
If anyone wants to control anyone's life it's the democrats. Abortion is murder, gay marriage is an abomination, and embryonic stem cell research kills unborn infants as does abortions.

Irony at it's finest....You want to control a woman's want to control CIVIL marriage based on gender...and you want to control medicine based on your moral totalitarianism.
how is being against abortion wanting to "control a womans body"?
I disagree with abortion as I beleive it is murder....but that is me and I am well aware that half the country believes it is not murder and therefore, I will not vote against abortion nor will I criticize one who beliueves it it.
However, the argument that it is controlling a womans body is empty.
If anythiung, iot is controlling the body of someone who is igven no choiiuce...the unborn child.
If you want to debate....use a valid argumnet....but the controilling a womans body is not valid.
You want to use that argument?
Go right ahead and do with your body what you wish...but do not take the life of the child within as just as you dont want a third party fto decided what to do with YOUR body, you should want the same for the child within.

Campaign to have the abortion laws changed...but in the meantime, don't have an abortion if you are morally against it.
Santorum in White House race; 'In it to win' - Yahoo! News

"His opposition to abortion, gay marriage and embryonic stem cell research makes him an appealing candidate for conservatives."

why can't social cons just join the democrats where they belong? they want to control every detail of someone's life.

Yet it was a democrat who forced the races to integrate schools and neighborhoods and food places....Its a politician thing its not a D or R thing. Damn wish people would realize that.
Hard to control what doesn't exist.

Tell me, why do you need validation for your abominable lifestyle?

Making sure something doesn't exist is control.

Is that why the little children can't pray in school?

You might have a valid point if children couldn't pray in school...but they can, and never have been prevented from praying in school. yourself to a heaping plate of Fail.
Irony at it's finest....You want to control a woman's want to control CIVIL marriage based on gender...and you want to control medicine based on your moral totalitarianism.
how is being against abortion wanting to "control a womans body"?
I disagree with abortion as I beleive it is murder....but that is me and I am well aware that half the country believes it is not murder and therefore, I will not vote against abortion nor will I criticize one who beliueves it it.
However, the argument that it is controlling a womans body is empty.
If anythiung, iot is controlling the body of someone who is igven no choiiuce...the unborn child.
If you want to debate....use a valid argumnet....but the controilling a womans body is not valid.
You want to use that argument?
Go right ahead and do with your body what you wish...but do not take the life of the child within as just as you dont want a third party fto decided what to do with YOUR body, you should want the same for the child within.

Campaign to have the abortion laws changed...but in the meantime, don't have an abortion if you are morally against it.

you diverted fropm the point of my post.
Not to mention your inexplicable misrepresentation of my sentiments as it perttains to abortion.
I am personally against it but I respect those that are for it...and it is this resepct for them that allows me to supopoort abortions.
However...if ifind that argument of "controlling a woman's body" foolish and empty
Why don't you smarmy, lazy, fucking liberal pricks shut the fuck up and actually do something to make your nation stronger instead of mocking and insulting honest, decent working folks who play by the rules and want a better life for their children? Sick fucks.

Love us some of those christian principles. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Santorum in White House race; 'In it to win' - Yahoo! News

"His opposition to abortion, gay marriage and embryonic stem cell research makes him an appealing candidate for conservatives."

why can't social cons just join the democrats where they belong? they want to control every detail of someone's life.

Yet it was a democrat who forced the races to integrate schools and neighborhoods and food places....Its a politician thing its not a D or R thing. Damn wish people would realize that.

You DO know that Segregation would have stood to today if BOTH sides had equal quality access and BOTH sides wanted to stay separate. As we all know Separate was NOT equal.
Bodecea...I have a question....

If your neighbor told you that he got a great deal on a piece of real estate.....he paid 1/10 of the typical market rate....and he told you it was so cheap because it is in such a severe flood zone that the last 3 homes on it were washed away...and he told you he was building his home on it...and a year later, his house was washed away.....and he did not have flood insurance as no one would insure him

Would you feel he deserved to get aid from the government?

Deserved? No. But I know he would probably get it anyways.

why does he not deserve it?
Becuase he acted for immediate personal gain without concern of the consequences?

Like when a woman has sex without protection with the possible consequences of preganncxy and therefore having to make the decision for an unborn child...and that decision is to die?

Is that why you dont feel he deserves it?
how is being against abortion wanting to "control a womans body"?
I disagree with abortion as I beleive it is murder....but that is me and I am well aware that half the country believes it is not murder and therefore, I will not vote against abortion nor will I criticize one who beliueves it it.
However, the argument that it is controlling a womans body is empty.
If anythiung, iot is controlling the body of someone who is igven no choiiuce...the unborn child.
If you want to debate....use a valid argumnet....but the controilling a womans body is not valid.
You want to use that argument?
Go right ahead and do with your body what you wish...but do not take the life of the child within as just as you dont want a third party fto decided what to do with YOUR body, you should want the same for the child within.

Campaign to have the abortion laws changed...but in the meantime, don't have an abortion if you are morally against it.

you diverted fropm the point of my post.
Not to mention your inexplicable misrepresentation of my sentiments as it perttains to abortion.
I am personally against it but I respect those that are for it...and it is this resepct for them that allows me to supopoort abortions.
However...if ifind that argument of "controlling a woman's body" foolish and empty

If you are the woman who the government is trying to might not find it so foolish and empty.
Bodecea...I have a question....

If your neighbor told you that he got a great deal on a piece of real estate.....he paid 1/10 of the typical market rate....and he told you it was so cheap because it is in such a severe flood zone that the last 3 homes on it were washed away...and he told you he was building his home on it...and a year later, his house was washed away.....and he did not have flood insurance as no one would insure him

Would you feel he deserved to get aid from the government?

Deserved? No. But I know he would probably get it anyways.

why does he not deserve it?
Becuase he acted for immediate personal gain without concern of the consequences?

Like when a woman has sex without protection with the possible consequences of preganncxy and therefore having to make the decision for an unborn child...and that decision is to die?

Is that why you dont feel he deserves it?

Ah...I see where you are going with this. I did not see the comparison before because it is comparing apples with streetcars.
Yet it was a democrat who forced the races to integrate schools and neighborhoods and food places....Its a politician thing its not a D or R thing. Damn wish people would realize that.

Yes, it was a Democrat. You might have an argument about that with some cons, who have a selective memory about civil rights.
Campaign to have the abortion laws changed...but in the meantime, don't have an abortion if you are morally against it.

Isn't that the exact thing the OP opposes? Expressing our beliefs at the ballot box?
The decent life? Well, I'll try, but please edify me on what is decent and what is indecent?

Very simple... The type of society that this country was founded on. Personal responsibility. Gender Roles. Traditional Morals and Values. Do I really need to go on from there?

PS, would you describe the post by Jack Fate above, decent or indecent?

The language is a little rough and unpleasant, but the sentiment I agree with 100%.
Deserved? No. But I know he would probably get it anyways.

why does he not deserve it?
Becuase he acted for immediate personal gain without concern of the consequences?

Like when a woman has sex without protection with the possible consequences of preganncxy and therefore having to make the decision for an unborn child...and that decision is to die?

Is that why you dont feel he deserves it?

Ah...I see where you are going with this. I did not see the comparison before because it is comparing apples with streetcars. is comparing apples to streetcars...

One is addressing a foolish/selfish action that results in the loss of property and the other is addressing a foolish/selfish action that results in the loss of a life...

Yet you say a man who does something foolish that results in the loss of property should be frowned on and therefore deserves nothing......but one who does something foolish that results in the loss of a life should not be frowned on?

Campaign to have the abortion laws changed...but in the meantime, don't have an abortion if you are morally against it.

you diverted fropm the point of my post.
Not to mention your inexplicable misrepresentation of my sentiments as it perttains to abortion.
I am personally against it but I respect those that are for it...and it is this resepct for them that allows me to supopoort abortions.
However...if ifind that argument of "controlling a woman's body" foolish and empty

If you are the woman who the government is trying to might not find it so foolish and empty.

the argument is foolish and empty. There are more valid arguments for abortion.

I will say it again...feel free to go through the motions of having an abortion...we will not stop you.
Just dont take the life of the child.

Abortion is not about a woman and her body.

Abortion is about the taking of someones life.

Those for abortioin can (and do) argue whether or not the child is alive..

But those that fall back on "a womans rtight to do with her body what she wishes"...have no freaking clue and just regurgitate talking points.
you diverted fropm the point of my post.
Not to mention your inexplicable misrepresentation of my sentiments as it perttains to abortion.
I am personally against it but I respect those that are for it...and it is this resepct for them that allows me to supopoort abortions.
However...if ifind that argument of "controlling a woman's body" foolish and empty

If you are the woman who the government is trying to might not find it so foolish and empty.

the argument is foolish and empty. There are more valid arguments for abortion.

I will say it again...feel free to go through the motions of having an abortion...we will not stop you.
Just dont take the life of the child.

Abortion is not about a woman and her body.

Abortion is about the taking of someones life.

Those for abortioin can (and do) argue whether or not the child is alive..

But those that fall back on "a womans rtight to do with her body what she wishes"...have no freaking clue and just regurgitate talking points.
As do you.

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