this session stuff makes no sense


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
There is no evidence of anything linking Trump to Russia. So why the heck is the white house talking about firing sessions over Russia? Sessions has been nothing but loyal. He sacrificed his career for him on the campaign.

Sessions only crime here seems to have been recusing himself when he wanted to avoid the appearance of impropriety. That's an action of honesty and integrity.

Help me out here. Why destroy a loyal supporter over a scandal with no evidence? It doesn't make any sense
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There is no evidence of anything linking Trump to Russia. So why the heck is the white house talking about firing sessions over Russia? Sessions has been nothing but loyal. He sacrificed his career for him on the campaign.

Sessions only crime here seems to have been recusing himself when he wanted to avoid the appearance of impropriety. That's an action of honesty and integrity.

Help me out here. Why destroy a loyal supporter over a scandal with no evidence? It doesn't male any sense
It makes sense when you consider the source.... Lol
Trump is a back stabber. Let this be a lesson to all the Trump sheep and employees. He's not loyal to his supporters.
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Trump is a back stabber. Let this be a lesson to all the Trump sheep and employees. He's not loyal to his supporters.

Except sessions hasn't been fired so how is a backstabber yet?
Sessions should have waited to see what was happening and what "evidence" was produced first before he recused himself.

If there was a mounting evidence then yes recuse himself, but if there was nothing being produced or if Mueller started doing what he is doing (just doing research for the DNC) then rein him in.

Trump has a right to be mad, but he shouldn't have said anything publicly.
Trump is a back stabber. Let this be a lesson to all the Trump sheep and employees. He's not loyal to his supporters.

Except sessions hasn't been fired so how is a backstabber yet?

He's publicly criticizing him. Its not only unprofessional but also demeaning.

How would you feel about your boss talking smack about you on Twittter?
Where is the DOJ on the unmasking and the leaking? Where is that investigation? Leakers broke the law.

Why did Grassley have to go after the DOJ on where they stood on the DNC colluding with the Ukrainians?

Why is Grassley the one investigating Fusion GPS and their payments to Russian informants for the dossier and not the DOJ?

Why is Grassley the one with Feinstein going after Lynch and not the DOJ?

There's a lot of questions to be asked of the DOJ and the AG.

You bet Trump is angry. I don't blame him for spitting bullets. I like Sessions but I do not understand his recusal nor do I understand his agencies inaction on so many other issues.
Trump is throwing Jr under the bus to protect Jared from the meeting with the Russian attorney and spy. He previously fired Comey thinking that would shut down the investigation of his campating getting information from the Russians to use against Hillary, which btw was illegal. He did not realize that with Sessions recusing, it would be up to DOJ lawyers to appoint a special prosecutor, and he got Mueller who is a pit bull compared to Comey. So he views Sessions as being disloyal and forcing him to toss Jr under the bus to protect Jared, whom he considers more valuable.
Trump holds his supporters in complete contempt. He tells the biggest lies, and perpetrates the biggest hoaxes, believing his Chumps are so stupid they will drink whatever piss he pours for them. "I can shoot someone on 5th Avenue..."

So far, Trump's confidence in their blind obedience has proven to be well-founded.
Trump holds his supporters in complete contempt. He tells the biggest lies, and perpetrates the biggest hoaxes, believing his Chumps are so stupid they will drink whatever piss he pours for them. "I can shoot someone on 5th Avenue..."

So far, Trump's confidence in their blind obedience has proven to be well-founded.
I do not think I've ever seen Trump so popular with the American people as he is right now. This entire Mueller investigation thing has backfired on the democrats. The American people are backing President Trump. If you doubt it just read Twitter. His numbers are soaring!!!
There is no evidence of anything linking Trump to Russia. So why the heck is the white house talking about firing sessions over Russia? Sessions has been nothing but loyal. He sacrificed his career for him on the campaign.

Sessions only crime here seems to have been recusing himself when he wanted to avoid the appearance of impropriety. That's an action of honesty and integrity.

Help me out here. Why destroy a loyal supporter over a scandal with no evidence? It doesn't make any sense

You're asking a question about Trump making sense? In his usual thoughtless and incompetent manner he reacts emotionally and acts impulsively. I doubt if that makes sense to anyone but the most lipspittle of his supporters.
Trump is throwing Jr under the bus to protect Jared from the meeting with the Russian attorney and spy. He previously fired Comey thinking that would shut down the investigation of his campating getting information from the Russians to use against Hillary, which btw was illegal. He did not realize that with Sessions recusing, it would be up to DOJ lawyers to appoint a special prosecutor, and he got Mueller who is a pit bull compared to Comey. So he views Sessions as being disloyal and forcing him to toss Jr under the bus to protect Jared, whom he considers more valuable.

Name the exact law that makes it illegal for a campaign to get dirt on an opponent. Even from a foreign country.

ETA: even when you pay for it like the Never Trumper and the Democrats did with the dossier.
Trump holds his supporters in complete contempt. He tells the biggest lies, and perpetrates the biggest hoaxes, believing his Chumps are so stupid they will drink whatever piss he pours for them. "I can shoot someone on 5th Avenue..."

So far, Trump's confidence in their blind obedience has proven to be well-founded.
I do not think I've ever seen Trump so popular with the American people as he is right now. This entire Mueller investigation thing has backfired on the democrats. The American people are backing President Trump. If you doubt it just read Twitter. His numbers are soaring!!!

This "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory has been going on for so long with nothing to show for it.

Mueller looking into every aspect of Trump's life has caused him to lose even more support.
Some would say recusing himself and bowing to democrat party pressure was an act of political expediency and cowardice. Does anyone remember a media shit storm like this when Hussein got rid of Holder? The Sessions issue probably would have straightened itself out if it wasn't for fake news and innuendos and anonymous unverified "sources" generated by the left wing MSM.
Trump holds his supporters in complete contempt. He tells the biggest lies, and perpetrates the biggest hoaxes, believing his Chumps are so stupid they will drink whatever piss he pours for them. "I can shoot someone on 5th Avenue..."

So far, Trump's confidence in their blind obedience has proven to be well-founded.
I do not think I've ever seen Trump so popular with the American people as he is right now. This entire Mueller investigation thing has backfired on the democrats. The American people are backing President Trump. If you doubt it just read Twitter. His numbers are soaring!!!

This "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory has been going on for so long with nothing to show for it.

Mueller looking into every aspect of Trump's life has caused him to lose even more support.
Mueller's investigation is about Russian meddling, fool. Collusion is a subset of that investigation.

And there is plenty of evidence of Russian meddling.

And of course, Donnie Junior definitely colluded. "I love it". The traitor brought a whole army of Russian agents into Trump Tower to collude with him and Manafort and Kushner.
You're asking a question about Trump making sense? In his usual thoughtless and incompetent manner he reacts emotionally and acts impulsively. I doubt if that makes sense to anyone but the most lipspittle of his supporters.

After you show me YOUR International chain of successful hotels, various successful business enterprises and pay $32,000,000 in TAXES....then'll I'll listen to you.....

Until then.....

STFU nitwit
Trump is throwing Jr under the bus to protect Jared from the meeting with the Russian attorney and spy. He previously fired Comey thinking that would shut down the investigation of his campating getting information from the Russians to use against Hillary, which btw was illegal. He did not realize that with Sessions recusing, it would be up to DOJ lawyers to appoint a special prosecutor, and he got Mueller who is a pit bull compared to Comey. So he views Sessions as being disloyal and forcing him to toss Jr under the bus to protect Jared, whom he considers more valuable.

Name the exact law that makes it illegal for a campaign to get dirt on an opponent. Even from a foreign country.

When the investigation is complete, and the final report is issued, the persons and their alleged crime(s) will be brought before a Grand Jury. Then and only then will We the People know for sure what was uncovered by Mr. Mueller and his team.
Mueller's investigation is about Russian meddling, fool. Collusion is a subset of that investigation.

And there is plenty of evidence of Russian meddling.
And of course, Donnie Junior definitely colluded. "I love it".

Says they know it all Rainbow Jackass.

The DEMOCRATS have FAR more to hide. Fortunately for the Democrats, the corrupt media and DC Swamp are both on their side to cover for their shit.

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