This shit is getting old.

There IS a RACE war brewing. Black against black, white against black, black against white, hispanic against blacks AND whites, etc etc etc. Pretending it is not happening just because it isn't in your neck of the woods is being a nutter.

I've lived my whole life in the cities you claim are the hotbeds of this supposed "race war", and I've seen no evidence of it.

You're the one "pretending" it's happening in places you've probably never even been to.
There IS a RACE war brewing. Black against black, white against black, black against white, hispanic against blacks AND whites, etc etc etc. Pretending it is not happening just because it isn't in your neck of the woods is being a nutter.

I've lived my whole life in the cities you claim are the hotbeds of this supposed "race war", and I've seen no evidence of it.

You're the one "pretending" it's happening in places you've probably never even been to.
I'm not pretending anything. I read the news. Or is the news racist nutters?
I lived in places where one did not step into if they were white. I also managed property where the crips and the bloods warred in the alley behind the property so don't tell me I am pretending anything when you know diddly squat about me. There are cities like that everywhere. To pretend it doesn't happen is ludicrous.
There IS a RACE war brewing. Black against black, white against black, black against white, hispanic against blacks AND whites, etc etc etc. Pretending it is not happening just because it isn't in your neck of the woods is being a nutter.

It's not a matter of "pretending it's not happening" - it's asking for actual evidence that it's happening and that seems to be a rare beast given decreasing crime.
Tell that to all the people sucker punched in the knock out game. Tell that to the black mother mourning her child that got shot while in bed by a drive by asshole. Tell that to the couple in the vid running for their lives. Tell that to the cop that shot that guy and the Black Panthers urged him and his family to be murdered in retaliation. I don't need to back up anything to see bad things are happening at a rapid pace.

You're conflating crime in general with some idea that it is a "race war". No one is saying racist crime doesn't take place - but it's not a "race war".
I'm not just "focusing" on you, I'm responding to Ms. Tazzo and anyone else who is engaging in conversation here. It's not all about you Gracie - you just happen to be making the most out of saying stuff then refusing to back anything up and we go on

The only one making it all about me is...drumroll...YOU. And Doc. You are indeed focusing on my responses. Saying you aren't makes you look foolish.
I am backing up MY OPINION, Coyote.

You're the only one currently posting in this thread who is making such ridiculous arguments, which is why I am responding to your posts.

Everything else is just in your head.
There IS a RACE war brewing. Black against black, white against black, black against white, hispanic against blacks AND whites, etc etc etc. Pretending it is not happening just because it isn't in your neck of the woods is being a nutter.

It's not a matter of "pretending it's not happening" - it's asking for actual evidence that it's happening and that seems to be a rare beast given decreasing crime.
Tell that to all the people sucker punched in the knock out game. Tell that to the black mother mourning her child that got shot while in bed by a drive by asshole. Tell that to the couple in the vid running for their lives. Tell that to the cop that shot that guy and the Black Panthers urged him and his family to be murdered in retaliation. I don't need to back up anything to see bad things are happening at a rapid pace.

You're conflating crime in general with some idea that it is a "race war". No one is saying racist crime doesn't take place - but it's not a "race war".
You can CHOOSE to call it whatever you want. I choose to call it a race war. Which in your opinion, makes me a nutter, passive aggressive, etc. See the difference? Where have I called you names where you said something I don't agree with? I told you to Eff yourself (zone 2 so watching my words now), but I have not deemed to insult you with mental disorders, now have I? Oh. Wait. now I am doing a pity party, right? Wrong. I am being careful now because I KNOW what you want to do. Go ahead. Do it.. I'll live.
I'm not just "focusing" on you, I'm responding to Ms. Tazzo and anyone else who is engaging in conversation here. It's not all about you Gracie - you just happen to be making the most out of saying stuff then refusing to back anything up and we go on

The only one making it all about me is...drumroll...YOU. And Doc. You are indeed focusing on my responses. Saying you aren't makes you look foolish.
I am backing up MY OPINION, Coyote.

You're the only one currently posting in this thread who is making such ridiculous arguments, which is why I am responding to your posts.

Everything else is just in your head.
Yeah. Cuz I am a nutter. Right. Ok.
There IS a RACE war brewing. Black against black, white against black, black against white, hispanic against blacks AND whites, etc etc etc. Pretending it is not happening just because it isn't in your neck of the woods is being a nutter.

I've lived my whole life in the cities you claim are the hotbeds of this supposed "race war", and I've seen no evidence of it.

You're the one "pretending" it's happening in places you've probably never even been to.
I'm not pretending anything. I read the news. Or is the news racist nutters?
I lived in places where one did not step into if they were white. I also managed property where the crips and the bloods warred in the alley behind the property so don't tell me I am pretending anything when you know diddly squat about me. There are cities like that everywhere. To pretend it doesn't happen is ludicrous.

"Crime" is not a "Race war".
I moved to the woods to get away from the drug violence even in NW Ark... But then again when it was done in the 1980's when I moved there, the crime rate was from drugs also...around SW Mozzure here it's alcohol and fighting...but southern boyz is suppose to growd up a fightin.. Some just go to fer...there was even a killing over Bible scripture, some fellers took it too seriously....
Yet the disturbing truth, according to the FBI's most recent homicide statistics, is that the United States is in the wake of an epidemic of white-on-white crime. Back in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

New FBI data confirm a sustained drop in the US crime rate, despite a broader definition of what constitutes rape. Creative policing, better use of data, and community involvement play a role.

Overall reported crime was down in the first half of last year, according to new federal data from more than 270 cities that show declines in all categories except rape.

FBI reports a drop in crime in 2013

I can't see a war here.
There IS a RACE war brewing. Black against black, white against black, black against white, hispanic against blacks AND whites, etc etc etc. Pretending it is not happening just because it isn't in your neck of the woods is being a nutter.

I've lived my whole life in the cities you claim are the hotbeds of this supposed "race war", and I've seen no evidence of it.

You're the one "pretending" it's happening in places you've probably never even been to.
I'm not pretending anything. I read the news. Or is the news racist nutters?
I lived in places where one did not step into if they were white. I also managed property where the crips and the bloods warred in the alley behind the property so don't tell me I am pretending anything when you know diddly squat about me. There are cities like that everywhere. To pretend it doesn't happen is ludicrous.

"Crime" is not a "Race war".
It is when it is black on white, white on black, brown on white, red on black.
Yet the disturbing truth, according to the FBI's most recent homicide statistics, is that the United States is in the wake of an epidemic of white-on-white crime. Back in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

New FBI data confirm a sustained drop in the US crime rate, despite a broader definition of what constitutes rape. Creative policing, better use of data, and community involvement play a role.

Overall reported crime was down in the first half of last year, according to new federal data from more than 270 cities that show declines in all categories except rape.

FBI reports a drop in crime in 2013

I can't see a war here.
Explaining without the insults goes much further. Thanks Ropey.
Done with this thread. Lets see who the mods go after when I refuse to participate any more. I bet..... none.

There IS a RACE war brewing. Black against black, white against black, black against white, hispanic against blacks AND whites, etc etc etc. Pretending it is not happening just because it isn't in your neck of the woods is being a nutter.

It's not a matter of "pretending it's not happening" - it's asking for actual evidence that it's happening and that seems to be a rare beast given decreasing crime.
Tell that to all the people sucker punched in the knock out game. Tell that to the black mother mourning her child that got shot while in bed by a drive by asshole. Tell that to the couple in the vid running for their lives. Tell that to the cop that shot that guy and the Black Panthers urged him and his family to be murdered in retaliation. I don't need to back up anything to see bad things are happening at a rapid pace.

You're conflating crime in general with some idea that it is a "race war". No one is saying racist crime doesn't take place - but it's not a "race war".
You can CHOOSE to call it whatever you want. I choose to call it a race war. Which in your opinion, makes me a nutter, passive aggressive, etc. See the difference? Where have I called you names where you said something I don't agree with? I told you to Eff yourself (zone 2 so watching my words now), but I have not deemed to insult you with mental disorders, now have I? Oh. Wait. now I am doing a pity party, right? Wrong. I am being careful now because I KNOW what you want to do. Go ahead. Do it.. I'll live.

You can tell me to fuck myself, that terminology is allowable in Zone 2. However, I doubt I'll comply with your demands.

You seriously are a drama queen about all this when I'm doing nothing more than I do with any other poster I'm debating with - asking you to back up your claims.

You make a claim about a "black war", which is probably your more honest view, morph it into a "race war", provide no real evidence to support it (no increase in racial crimes beyond anecdotal) and then get mad at me when I ask you back it up. It's all emotional venting, redirection and smoke and mirrors.

There is nothing to show racially motivated crime has increased that I've found - in terms of statistics. So how can there be a race war? I think it's fear mongering.
Yet the disturbing truth, according to the FBI's most recent homicide statistics, is that the United States is in the wake of an epidemic of white-on-white crime. Back in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

New FBI data confirm a sustained drop in the US crime rate, despite a broader definition of what constitutes rape. Creative policing, better use of data, and community involvement play a role.

Overall reported crime was down in the first half of last year, according to new federal data from more than 270 cities that show declines in all categories except rape.

FBI reports a drop in crime in 2013

I can't see a war here.
Explaining without the insults goes much further. Thanks Ropey.

If you don't like insults don't start flinging them.
There IS a RACE war brewing. Black against black, white against black, black against white, hispanic against blacks AND whites, etc etc etc. Pretending it is not happening just because it isn't in your neck of the woods is being a nutter.

I've lived my whole life in the cities you claim are the hotbeds of this supposed "race war", and I've seen no evidence of it.

You're the one "pretending" it's happening in places you've probably never even been to.
I'm not pretending anything. I read the news. Or is the news racist nutters?
I lived in places where one did not step into if they were white. I also managed property where the crips and the bloods warred in the alley behind the property so don't tell me I am pretending anything when you know diddly squat about me. There are cities like that everywhere. To pretend it doesn't happen is ludicrous.

"Crime" is not a "Race war".
It is when it is black on white, white on black, brown on white, red on black.


Come on Gracie. Most of the time crime is just crime when an opportunity presents itself. Racial make up doesn't always matter.
Are you being obtuse? Will you throw me in solitary Shaw Shank Style for using that word cuz you are the warden? I refuse to discuss this in depth with you because you are Staff. One does not argue with staff unless they want to pay for it later.

Concerning what black war? Oy.

Stop acting like a freaking nutter.

What "black war" are you talking about?
Nutter? Due to my opinion being different than yours?
Kiss my ass.

uh, no - not due to you having a different opinion and no, I will not kiss your ass princess.

What. Black. War. Are. You. Talking. About.?

If. You. Are. That. Blind. Then. I. Don't. Aim. To. Make. You. See.

It's a simple and straightforward question. It shouldn't be that difficult for you to answer. You claimed there is some sort of "black war" going on.

Certainly isn't where I live.

So what are talking about Gracie?

There is no war where I am either. But in Los Angeles..there is. In New York, there is. In Cleveland, there is. In Ferguson, there is. Just because it is not happening where you are or where I am does not mean it is not happening. Pick up a newspaper.

What do you call a war? Simple crime? What?
I'd say a war can be something that goes on within someones head or within many a peoples heads. This can be caused due to many reasons over time, where as one may feel that a war is going on in their head of course, and so they may identify an enemy to complete the picture of that war that is raging within. Now how to get that war back out of peoples heads, well is one of responsibility of our elected officials who are there to influence this nation to become a more peaceful one, and a happy one. Do we have those kind of people in office now ? I'd say no that we don't or rather they are failing us in that respect. No God, then no peace, and the current lot seems to be anti-God in many ways, so it is that there may be no peace until we get some good God fearing people back in power again, and this for a better balance in this nation when dealing with the issues.
I'd say a war can be something that goes on within someones head or within many a peoples heads. This can be caused due to many reasons over time, where as one may feel that a war is going on in their head of course, and so they may identify an enemy to complete the picture of that war that is raging within. Now how to get that war back out of peoples heads, well is one of responsibility of our elected officials who are there to influence this nation to become a more peaceful one, and a happy one. Do we have those kind of people in office now ? I'd say no that we don't or rather they are failing us in that respect. No God, then no peace, and the current lot seems to be anti-God in many ways, so it is that there may be no peace until we get some good God fearing people back in power again, and this for a better balance in this nation when dealing with the issues.

Insightful answer...not sure I agree with the God fearing part but - thanks for a really good answer :)
There IS a RACE war brewing. Black against black, white against black, black against white, hispanic against blacks AND whites, etc etc etc. Pretending it is not happening just because it isn't in your neck of the woods is being a nutter.

I've lived my whole life in the cities you claim are the hotbeds of this supposed "race war", and I've seen no evidence of it.

You're the one "pretending" it's happening in places you've probably never even been to.
I'm not pretending anything. I read the news. Or is the news racist nutters?
I lived in places where one did not step into if they were white. I also managed property where the crips and the bloods warred in the alley behind the property so don't tell me I am pretending anything when you know diddly squat about me. There are cities like that everywhere. To pretend it doesn't happen is ludicrous.

"Crime" is not a "Race war".
It is when it is black on white, white on black, brown on white, red on black.


Come on Gracie. Most of the time crime is just crime when an opportunity presents itself. Racial make up doesn't always matter.
Racial make up should never matter, but what matters is when a group comes together over an ideology, hatred or vengence towards others, then this is what matters a whole lot to everyone. This hatred is born out of ignorance if it is being applied to ones skin color in life, because ones color means nothing, but instead it's ones character that means everything. Now if you get a number of individuals agreeing on the same things in life, and they form a group based upon those agreements, then it can become a problem if their agreements or unity is flawed badly, and especially if they act badly together as a group out to make trouble. The only weapon to expose the devil is to look at ones character in life, and then look at their actions in life, but never look at ones skin color whether black, white, yellow, brown or etc. is what I think about it all.

Stats do mean something though, and it is good to study the stats in order to then study the patterns or possible ideologies that are running amongst groups whom do form groups together. Bad running amongst individuals should be rebuked by everyone who can recognize this bad, and it should be rebuked regardless of one being the same color as you are in life or that one may claim the same beliefs you have also, but yet they are radicals in their beliefs instead. They should be rebuked by those who are peaceful and are the peacemakers in life also. Again no one should stand up for any color if it is bad in character or doing bad things because of a bad character in which he/she or they as a group hath formed together in life.
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You must think I am extremely stupid as well as a nutter. Well..I know something happened to have both of you focus on me when I didn't even start the thread. And I know what that something is, too.

I might be a fruitloop at times, and maybe a nutter...but I damn sure am NOT stupid. Keep trying. You are doing a FINE job as staff on harassing members that refuse to goosestep to your demands.

I'm not just "focusing" on you, I'm responding to Ms. Tazzo and anyone else who is engaging in conversation here. It's not all about you Gracie - you just happen to be making the most out of saying stuff then refusing to back anything up and we go on
Anyone that is white and is walking down the street with their friend or loved one and a group of blacks are behind them and they are not concerned...are CRAZY. Nowadays, there IS reason to be concerned. Even for old folks hobbling along or feeding pigeons in a park....they never know when some asshole BLACK guy is going to try for bonus points in smacking that old person in the head.

I bet the KKK is getting a shitload of new members lately. Good. Looks like it is needed.

When you joining?
When they get someone with sense instead of a bunch of rednecks with missing teeth. I won't hold my breath waiting, though.
And with that said...I see a need for the KKK just like blacks see a need for The Black Panthers. Now argue that, whydontcha.

You see a "need" for hate groups?
I see a need for quid pro quo. And?

And supporting hate groups (as opposed to law enforcement) is the way to achieve this "need"? Seriously?

According to some groups, the law is absolutely no good, so what next do you think ? Who will protect who from who in the end ?

So you would trust hate groups to administer justice? Essentially - you are describing what is occurring in Syria and Iraq.
No I don't or wouldn't support hate groups to keep law and order, but if some groups can convince us that the cops are all bad (Holder on a witch hunt right now), then who takes their place ? Think about it..
There IS a RACE war brewing. Black against black, white against black, black against white, hispanic against blacks AND whites, etc etc etc. Pretending it is not happening just because it isn't in your neck of the woods is being a nutter.

I've lived my whole life in the cities you claim are the hotbeds of this supposed "race war", and I've seen no evidence of it.

You're the one "pretending" it's happening in places you've probably never even been to.
Better to call it an economic and/or class war then, because you wouldn't see these things in certain ways if took it to that level, yet it's all depending on where you stayed while in these cities. You have your opinion, but then those on the bottom rungs do have a differing opinion maybe than you have. Couple that with the tired old story of race in this nation, and it could be that a large portion of those who may just happen to be of a certain race living in poverty, and then living within a city, could have a strong opinion of what has caused that poverty in their life. May not mean that they are right, but for some it could be that they are held back by situations that were way beyond their control.. Now whether they are right or not is what can't seemed to be proven or can it be proven by them ? They seem to think it can be, but that is their perspective from where it is that they may be coming in from, and then you have those who have broken the chains of poverty who don't have the same opinions any more once they got out. Now sadly these are then referred to as the uncle Tom's in life, and especially if they don't come back to rescue others from their economic impoverishment or conditions in life. It's all really a deep subject for my shallow mind is what my grandfather once liked to say to me..(LOL)

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