This shit is getting old.

Are you being obtuse? Will you throw me in solitary Shaw Shank Style for using that word cuz you are the warden? I refuse to discuss this in depth with you because you are Staff. One does not argue with staff unless they want to pay for it later.

Concerning what black war? Oy.

Stop acting like a freaking nutter.

What "black war" are you talking about?
Nutter? Due to my opinion being different than yours?
Kiss my ass.

uh, no - not due to you having a different opinion and no, I will not kiss your ass princess.

What. Black. War. Are. You. Talking. About.?

If. You. Are. That. Blind. Then. I. Don't. Aim. To. Make. You. See.
And I can promise you this,if I'd have been there those cops wouldnt have had to chase near as many of the scum.

Your "promise" means nothing, tough guy. Calm down. You are all upset, so you're trying to beat your chest and make yourself feel better. You only end up making yourself look like some hysterical fool.

How are we supposed to not be hysterical with the increase in black on White crime since Yomma blackened the White house? We're supposed to laugh about the victims of the knock-out game? Better get hysterical, we're on the verge of a race war if things keep going the way they are. If your state has conceal and carry, arm yourself and shoot to kill and ask questions later. This ghetto trash would have killed this young couple and not thought twice about it. And as for them, what the hell are White people doing at a cRAP club? Wake up, White America!

Got any sources to back up your claims of an increase in black-on-white crime?

I doubt it, since "black on white" crime has been steadily decreasing, along with all violent crime, for the last 30 years.

To be fair, FBI homicide data tables like this state that black on white homicides are more prevalent. According to the link:

2,648 black Americans were killed.
193 of the offenders were white.
2,412 of the offenders were black.

3,128 white Americans were killed.
2,614 of the offenders were white.
431 of the offenders were black.

Regardless of anyone's opinions, this is what the official numbers are saying.

I think you should re-read my post, that data doesn't have anything to do with what I said.

My bad then. Just jumping in midway is all. :eusa_angel:

Your statistics just quote homicide, I'm talking about all black on white crime. And you can't trust FBI statistics because they fudge the numbers. They also don't want you to know the percentage of crime committed by Hispanics so they are listed with Whites, or White Hispanic. It's a joke. With the knock-out game alone it has increased. There was a time when africans wouldn't even look at Whites cross-eyed, now they are all comfy-cosy and cocky and have no qualms about committing crimes against us. I happen to work in the criminal justice system and in my courthouse alone the number of black on White crime has increased 10-fold since that idiot african took the throne. In the past year we've had 10 black on White rapes, before Yomma was in office we had none. african on White murders, we've had seven, before the Idiot in Chief we had none. We've had africans walk up to White people punch them and steal their phones, again, before the african in chief, we had no such crimes. This is happening around the country not just in my courthouse. And they wonder why they're not welcome in our communities. We had virtually no crime before Section 8 arrived, we couldn't even spell the word "murder" until they arrived. The worse crime we had was some White punks driving by and beating mailboxes with with a baseball bat. No violent crime until africans infested this community.

If it's increased "10 fold" then you should be able to provide some stats showing such a huge increase.
And I can promise you this,if I'd have been there those cops wouldnt have had to chase near as many of the scum.

Your "promise" means nothing, tough guy. Calm down. You are all upset, so you're trying to beat your chest and make yourself feel better. You only end up making yourself look like some hysterical fool.

How are we supposed to not be hysterical with the increase in black on White crime since Yomma blackened the White house? We're supposed to laugh about the victims of the knock-out game? Better get hysterical, we're on the verge of a race war if things keep going the way they are. If your state has conceal and carry, arm yourself and shoot to kill and ask questions later. This ghetto trash would have killed this young couple and not thought twice about it. And as for them, what the hell are White people doing at a cRAP club? Wake up, White America!

Got any sources to back up your claims of an increase in black-on-white crime?

I doubt it, since "black on white" crime has been steadily decreasing, along with all violent crime, for the last 30 years.

To be fair, FBI homicide data tables like this state that black on white homicides are more prevalent. According to the link:

2,648 black Americans were killed.
193 of the offenders were white.
2,412 of the offenders were black.

3,128 white Americans were killed.
2,614 of the offenders were white.
431 of the offenders were black.

Regardless of anyone's opinions, this is what the official numbers are saying.

I think you should re-read my post, that data doesn't have anything to do with what I said.

My bad then. Just jumping in midway is all. :eusa_angel:

I'm talking about the amount of "black on white" crime total over time, rather than the difference between races.
Rut roh. Watch out kathy! You are going to be accused of being a racist and although invited to "debate" back because this is a "debate" message forum although it does not say ANYWHERE that is except in the Clean Debate Zone, and one of the mods wants to start a fight, call you names over your opinion and the other one says anyone tired of this shit is racists having a field day and expect you to DEBATE your opinion..... And if you do argue with either a good idea since they are staff.

What names did I call you?

I'm assuming you saying we are not allowed to discuss the issues brought up by you
Maybe black on white crime IS decreasing. Good. But what about black on black crime? Since I am supposedly a racist, what about those children afraid to come out of their own homes due to gang violence and are hurt or killed by other blacks?

I don't think the KKK is going to help with that.

This black war has to have something done. And if ANYONE speaks up about it....they are racist. So most stay silent. That pretty much sucks.

Again..just my opinon. I guess i need a new sigline so I don't have to keep repeating myself and told to DEBATE my stance.

What black war? (or is that asking to much of you again?)

Are you being obtuse? Will you throw me in solitary Shaw Shank Style for using that word cuz you are the warden? I refuse to discuss this in depth with you because you are Staff. One does not argue with staff unless they want to pay for it later.

Concerning what black war? Oy.

Oh please.

You can post however you like. But don't expect us to not call you on your shit, and don't try to use any more of those passive-aggressive attacks on Coyote's and my ethics as moderators as excuses for refusing to back up your bullshit. Indulging your persecution complex isn't going to get you any sympathy from anyone. It's pretty transparent.

What is transparent is some agendas around here because I shared something maybe I shouldn't have.
You can call me on anything you want to call me on. But you can take your accusations of my supposed passive agressive attacks and shove them up your ass as well.
I never asked for sympathy nor expect any. I do expect to be treated fairly and if my OPINIONS don't jive with yours, I suggest you either ignore those opinions you don't agree with and act accordingly while wearing the Staff Hat, or stfu yourself with your own opinons..which I don't take personally because I don't give a shit about them anyway. Its just opinions. Mileage may vary for everyone.
Are you being obtuse? Will you throw me in solitary Shaw Shank Style for using that word cuz you are the warden? I refuse to discuss this in depth with you because you are Staff. One does not argue with staff unless they want to pay for it later.

Concerning what black war? Oy.

Stop acting like a freaking nutter.

What "black war" are you talking about?
Nutter? Due to my opinion being different than yours?
Kiss my ass.

uh, no - not due to you having a different opinion and no, I will not kiss your ass princess.

What. Black. War. Are. You. Talking. About.?

If. You. Are. That. Blind. Then. I. Don't. Aim. To. Make. You. See.

It's a simple and straightforward question. It shouldn't be that difficult for you to answer. You claimed there is some sort of "black war" going on.

Certainly isn't where I live.

So what are talking about Gracie?
And I can promise you this,if I'd have been there those cops wouldnt have had to chase near as many of the scum.

Your "promise" means nothing, tough guy. Calm down. You are all upset, so you're trying to beat your chest and make yourself feel better. You only end up making yourself look like some hysterical fool.

How are we supposed to not be hysterical with the increase in black on White crime since Yomma blackened the White house? We're supposed to laugh about the victims of the knock-out game? Better get hysterical, we're on the verge of a race war if things keep going the way they are. If your state has conceal and carry, arm yourself and shoot to kill and ask questions later. This ghetto trash would have killed this young couple and not thought twice about it. And as for them, what the hell are White people doing at a cRAP club? Wake up, White America!

Got any sources to back up your claims of an increase in black-on-white crime?

I doubt it, since "black on white" crime has been steadily decreasing, along with all violent crime, for the last 30 years.

To be fair, FBI homicide data tables like this state that black on white homicides are more prevalent. According to the link:

2,648 black Americans were killed.
193 of the offenders were white.
2,412 of the offenders were black.

3,128 white Americans were killed.
2,614 of the offenders were white.
431 of the offenders were black.

Regardless of anyone's opinions, this is what the official numbers are saying.

I think you should re-read my post, that data doesn't have anything to do with what I said.

My bad then. Just jumping in midway is all. :eusa_angel:

Your statistics just quote homicide, I'm talking about all black on white crime. And you can't trust FBI statistics because they fudge the numbers. They also don't want you to know the percentage of crime committed by Hispanics so they are listed with Whites, or White Hispanic. It's a joke. With the knock-out game alone it has increased. There was a time when africans wouldn't even look at Whites cross-eyed, now they are all comfy-cosy and cocky and have no qualms about committing crimes against us. I happen to work in the criminal justice system and in my courthouse alone the number of black on White crime has increased 10-fold since that idiot african took the throne. In the past year we've had 10 black on White rapes, before Yomma was in office we had none. african on White murders, we've had seven, before the Idiot in Chief we had none. We've had africans walk up to White people punch them and steal their phones, again, before the african in chief, we had no such crimes. This is happening around the country not just in my courthouse. And they wonder why they're not welcome in our communities. We had virtually no crime before Section 8 arrived, we couldn't even spell the word "murder" until they arrived. The worse crime we had was some White punks driving by and beating mailboxes with with a baseball bat. No violent crime until africans infested this community.

If it's increased "10 fold" then you should be able to provide some stats showing such a huge increase.
And I can promise you this,if I'd have been there those cops wouldnt have had to chase near as many of the scum.

Your "promise" means nothing, tough guy. Calm down. You are all upset, so you're trying to beat your chest and make yourself feel better. You only end up making yourself look like some hysterical fool.

How are we supposed to not be hysterical with the increase in black on White crime since Yomma blackened the White house? We're supposed to laugh about the victims of the knock-out game? Better get hysterical, we're on the verge of a race war if things keep going the way they are. If your state has conceal and carry, arm yourself and shoot to kill and ask questions later. This ghetto trash would have killed this young couple and not thought twice about it. And as for them, what the hell are White people doing at a cRAP club? Wake up, White America!

Got any sources to back up your claims of an increase in black-on-white crime?

I doubt it, since "black on white" crime has been steadily decreasing, along with all violent crime, for the last 30 years.

To be fair, FBI homicide data tables like this state that black on white homicides are more prevalent. According to the link:

2,648 black Americans were killed.
193 of the offenders were white.
2,412 of the offenders were black.

3,128 white Americans were killed.

431 of the offenders were black.
2,614 of the offenders were white.

Regardless of anyone's opinions, this is what the official numbers are saying.

I think you should re-read my post, that data doesn't have anything to do with what I said.

My bad then. Just jumping in midway is all. :eusa_angel:

I'm talking about the amount of "black on white" crime total over time, rather than the difference between races.

I put the numbers in sequence and what I find telling is that mostly Black Americans kill each other and mostly White Americans kill each other.

Or am I missing something there?
Are you being obtuse? Will you throw me in solitary Shaw Shank Style for using that word cuz you are the warden? I refuse to discuss this in depth with you because you are Staff. One does not argue with staff unless they want to pay for it later.

Concerning what black war? Oy.

Stop acting like a freaking nutter.

What "black war" are you talking about?
Nutter? Due to my opinion being different than yours?
Kiss my ass.

uh, no - not due to you having a different opinion and no, I will not kiss your ass princess.

What. Black. War. Are. You. Talking. About.?

If. You. Are. That. Blind. Then. I. Don't. Aim. To. Make. You. See.

It's a simple and straightforward question. It shouldn't be that difficult for you to answer. You claimed there is some sort of "black war" going on.

Certainly isn't where I live.

So what are talking about Gracie?

There is no war where I am either. But in Los Angeles..there is. In New York, there is. In Cleveland, there is. In Ferguson, there is. Just because it is not happening where you are or where I am does not mean it is not happening. Pick up a newspaper.
I can see you're nothing but an apologist. Courthouses don't keep such statistics and you don't have to take my word for it, just keep your head buried in the sand until you become a victim.
And I can promise you this,if I'd have been there those cops wouldnt have had to chase near as many of the scum.

Your "promise" means nothing, tough guy. Calm down. You are all upset, so you're trying to beat your chest and make yourself feel better. You only end up making yourself look like some hysterical fool.

How are we supposed to not be hysterical with the increase in black on White crime since Yomma blackened the White house? We're supposed to laugh about the victims of the knock-out game? Better get hysterical, we're on the verge of a race war if things keep going the way they are. If your state has conceal and carry, arm yourself and shoot to kill and ask questions later. This ghetto trash would have killed this young couple and not thought twice about it. And as for them, what the hell are White people doing at a cRAP club? Wake up, White America!

Got any sources to back up your claims of an increase in black-on-white crime?

I doubt it, since "black on white" crime has been steadily decreasing, along with all violent crime, for the last 30 years.

To be fair, FBI homicide data tables like this state that black on white homicides are more prevalent. According to the link:

2,648 black Americans were killed.
193 of the offenders were white.
2,412 of the offenders were black.

3,128 white Americans were killed.
431 of the offenders were black.
2,614 of the offenders were white.

Regardless of anyone's opinions, this is what the official numbers are saying.

I think you should re-read my post, that data doesn't have anything to do with what I said.

My bad then. Just jumping in midway is all. :eusa_angel:

I'm talking about the amount of "black on white" crime total over time, rather than the difference between races.

I put the numbers in sequence and what I find telling is that mostly Black Americans kill each other and mostly White Americans kill each other.

Or am I missing something there?

No...It depends also on who you are screwing that wants you dead..since whites are 6 times more likely to be killed by a white,, than a colored man(is that ok to use?) I prefer Sambo but ,,
Good thing I'm partial white and the odds decrease with Indians, we usually kill ourselves...where's that fire water???
Are you being obtuse? Will you throw me in solitary Shaw Shank Style for using that word cuz you are the warden? I refuse to discuss this in depth with you because you are Staff. One does not argue with staff unless they want to pay for it later.

Concerning what black war? Oy.

Stop acting like a freaking nutter.

What "black war" are you talking about?
Nutter? Due to my opinion being different than yours?
Kiss my ass.

uh, no - not due to you having a different opinion and no, I will not kiss your ass princess.

What. Black. War. Are. You. Talking. About.?

If. You. Are. That. Blind. Then. I. Don't. Aim. To. Make. You. See.

It's a simple and straightforward question. It shouldn't be that difficult for you to answer. You claimed there is some sort of "black war" going on.

Certainly isn't where I live.

So what are talking about Gracie?

There is no war where I am either. But in Los Angeles..there is. In New York, there is. In Cleveland, there is. In Ferguson, there is. Just because it is not happening where you are or where I am does not mean it is not happening. Pick up a newspaper.

What do you call a war? Simple crime? What?
Rut roh. Watch out kathy! You are going to be accused of being a racist and although invited to "debate" back because this is a "debate" message forum although it does not say ANYWHERE that is except in the Clean Debate Zone, and one of the mods wants to start a fight, call you names over your opinion and the other one says anyone tired of this shit is racists having a field day and expect you to DEBATE your opinion..... And if you do argue with either a good idea since they are staff.

What names did I call you?

I'm assuming you saying we are not allowed to discuss the issues brought up by you
Maybe black on white crime IS decreasing. Good. But what about black on black crime? Since I am supposedly a racist, what about those children afraid to come out of their own homes due to gang violence and are hurt or killed by other blacks?

I don't think the KKK is going to help with that.

This black war has to have something done. And if ANYONE speaks up about it....they are racist. So most stay silent. That pretty much sucks.

Again..just my opinon. I guess i need a new sigline so I don't have to keep repeating myself and told to DEBATE my stance.

What black war? (or is that asking to much of you again?)

Are you being obtuse? Will you throw me in solitary Shaw Shank Style for using that word cuz you are the warden? I refuse to discuss this in depth with you because you are Staff. One does not argue with staff unless they want to pay for it later.

Concerning what black war? Oy.

Oh please.

You can post however you like. But don't expect us to not call you on your shit, and don't try to use any more of those passive-aggressive attacks on Coyote's and my ethics as moderators as excuses for refusing to back up your bullshit. Indulging your persecution complex isn't going to get you any sympathy from anyone. It's pretty transparent.

What is transparent is some agendas around here because I shared something maybe I shouldn't have.
You can call me on anything you want to call me on. But you can take your accusations of my supposed passive agressive attacks and shove them up your ass as well.
I never asked for sympathy nor expect any. I do expect to be treated fairly and if my OPINIONS don't jive with yours, I suggest you either ignore those opinions you don't agree with and act accordingly while wearing the Staff Hat, or stfu yourself with your own opinons..which I don't take personally because I don't give a shit about them anyway. Its just opinions. Mileage may vary for everyone.

Neither me nor Coyote are wearing our "staff hats", and any "agendas" you see are figments of your own delusions, not reality.
And I can promise you this,if I'd have been there those cops wouldnt have had to chase near as many of the scum.

Your "promise" means nothing, tough guy. Calm down. You are all upset, so you're trying to beat your chest and make yourself feel better. You only end up making yourself look like some hysterical fool.

How are we supposed to not be hysterical with the increase in black on White crime since Yomma blackened the White house? We're supposed to laugh about the victims of the knock-out game? Better get hysterical, we're on the verge of a race war if things keep going the way they are. If your state has conceal and carry, arm yourself and shoot to kill and ask questions later. This ghetto trash would have killed this young couple and not thought twice about it. And as for them, what the hell are White people doing at a cRAP club? Wake up, White America!

Got any sources to back up your claims of an increase in black-on-white crime?

I doubt it, since "black on white" crime has been steadily decreasing, along with all violent crime, for the last 30 years.

To be fair, FBI homicide data tables like this state that black on white homicides are more prevalent. According to the link:

2,648 black Americans were killed.
193 of the offenders were white.
2,412 of the offenders were black.

3,128 white Americans were killed.
431 of the offenders were black.
2,614 of the offenders were white.

Regardless of anyone's opinions, this is what the official numbers are saying.

I think you should re-read my post, that data doesn't have anything to do with what I said.

My bad then. Just jumping in midway is all. :eusa_angel:

I'm talking about the amount of "black on white" crime total over time, rather than the difference between races.

I put the numbers in sequence and what I find telling is that mostly Black Americans kill each other and mostly White Americans kill each other.

Or am I missing something there?

No...It depends also on who you are screwing that wants you dead..since white are 6 times more likely to be killed by a white,, than a colored man(is that ok to use?) I prefer Sambo but ,,

^ Not by those numbers. Those numbers show that White and Black Americans are very much more likely to be killed by their own color than by the other color.
Maybe black on white crime IS decreasing. Good. But what about black on black crime? Since I am supposedly a racist, what about those children afraid to come out of their own homes due to gang violence and are hurt or killed by other blacks?
This black war has to have something done. And if ANYONE speaks up about it....they are racist. So most stay silent. That pretty much sucks.

Again..just my opinon. I guess i need a new sigline so I don't have to keep repeating myself and told to DEBATE my stance.
You are so right, Gracie, they are killing each other at an alarming rate. Which is better than killing Whites but still disturbing. There are decent africans who move out of the ghetto trying to make a better life so they get into the Section 8 program, the problem is the bad ones follow them. So now that the once all White community has their quota of Section 8 africans, the bad ones come on in and commit their crimes because they can blend in and then just flee back to the ghetto..
I can see you're nothing but an apologist. Courthouses don't keep such statistics and you don't have to take my word for it, just keep your head buried in the sand until you become a victim.

In other words you have no evidence, no data nothing but your claim (and I don't know who the hell you are) and your only response is to hurl insults.
I can see you're nothing but an apologist. Courthouses don't keep such statistics and you don't have to take my word for it, just keep your head buried in the sand until you become a victim.

I see no apologist comparatives here and I'm pretty good at detecting it.

Which post is using that technique pls?
Are you being obtuse? Will you throw me in solitary Shaw Shank Style for using that word cuz you are the warden? I refuse to discuss this in depth with you because you are Staff. One does not argue with staff unless they want to pay for it later.

Concerning what black war? Oy.

Stop acting like a freaking nutter.

What "black war" are you talking about?
Nutter? Due to my opinion being different than yours?
Kiss my ass.

uh, no - not due to you having a different opinion and no, I will not kiss your ass princess.

What. Black. War. Are. You. Talking. About.?

If. You. Are. That. Blind. Then. I. Don't. Aim. To. Make. You. See.

It's a simple and straightforward question. It shouldn't be that difficult for you to answer. You claimed there is some sort of "black war" going on.

Certainly isn't where I live.

So what are talking about Gracie?

There is no war where I am either. But in Los Angeles..there is. In New York, there is. In Cleveland, there is. In Ferguson, there is. Just because it is not happening where you are or where I am does not mean it is not happening. Pick up a newspaper.


No, there isn't. There's no "war" going on in any of those places - in fact, all of those cities are safer than they've been in decades.
You are so right, Gracie, they are killing each other at an alarming rate. Which is better than killing Whites but still disturbing. There are decent africans who move out of the ghetto trying to make a better life so they get into the Section 8 program, the problem is the bad ones follow them. So now that the once all White community has their quota of Section 8 africans, the bad ones come on in and commit their crimes because they can blend in and then just flee back to the ghetto..

A rate that has been decreasing.

Why is it better that they kill blacks than whites? Seems to me - murder is murder and race somehow shouldn't make it more "acceptable".

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