This shit is getting old.

So..anyone using common sense on how to protect themselves or may be concerned with what is going on today on the streets is..a "internet hero tough guy"?

No, but that is NOT what 'tough guy' has been doing. Try actually reading his threads instead of merely emoting in a knee-jerk fashion.
Um..I have no intention of hunting down his posts just to see what you think I should be seeing. .

That's what I thought.
You see I've been there and done that,so I know how I'll react....

Yeah, sure you have, internet hero. :rolleyes:

I stopped a home invasion ...

I believe you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much, hero. :rolleyes:

You're just another big mouth on the internet. Dime a dozen. You'd piss yourself at the first hint of real violence.

Whatever little man. You're nothing but a punk and not worth my time.

Yeah, big mouth, "whatever." You know and I know that you are full of shit.
Only ones that are full of shit are the ones that think in todays world, walking along a street with a pack of black guys behind you should not make you a tad nervous.
And the black community wants to go ape shit over the shooting of Dirt Nap Mike? Seriously?

Couple Fights Back Against Gang Of Thugs Video

Arm yourself and shoot to kill....

this should be filed under

"why i carry" stories
Ooh Oooh! I have a carry story! I called a guy about a conversion van yesterday and he turned out to be a major nutcase. Even hubby had enough of this jerk continuing to call me and had to set the idiot straight but it freaked him out so badly, both of us loaded our guns and put them in a quick-to-reach spot...which mine being in my purse, his on his desk.

Do I get a brownie point for a good carry story?
Come on now people, lets get real here. Black people are just as flawed and hateful as anyone...and blacks are a bigger threat to each other, and this eternal blame game blacks are doing hurts all of us.
Anyone that is white and is walking down the street with their friend or loved one and a group of blacks are behind them and they are not concerned...are CRAZY. Nowadays, there IS reason to be concerned. Even for old folks hobbling along or feeding pigeons in a park....they never know when some asshole BLACK guy is going to try for bonus points in smacking that old person in the head.

I bet the KKK is getting a shitload of new members lately. Good. Looks like it is needed.

When you joining?
When they get someone with sense instead of a bunch of rednecks with missing teeth. I won't hold my breath waiting, though.
And with that said...I see a need for the KKK just like blacks see a need for The Black Panthers. Now argue that, whydontcha.

You see a "need" for hate groups?
Anyone that is white and is walking down the street with their friend or loved one and a group of blacks are behind them and they are not concerned...are CRAZY. Nowadays, there IS reason to be concerned. Even for old folks hobbling along or feeding pigeons in a park....they never know when some asshole BLACK guy is going to try for bonus points in smacking that old person in the head.

I bet the KKK is getting a shitload of new members lately. Good. Looks like it is needed.

When you joining?
When they get someone with sense instead of a bunch of rednecks with missing teeth. I won't hold my breath waiting, though.
And with that said...I see a need for the KKK just like blacks see a need for The Black Panthers. Now argue that, whydontcha.

You see a "need" for hate groups?
I see a need for quid pro quo. And?
Anyone that is white and is walking down the street with their friend or loved one and a group of blacks are behind them and they are not concerned...are CRAZY. Nowadays, there IS reason to be concerned. Even for old folks hobbling along or feeding pigeons in a park....they never know when some asshole BLACK guy is going to try for bonus points in smacking that old person in the head.

I bet the KKK is getting a shitload of new members lately. Good. Looks like it is needed.

When you joining?
When they get someone with sense instead of a bunch of rednecks with missing teeth. I won't hold my breath waiting, though.
And with that said...I see a need for the KKK just like blacks see a need for The Black Panthers. Now argue that, whydontcha.

You see a "need" for hate groups?
I see a need for quid pro quo. And?

And supporting hate groups (as opposed to law enforcement) is the way to achieve this "need"? Seriously?
And supporting hate groups (as opposed to law enforcement) is the way to achieve this "need"? Seriously?

I don't like multi quotes, so I shortened it.
I don't necessarily support any hate group. But...if the blacks can march screaming for the life of a cop for shooting a thug that likes beating up small asian men while stealing is seen as nothing to complain about, then whats the complaint about the KKK? There is a "need" to even the odds and so far..the odds are off whack, dontcha think? Oh. Wait. Never mind. I must be racist because yeah..I am tired of this shit. Reap what ya sow, says I.
Oh look. Another "black people committing crimes" thread for all the racists to play in.

You're right, this shit is getting old.
Well gosh and golly. Maybe someone should start a thread about white people committing crimes so anyone opposed to criminal activity can play too.
And supporting hate groups (as opposed to law enforcement) is the way to achieve this "need"? Seriously?

I don't like multi quotes, so I shortened it.
I don't necessarily support any hate group. But...if the blacks can march screaming for the life of a cop for shooting a thug that likes beating up small asian men while stealing is seen as nothing to complain about, then whats the complaint about the KKK? There is a "need" to even the odds and so far..the odds are off whack, dontcha think? Oh. Wait. Never mind. I must be racist because yeah..I am tired of this shit. Reap what ya sow, says I.

Well...maybe a reality check is in order.

You're advocating a need for a group that, because it hates people of a certain race soley because of their race, has murdered and committed terrorist acts on innocent civilians. Remember the four little girls blown up in one of their church bombings? Or, how about the 4 young men murdered for trying to register voters in Mississippi?

This is the group you say you see a "need" for and somehow this group is supposed to counter-balance a bunch of demonstrators in Ferguson.
And supporting hate groups (as opposed to law enforcement) is the way to achieve this "need"? Seriously?

I don't like multi quotes, so I shortened it.
I don't necessarily support any hate group. But...if the blacks can march screaming for the life of a cop for shooting a thug that likes beating up small asian men while stealing is seen as nothing to complain about, then whats the complaint about the KKK? There is a "need" to even the odds and so far..the odds are off whack, dontcha think? Oh. Wait. Never mind. I must be racist because yeah..I am tired of this shit. Reap what ya sow, says I.

Well...maybe a reality check is in order.

You're advocating a need for a group that, because it hates people of a certain race soley because of their race, has murdered and committed terrorist acts on innocent civilians. Remember the four little girls blown up in one of their church bombings? Or, how about the 4 young men murdered for trying to register voters in Mississippi?

This is the group you say you see a "need" for and somehow this group is supposed to counter-balance a bunch of demonstrators in Ferguson.
Do you honestly think this is just going on in Ferguson? Really? Try reading the newspaper.
Yes, I remember the 4 little girls blown up. Do you remember the little girls AND boys shot by drive by THUGS during their neverending gang wars? Blacks killing blacks and they don't give a damn? Or the prisons are full of blacks and more are following..just for thuggery. They do this shit because people stay silent for fear of being called a racist. Well, I don't give a damn who thinks I am a racist. Facts are facts. These assholes will continue what they are doing FOREVER until someone bigger and badder comes along. Do I think the KKK is bigger and badder? Oh hayell no. Buncha toothless rednecks that hate anyone and anything THEY deem non white. Idiots. But...if they can put some balance back in NOW, in THIS DAY, then by all means I hope they do. As the title of this thread states..I am tired of this shit.
Do you honestly think this is just going on in Ferguson? Really? Try reading the newspaper.

Who's been murdered?
What churches have been blown up?
Who's been strung up like strange fruit?

Yes, I remember the 4 little girls blown up. Do you remember the little girls AND boys shot by drive by THUGS during their neverending gang wars?

Sure. Gang wars are nothing new (Al Capone) nor are they a problem of just one race. Thugs too cross the racial line.

Blacks killing blacks and they don't give a damn?

Where have you been?

Or the prisons are full of blacks and more are following..just for thuggery. They do this shit because people stay silent for fear of being called a racist. Well, I don't give a damn who thinks I am a racist. Facts are facts.

Facts are facts but you are lacking them and are condensing a bunch of complex problems into a simplistic construct that ignores reality.

Why do you suppose there's a disproportionate number of young black men in prison yet young white men don't end up in prison despite committing the same crime?

These assholes will continue what they are doing FOREVER until someone bigger and badder comes along.

So in other words screw law and order, and the justice system (which is biased in your favor anyway) and bring in the lynch mobs?

Do I think the KKK is bigger and badder? Oh hayell no. Buncha toothless rednecks that hate anyone and anything THEY deem non white. Idiots. But...if they can put some balance back in NOW, in THIS DAY, then by all means I hope they do. As the title of this thread states..I am tired of this shit.

Why would you want criminals and bigots roaming the streets putting "balance" back in? You seem to think killing and assaulting innocent people for soley racial reasons is somehow "balance"
Not in the mood. I stated my opinion and if I wanted to debate my opinion, there is another board for that. So..think what you will. I stand by what I said and I don't need to explain to anyone why I think what I think.
Find another schmuck. This one ain't biting. Especially with one that has itchy fingers.
Not in the mood. I stated my opinion and if I wanted to debate my opinion, there is another board for that. So..think what you will. I stand by what I said and I don't need to explain to anyone why I think what I think.
Find another schmuck. This one ain't biting. Especially with one that has itchy fingers.

I hate to disillusion you but this board is for debating.:cuckoo: If think you can just sit there at your keyboard and fling shit like some sort of internet princess then don't get in a snit when folks call you on it.

You're supporting thugs and hate groups as a means of addressing some sort of "imbalance" but hey - don't ask Gracie to explain herself. :dunno:

Ok, I won't...because I suspect you can't dig yourself in any deeper.:eusa_angel:

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