This shit is getting old.

So..anyone using common sense on how to protect themselves or may be concerned with what is going on today on the streets is..a "internet hero tough guy"?

Ok. we need more internet hero tough guys keeping eyeballs in the back of their heads to keep from being beat up, jumped, car jacked, punched, shot by a bunch of thugs.
Anyone that is white and is walking down the street with their friend or loved one and a group of blacks are behind them and they are not concerned...are CRAZY. Nowadays, there IS reason to be concerned. Even for old folks hobbling along or feeding pigeons in a park....they never know when some asshole BLACK guy is going to try for bonus points in smacking that old person in the head.

I bet the KKK is getting a shitload of new members lately. Good. Looks like it is needed.

When you joining?
When they get someone with sense instead of a bunch of rednecks with missing teeth. I won't hold my breath waiting, though.
And with that said...I see a need for the KKK just like blacks see a need for The Black Panthers. Now argue that, whydontcha.

Good question: Why wont I argue your opinion? Answer: Because its not my opinion
You see I've been there and done that,so I know how I'll react....

Yeah, sure you have, internet hero. :rolleyes:

I stopped a home invasion ya little faggot. So what exactly would you have done to protect your family...wiffle ball bat,fetal position? Run like the little bitch you are leaving them to fend for themselves?
You're an embarrassment to males everywhere. You're the pussification of America personified.
Isnt there a feminist meeting you should be attending somewhere?
Blacks are the single biggest threat to black people. Not white rouge cops with itchy trigger fingers or bad posters. Blacks need to get "real".
Blacks are the single biggest threat to black people. Not white rouge cops with itchy trigger fingers or bad posters. Blacks need to get "real".

Yeah thanks for your concern but whites are the biggest threat to whites. Maybe you should focus on home first
Blacks are the single biggest threat to black people. Not white rouge cops with itchy trigger fingers or bad posters. Blacks need to get "real".

Yeah thanks for your concern but whites are the biggest threat to whites. Maybe you should focus on home first

Yeah...because we all know whitey is out looten and robben like a mofo.
Blacks are the single biggest threat to black people. Not white rouge cops with itchy trigger fingers or bad posters. Blacks need to get "real".

Yeah thanks for your concern but whites are the biggest threat to whites. Maybe you should focus on home first

Yeah...because we all know whitey is out looten and robben like a mofo.

No but they are killing each other. Unless getting murdered by a white guy is a good thing lol
Blacks are the single biggest threat to black people. Not white rouge cops with itchy trigger fingers or bad posters. Blacks need to get "real".

Yeah thanks for your concern but whites are the biggest threat to whites. Maybe you should focus on home first

Yeah...because we all know whitey is out looten and robben like a mofo.

No but they are killing each other. Unless getting murdered by a white guy is a good thing lol

Where is this going on? I live in the fourth largest city in the country and it ain't happening here,and we sure as hell know it ain't happening in Chicago.
Blacks are the single biggest threat to black people. Not white rouge cops with itchy trigger fingers or bad posters. Blacks need to get "real".

Yeah thanks for your concern but whites are the biggest threat to whites. Maybe you should focus on home first

Yeah...because we all know whitey is out looten and robben like a mofo.

No but they are killing each other. Unless getting murdered by a white guy is a good thing lol

Where is this going on? I live in the fourth largest city in the country and it ain't happening here,and we sure as hell know it ain't happening in Chicago.

There were no murders in your city? Maybe because you only consider blacks killing each other as murder and when whites do it you just call it something else. tee hee.

derp *What murders?
Blacks are the single biggest threat to black people. Not white rouge cops with itchy trigger fingers or bad posters. Blacks need to get "real".

Yeah thanks for your concern but whites are the biggest threat to whites. Maybe you should focus on home first

Yeah...because we all know whitey is out looten and robben like a mofo.

No but they are killing each other. Unless getting murdered by a white guy is a good thing lol

Where is this going on? I live in the fourth largest city in the country and it ain't happening here,and we sure as hell know it ain't happening in Chicago.

There were no murders in your city? Maybe because you only consider blacks killing each other as murder and when whites do it you just call it something else. tee hee.

derp *What murders?

LOL...If you read the newspaper? Nine out of ten times Lupey or Tyron did the killing. It must be that racist newspaper.
And the black community wants to go ape shit over the shooting of Dirt Nap Mike? Seriously?

Couple Fights Back Against Gang Of Thugs Video

Arm yourself and shoot to kill....

Hmmm, I guess I will weigh in on this with my opinion if I may... What whites and especially naive whites have got to understand, is that you can't hang with the black gangsters or thugs in a club scene, because for one thing you are not welcome there at all (IMHO). Now your chick might be welcome there, but the white guy who brought her there is not welcome there at all. As soon as dumb whites understand this, then things might not happen like this to them, because of course they would be somewhere else where they are wanted the both of them together, and as a couple or as friends. Hmmm, I wonder if his girl friend talked him into taking her there, and if she did, then she sure got his butt kicked and good. Hec she got her own butt kicked as well ((SURPRISE)). No telling what happened in the club, but what ever it was I bet it was over the chick. To give equal time to my opinion, umm I will say this also - It is the same at a bad ace Biker club, where as you don't want to go there with your chick either, and especially if you got a problem with the bikers gawking at her, because the same thing can happen also, and it has happened. The best advice is to not let your chick get you to take her anywhere if that was the case, and/or if not then you were a fool to take your chick to a club like that to begin with. Wake UP PEOPLE will ya ? I saw a story on TV not long ago about a Biker Bar that beat a woman to death, then took her to the desert and dumped her body. Anyone see this story on TV a while back ?
And the black community wants to go ape shit over the shooting of Dirt Nap Mike? Seriously?

Couple Fights Back Against Gang Of Thugs Video

Arm yourself and shoot to kill....

Hmmm, I guess I will weigh in on this with my opinion if I may... What whites and especially naive whites have got to understand, is that you can't hang with the black gangsters or thugs in a club scene, because for one thing you are not welcome there at all (IMHO). Now your chick might be welcome there, but the white guy who brought her there is not welcome there at all. As soon as dumb whites understand this, then things might not happen like this to them, because of course they would be somewhere else where they are wanted the both of them together, and as a couple or as friends. Hmmm, I wonder if his girl friend talked him into taking her there, and if she did, then she sure got his butt kicked and good. Hec she got her own butt kicked as well ((SURPRISE)). No telling what happened in the club, but what ever it was I bet it was over the chick. To give equal time to my opinion, umm I will say this also - It is the same at a bad ace Biker club, where as you don't want to go there with your chick either, and especially if you got a problem with the bikers gawking at her, because the same thing can happen also, and it has happened. The best advice is to not let your chick get you to take her anywhere if that was the case, and/or if not then you were a fool to take your chick to a club like that to begin with. Wake UP PEOPLE will ya ? I saw a story on TV not long ago about a Biker Bar that beat a woman to death, then took her to the desert and dumped her body. Anyone see this story on TV a while back ?

I've hung around bikers,they aren't a problem unless you're a dumbass.
Now while I agree going to a rap party/concert you are taking a serious risk but that sure as hell doesnt give them the right to do what they did.
How about the black guy and date who goes to a country western club/concert.
Maybe all the rednecks should start beating the fuck out of em whenever they show up.
It only seems fair.
Jeez white people dont kill and bikers arent a problem unless you make them do something according to the OP. Life must be grand to be able to shirk your responsibility for any and everything. What a life
So..anyone using common sense on how to protect themselves or may be concerned with what is going on today on the streets is..a "internet hero tough guy"?

No, but that is NOT what 'tough guy' has been doing. Try actually reading his threads instead of merely emoting in a knee-jerk fashion.
So..anyone using common sense on how to protect themselves or may be concerned with what is going on today on the streets is..a "internet hero tough guy"?

No, but that is NOT what 'tough guy' has been doing. Try actually reading his threads instead of merely emoting in a knee-jerk fashion.
Um..I have no intention of hunting down his posts just to see what you think I should be seeing. The only knee jerking happening that I CAN see is you in this thread having a hissy.
I agree with the premise that the government ignores black hate crimes, but, I've seen this video and story before and here's a bit of commentary from a CCW holder (myself):

This couple came from a "rap club", a group of thugs made lewd comments about the girl, the guy mouthed off to them. Then the couple proceeded down an alley.

There are a couple if "stupids" that happened here but I'm in no way blaming the couple. stupid #1: Rap Club #2: mouthing off instead of walking away, #3 restricted alleyway? Seriously dude?, #4: not watching his ass.

I bring this up only because there are more and more people like me who carry concealed, I would never put myself in this situation especially now. There would have been at least two dead or seriously wounded "gentle giants" and I'd be standing in the welfare line with George Zimmerman.

Thats called common sense tho. And you cant blame that guy for not having it. He should be allowed to mouth off to anyone he wants and they should have to take it because...white guy something something

So you admit you're perfectly okay with over reactions?
Then you should be just fine with Dirt Nap Mike getting his shit blown away.
Glad we could clear that up.

Troll harder cry baby. *Also notice that this guy just admitted that shooting MB was an "over reaction" but he's cool with it guy yada yada*

I've noticed that there is no such thing as black "guys" according to the majority of those who post here now.
Anyone that is white and is walking down the street with their friend or loved one and a group of blacks are behind them and they are not concerned...are CRAZY. Nowadays, there IS reason to be concerned. Even for old folks hobbling along or feeding pigeons in a park....they never know when some asshole BLACK guy is going to try for bonus points in smacking that old person in the head.

I bet the KKK is getting a shitload of new members lately. Good. Looks like it is needed.

When you joining?
When they get someone with sense instead of a bunch of rednecks with missing teeth. I won't hold my breath waiting, though.
And with that said...I see a need for the KKK just like blacks see a ne for The Black Panthers. Now argue that, whydontcha.

Yes, I will. Today's Black Panthers do not stand for anything meaningful, and are nowhere remotely similar to those of the 60's. I don't know of one black person out of the many that I do know who see a need for them. Frankly, most feel that they are nothing but frauds who would not put their lives on the line for their own Mothers. They would not feed hungry children, raise money for the poor or defend their own family.

As far as a need for the KKK, I would say this....lbeing that I am about 60 years old, I can recall my grandfather talking about how his Father would tell him when he acted up or disobeyed, that "The Klan was going to come to get him"and when he became old enough to understand that they were an equal opportunity hate group, he feared them less, because not only did they hate blacks, they also hated Jews, Hispanics, Asians or any other non-white(as defined by them). In addition to that, they were not big supporters of women's rights or their advancements in the workplace either.

So, why not bring them back to the mainstream? They are about as "Old School" American as one can get.

They could singlehandedly shutdown the borders, lynch the half black POTUS that this countries majority despises so much and repeal AAA,(which would affect white females a whole lot more than the "wretched blacks", put the Jews in the unemployment line, and turn every rural burg in America into a Sundown town.
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You see I've been there and done that,so I know how I'll react....

Yeah, sure you have, internet hero. :rolleyes:

I stopped a home invasion ...

I believe you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much, hero. :rolleyes:

You're just another big mouth on the internet. Dime a dozen. You'd piss yourself at the first hint of real violence.

Whatever little man. You're nothing but a punk and not worth my time.

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