This Should Be A Raw Story For Some Here To Like

I can hear them cheering already.

"The Pennsylvania town of Williamsport of the scene of a neo-Nazi march on Saturday."

“Despite assurances they would not appear, approximately 15 members of National Socialist Movement (NSM), many of them armed, rallied in Williamsport’s Brandon Park Saturday afternoon,” PennLive reports.

The NSM reportedly used the N-word to refer to Derek Slaughter, the town’s first Black mayor.

Whoa, 15 people!
I can hear them cheering already.

"The Pennsylvania town of Williamsport of the scene of a neo-Nazi march on Saturday."

“Despite assurances they would not appear, approximately 15 members of National Socialist Movement (NSM), many of them armed, rallied in Williamsport’s Brandon Park Saturday afternoon,” PennLive reports.

The NSM reportedly used the N-word to refer to Derek Slaughter, the town’s first Black mayor.

Time for the bastards to be gunned down like the dogs they are.
Go for it. You wont hear the right complain when losers die.
Bullshit. All 15 of them are tRump supporters.

Prove it.
Lol, use your head man!
Creepitus is a fucking blithering idiot. Communism, nazism...there isn't a c--t hair's difference between the two. Both believe in an all powerful and encompassing "state" that rules by fear and intimidation. Creepitus gets the vapors over what he sees as nazis but has no problem with the communist flag waving antifa crowd and the fact that the BLM movement's leadership are unashamed, and self-admitted commies. Having seen how these SJW commies behave when someone they deem as an interloper is in their midst? The sheer hatred and violence of these brainwashed marxists? I would say that this homegrown threat poses a much bigger threat to our country by far.

That's why I say they should be gunned down like rabid dogs. Time for fun and games is over.
Gunned down like rabid dogs?

And you pretend to be an American.


They don't have any problem killing cops and law abiding citizens. And I'm talking about antifa and rioters. I don't care who they are.
Can you show any incidents of antifa or rioters deliberately gunning down police or innocent civilians.
No because I don't attend riots. But quite a few cops and innocent mothers and babies have been shot since this mayhem started.
So list them. Let's see some proof.
You have to be kidding. The proof is in the news every day. Watch or read the news.
I watch and read news every day.

I've seen nothing about this.

Post it up or admit you're lying.

You do know there's this crazy thing called Google, right? Here, this one's from CNN which should meet with your "approved sources". Your Antifa heroes lit up a vehicle with 2 teenagers inside, killing one. This was the SECOND murder inside "CHOP", mind you.

Your "peaceful protesters" murdered a 22 year old woman here:

Here's your "peaceful protesters" murdering a retired police captain:

Here's your "peaceful protesters" lying in wait for federal officers and attacking them with a 4 lb sledge hammer when they exit the courthouse in Portland.

Now go ahead and keep playing dumb.

Creepitus is the genuine article....he truly is acting required.
I can hear them cheering already.

"The Pennsylvania town of Williamsport of the scene of a neo-Nazi march on Saturday."

“Despite assurances they would not appear, approximately 15 members of National Socialist Movement (NSM), many of them armed, rallied in Williamsport’s Brandon Park Saturday afternoon,” PennLive reports.

The NSM reportedly used the N-word to refer to Derek Slaughter, the town’s first Black mayor.

Whoa, 15 people!
I can hear them cheering already.

"The Pennsylvania town of Williamsport of the scene of a neo-Nazi march on Saturday."

“Despite assurances they would not appear, approximately 15 members of National Socialist Movement (NSM), many of them armed, rallied in Williamsport’s Brandon Park Saturday afternoon,” PennLive reports.

The NSM reportedly used the N-word to refer to Derek Slaughter, the town’s first Black mayor.

Time for the bastards to be gunned down like the dogs they are.
Go for it. You wont hear the right complain when losers die.
Bullshit. All 15 of them are tRump supporters.

Prove it.
Lol, use your head man!
Creepitus is a fucking blithering idiot. Communism, nazism...there isn't a c--t hair's difference between the two. Both believe in an all powerful and encompassing "state" that rules by fear and intimidation. Creepitus gets the vapors over what he sees as nazis but has no problem with the communist flag waving antifa crowd and the fact that the BLM movement's leadership are unashamed, and self-admitted commies. Having seen how these SJW commies behave when someone they deem as an interloper is in their midst? The sheer hatred and violence of these brainwashed marxists? I would say that this homegrown threat poses a much bigger threat to our country by far.

That's why I say they should be gunned down like rabid dogs. Time for fun and games is over.
Gunned down like rabid dogs?

And you pretend to be an American.


They don't have any problem killing cops and law abiding citizens. And I'm talking about antifa and rioters. I don't care who they are.
Can you show any incidents of antifa or rioters deliberately gunning down police or innocent civilians.
No because I don't attend riots. But quite a few cops and innocent mothers and babies have been shot since this mayhem started.
So list them. Let's see some proof.
You have to be kidding. The proof is in the news every day. Watch or read the news.
I watch and read news every day.

I've seen nothing about this.

Post it up or admit you're lying.

You do know there's this crazy thing called Google, right? Here, this one's from CNN which should meet with your "approved sources". Your Antifa heroes lit up a vehicle with 2 teenagers inside, killing one. This was the SECOND murder inside "CHOP", mind you.

Your "peaceful protesters" murdered a 22 year old woman here:

Here's your "peaceful protesters" murdering a retired police captain:

Here's your "peaceful protesters" lying in wait for federal officers and attacking them with a 4 lb sledge hammer when they exit the courthouse in Portland.

Now go ahead and keep playing dumb.

None of those have been blamed on black lives matter protestors.

It's more likely RWNJ agitators trying to get the protestors blamed for things. Like this:

You wanted proof of rioters committing crimes, I gave it to you. And in typical leftist fashion you've now moved the goalposts and attempted to deflect the evidence with "right wing infiltrator" conspiracy theory. You don't want to be informed and you never did because you're an ideologue. Evidence contrary to your programming must be obfuscated, suppressed, ignored, and dismissed out of fear it will confound your feeble little mind.

Utterly pathetic.
I can hear them cheering already.

"The Pennsylvania town of Williamsport of the scene of a neo-Nazi march on Saturday."

“Despite assurances they would not appear, approximately 15 members of National Socialist Movement (NSM), many of them armed, rallied in Williamsport’s Brandon Park Saturday afternoon,” PennLive reports.

The NSM reportedly used the N-word to refer to Derek Slaughter, the town’s first Black mayor.

All 15 of them.

Thankfully they seem to be a dying breed.
The NSM is yes, they are a fucking joke. Goddamn goofy outfits and the swastika won't get us anywhere. It has a time and place. If you think white nationalists are dying lol you obviously haven't seen many Patriot Front marches.
I thought you were claiming they weren't Nazis in another thread?
They aren't. You seriously don't know the difference between White Nationalists and National Socialists? Holy shit..sometimes I wonder if you are a teenager that really is this dumb.

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