Zone1 This site explains how, yes, democrats are satanic

I think it was said by Jason Whitlock if I remember right.

It was, and he is correct. That does not mean that every person who votes Democrat is demonic or Satanic. It definitely does mean that the powers-that-be in the Democrat Party are demonic. Whether they aimed to be or were taken over because of other reasons is an open question. But to committed Christians it is beyond dispute.
Wouldn't surprise me that they'd try and attack their opponents by saying they're "Satanic".

I don't get Satan.

There's ONE GOD.
Satan has the same powers as God, but isn't a God.

God is all the good powers, Satan is all the bad powers.

Makes no sense.

Satan does not have all the powers of God. Satan is a fallen angel. He is not eternal.
I thought you were joking or insane but, turns out you're right, completely ignorant but right, the Dems and the Satanic Temple share many ideals.

From the
The Mission Of The Satanic Temple Is To Encourage Benevolence And Empathy, Reject Tyrannical Authority, Advocate Practical Common Sense, Oppose Injustice, And Undertake Noble Pursuits.​
Which of their goals do you have a problem with?
The ones they hide from the public
It was, and he is correct. That does not mean that every person who votes Democrat is demonic or Satanic. It definitely does mean that the powers-that-be in the Democrat Party are demonic. Whether they aimed to be or were taken over because of other reasons is an open question. But to committed Christians it is beyond dispute.
I disagree w/ the part where you let everyday dims off the hook. How can they not see such things as abortion up to the time of birth shouldn't be legalized / promoted? (not that an older child has a right to continue living but a younger does not.. NOT saying that at all but itshould be OBVIOUS as hell that mutilating & murdering a growing child is WRONG. What part of MURDER do everyday dims not u/stand? And how can t hey convince themselves other issues have the same wt of importance?)

God gave everyone a brain and supririse surprise.. He expects them to use it.. and if you can't or won't use it to figure out life's most important issues.. you probably are not going to make it to Heaven..
Satan does not have all the powers of God. Satan is a fallen angel. He is not eternal.
he probably is eternal.. I'm sure of it

He has to stick around to torment those rebellious souls in Hell who didn't want Jesus for their Master.. so by default, they get Satan.. forever..
So you don't actually disagree with the tenents?
Gee, the word is right there in my post and you still cannot spell it correctly?

Ok, whatever..

I know things about satanism beyond what c an be read at that site. I haven't even finished reading it all. But for the 1000th time.. Satan NEVER shows his true colors and intentions to those he attempts to fool.. I think he is a little smarter than that.. way smarter than dumbass humans who are always so prone to fall for his lies..
Gee, the word is right there in my post and you still cannot spell it correctly?

Ok, whatever..

I know things about satanism beyond what c an be read at that site. I haven't even finished reading it all. But for the 1000th time.. Satan NEVER shows his true colors and intentions to those he attempts to fool.. I think he is a little smarter than that.. way smarter than dumbass humans who are always so prone to fall for his lies..

A lot of people are prone to following lies.
Wouldn't surprise me that they'd try and attack their opponents by saying they're "Satanic".

I don't get Satan.

There's ONE GOD.
Satan has the same powers as God, but isn't a God.

God is all the good powers, Satan is all the bad powers.

Makes no sense.
God is all powerful

Satan cannot do anything God does not allow
A lot of people are prone to following lies.
everyone is at one time or another, in one situation or another. Satan is more intelligent and knows all the tricks in the book, also been around longer than any mere human..

We'd be utterly doomed if not for Jesus and His Church
I think they just want to keep Blacks and eveyrone else dependent on govt.. which means: dependent on THEM
I guess that makes the Dems a creepier version than smothering mothers
everyone is at one time or another, in one situation or another. Satan is more intelligent and knows all the tricks in the book, also been around longer than any mere human..

We'd be utterly doomed if not for Jesus and His Church
Was everyone in the Old Testament doomed? Were Jews doomed before Jesus? What about after Jesus?
they don't look @ all like mothers..

they look like demons.. seriously.. not just sayin

Well many of them share those crazy eyes that's for sure. Like the angry look a spouse gives the other who left just the freezer burn spoonful crust in the ice cream canister, but ate the rest=that look.
I'm a Christian but the 7 tenants look pretty good to me.

That's because you're being deceived by Satan. If you read it cross-eyed, while jerking off, then you'll see the truth.

he probably is eternal.. I'm sure of it

He has to stick around to torment those rebellious souls in Hell who didn't want Jesus for their Master.. so by default, they get Satan.. forever..
Nice arrangement between God and Satan. One can imagine the two of them knocking down shots of bourbon, discussing what to do next.
God: "Ya know what? I'm gonna make intelligent beings. Some of them I'm going to hate. Wow! You can torture them forever!"
Satan: "Sounds like fun. I'm getting a massive boner just thinking about it. When are ya gonna start?"

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