This story could sink the Obama presidency

Project Gunrunner has been an ongoing ATF operation since 2005.

Operation Fast And Furious is only a very small part of Project Gunrunner.

That should clear up a few things...
Project Gunrunner has been an ongoing ATF operation since 2005.

Operation Fast And Furious is only a very small part of Project Gunrunner.

That should clear up a few things...

Project Gunrunner, started under Bush, had ATF agents surveil gun stores and arrest illegal buyers as they walked out the door with the weapons.

Fast and Furious, started under Obama, ordered ATF agents to allow straw buyers to illegally purchase weapons from gun stores unimpeded and sell the guns to agents of Mexican cartels, who were then allowed to transport the weapons into Mexico where they were used in drug gang violence that killed hundreds.

That should clear things up.
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Project Gunrunner has been an ongoing ATF operation since 2005.

Operation Fast And Furious is only a very small part of Project Gunrunner.

That should clear up a few things...

Project Gunrunner, started under Bush, had ATF agents surveil gun stores and arrest illegal buyers as they walked out the door with the weapons.

Fast and Furious, started under Obama, ordered ATF agents to allow straw buyers to illegally purchase weapons from gun stores unimpeded and sell the guns to agents of Mexican cartels, and who were then allowed to transport the weapons into Mexico where they were used in drug gang violence that killed hundreds.

That should clear things up.

Um. That's what I said.

The OP is a lie.
Like the Iran Contra sank Reagan?


Well the thing is..Conservatives are traitors.

Pure and simple.

They supported the Civil War.

And they supported Reagan's treachery in dealing with Iran..and the Muj.

That's how they roll.

How do you have any rep left when you say stupid shit like this is beyond me.
Yeah the story could sink Obama. But he's already so low would anyone notice?
Like the Iran Contra sank Reagan?


Well the thing is..Conservatives are traitors.

Pure and simple.

They supported the Civil War.

And they supported Reagan's treachery in dealing with Iran..and the Muj.

That's how they roll.

How do you have any rep left when you say stupid shit like this is beyond me.

Prolly because the other 5 or 6 Obama cock loving hacks spam rep each other everytime one tells us how much they hate white people or Republicans.
Yeah the story could sink Obama. But he's already so low would anyone notice?

The Democrat base is in "aww shit I give up" mode.

The Republican party is mid way through a rebuild and I think alot will depend on the 2012 nom... If it's Mitt I think the Republican party is in trouble, as a party.
Heads need to roll on this one. Our own Government actually murdered fellow American Citizens. This is far worse than Iran/Contra. Actual Americans were killed as a result of this debacle. I'm sure the Liberal Press will continue to ignore this but the truth will eventually come out. They always try to ignore Democratic scandals but things do get out to the Public eventually. This is a very bad situation. At the very least,Eric Holder should be removed immediately. The Families of these American victims deserve truth & justice.
Yeah the story could sink Obama. But he's already so low would anyone notice?

The Democrat base is in "aww shit I give up" mode.

The Republican party is mid way through a rebuild and I think alot will depend on the 2012 nom... If it's Mitt I think the Republican party is in trouble, as a party.

I don't have as much doubt of Mitt as you do. He is a skilled leader and understands jobs and finances. Probably better than most people. He's also a problem solver. Yeah some of his policies are less than perfect. but he might surprise you.
Stories like this, if its accurate, is the reason the left hates Fox news. Because the msm will most likely sweep it under the pile until Fox forces it out publicly.

Their motto could very well be:

We report, they hide.
Yeah the story could sink Obama. But he's already so low would anyone notice?

The Democrat base is in "aww shit I give up" mode.

The Republican party is mid way through a rebuild and I think alot will depend on the 2012 nom... If it's Mitt I think the Republican party is in trouble, as a party.

I don't have as much doubt of Mitt as you do. He is a skilled leader and understands jobs and finances. Probably better than most people. He's also a problem solver. Yeah some of his policies are less than perfect. but he might surprise you.

He like McCain believe it is their turn to be president... That alone is ewe.He will also be no different than Obama/Bush. What Mitt sasy will be the only difference, not policy.

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