This time socialism will work, ooops. No this time it will work, ooops. No no this time it will work, ooops.

They won't do it at the risk of huge lawsuits, moron.

If there are not laws restricting business and protecting workers, there could not be any lawsuits.
If child labor were legal, you could not sue over child labor.
If long over time were not illegal, you could not sue over long overtime.
If dangerous work conditions were not illegal, you could not sue over dangerous work conditions.
All part of the same Marxist soup. Pretending it's otherwise is stupid. You can hardly pretend you're not a bunch of socialists if you run a socialist for president. That was the point. You are all liars and hypocrites. Just a few short years ago you couldn't find a socialist in the Democrat party. Then Comrade Bernie jumped out of the commie closet and there were suddenly tens of millions of them. That's why I just call you commies now. When the first loud and proud Stalinist commie dirtbag runs for office, tens of millions of you will support them too.
We aren't the ones praising communist nor are we advocating communism, there was ONE.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

And 10's of millions support him.

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