This time they should shut it down.

What does a shutdown really mean? Domestic stuff is still funded. Welfare chits and Social Security checks still come on time. The Post Office is open and the freaks at Airport Security still get to frisk little old ladies. The FBI and the CIA are still funded and so is the US Military. So what's the problem?
What does a shutdown really mean? Domestic stuff is still funded. Welfare chits and Social Security checks still come on time. The Post Office is open and the freaks at Airport Security still get to frisk little old ladies. The FBI and the CIA are still funded and so is the US Military. So what's the problem?

The problem is purely political for the Libs in congress.
So much for Gruber, so much for torture, so much for Russia taking over Ukraine, so much for ISIS...on to the next fiasco.

Oops the Repubs just saved Obabbles to the Senate...
So much for Gruber, so much for torture, so much for Russia taking over Ukraine, so much for ISIS...on to the next fiasco.

Oops the Repubs just saved Obabbles to the Senate...

You know should this bill pass Dodd Frank bill could be destroyed. Big bonus for the GOP.
Actually, the logjam is breaking, and only the GOP has an extreme that I know of...

You know shit Francostein...Jim Moran came out of the RAT caucus and said they are saying they need 80 RATs to crossover. Doesn't think more than 50 - 60 will crossover. House coming back at 9 pm to vote....supposedly! Looks like a DemocRAT shutdown may be in the offing.... delicious!
They all seem to agree on a 3 month continuance if they can't agree...duh- I suppose Beck etc don't mention that on your bs infotainment...I prefer that to letting the toxic asset boys go again and changing the limit on individual campaign giving from $300k (a disgrace) to 5x that...
Yah, great, dumb ass dupe- ANOTHER 1%+ cost to the economy for another phony crisis. At least the adults seem to be be in charge, not the "no compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME.

It's the Dems who are doing the no compromise.
Pelosi is really upset with the President who did compromise.
Try some real news some time, dingbat dupe.

I was not aware that C-Span was fake.
It's not news really. And I suppose that's all you get! lol
Actually, the logjam is breaking, and only the GOP has an extreme that I know of...

You know shit Francostein...Jim Moran came out of the RAT caucus and said they are saying they need 80 RATs to crossover. Doesn't think more than 50 - 60 will crossover. House coming back at 9 pm to vote....supposedly! Looks like a DemocRAT shutdown may be in the offing.... delicious!
They all seem to agree on a 3 month continuance if they can't agree...duh- I suppose Beck etc don't mention that on your bs infotainment...I prefer that to letting the toxic asset boys go again and changing the limit on individual campaign giving from $300k (a disgrace) to 5x that...

I'll agree with the 3month so that we can ABOLISH $5.5 Billion for Obola in Africa and another $1 Billion for the little Central American invaders!
So much for Gruber, so much for torture, so much for Russia taking over Ukraine, so much for ISIS...on to the next fiasco.

Oops the Repubs just saved Obabbles to the Senate...

You know should this bill pass Dodd Frank bill could be destroyed. Big bonus for the GOP.
And mainly their corrupt financial market cronies who caused the SECOND Pub World Depression...ay caramba.
If this does not pass the Senate and there in fact is a government shutdown which I don't think will happen but if it does there will be no way to blame anyone but the Democrats.
Irony of ironies...lib Dems tell Obabble to go fuck himself. Remember all the bs from a year ago about hostage taking? Now the foo is on the other shit....fucking hilarious.
is it a bad bill in your opinion? Or is it a good bill in your opinion?
When a bill pisses off both the right and the left that's usually a good thing.
Does anyone know what would actually be "shut down" if this bill doesn't pass?

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