This Virus Is Making Me Look Good

I have to say I'm seriously offended by this thread. My mother died of coronavirus just this week, and I find nothing about your thread funny. I hope you apologize.

Your mother just died and you have nothing better to do than sitting around reading social media being offended because people are now starting to take all the prepper talk dissed for years seriously?

Sounds about right.

I agree with that ^^^
Lots of people in my family call me a "prepper". Its a running joke in my family that if something every happens everyone is coming over my house. Now due to this virus I am getting some serious questions about what precautions I have for this situation. Anyone else prepared to spend a month or two isolated in their homes?
A month???? Slacker
I think 1 good thing to come out of this is more awareness by more people of the need to do some "prepping".
At the risk of exposing more personal hurt and expressing a seemingly callous observation... in light of the grand scheme of things, does anyone else feel this virus is getting overblown coverage? Condolences to those of you who have lost a loved one, but my comment is not about discounting those who have fallen to this illness, but rather looking at the numbers it is about 1/3 as deadly as influenza but there seems to be a disproportionate amount of panic generated by this outbreak. Why?

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I think 1 good thing to come out of this is more awareness by more people of the need to do some "prepping".

I wish people would stop advocating interference with natural selection. The herd needs culled. Unpopular opinion, I know, but It is my opinion. We would do much better with a third less people
I know you mean well....
I think 1 good thing to come out of this is more awareness by more people of the need to do some "prepping".

I wish people would stop advocating interference with natural selection. The herd needs culled. Unpopular opinion, I know, but It is my opinion. We would do much better with a third less people
I know you mean well....
yeah just think we could save Social security if we "accidentally" lost a lot of geezers
I think 1 good thing to come out of this is more awareness by more people of the need to do some "prepping".

I wish people would stop advocating interference with natural selection. The herd needs culled. Unpopular opinion, I know, but It is my opinion. We would do much better with a third less people
I know you mean well....
yeah just think we could save Social security if we "accidentally" lost a lot of geezers

Some of us think that may just be part of the master plan.
Those men and women who are preppers may not survive a total apocalypse, but up to a few months is what all they may need.
Thats the goal. In the event of something that is not a total apocalypse my preparation will allow me time to think and execute my next move. I was pretty disappointed to find out that my masks wont really stop me from catching the virus but at least they are good at preventing me from giving it to someone else.
Using n94 masks you are correct, I'm sure. If it were to get to the point where you had to operate at full MOPP Level 4, we're screwed, but we're a long way from that.
I think 1 good thing to come out of this is more awareness by more people of the need to do some "prepping".

I wish people would stop advocating interference with natural selection. The herd needs culled. Unpopular opinion, I know, but It is my opinion. We would do much better with a third less people
I know you mean well....
yeah just think we could save Social security if we "accidentally" lost a lot of geezers
Now that is just plain cold, dude. You should reevaluate you priorities and mindset on humanity.
I think 1 good thing to come out of this is more awareness by more people of the need to do some "prepping".

I wish people would stop advocating interference with natural selection. The herd needs culled. Unpopular opinion, I know, but It is my opinion. We would do much better with a third less people
I know you mean well....
yeah just think we could save Social security if we "accidentally" lost a lot of geezers
Now that is just plain cold, dude. You should reevaluate you priorities and mindset on humanity.
I do not hold that, I was mocking him.....though I dont doubt some evil has considered it
I think 1 good thing to come out of this is more awareness by more people of the need to do some "prepping".

I wish people would stop advocating interference with natural selection. The herd needs culled. Unpopular opinion, I know, but It is my opinion. We would do much better with a third less people
I know you mean well....
yeah just think we could save Social security if we "accidentally" lost a lot of geezers
Now that is just plain cold, dude. You should reevaluate you priorities and mindset on humanity.
I do not hold that, I was mocking him.....though I dont doubt some evil has considered it
Didn't think you were mocking him, but even considering the asinine concept that Covid19 could be a benefit to medicare because it might KILL OFF ENOUGH OLD AND SICK PEOPLE to extend Medicare solvency is a sick cold blooded thought process. Discuss it in your Sunday School class tomorrow, if you doubt my opinion. Sometimes a body of believers is the exact place to come to grips with personal thought processes, one has failed to take out in the light, and evaluate.
I think 1 good thing to come out of this is more awareness by more people of the need to do some "prepping".

I wish people would stop advocating interference with natural selection. The herd needs culled. Unpopular opinion, I know, but It is my opinion. We would do much better with a third less people
I know you mean well....
yeah just think we could save Social security if we "accidentally" lost a lot of geezers
Now that is just plain cold, dude. You should reevaluate you priorities and mindset on humanity.
I do not hold that, I was mocking him.....though I dont doubt some evil has considered it
Didn't think you were mocking him, but even considering the asinine concept that Covid19 could be a benefit to medicare because it might KILL OFF ENOUGH OLD AND SICK PEOPLE to extend Medicare solvency is a sick cold blooded thought process. Discuss it in your Sunday School class tomorrow, if you doubt my opinion. Sometimes a body of believers is the exact place to come to grips with personal thought processes, one has failed to take out in the light, and evaluate.

I will tell you I heard the same thing in person yesterday when I was in town. I am an old coot. It isn't just this guy, it's somehow a millennial talking point.
I think 1 good thing to come out of this is more awareness by more people of the need to do some "prepping".

I wish people would stop advocating interference with natural selection. The herd needs culled. Unpopular opinion, I know, but It is my opinion. We would do much better with a third less people
I know you mean well....
yeah just think we could save Social security if we "accidentally" lost a lot of geezers
Now that is just plain cold, dude. You should reevaluate you priorities and mindset on humanity.
I do not hold that, I was mocking him.....though I dont doubt some evil has considered it
Didn't think you were mocking him, but even considering the asinine concept that Covid19 could be a benefit to medicare because it might KILL OFF ENOUGH OLD AND SICK PEOPLE to extend Medicare solvency is a sick cold blooded thought process. Discuss it in your Sunday School class tomorrow, if you doubt my opinion. Sometimes a body of believers is the exact place to come to grips with personal thought processes, one has failed to take out in the light, and evaluate.
Dont care what you think, I know how I meant shove off and go play someone elses conscience
I wish people would stop advocating interference with natural selection. The herd needs culled. Unpopular opinion, I know, but It is my opinion. We would do much better with a third less people
I know you mean well....
yeah just think we could save Social security if we "accidentally" lost a lot of geezers
Now that is just plain cold, dude. You should reevaluate you priorities and mindset on humanity.
I do not hold that, I was mocking him.....though I dont doubt some evil has considered it
Didn't think you were mocking him, but even considering the asinine concept that Covid19 could be a benefit to medicare because it might KILL OFF ENOUGH OLD AND SICK PEOPLE to extend Medicare solvency is a sick cold blooded thought process. Discuss it in your Sunday School class tomorrow, if you doubt my opinion. Sometimes a body of believers is the exact place to come to grips with personal thought processes, one has failed to take out in the light, and evaluate.

I will tell you I heard the same thing in person yesterday when I was in town. I am an old coot. It isn't just this guy, it's somehow a millennial talking point.
Jeesh. I'm officially old, even if I don't look like it or act like it. Can't imagine anybody in the aisles where I shop coming out with something like that in person.
I wish people would stop advocating interference with natural selection. The herd needs culled. Unpopular opinion, I know, but It is my opinion. We would do much better with a third less people
I know you mean well....
yeah just think we could save Social security if we "accidentally" lost a lot of geezers
Now that is just plain cold, dude. You should reevaluate you priorities and mindset on humanity.
I do not hold that, I was mocking him.....though I dont doubt some evil has considered it
Didn't think you were mocking him, but even considering the asinine concept that Covid19 could be a benefit to medicare because it might KILL OFF ENOUGH OLD AND SICK PEOPLE to extend Medicare solvency is a sick cold blooded thought process. Discuss it in your Sunday School class tomorrow, if you doubt my opinion. Sometimes a body of believers is the exact place to come to grips with personal thought processes, one has failed to take out in the light, and evaluate.
Dont care what you think, I know how I meant shove off and go play someone elses conscience
Don't know how you think you meant it. You typed in English. Pretty sure I got your drift. You don't seem much like someone bothered by conscience, so I doubt you would bring it up in your church group if you attend. Feel free to put forward any position you like, though some might express some minor disgust with you thought process. After all, it's an anonymous internet message board. Not like real people see what you type.
BTW its been discovered regular drinkers of hard liquor are somewhat protected...
Excellent! I shall try some preventative measures tonight. I wonder how Seagram's 7 and Geritol go down?
yeah just think we could save Social security if we "accidentally" lost a lot of geezers
Now that is just plain cold, dude. You should reevaluate you priorities and mindset on humanity.
I do not hold that, I was mocking him.....though I dont doubt some evil has considered it
Didn't think you were mocking him, but even considering the asinine concept that Covid19 could be a benefit to medicare because it might KILL OFF ENOUGH OLD AND SICK PEOPLE to extend Medicare solvency is a sick cold blooded thought process. Discuss it in your Sunday School class tomorrow, if you doubt my opinion. Sometimes a body of believers is the exact place to come to grips with personal thought processes, one has failed to take out in the light, and evaluate.
Dont care what you think, I know how I meant shove off and go play someone elses conscience
Don't know how you think you meant it. You typed in English. Pretty sure I got your drift. You don't seem much like someone bothered by conscience, so I doubt you would bring it up in your church group if you attend. Feel free to put forward any position you like, though some might express some minor disgust with you thought process. After all, it's an anonymous internet message board. Not like real people see what you type.
Dude …'d starve with your mind reading routine...…….I still get called a lib now and then by posters here too...…...that's how poorly people pay attn around here....take your speech and shove it
I have to say I'm seriously offended by this thread. My mother died of coronavirus just this week, and I find nothing about your thread funny. I hope you apologize.

Your mother just died and you have nothing better to do than sitting around reading social media being offended because people are now starting to take all the prepper talk dissed for years seriously?

Sounds about right.

I agree with that ^^^

It was a joke. My mother died years ago. What I do know is that Skye is a mindless cum dumpster. In the time it took me to post this Skye has swallowed the jizm of 40 elderly men.

Now THAT's just fucked up and so are you. Who makes a joke like that? Skye is a fine person and does not deserve that. YOU are the one who owes an apology, though I know from past experience reading your mental garbage you are too low-life a person to sincerely offer it.
I have to say I'm seriously offended by this thread. My mother died of coronavirus just this week, and I find nothing about your thread funny. I hope you apologize.

Your mother just died and you have nothing better to do than sitting around reading social media being offended because people are now starting to take all the prepper talk dissed for years seriously?

Sounds about right.

I agree with that ^^^

It was a joke. My mother died years ago. What I do know is that Skye is a mindless cum dumpster. In the time it took me to post this Skye has swallowed the jizm of 40 elderly men.

Now THAT's just fucked up and so are you. Who makes a joke like that? Skye is a fine person and does not deserve that. YOU are the one who owes an apology, though I know from past experience reading your mental garbage you are too low-life a person to sincerely offer it.

Skye has openly wished death upon living human beings numerous times,

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