This Virus Is Making Me Look Good

I have to say I'm seriously offended by this thread. My mother died of coronavirus just this week, and I find nothing about your thread funny. I hope you apologize.

Your mother just died and you have nothing better to do than sitting around reading social media being offended because people are now starting to take all the prepper talk dissed for years seriously?

Sounds about right.

I agree with that ^^^

It was a joke. My mother died years ago. What I do know is that Skye is a mindless cum dumpster. In the time it took me to post this Skye has swallowed the jizm of 40 elderly men.

Now THAT's just fucked up and so are you. Who makes a joke like that? Skye is a fine person and does not deserve that. YOU are the one who owes an apology, though I know from past experience reading your mental garbage you are too low-life a person to sincerely offer it.

Skye is a dummy, and has always been a dummy.
Anyone else prepared to spend a month or two isolated in their homes?
Been prepped for that for years. Also prepared to grab my inch bag of the rack, walk out the door. As for those who like to quip about “if shit goes down; I’m coming to your house”... I kindly inform them that if their long term goal is survival; inviting themselves to my place after the balloon goes up is a poor strategy.
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Anyone else prepared to spend a month or two isolated in their homes?
Been prepped for that for years. Also prepared to grab my inch bag of the rack, walk out the door. As for those who like to quip about “if shit goes down; I’m coming to your house”... I kindly inform them that if their long term strategy is survival; inviting themselves to my place after the balloon goes up is a poor strategy.
Anyone without a bugout bag and a bolt hole is a fool.
Anyone else prepared to spend a month or two isolated in their homes?
Been prepped for that for years. Also prepared to grab my inch bag of the rack, walk out the door. As for those who like to quip about “if shit goes down; I’m coming to your house”... I kindly inform them that if their long term strategy is survival; inviting themselves to my place after the balloon goes up is a poor strategy.
Since they are my family I have no problem with them coming over.
Anyone else prepared to spend a month or two isolated in their homes?
Been prepped for that for years. Also prepared to grab my inch bag of the rack, walk out the door. As for those who like to quip about “if shit goes down; I’m coming to your house”... I kindly inform them that if their long term strategy is survival; inviting themselves to my place after the balloon goes up is a poor strategy.
Anyone without a bugout bag and a bolt hole is a fool.
It is prudent to have many bags. One in each vehicle. One bob for each member of the family, and or group. Inventoried quarterly, and updated for the season. Also buying all the trinkets, and do dads is pointless if one doesn’t know how to use them and practices before hand.especially important when kitting out the spouse, and kids bags. And finally an INCH bag if things really go sideways...
I have to say I'm seriously offended by this thread. My mother died of coronavirus just this week, and I find nothing about your thread funny. I hope you apologize.
Sorry to hear that. No offense meant and I certainly wasnt trying to be funny. Just asking what measures people are taking.

I'm just pointing out that coronavirus is a serious thing. If my mother fell to it so can anybody's. We should take this seriously.
Did your mother have underlying health concerns since that seems to be the persons most in danger? The healthy seem to be surviving quite well.

In California we are pretty much prepared for disaster at all times.
At the risk of exposing more personal hurt and expressing a seemingly callous observation... in light of the grand scheme of things, does anyone else feel this virus is getting overblown coverage? Condolences to those of you who have lost a loved one, but my comment is not about discounting those who have fallen to this illness, but rather looking at the numbers it is about 1/3 as deadly as influenza but there seems to be a disproportionate amount of panic generated by this outbreak. Why?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In order to drive the herd; you first have to panic the herd...
I have to say I'm seriously offended by this thread. My mother died of coronavirus just this week, and I find nothing about your thread funny. I hope you apologize.
Sorry to hear that. No offense meant and I certainly wasnt trying to be funny. Just asking what measures people are taking.
My family is stocking on staples, can goods, snacks, pharmaceuticals and toilet articles. Every one should have emergency supplies. You never know when a disaster will hit your community.
I have to say I'm seriously offended by this thread. My mother died of coronavirus just this week, and I find nothing about your thread funny. I hope you apologize.

Your mother just died and you have nothing better to do than sitting around reading social media being offended because people are now starting to take all the prepper talk dissed for years seriously?

Sounds about right.

I agree with that ^^^

It was a joke. My mother died years ago. What I do know is that Skye is a mindless cum dumpster. In the time it took me to post this Skye has swallowed the jizm of 40 elderly men.
That was fucked up. I thought your mom really died from the virus. :laugh:
I have to say I'm seriously offended by this thread. My mother died of coronavirus just this week, and I find nothing about your thread funny. I hope you apologize.

Your mother just died and you have nothing better to do than sitting around reading social media being offended because people are now starting to take all the prepper talk dissed for years seriously?

Sounds about right.

I agree with that ^^^

It was a joke. My mother died years ago. What I do know is that Skye is a mindless cum dumpster. In the time it took me to post this Skye has swallowed the jizm of 40 elderly men.
At the risk of exposing more personal hurt and expressing a seemingly callous observation... in light of the grand scheme of things, does anyone else feel this virus is getting overblown coverage? Condolences to those of you who have lost a loved one, but my comment is not about discounting those who have fallen to this illness, but rather looking at the numbers it is about 1/3 as deadly as influenza but there seems to be a disproportionate amount of panic generated by this outbreak. Why?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It is being overblown, but it needs to be. People need to be obsessive when it comes to hand washing, avoiding people that are sick and avoiding overly crowded places. Employers should demand that employers stay home when they show flu like symptoms and employees should self quarantine themselves.

Quarantines are inconvenient, disruptive to our lives, and bad for the economy but when medical science has not developed a treatment or a vaccine for an airborne disease that can spread rapidly , they are necessary. The Spanish Influenza pandemic of 2018-19 is a good example of what can happen when governments hide the truth from the people and downplay the seriousness of the situation in the early stages of the epidemic.

The Spanish influenza pandemic that began in 2017 killed roughly 50 million people worldwide and 675,000 Americans. By the end of 2019 over one third of the world population had become infected. It came to an end, because so many of those that were infected had died and those that hadn't developed an immunity. This is a result of letting a deadly highly contagious virus run it's course.
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I have to say I'm seriously offended by this thread. My mother died of coronavirus just this week, and I find nothing about your thread funny. I hope you apologize.

Your mother just died and you have nothing better to do than sitting around reading social media being offended because people are now starting to take all the prepper talk dissed for years seriously?

Sounds about right.

I agree with that ^^^

It was a joke. My mother died years ago. What I do know is that Skye is a mindless cum dumpster. In the time it took me to post this Skye has swallowed the jizm of 40 elderly men.

Now THAT's just fucked up and so are you. Who makes a joke like that? Skye is a fine person and does not deserve that. YOU are the one who owes an apology, though I know from past experience reading your mental garbage you are too low-life a person to sincerely offer it.

Thank you, toofreak, I do appreciate your kind words! :huddle:

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