This Virus is Nothing But a Liberal Media Conspiracy!!!


Trump, fake Foxnews, and their loyal brainwashed lemmings look really really bad right now.

Up until a few days ago these geniuses have been completely downplaying this virus, oblivious to the real threat.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?

Some ass clown on here even blamed democrats for shutting down pro sports... pathetic. Another claimed "the virus is under control"

Will these people take responsibility for their stupidity, never.

Will these people be held accountable for their stupidity, doubtful.

This was so obvious. This is exactly why Trump deserves real criticism for his response to this threat (eliminating the pandemic response team was sheer idiocy as well), he was oblivious to this threat as it was unfolding before our eyes.

It is time for the partisan hacks of this country wake up and enter reality.

Trumpers have changed the narrative from, "This is nothing" to "This virus was unpreventable and not Trump's fault" next they will spin it to "this is the democrats fault" (the same way they try and blame the Bush crash on democrats???)

Can we think of 1 instance, just 1 instance where a republican has taken personal responsibility for any type of mistake?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:

Trump, fake Foxnews, and their loyal brainwashed lemmings look really really bad right now.

Up until a few days ago these geniuses have been completely downplaying this virus, oblivious to the real threat.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?

Some ass clown on here even blamed democrats for shutting down pro sports... pathetic. Another claimed "the virus is under control"

Will these people take responsibility for their stupidity, never.

Will these people be held accountable for their stupidity, doubtful.

This was so obvious. This is exactly why Trump deserves real criticism for his response to this threat (eliminating the pandemic response team was sheer idiocy as well), he was oblivious to this threat as it was unfolding before our eyes.

It is time for the partisan hacks of this country wake up and enter reality.

Trumpers have changed the narrative from, "This is nothing" to "This virus was unpreventable and not Trump's fault" next they will spin it to "this is the democrats fault" (the same way they try and blame the Bush crash on democrats???)

Can we think of 1 instance, just 1 instance where a republican has taken personal responsibility for any type of mistake?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:
View attachment 313594

It's their playbook!
Well, Fauci and Trump were in about as direct confrontation as I've ever seen this morning and right now Trump is losing his shit. Calling a reporter a sensationalist after Trump just claimed we have some sort of new wonder drug that Fauci is trying to back him off of.

This is fucking nuts.

Trump, fake Foxnews, and their loyal brainwashed lemmings look really really bad right now.

Up until a few days ago these geniuses have been completely downplaying this virus, oblivious to the real threat.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?

Some ass clown on here even blamed democrats for shutting down pro sports... pathetic. Another claimed "the virus is under control"

Will these people take responsibility for their stupidity, never.

Will these people be held accountable for their stupidity, doubtful.

This was so obvious. This is exactly why Trump deserves real criticism for his response to this threat (eliminating the pandemic response team was sheer idiocy as well), he was oblivious to this threat as it was unfolding before our eyes.

It is time for the partisan hacks of this country wake up and enter reality.

Trumpers have changed the narrative from, "This is nothing" to "This virus was unpreventable and not Trump's fault" next they will spin it to "this is the democrats fault" (the same way they try and blame the Bush crash on democrats???)

Can we think of 1 instance, just 1 instance where a republican has taken personal responsibility for any type of mistake?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:
Here's this trump character said this month, casually saying virus no big deal, some people go to work and get better. Right wing doesn't care, they still gush over and praise and defend this disaster of a president. This is what thirty years or more of listening to the limbaughs, hannitys, and fox news has done to today's republicans.

Trump, fake Foxnews, and their loyal brainwashed lemmings look really really bad right now.

Up until a few days ago these geniuses have been completely downplaying this virus, oblivious to the real threat.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?

Some ass clown on here even blamed democrats for shutting down pro sports... pathetic. Another claimed "the virus is under control"

Will these people take responsibility for their stupidity, never.

Will these people be held accountable for their stupidity, doubtful.

This was so obvious. This is exactly why Trump deserves real criticism for his response to this threat (eliminating the pandemic response team was sheer idiocy as well), he was oblivious to this threat as it was unfolding before our eyes.

It is time for the partisan hacks of this country wake up and enter reality.

Trumpers have changed the narrative from, "This is nothing" to "This virus was unpreventable and not Trump's fault" next they will spin it to "this is the democrats fault" (the same way they try and blame the Bush crash on democrats???)

Can we think of 1 instance, just 1 instance where a republican has taken personal responsibility for any type of mistake?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:
Wait so now you're saying that Trump, Foxnews, and his brainwashed lemming supporters didn't downplay the virus??? You didn't say this was a liberal media conspiracy? Are you fuckin nuts???

You people live in an alternate reality, everyone of you (including Trump) said this was nothing but a liberal conspiracy.
Everyone of you have downplayed this from the beginning.
It's completely stopped in China already, right?
Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:


Trump, fake Foxnews, and their loyal brainwashed lemmings look really really bad right now.

Up until a few days ago these geniuses have been completely downplaying this virus, oblivious to the real threat.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?

Some ass clown on here even blamed democrats for shutting down pro sports... pathetic. Another claimed "the virus is under control"

Will these people take responsibility for their stupidity, never.

Will these people be held accountable for their stupidity, doubtful.

This was so obvious. This is exactly why Trump deserves real criticism for his response to this threat (eliminating the pandemic response team was sheer idiocy as well), he was oblivious to this threat as it was unfolding before our eyes.

It is time for the partisan hacks of this country wake up and enter reality.

Trumpers have changed the narrative from, "This is nothing" to "This virus was unpreventable and not Trump's fault" next they will spin it to "this is the democrats fault" (the same way they try and blame the Bush crash on democrats???)

Can we think of 1 instance, just 1 instance where a republican has taken personal responsibility for any type of mistake?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:
Posts like yours ARE part of the liberal conspiracy. Are you being paid to post?
Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:

Humm, when Trump imposed the first travel ban weeks ago, liberals screamed that this was a racist and xenophobic overreaction. Then, within a matter of days, the new talking point was that Trump wasn't taking the virus seriously enough.
Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:

Damn, broken record boy, is that all you got? FAIL!

Ask me why I assume you're a paid shill!
Wait so now you're saying that Trump, Foxnews, and his brainwashed lemming supporters didn't downplay the virus??? You didn't say this was a liberal media conspiracy? Are you fuckin nuts???

You people live in an alternate reality, everyone of you (including Trump) said this was nothing but a liberal conspiracy.
Everyone of you have downplayed this from the beginning.

Trump, fake Foxnews, and their loyal brainwashed lemmings look really really bad right now.

Up until a few days ago these geniuses have been completely downplaying this virus, oblivious to the real threat.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?

Some ass clown on here even blamed democrats for shutting down pro sports... pathetic. Another claimed "the virus is under control"

Will these people take responsibility for their stupidity, never.

Will these people be held accountable for their stupidity, doubtful.

This was so obvious. This is exactly why Trump deserves real criticism for his response to this threat (eliminating the pandemic response team was sheer idiocy as well), he was oblivious to this threat as it was unfolding before our eyes.

It is time for the partisan hacks of this country wake up and enter reality.

Trumpers have changed the narrative from, "This is nothing" to "This virus was unpreventable and not Trump's fault" next they will spin it to "this is the democrats fault" (the same way they try and blame the Bush crash on democrats???)

Can we think of 1 instance, just 1 instance where a republican has taken personal responsibility for any type of mistake?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:

Why do you and other continually lie about the Trump Administrations responses to COVID-19?

Here is a thread leftists are avoiding, I posted yesterday this:

TIMELINE: The Trump Administration's Decisive Actions To Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic


They have been taking it seriously for a while now.
Wait so now you're saying that Trump, Foxnews, and his brainwashed lemming supporters didn't downplay the virus??? You didn't say this was a liberal media conspiracy? Are you fuckin nuts???

You people live in an alternate reality, everyone of you (including Trump) said this was nothing but a liberal conspiracy.
Everyone of you have downplayed this from the beginning.

Trump, fake Foxnews, and their loyal brainwashed lemmings look really really bad right now.

Up until a few days ago these geniuses have been completely downplaying this virus, oblivious to the real threat.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?

Some ass clown on here even blamed democrats for shutting down pro sports... pathetic. Another claimed "the virus is under control"

Will these people take responsibility for their stupidity, never.

Will these people be held accountable for their stupidity, doubtful.

This was so obvious. This is exactly why Trump deserves real criticism for his response to this threat (eliminating the pandemic response team was sheer idiocy as well), he was oblivious to this threat as it was unfolding before our eyes.

It is time for the partisan hacks of this country wake up and enter reality.

Trumpers have changed the narrative from, "This is nothing" to "This virus was unpreventable and not Trump's fault" next they will spin it to "this is the democrats fault" (the same way they try and blame the Bush crash on democrats???)

Can we think of 1 instance, just 1 instance where a republican has taken personal responsibility for any type of mistake?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:
Posts like yours ARE part of the liberal conspiracy. Are you being paid to post?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:

These responses are eerily robotic, and totally unrelated to the subject of the post. It's like a cheap auto-generated response.

Trump, fake Foxnews, and their loyal brainwashed lemmings look really really bad right now.

Up until a few days ago these geniuses have been completely downplaying this virus, oblivious to the real threat.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?

Some ass clown on here even blamed democrats for shutting down pro sports... pathetic. Another claimed "the virus is under control"

Will these people take responsibility for their stupidity, never.

Will these people be held accountable for their stupidity, doubtful.

This was so obvious. This is exactly why Trump deserves real criticism for his response to this threat (eliminating the pandemic response team was sheer idiocy as well), he was oblivious to this threat as it was unfolding before our eyes.

It is time for the partisan hacks of this country wake up and enter reality.

Trumpers have changed the narrative from, "This is nothing" to "This virus was unpreventable and not Trump's fault" next they will spin it to "this is the democrats fault" (the same way they try and blame the Bush crash on democrats???)

Can we think of 1 instance, just 1 instance where a republican has taken personal responsibility for any type of mistake?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:
Posts like yours ARE part of the liberal conspiracy. Are you being paid to post?
Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:

Trump will never admit a mistake.

His CDC told ya to socially distance ourselves while his FAA was stacking travelers up like cord wood in airports.

yet none of his fluffers will admit this was a colossal fuck up on the blob’s part
So Trump should've left them where they were?

It would be a case by case basis but yes.

Trump, fake Foxnews, and their loyal brainwashed lemmings look really really bad right now.

Up until a few days ago these geniuses have been completely downplaying this virus, oblivious to the real threat.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?

Some ass clown on here even blamed democrats for shutting down pro sports... pathetic. Another claimed "the virus is under control"

Will these people take responsibility for their stupidity, never.

Will these people be held accountable for their stupidity, doubtful.

This was so obvious. This is exactly why Trump deserves real criticism for his response to this threat (eliminating the pandemic response team was sheer idiocy as well), he was oblivious to this threat as it was unfolding before our eyes.

It is time for the partisan hacks of this country wake up and enter reality.

Trumpers have changed the narrative from, "This is nothing" to "This virus was unpreventable and not Trump's fault" next they will spin it to "this is the democrats fault" (the same way they try and blame the Bush crash on democrats???)

Can we think of 1 instance, just 1 instance where a republican has taken personal responsibility for any type of mistake?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:
Posts like yours ARE part of the liberal conspiracy. Are you being paid to post?
Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:

Trump will never admit a mistake.

His CDC told ya to socially distance ourselves while his FAA was stacking travelers up like cord wood in airports.

yet none of his fluffers will admit this was a colossal fuck up on the blob’s part
such nonsense goes on with you and your rants.
Wait so now you're saying that Trump, Foxnews, and his brainwashed lemming supporters didn't downplay the virus??? You didn't say this was a liberal media conspiracy? Are you fuckin nuts???
You people live in an alternate reality, everyone of you (including Trump) said this was nothing but a liberal conspiracy.
Everyone of you have downplayed this from the beginning.
They everything right. The old people would have died anyway. The corona thing will be all gone when the weather warms up.

Trump, fake Foxnews, and their loyal brainwashed lemmings look really really bad right now.

Up until a few days ago these geniuses have been completely downplaying this virus, oblivious to the real threat.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?

Some ass clown on here even blamed democrats for shutting down pro sports... pathetic. Another claimed "the virus is under control"

Will these people take responsibility for their stupidity, never.

Will these people be held accountable for their stupidity, doubtful.

This was so obvious. This is exactly why Trump deserves real criticism for his response to this threat (eliminating the pandemic response team was sheer idiocy as well), he was oblivious to this threat as it was unfolding before our eyes.

It is time for the partisan hacks of this country wake up and enter reality.

Trumpers have changed the narrative from, "This is nothing" to "This virus was unpreventable and not Trump's fault" next they will spin it to "this is the democrats fault" (the same way they try and blame the Bush crash on democrats???)

Can we think of 1 instance, just 1 instance where a republican has taken personal responsibility for any type of mistake?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:
Not saying this was a mistake. But Progs rarely admit to any mistake at all. You even had a president spew...."Define sex"!

Trump, fake Foxnews, and their loyal brainwashed lemmings look really really bad right now.

Up until a few days ago these geniuses have been completely downplaying this virus, oblivious to the real threat.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?

Some ass clown on here even blamed democrats for shutting down pro sports... pathetic. Another claimed "the virus is under control"

Will these people take responsibility for their stupidity, never.

Will these people be held accountable for their stupidity, doubtful.

This was so obvious. This is exactly why Trump deserves real criticism for his response to this threat (eliminating the pandemic response team was sheer idiocy as well), he was oblivious to this threat as it was unfolding before our eyes.

It is time for the partisan hacks of this country wake up and enter reality.

Trumpers have changed the narrative from, "This is nothing" to "This virus was unpreventable and not Trump's fault" next they will spin it to "this is the democrats fault" (the same way they try and blame the Bush crash on democrats???)

Can we think of 1 instance, just 1 instance where a republican has taken personal responsibility for any type of mistake?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:
Wait so now you're saying that Trump, Foxnews, and his brainwashed lemming supporters didn't downplay the virus??? You didn't say this was a liberal media conspiracy? Are you fuckin nuts???

You people live in an alternate reality, everyone of you (including Trump) said this was nothing but a liberal conspiracy.
Everyone of you have downplayed this from the beginning.

Trump, fake Foxnews, and their loyal brainwashed lemmings look really really bad right now.

Up until a few days ago these geniuses have been completely downplaying this virus, oblivious to the real threat.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?

Some ass clown on here even blamed democrats for shutting down pro sports... pathetic. Another claimed "the virus is under control"

Will these people take responsibility for their stupidity, never.

Will these people be held accountable for their stupidity, doubtful.

This was so obvious. This is exactly why Trump deserves real criticism for his response to this threat (eliminating the pandemic response team was sheer idiocy as well), he was oblivious to this threat as it was unfolding before our eyes.

It is time for the partisan hacks of this country wake up and enter reality.

Trumpers have changed the narrative from, "This is nothing" to "This virus was unpreventable and not Trump's fault" next they will spin it to "this is the democrats fault" (the same way they try and blame the Bush crash on democrats???)

Can we think of 1 instance, just 1 instance where a republican has taken personal responsibility for any type of mistake?

Please list an instance where a republican has manned up, and owned up to a mistake:
Wait so now you're saying that Trump, Foxnews, and his brainwashed lemming supporters didn't downplay the virus??? You didn't say this was a liberal media conspiracy? Are you fuckin nuts???

You people live in an alternate reality, everyone of you (including Trump) said this was nothing but a liberal conspiracy.
Everyone of you have downplayed this from the beginning.

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