This warm winter we're having

Ah, the latest 'denier' mantra, 'try it, you'll like it'. Tell that to the people in Alaska. Or South Carolina. Texas. Oregon and Washington. Nothing harmful in a mega-drought in Texas broken by record floods. Nothing wrong with forest fires so large and intense that the effort is to save towns, rather than fight the forest fires. Nothing wrong with the permafrost melting and messing up the roads and other infrastructure. Yessirreeeee.................. Bob! "Try it, you'll like it"
Spoken like a true AGW doomsday cult member.

OK, now prove that any one of those natural events were caused by humans introducing CO2 into the atmosphere.
Empirical evidence says your side is full of shit old fraud!

What empirical evidence would that be Billy Boy?

Consensus is a political whores word and is not based in science.

Your comment is worthless bullshit.

And your 97% lie has been torn to shreds so many times its not worth my time to show you the liar you are.

It's not worth your time because it's never been refuted and you couldn't show anything but what a fool you are by trying.

All circular logical fallacies and appeals to authority.. its all your side has when the facts and evidence clearly shows you a fool.

God are you stupid. Merry Christmas. One of the very few things that can be so just because you say it is.
Crickham does his usual bull shit lies and deceptions.. then projects his own failures on others.. Your not worth the time to explain anything too. Your an imbecile and a political hack using talking points. Real science escapes you. The only stupid ass is you.. But your set in your idiotic ways and will not use reason or critical thinking skills.

Sadly your, your own worst enemy..
How come you deniers cannot produce one single solitary Peer reviewed study proving that there is no Global warming ...
The fact of the matter is that the Earth's climate has been on a long-term cooling trend for billions of years.
Silly ass, learn something before you spout nonsense. There have been a couple of cooling periods that make the present glacial periods look positively warm. They were called snowball earths.
That's short term variability. I'm talking about the long term trend, obviously.

The fact of the matter is that you can say the Earth is cooling and be correct.

Another relevant fact is that all climate change is natural.
God, you are dumb. The present glacial cycle is hardly a permanent one, and in the coming billions of years, the sun will be getting warmer, as will the earth. But that is irrevelant, because, as Homo Sap, we have been around only about 200,000 years, and probably won't be around another 200,000. More than likely supplanted by something better, our own descendants.

However, our present civilization will be easily disrupted by the affects of a very fast warming, and that is what waits for us in the future.
Empirical evidence says your side is full of shit old fraud!

What empirical evidence would that be Billy Boy?

Consensus is a political whores word and is not based in science.

Your comment is worthless bullshit.

And your 97% lie has been torn to shreds so many times its not worth my time to show you the liar you are.

It's not worth your time because it's never been refuted and you couldn't show anything but what a fool you are by trying.

All circular logical fallacies and appeals to authority.. its all your side has when the facts and evidence clearly shows you a fool.

God are you stupid. Merry Christmas. One of the very few things that can be so just because you say it is.
Crickham does his usual bull shit lies and deceptions.. then projects his own failures on others.. Your not worth the time to explain anything too. Your an imbecile and a political hack using talking points. Real science escapes you. The only stupid ass is you.. But your set in your idiotic ways and will not use reason or critical thinking skills.

Sadly your, your own worst enemy..
Ol' Silly Billy, of the degree in Atmospheric Physics and Certificate in Meteorology, but doesn't know third grade science, and has, maybe, two bits in his pocket.
"Over North America, this winter will definitely not be normal. However, the climatic events of the past decade make 'normal' difficult to define," Patzert told the Earth Observatory.

Upcoming El Niño May Be As Wild As 1997 Event

From the article you posted. The events of the past decade make "normal" hard to define. As in a changing climate. Surely did not prove what ever it is that you are trying to prove.

Like I pointed out to you this morning, the events of the last decade include a pause in any warming or cooling, in fact 19 years have gone by without a dramatic shift in global temperature.

Left that out, didn'tcha?
"Over North America, this winter will definitely not be normal. However, the climatic events of the past decade make 'normal' difficult to define," Patzert told the Earth Observatory.

Upcoming El Niño May Be As Wild As 1997 Event

From the article you posted. The events of the past decade make "normal" hard to define. As in a changing climate. Surely did not prove what ever it is that you are trying to prove.

Like I pointed out to you this morning, the events of the last decade include a pause in any warming or cooling, in fact 19 years have gone by without a dramatic shift in global temperature.

Left that out, didn'tcha?


He believes that Karl Et Al and its fabrications/falsifications of ocean/land temps is more accurate than empirical evidence. He lives in a fantasy world of broken models and dreams of world domination and control. He's a good little Stalinist.

Facts are totally outside of his mental midget capacity to understand. He is fed talking points and he eats them..


Unaltered data... blows his crap right out of the water while the satellites and US CRN stations confirm the satellites readings.

RSS UAH comparison V6.JPG
Boys, 194 nations state that you side is full of shit. And I don't care how many times you post this shit that there is no consensus, the fact that all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science,and all the major Universities state that AGW is a fact, and that it is a clear and present danger, definitely shows that the 97% is not only real, but an underestimation of the consensus.

No, 194 nations want our money you twat. It's all about money and nothing else.

After record-shattering September, 2015 in commanding lead for Earth’s hottest year on record

Now that couldn't possibly have anything at all to do with the record warmth, could it? LOL

You guys are really getting desperate. Two record warm years in a row, a third in the making, and the GHGs that we are putting into the atmosphere cannot possibly have anything to do with it.

Well, nearly two hundred nations now disagree with your blindness. We are now halfway to the 2 degree increase. Sad news is, we are going to blow right by that.
What this graph fails to show is how human activity accounts for this. Also, it is inaccurate given we're only measuring only the US. Yeah those are the hottest years on record.... for the United States.

How dishonest can one liberal be? The world may never know.

After record-shattering September, 2015 in commanding lead for Earth’s hottest year on record

Now that couldn't possibly have anything at all to do with the record warmth, could it? LOL

You guys are really getting desperate. Two record warm years in a row, a third in the making, and the GHGs that we are putting into the atmosphere cannot possibly have anything to do with it.

Well, nearly two hundred nations now disagree with your blindness. We are now halfway to the 2 degree increase. Sad news is, we are going to blow right by that.
What this graph fails to show is how human activity accounts for this. Also, it is inaccurate given we're only measuring only the US. Yeah those are the hottest years on record.... for the United States.

How dishonest can one liberal be? The world may never know.

Very dishonest..

They fail to tell you that they used adjusted data for the graph. Then they fail to give the error boundary (also known as confidence levels).. When you consider today's instrumentation is accurate to +/- 0.2 deg C, their pontification of a rise of +0.13 deg being the hottest falls within the 0.4 deg C MOE (margin of error), thus the confidence level is below 20%...

The graph is not only dishonest its lack of critical data shows their intent was deception. That is truly more frightening than anything else.

None of our resident alarmists have shown any science that shows what the addition of 120ppm of CO2 has done. No data, No Methods, no verifiable and repeatable empirical world results. What the earth has done is show their models all failures. That last step in theroy falsification where they predict what is going to happen and the earth is supposed to mimic the models. Empirical evidence shows the theroy falsified. This is why they now alter the empirical data sets. They dont want to be shown ignorant of the physics and processes. They have spent their lives on this fraud and will do anything to protect it including destruction of the raw data.
Last edited:
"Over North America, this winter will definitely not be normal. However, the climatic events of the past decade make 'normal' difficult to define," Patzert told the Earth Observatory.

Upcoming El Niño May Be As Wild As 1997 Event

From the article you posted. The events of the past decade make "normal" hard to define. As in a changing climate. Surely did not prove what ever it is that you are trying to prove.

Like I pointed out to you this morning, the events of the last decade include a pause in any warming or cooling, in fact 19 years have gone by without a dramatic shift in global temperature.

Left that out, didn'tcha?


He believes that Karl Et Al and its fabrications/falsifications of ocean/land temps is more accurate than empirical evidence. He lives in a fantasy world of broken models and dreams of world domination and control. He's a good little Stalinist.

Facts are totally outside of his mental midget capacity to understand. He is fed talking points and he eats them..


Unaltered data... blows his crap right out of the water while the satellites and US CRN stations confirm the satellites readings.

View attachment 57891

As will this:

Ah, the latest 'denier' mantra, 'try it, you'll like it'. Tell that to the people in Alaska. Or South Carolina. Texas. Oregon and Washington. Nothing harmful in a mega-drought in Texas broken by record floods. Nothing wrong with forest fires so large and intense that the effort is to save towns, rather than fight the forest fires. Nothing wrong with the permafrost melting and messing up the roads and other infrastructure. Yessirreeeee.................. Bob! "Try it, you'll like it"

I live in south Carolina don't give me that local weather crap , you psychotic fear monger and want to confuse local weather, pollution to your fucking Naomi Klein end game.
What else is dishonest is how established climatologists are measuring on such a small scale. Whatever small increases there are in a higher resolution measurement will be amplified to be made out as dramatic shifts in global temperature in a smaller resolution measurement. Decedal measurements of "warming" will naturally yield these hockey stick graphs we're seeing.
1) The ocean has NOT been cooling for the last century


2) The increased CO2 in solution and its decreased pH can be related perfectly to the increased CO2 partial pressure in the Earth's atmosphere. See Henry's Law ["At a constant temperature, the amount of a given gas that dissolves in a given type and volume of liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid."] The proportional change in pCO2 over the last 150 years is orders of magnitude higher than any change in absolute temperature you can find in the history of this planet.
Lmao, they don't have 100 plus ocean temperature data.

Ocean temperture records | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I've been hearing this nonsense about how "global warming" is causing this abnormally warm winter we're having all across the Eastern US right now. So, I'm about to drop some basic climatology on the the unsuspecting. Don't blame me if your political biases get in the way of understanding what I'm about to lay down. Google is your friend. From this point forward, I will not be accommodating the closely held religious beliefs of The Church of Sanders, who believe climate change is linked to global terrorism.

So, let's just put it like this. Two events are playing critical roles (one lesser, the other greater) in the record winter warmth in the Eastern United States right now. None of which have to do with "climate change."

The lesser factor is the monster El Nino event happening currently, the greater factor is what's known as the AO, or the Arctic Oscillation. Namely the AO at the North Pole. The Arctic Oscillation determines basically how far south the polar air from the North Pole will go in the Northern Hemisphere. To see what an AO looks like, see below:


Now, there's a positive AO phase (or low pressure that circulates counter-clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, pulls in and contains most of the Arctic air near and around the pole), and a negative AO phase (where there is high pressure that circulates clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, tends to push out and evacuate the cold polar air further south). In short, the AO is what we call a "polar vortex."

Simply put, an abnormally positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation is pulling more cold air northward towards the pole, which does not allow any cold air to amass in the east US and travel south. This is only amplified by the El Nino effect shunting the polar jet stream far to the north, hence no cold air in the eastern portion of the US. These two events are synergizing with one another to intensify the warmth we're feeling now.

Keep in mind that the abnormally intense winter in January 2014 was due to a very strong negative AO phase which pushed the polar vortex even further south than normal and nuked most of the US with snow and abnormally cold temperatures.

I've taken a crash course in Climatology a la Google for the past two and a half hours, and I can't help but chuckle at all the people blaming this on "climate change" or "global warming" when in fact all it is is the simple machinations of weather patterns.

Global Warming Isn’t Really to Blame for This Crazy Warm Weather. So Enjoy It!

Climate Change Plays 'Fairly Insignificant' Role In Current Warm Weather

Global warming? I think not. Merry Christmas!

It's a shame that you weren't there to correct the nearly 200 countries who just decided, as a group that what you say is wrong. I'm sure they would have discounted all the experts that they consulted in favor of the thoughts of some anonymous right wing kid in his mothers basement with no real education other than what he heard from crazy politicians paid for by oil companies.
I've been hearing this nonsense about how "global warming" is causing this abnormally warm winter we're having all across the Eastern US right now. So, I'm about to drop some basic climatology on the the unsuspecting. Don't blame me if your political biases get in the way of understanding what I'm about to lay down. Google is your friend. From this point forward, I will not be accommodating the closely held religious beliefs of The Church of Sanders, who believe climate change is linked to global terrorism.

So, let's just put it like this. Two events are playing critical roles (one lesser, the other greater) in the record winter warmth in the Eastern United States right now. None of which have to do with "climate change."

The lesser factor is the monster El Nino event happening currently, the greater factor is what's known as the AO, or the Arctic Oscillation. Namely the AO at the North Pole. The Arctic Oscillation determines basically how far south the polar air from the North Pole will go in the Northern Hemisphere. To see what an AO looks like, see below:


Now, there's a positive AO phase (or low pressure that circulates counter-clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, pulls in and contains most of the Arctic air near and around the pole), and a negative AO phase (where there is high pressure that circulates clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, tends to push out and evacuate the cold polar air further south). In short, the AO is what we call a "polar vortex."

Simply put, an abnormally positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation is pulling more cold air northward towards the pole, which does not allow any cold air to amass in the east US and travel south. This is only amplified by the El Nino effect shunting the polar jet stream far to the north, hence no cold air in the eastern portion of the US. These two events are synergizing with one another to intensify the warmth we're feeling now.

Keep in mind that the abnormally intense winter in January 2014 was due to a very strong negative AO phase which pushed the polar vortex even further south than normal and nuked most of the US with snow and abnormally cold temperatures.

I've taken a crash course in Climatology a la Google for the past two and a half hours, and I can't help but chuckle at all the people blaming this on "climate change" or "global warming" when in fact all it is is the simple machinations of weather patterns.

Global Warming Isn’t Really to Blame for This Crazy Warm Weather. So Enjoy It!

Climate Change Plays 'Fairly Insignificant' Role In Current Warm Weather

Global warming? I think not. Merry Christmas!

It's a shame that you weren't there to correct the nearly 200 countries who just decided, as a group that what you say is wrong. I'm sure they would have discounted all the experts that they consulted in favor of the thoughts of some anonymous right wing kid in his mothers basement with no real education other than what he heard from crazy politicians paid for by oil companies.

Oh and where are the commercials, where is the billboards might be?

Only in your mental masturbation mind...
What else is dishonest is how established climatologists are measuring on such a small scale. Whatever small increases there are in a higher resolution measurement will be amplified to be made out as dramatic shifts in global temperature in a smaller resolution measurement. Decedal measurements of "warming" will naturally yield these hockey stick graphs we're seeing.

The Michale Mann syndrome...

Use spatial resolution of 100 year plots for the majority of his graph and then place 10 year plots on the end of that graph using his tree proxy data. The old statisticians parlor trick,,, Got to love it.. average the last 100 years and place that singular data point on the graph and the current warming trend is GONE!....

This is why their claims of "unprecedented rise" are total fabrications.. The spatial resolution of data sets can not show if the earth has had this level of rise before. They are making claims that are unsupported by empirical evidence.
I've been hearing this nonsense about how "global warming" is causing this abnormally warm winter we're having all across the Eastern US right now. So, I'm about to drop some basic climatology on the the unsuspecting. Don't blame me if your political biases get in the way of understanding what I'm about to lay down. Google is your friend. From this point forward, I will not be accommodating the closely held religious beliefs of The Church of Sanders, who believe climate change is linked to global terrorism.

So, let's just put it like this. Two events are playing critical roles (one lesser, the other greater) in the record winter warmth in the Eastern United States right now. None of which have to do with "climate change."

The lesser factor is the monster El Nino event happening currently, the greater factor is what's known as the AO, or the Arctic Oscillation. Namely the AO at the North Pole. The Arctic Oscillation determines basically how far south the polar air from the North Pole will go in the Northern Hemisphere. To see what an AO looks like, see below:


Now, there's a positive AO phase (or low pressure that circulates counter-clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, pulls in and contains most of the Arctic air near and around the pole), and a negative AO phase (where there is high pressure that circulates clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, tends to push out and evacuate the cold polar air further south). In short, the AO is what we call a "polar vortex."

Simply put, an abnormally positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation is pulling more cold air northward towards the pole, which does not allow any cold air to amass in the east US and travel south. This is only amplified by the El Nino effect shunting the polar jet stream far to the north, hence no cold air in the eastern portion of the US. These two events are synergizing with one another to intensify the warmth we're feeling now.

Keep in mind that the abnormally intense winter in January 2014 was due to a very strong negative AO phase which pushed the polar vortex even further south than normal and nuked most of the US with snow and abnormally cold temperatures.

I've taken a crash course in Climatology a la Google for the past two and a half hours, and I can't help but chuckle at all the people blaming this on "climate change" or "global warming" when in fact all it is is the simple machinations of weather patterns.

Global Warming Isn’t Really to Blame for This Crazy Warm Weather. So Enjoy It!

Climate Change Plays 'Fairly Insignificant' Role In Current Warm Weather

Global warming? I think not. Merry Christmas!

It's a shame that you weren't there to correct the nearly 200 countries who just decided, as a group that what you say is wrong. I'm sure they would have discounted all the experts that they consulted in favor of the thoughts of some anonymous right wing kid in his mothers basement with no real education other than what he heard from crazy politicians paid for by oil companies.

Are you talking this Exxon commercial saying that we need more dirty energy?

Exxon Mobil Commercial Ad 2015 Lights Across Amer…:
Yes, almost two hundred nations have stated that AGW is a problem. And the ignoramouses actually believe their uneducated opinions are worth more than that of all the scientists in the world.
Oh I see what you are talking about, those greedy Exxon guys made...

Oops another commercial promoting clean energy

Exxon Mobile Algea Advert:

Or this one, nope another Exxon commercial on clean energy

Exxon Mobil Commercial (Comments Enabled) 2012 "E…:

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