This Was A Ten Year Old's School Assignment

That's still an elementary schooler. This is when I would have pulled my daughter out of that school within a blink of an eye.

This is atrocious. It is also Suffolk, UK. God only know what the crazy Brits are doing. I'm not going to worry about them right now.
Homeschool your kids if you have any doubt about what the school is doing with them. I'm a teacher and I would hate to see public schools shut down. They are worth salvaging, because they used to be something our nation took great and rightful pride in. Even if you're not a public school parent anymore, you are still a public school taxpayer and a public school voter for school boards.

Don't give up on the idea of public education.

That said . . . I believe that the overwhelming majority of teachers have no interest in grooming or transgenderizing children. But too many counselors don't realize what grooming and transgenderizing is. They are reading the literature from their professional organizations that is telling them that they need to "be aware" that children may have gender confusion and not talk about it for various reasons, including the usual suspects of bigoted parents.

Combine that with children being force fed books and other materials that make suffering heroes of kids who come out as transgender, and you have the perfect storm that will induce counselors to look for and find transgenders among kids with depression and autism spectrum disorders, two conditions that are very, very frequently co-morbid with gender dysphoria.

There was an Atlantic article a few months ago that talked about the fact that the overwhelming majority of teen transgenders are biological females who identify as boys. Therefore, the article concludes, biological males are under-identified. Sure enough, one of our school counselors brought that up in a Special Ed meeting about a kid with emotional disturbance which is what kids with depression are often labeled with. Luckily, everyone else at the meeting expressed that this kid has no signs whatsoever of being transgender. He's a white non-hispanic who tries to act like a black kid, so transracial would be a better label.

Not good, but better.

You don't have to leave your kids in public school to fight to change public school. Nor do you have to let public schools do as they please if you do keep your child in public school. [/rant]

This is in the UK.

They're not even close to what we have here....
Public schools were preceded by a nation that sent its children to church every day for reading, writing and arithmetic. The first public schools had teachers who had rigid virtue demands made of them. Churches educated those who wrote the Constitution and became spiritual, political, and military leaders, and their lessons included carrying opening prayers in classes, teaching the ten commandments as important positive behaviors to know and practice. We now have one leadership political party that regularly exercises false witness to gain power and another that looks the other way when the lies bear sour fruit because they need politicians to vote for their state people's needs. Lying is evil to one and power to another. We're no longer united in doing what's best for the most as prescribed by those 10 frequently unpopular precepts that basically teach human equality and justice for all to get along with each other.
Good points. I think it was George W. who said that a democratic republic requires a moral people to be successful. I agree, or at least it requires and ethical people who act in good faith.

Public school is the same. Too much opportunity is provided for evil, when you mix large amounts of available tax dollars with all-day access to large numbers of other people's children. When ethical administrators and teachers act in good faith, great things can result. When they do not, lack of ethics and bad faith will lead to horrible results.
A couple of questions for those who think that lesson is fake:

1) Is there any evidence that it is fake?
2) What about that lesson makes you think that it must be fake? Do you think that no public school would ever provide such an assignment to ten year olds? Why in the world would you think that?

Search on "when should kids learn about sexuality and gender," and you will get example after example of people arguing for the teaching of sexuality and gender to babies and above. Is that all theoretical, and you think no teachers or school are doing that?

Why would you think that?

From the article:

No Different Than Math

Goldfarb and Lieberman analyzed 30 years of published research on school-based programs around the world, and their respective outcomes.

The results show that sex education, like any other subject, is most effective when it builds – creating an early foundation and advancing with developmentally appropriate content and teaching.

Children as young as preschool age not only comprehend, but can openly discuss subjects as varied as gender diversity, gender nonconformity and gender-based oppression, making it the ideal time to begin creating a foundation for lifelong sexual health.

“Waiting until eighth grade algebra to first introduce the subject of math would be absurd. The same is true for sex education,” says Goldfarb.“Basic foundational concepts such as personal boundaries, different family structures, healthy friendships, treating others with respect, and social-emotional skills need to be introduced early in elementary school. These become the building blocks for more sophisticated discussions in later grades.”

Hi, beautress. Please post solid evidence.
"Biden calls Republicans Fascists"
"I dont respect these Maga Republicans"
"extreme,' Maga voters,
He has spent four trillion dollars, half of which were paid for by Maga Republicans. Some payback.
And guess what else. His listeners cheered him on. Were you there? :cranky:

So now you can tell your partner Democrats so they can cancel his speech on youTube, and everywhere else.
You think Biden will grow a halo just because his evil words are hidden from public view? Yeah, cousin. You think whatever you want to think.
A couple of questions for those who think that lesson is fake:

1) Is there any evidence that it is fake?
2) What about that lesson makes you think that it must be fake? Do you think that no public school would ever provide such an assignment to ten year olds? Why in the world would you think that?

Search on "when should kids learn about sexuality and gender," and you will get example after example of people arguing for the teaching of sexuality and gender to babies and above. Is that all theoretical, and you think no teachers or school are doing that?

Why would you think that?

View attachment 804956
From the article:

No Different Than Math

Goldfarb and Lieberman analyzed 30 years of published research on school-based programs around the world, and their respective outcomes.

The results show that sex education, like any other subject, is most effective when it builds – creating an early foundation and advancing with developmentally appropriate content and teaching.

Children as young as preschool age not only comprehend, but can openly discuss subjects as varied as gender diversity, gender nonconformity and gender-based oppression, making it the ideal time to begin creating a foundation for lifelong sexual health.

“Waiting until eighth grade algebra to first introduce the subject of math would be absurd. The same is true for sex education,” says Goldfarb.“Basic foundational concepts such as personal boundaries, different family structures, healthy friendships, treating others with respect, and social-emotional skills need to be introduced early in elementary school. These become the building blocks for more sophisticated discussions in later grades.”

"Biden calls Republicans Fascists"
"I dont respect these Maga Republicans"
"extreme,' Maga voters,
He has spent four trillion dollars, half of which were paid for by Maga Republicans. Some payback.
And guess what else. His listeners cheered him on. Were you there? :cranky:

So now you can tell your partner Democrats so they can cancel his speech on youTube, and everywhere else.
You think Biden will grow a halo just because his evil words are hidden from public view? Yeah, cousin. You think whatever you want to think.

Many Republicans are fascists, most Americans do not respect MAGA or extreme MAGA voters.

You don't like being called out for your anti-American values.
Many Republicans are fascists, most Americans do not respect MAGA or extreme MAGA voters.

You don't like being called out for your anti-American values.
Beautress: I'm the granddaughter of Quanah Parker. And I am certain you are not correct. I'm done talking to your blathering ignorance.
I say "Aho" if you are Topay Parker's granddaughter. It is a good day to be alive.

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