....this was a TV program pertinent to the 2024 election...


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
"Pertinent" ro 2024....despite it's look-back at 2020.

Look, I seldom watch PBS' Friday night program 'Firing Line', with Margaret Hoover but I did last night. And am glad I did, it was very informative. I learned stuff.

It was riveting TV. And that was just the regularly scheduled 30-minute program.

And the surprise was that that 30-minutes served as a lead-in to a 60-minute 'special' on 'Counting the Vote'.

Both segments offer all of us American voters a deep dive into what is required to tabulate 160 million individual ballots that each cover a multitude of options on the 'down ballot'. The numbers are staggering....a challenge spread across 7 time zones, employing hundreds of thousands of part-time and temporary poll workers, in at least 10,000 voting precincts, with differing rules and protocols for the 50 State entities ---which the Constitution allows for.

Clearly it is a enormous logistical challenge that has the added pressure of being time-sensitive and carrying intense partisan interest.

These two Firing Line programs help us parse ...or at least better comprehend.....the human effort expended to encourage and accurately count the ballots submitted by about 160,000,000 Americans.


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