This was eye opening

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They did? All by themselves? News to me. You assume I am a racist because I am a white Jew? Interesting. That literally makes you a fascist. What innovation did your ancestors come up with to build the US as you claim? Black people sold other black people. White people fought to free them and give them equal rights. Why aren’t you angry at the black people in Africa who sold your ancestors?
A Trump voting Jew is the last person that can lecture a black man about racism or fascism. You look stupid as fuck.
We haven't lost America yet to you Evil goat loving Devil Worshippers. I suspect there will be a clamp down on your fraud machinery this upcoming election. Sit back and learn something DemNazi Fascist.

Maybe you'll win and maybe you'll lose. We don't know.

What we do know is that you guys will whine fraud if you lose. Isn't that right you little bitch?
A Trump voting Jew is the last person that can lecture a black man about racism or fascism. You look stupid as fuck.
So you had zero retort to my facts. You lashed out as you’re a brainwashed leftist zombie. Biden has been in politics for 50 yrs. I am 41. Blacks have been treated poorly by the Democratic Party for my entire life. But you lash out at me. Your anger is misplaced. I feel Sorry for you. Trump did more for minorities in four years than Biden and Pelosi did combined in their 90 yrs. Just say thank you and move on.
Republicans want to hang black people now. And this Trump voting Jew with us, but he’s too dumb to realize it.
They do? Republicans want to hang blacks? News to me. Democrats want to have Blacks dependent on them and poison minds stating Republicans are evil and you fell for it. Gullible zombie. Democrats promised the same to Jews but my people are waking up to the fact that the current Democrats have gone too far left. Maybe one day you’ll wake up too. I doubt It.
Maybe you'll win and maybe you'll lose. We don't know.

What we do know is that you guys will whine fraud if you lose. Isn't that right you little bitch?
Maybe this one is more your speed.
I'm going to watch Manchester United v. Leeds.
Yes. In order to keep your woke card current and up to date, It is vitally important to keep your head as clear of information as possible and to make sure to NEVER ask any questions when it comes to the cognitive dissonance created when your masters tell you one thing, but what you can observe directly is something else altogether.
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