This will defeat Donald Trump in 2020

Trumps strategy in responding to the virus in an election year has been simple.

Downplay it, tell people it is no big deal and plan on the virus going away by summer. By Election Day, the virus would be a distant memory and the economy would have recovered.

Instead, the virus is in overdrive this summer with no end in sight. The Trump economy Is in a recession
Right, Trump put travel bans in force while the democrats were in the streets without masks pleading for people to visit chinatown in San Francisco
Feb 24th 2020
How is Chinatown related to Trump’s travel ban? You realize Chinatown isn’t in China, right?
Pelosi criticizes Trump for not taking COVID seriously, yet she was out promoting Chinatown in February. See the duplicity?
Then she has the nerve to call it the "Trump Virus" after helping it spread.
The reason Pelosi was promoting Chinatown was in response to racist outrage against Chinese citizens. It was a show of support.

Trumps response has been.......I got an idea! Lets call it “Kung Flu”.
That way people will know to blame China
Back in Feb Pelosi ignored the seriousness of COVID. Now she calls it "Trump's Virus".
She is a democrat POS.
Back in February, Trump declared we had 15 cases that would go down to zero in “a couple days”

It is the TRUMPvirus
Right, Trump put travel bans in force while the democrats were in the streets without masks pleading for people to visit chinatown in San Francisco Feb 24th 2020
How is Chinatown related to Trump’s travel ban? You realize Chinatown isn’t in China, right?
Pelosi criticizes Trump for not taking COVID seriously, yet she was out promoting Chinatown in February. See the duplicity?Then she has the nerve to call it the "Trump Virus" after helping it spread.
That was February. Nobody knew exactly what was going to happen at the time. What's more concerning is everything Trump has done to downplay the pandemic, since then. Instead of trying to unite the country to fight the disease, he's been a divider
Right, Trump put travel bans in force while the democrats were in the streets without masks pleading for people to visit chinatown in San Francisco
Feb 24th 2020
How is Chinatown related to Trump’s travel ban? You realize Chinatown isn’t in China, right?
Pelosi criticizes Trump for not taking COVID seriously, yet she was out promoting Chinatown in February. See the duplicity?
Then she has the nerve to call it the "Trump Virus" after helping it spread.
Chinatown isn’t in China.

Guys. Cmon. Think!

Put on your critical think cap. I have no clue what point you are trying to make?! Yes, Chinatown is in SF, Nancy's district. We know.
Back in late Feb we were going to lockdown mode to stop the spread of COVID here in the US, and Nancy was saying "go to Chinatown"!!
She wanted COVID to spread so she could call it the "Trump Virus" and make political points.
No, we weren’t going into lockdown in late February. That didn’t happen until weeks later. And by the way, SF is a bright spot for how COVID was handled with relatively few cases even to this day.

At the time she made those comments, COVID cases were very limited and there wasn’t even community spread.

Of course, at that time it was Trump who was ignoring warnings from the CDC and had been bungling roll out of testing as well as failing to do more extensive screening and quarantine of affected individuals.
Trumps strategy in responding to the virus in an election year has been simple.

Downplay it, tell people it is no big deal and plan on the virus going away by summer. By Election Day, the virus would be a distant memory and the economy would have recovered.

Instead, the virus is in overdrive this summer with no end in sight. The Trump economy Is in a recession

The democrat strategy for America is clear;
NO - It's not Joe Biden

Donald Trump will be defeated by a virus crisis he's never dealt with before.

Most Trump supporters will hang with him on all the major issues, but many are abandoning him, due to his inability to lead on this issue. His decision to pass the buck to the State Governors, rather than take the lead will cost him this election.

When defeated, Donald Trump will no doubt shake his fist and scream "voter fraud" but it won't change the outcome. As America races to 200,000+ dead by years end, even many Republicans admit Joe Biden is better qualified to end this carnage, and will change their vote accordingly.

Sorry Trump supporters: Your golden boy is going down, and he'll take a lot of GOP lawmakers down with him. :nono:

I don't believe this. How does he act against an invisible virus? Look around the world, it's hit everyone, caused destruction everywhere and no nation has the wealth and travel activities that Americans do. So, you brought the virus in. You're dealing with it as best you can, it was a total unknown.

People know the risks. There are even more risks to not having the country open, which is one some bank on to get back to a China First agenda. I think Americans know what's at stake.

If anything hurts Trump it will be an over reach into local law issues that will be presented by MSM as Trump sending in the military. I said that it was a trap, let's see how it all turns out.
No, we weren’t going into lockdown in late February. That didn’t happen until weeks later. And by the way, SF is a bright spot for how COVID was handled with relatively few cases even to this day.

Are you really as stupid and dishonest as you present yourself?

You can't tie your own shoes, can you?

At the time she made those comments, COVID cases were very limited and there wasn’t even community spread.

Of course, at that time it was Trump who was ignoring warnings from the CDC and had been bungling roll out of testing as well as failing to do more extensive screening and quarantine of affected individuals.

She down played it, as all you fucking Commie piles of shit did. Now you lie and think people should believe you.

Fuck you - lying pile of shit.

HERE is what democrats bring to America, ALL you bring to America;

How is Chinatown related to Trump’s travel ban? You realize Chinatown isn’t in China, right?
How is chinatown related to the travel ban? I guess I did not state that in 2nd grader terms so that you could understand.

In January Trump banned travel from china so that the virus would not spread from infected china to the usa.

A month later,, Democrats went to chinatown to say there is no chance of anyone getting sick so please come to china town.

The point is made that trump took decisive action while democrats for months stated publicly that we were not going to get sick.
The reason Pelosi was promoting Chinatown was in response to racist outrage against Chinese citizens. It was a show of support.
You made that up. This is from my link.

We want to be vigilant about what might be on the horizon — what is out there in other places. We want to be careful how we deal with it (coronavirus). But we do want to say to people, come to Chinatown. Here we are, again, careful, safe, and come join us.”
The reason Pelosi was promoting Chinatown was in response to racist outrage against Chinese citizens. It was a show of support.
You made that up. This is from my link.

We want to be vigilant about what might be on the horizon — what is out there in other places. We want to be careful how we deal with it (coronavirus). But we do want to say to people, come to Chinatown. Here we are, again, careful, safe, and come join us.”
Exactly what I said.

Pelosi was responding to racist sentiment against Chinese citizens at a time Trump was declaring the number of cases would go to zero in a couple of days.
NO - It's not Joe Biden

Donald Trump will be defeated by a virus crisis he's never dealt with before.

Most Trump supporters will hang with him on all the major issues, but many are abandoning him, due to his inability to lead on this issue. His decision to pass the buck to the State Governors, rather than take the lead will cost him this election.

When defeated, Donald Trump will no doubt shake his fist and scream "voter fraud" but it won't change the outcome. As America races to 200,000+ dead by years end, even many Republicans admit Joe Biden is better qualified to end this carnage, and will change their vote accordingly.

Sorry Trump supporters: Your golden boy is going down, and he'll take a lot of GOP lawmakers down with him. :nono:

He could follow the Obama - Biden plan and prohibit testing to keep the numbers down.


View attachment 366325

Ah, swallowing again I see.

" Individual case counts were used in the early stages of the outbreak to track the spread of disease. As novel H1N1 flu became more widespread, individual case counts became an increasingly inaccurate representation of the true burden of disease. This is because many people likely became mildly ill with novel H1N1 flu and never sought treatment; many people may have sought and received treatment but were never officially tested or diagnosed; and as the outbreak intensified, in some cases, testing was limited to only hospitalized patients. That means that the official case count represented only a fraction of the true burden of novel H1N1 flu illness in the United States. CDC recognized early in the outbreak that once disease was widespread, it would be more valuable to transition to standard surveillance systems to monitor illness, hospitalizations and deaths. CDC discontinued official reporting of individual cases on July 24, 2009 "

. Sorry Trump supporters: Your golden boy is going down, and he'll take a lot of GOP lawmakers down with him. :nono:

That’s fine. We Revolutionary Conservatives are ready to take the country back BY FORCE if necessary.

Like the Federals who looked like petulant children beating that Korean Vet with their Bataan's, ineffectually I might add, then like a nasty bully they finally pepper sprayed him? Switch sides.
How is Chinatown related to Trump’s travel ban? You realize Chinatown isn’t in China, right?

You Communists are funny. Sometimes I wonder if you actually are as dumb as you present yourselves.

democrats - violent, evil, stupid. Yeah, that's what America needs... :eusa_whistle:

View attachment 366330
Do we need the Republican police state instead?

I’ll vote freedom, not oppression.
Democrats don't know what freedom is.

They are so stupid and brainwashed they think people who wear mask and terrorize people they disagree politically with are anti fascist.
NO - It's not Joe Biden

Donald Trump will be defeated by a virus crisis he's never dealt with before.

Most Trump supporters will hang with him on all the major issues, but many are abandoning him, due to his inability to lead on this issue. His decision to pass the buck to the State Governors, rather than take the lead will cost him this election.

When defeated, Donald Trump will no doubt shake his fist and scream "voter fraud" but it won't change the outcome. As America races to 200,000+ dead by years end, even many Republicans admit Joe Biden is better qualified to end this carnage, and will change their vote accordingly.

Sorry Trump supporters: Your golden boy is going down, and he'll take a lot of GOP lawmakers down with him. :nono:

See you in November.

Have fun buttfucking your BLM friends.
Trumps travel ban from China was on January 31
On February 26, he declared we had 15 cases and that number would go down to close to zero “in a couple of days”

China may have been responsible for those 15 cases. Growing to 3 million was Trumps responsibility

The Cuomovirus killed a lot of elderly in the N.E.
Trumps travel ban from China was on January 31
On February 26, he declared we had 15 cases and that number would go down to close to zero “in a couple of days”

China may have been responsible for those 15 cases. Growing to 3 million was Trumps responsibility

The Cuomovirus killed a lot of elderly in the N.E.

That was just the start of Trumpybears Pandemic!

Now it's tearing up some of his Confederate states too!
Trumps travel ban from China was on January 31
On February 26, he declared we had 15 cases and that number would go down to close to zero “in a couple of days”

China may have been responsible for those 15 cases. Growing to 3 million was Trumps responsibility

The Cuomovirus killed a lot of elderly in the N.E.

That was just the start of Trumpybears Pandemic!

Now it's tearing up some of his Confederate states too!

Tearing up ?

Compared to the carnage in the NorthEast ?

You are smoking something.

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