This will infuriate Donald Trump

  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.
View attachment 168266
Still waiting for poor Dale to come up with a fact check site.
He's been painted into a corner and can't find his way out.

" it sure as hell won't be the MSM."


90 percent of ALL media is controlled by 6 corporate entities that belong to the same exclusive clubs like the CFR and the Committee of 300. I get my news using the alternative media which is why I am infinitely more informed than you. Zerohedge has been proven to be "dead on". John B. Wells and his show "Caravan To Midnight" is another trusted source. 4Chan, youtube and facebook pages that I belong to. I haven't owned a TV in 6 years. Just seeing a CNN news broadcast in an airport awaiting my flight makes me want to puke.......any other questions, dipshit? I know infinitely more than you by a factor of a 1,000 EASILY.
All far right propaganda junk.
No wonder you write the bullshit you do.
Of course you want topuke when you watch CNN. They tell the truth about your fraud in chief. They're professional journalists at the apex of their careers.
CNN, Washpo and the NYT are the most reliable news organizations in the world.
You like your bloggers who tell you what you want to hear.
Zerohedge. Lmao

Thanks for proving that CNN is honest enough to admit when they make a mistake.
Whenhas your state run media ever admitted a mistake?
When has Trunp ever admitted a mistake?

CNN publishes thousands of stories. The law of average says they may get a few wrong
Thanks for giving me this opportunity to kick your ass all over this forum.

Still waiting for you to call out evenone of Trump's thousand of lies.
Won't happen will it.
You're so far gone you're totally off the cliff.

View attachment 168266
Still waiting for poor Dale to come up with a fact check site.
He's been painted into a corner and can't find his way out.

" it sure as hell won't be the MSM."


90 percent of ALL media is controlled by 6 corporate entities that belong to the same exclusive clubs like the CFR and the Committee of 300. I get my news using the alternative media which is why I am infinitely more informed than you. Zerohedge has been proven to be "dead on". John B. Wells and his show "Caravan To Midnight" is another trusted source. 4Chan, youtube and facebook pages that I belong to. I haven't owned a TV in 6 years. Just seeing a CNN news broadcast in an airport awaiting my flight makes me want to puke.......any other questions, dipshit? I know infinitely more than you by a factor of a 1,000 EASILY.
All far right propaganda junk.
No wonder you write the bullshit you do.
Of course you want topuke when you watch CNN. They tell the truth about your fraud in chief. They're professional journalists at the apex of their careers.
CNN, Washpo and the NYT are the most reliable news organizations in the world.
You like your bloggers who tell you what you want to hear.
Zerohedge. Lmao

Thanks for proving that CNN is honest enough to admit when they make a mistake.
Whenhas your state run media ever admitted a mistake?
When has Trunp ever admitted a mistake?

CNN publishes thousands of stories. The law of average says they may get a few wrong
Thanks for giving me this opportunity to kick your ass all over this forum.

Still waiting for you to call out evenone of Trump's thousand of lies.
Won't happen will it.
You're so far gone you're totally off the cliff.

View attachment 168266
Still waiting for poor Dale to come up with a fact check site.
He's been painted into a corner and can't find his way out.

" it sure as hell won't be the MSM."


90 percent of ALL media is controlled by 6 corporate entities that belong to the same exclusive clubs like the CFR and the Committee of 300. I get my news using the alternative media which is why I am infinitely more informed than you. Zerohedge has been proven to be "dead on". John B. Wells and his show "Caravan To Midnight" is another trusted source. 4Chan, youtube and facebook pages that I belong to. I haven't owned a TV in 6 years. Just seeing a CNN news broadcast in an airport awaiting my flight makes me want to puke.......any other questions, dipshit? I know infinitely more than you by a factor of a 1,000 EASILY.
All far right propaganda junk.
No wonder you write the bullshit you do.
Of course you want topuke when you watch CNN. They tell the truth about your fraud in chief. They're professional journalists at the apex of their careers.
CNN, Washpo and the NYT are the most reliable news organizations in the world.
You like your bloggers who tell you what you want to hear.
Zerohedge. Lmao

Thanks for proving that CNN is honest enough to admit when they make a mistake.
Whenhas your state run media ever admitted a mistake?
When has Trunp ever admitted a mistake?

CNN publishes thousands of stories. The law of average says they may get a few wrong
Thanks for giving me this opportunity to kick your ass all over this forum.

Still waiting for you to call out evenone of Trump's thousand of lies.
Won't happen will it.
You're so far gone you're totally off the cliff.

Source: one blogger.
This is just getting embarrassing for you. Have you no pride?
  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.
Poor T cult.
Looks down on professional journalists and seeks out individual bloggers who have NO ACCOUNTABILITY whatsoever.

This is what happens when a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic pathological liar gets elected. The vermin who supports him thinks they have credibility.

4-10 wants the punk impeached.
36% approval rating lowest rating in history.
Yet they think he's a success. Lol
  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.
Trump's wasteful commission on voter fraud and 3-6 million illegals voting came up with NOTHING.
More waste of tax payer money.
Funny you don't know this.
Didn't Zerohedge tell you this?
  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.
Project Veritas...???




....... and once again, delusional dale proves to the forum that he’s the looniest poster here.
Notice poor Dale wouldn't even touch the last two Trump bald faced lies.
Did Zerohedge call him out onthem?
Those 3 are not unlike NorthKorean state Tv.
Praise and glorify our dear leader.

Nov 18 can't come soon enough.

Source: YouTube.
Thanks for kicking your own ass Dale
You're just way too easy

This is the Clown News Network's own's rather damning.......and no one had to put any spin on it. They incriminated tell me again as to how reputable CNN is??????? I want to cyber "hear it" for my own cyber ears........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.
Project Veritas. Remember that broad who tried to get the Washpo to write a lying story on the child molester.
Wash Post showed how professional they are and took all the necessary steps to investigate the veracity of the story.
It was a fraud perpetrated by Project Veritas.
You got nothing.
You should stop embarrassing yourself.
It's unseamly.
According to who? The same news that said Hillary had a 90% chance of winning the presidency? Lol!
This is the second time I have read a post wherein a rightwinger has made this point. An indication of the level of your brain power. This poll is about popularity. Clinton is the most admired woman in America and has been for 16 years. She won the popular vote by 3 million votes. Compared to all other elections in the US, most of the winners have won by less. She is the people's choice. Trump is president because he was crafty and manipulated the electoral college, not because he is popular or admired.
  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.
Project Veritas. Remember that broad who tried to get the Washpo to write a lying story on the child molester.
Wash Post showed how professional they are and took all the necessary steps to investigate the veracity of the story.
It was a fraud perpetrated by Project Veritas.
You got nothing.
You should stop embarrassing yourself.
It's unseamly.

What became of Scott Foval???? Hmmmmmm?????

  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.
Project Veritas...???




....... and once again, delusional dale proves to the forum that he’s the looniest poster here.
Dale has a lot of company with being the worst.
Did you know Trump donates toProject Veritas?
One fraud donating to another fraudulent organization.
According to who? The same news that said Hillary had a 90% chance of winning the presidency? Lol!
This is the second time I have read a post wherein a rightwinger has made this point. An indication of the level of your brain power. This poll is about popularity. Clinton is the most admired woman in America and has been for 16 years. She won the popular vote by 3 million votes. Compared to all other elections in the US, most of the winners have won by less. She is the people's choice. Trump is president because he was crafty and manipulated the electoral college, not because he is popular or admired.

The Hildebeast is one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being on the planet.........a coven witch. I can't wait until she croaks because I am going to take a shit on her grave....I shan't have to wait long.

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