This will infuriate Donald Trump

Trump: Obama rigged Trump tower
Result: no evidence... he just made it up.
Did Dale call him out on the lie?

Trump: I won't benefit from the tax plan.
Did Dale call him out on THAT lie?

There are over 1000 other examples.
Has Dale called out the liar on ANY of them?

I rest my case.
  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.
Project Veritas...???




....... and once again, delusional dale proves to the forum that he’s the looniest poster here.
Dale has a lot of company with being the worst.
Did you know Trump donates toProject Veritas?
One fraud donating to another fraudulent organization.

The tale is in the to be a leftard........seriously

According to who? The same news that said Hillary had a 90% chance of winning the presidency? Lol!
This is the second time I have read a post wherein a rightwinger has made this point. An indication of the level of your brain power. This poll is about popularity. Clinton is the most admired woman in America and has been for 16 years. She won the popular vote by 3 million votes. Compared to all other elections in the US, most of the winners have won by less. She is the people's choice. Trump is president because he was crafty and manipulated the electoral college, not because he is popular or admired.

The Hildebeast is one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being on the planet.........a coven witch. I can't wait until she croaks because I am going to take a shit on her grave....I shan't have to wait long.
A coven witch. Wishing her dead.
Now I know what kind of lunatic I'm dealing with here.
Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.
Project Veritas...???




....... and once again, delusional dale proves to the forum that he’s the looniest poster here.
Dale has a lot of company with being the worst.
Did you know Trump donates toProject Veritas?
One fraud donating to another fraudulent organization.

The tale is in the to be a leftard........seriously

Uses the totally discredited Project Veritas AGAIN.
This Dale is fucking crazy. Maybe crazier than Trump.
Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.
Project Veritas...???




....... and once again, delusional dale proves to the forum that he’s the looniest poster here.
Dale has a lot of company with being the worst.
Did you know Trump donates toProject Veritas?
One fraud donating to another fraudulent organization.

The tale is in the to be a leftard........seriously

Opinion | James O’Keefe shows what real fake news is

Poor Dale. 0- the night.
According to who? The same news that said Hillary had a 90% chance of winning the presidency? Lol!
This is the second time I have read a post wherein a rightwinger has made this point. An indication of the level of your brain power. This poll is about popularity. Clinton is the most admired woman in America and has been for 16 years. She won the popular vote by 3 million votes. Compared to all other elections in the US, most of the winners have won by less. She is the people's choice. Trump is president because he was crafty and manipulated the electoral college, not because he is popular or admired.

The Hildebeast is one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being on the planet.........a coven witch. I can't wait until she croaks because I am going to take a shit on her grave....I shan't have to wait long.
A coven witch. Wishing her dead.
Now I know what kind of lunatic I'm dealing with here.

Yeah, the Hildebeast is a luciferian ........and that is a fucking fact and so is Bill "drop trou". The same applies to the Podesta brothers. Pizzagate? 100 percent true.........these elites are pedophiles. Google "Laura Silsby, Haiti"......
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.
Project Veritas...???




....... and once again, delusional dale proves to the forum that he’s the looniest poster here.
Dale has a lot of company with being the worst.
Did you know Trump donates toProject Veritas?
One fraud donating to another fraudulent organization.

The tale is in the to be a leftard........seriously

Opinion | James O’Keefe shows what real fake news is

Poor Dale. 0- the night.

LMAO!!!! The "WASHINGTON POST"!!!!!!!!! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
According to who? The same news that said Hillary had a 90% chance of winning the presidency? Lol!
This is the second time I have read a post wherein a rightwinger has made this point. An indication of the level of your brain power. This poll is about popularity. Clinton is the most admired woman in America and has been for 16 years. She won the popular vote by 3 million votes. Compared to all other elections in the US, most of the winners have won by less. She is the people's choice. Trump is president because he was crafty and manipulated the electoral college, not because he is popular or admired.

The Hildebeast is one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being on the planet.........a coven witch. I can't wait until she croaks because I am going to take a shit on her grave....I shan't have to wait long.
You are a disgusting human being. Only a slug would say something like this about anyone.
According to who? The same news that said Hillary had a 90% chance of winning the presidency? Lol!
This is the second time I have read a post wherein a rightwinger has made this point. An indication of the level of your brain power. This poll is about popularity. Clinton is the most admired woman in America and has been for 16 years. She won the popular vote by 3 million votes. Compared to all other elections in the US, most of the winners have won by less. She is the people's choice. Trump is president because he was crafty and manipulated the electoral college, not because he is popular or admired.

The Hildebeast is one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being on the planet.........a coven witch. I can't wait until she croaks because I am going to take a shit on her grave....I shan't have to wait long.
You are a disgusting human being. Only a slug would say something like this about anyone.

Kiss my (_o_), bitch..........I know things about these elitist slime that would give you back off and walk away very slowly. I don't take kindly to stupid fucks such as yourself.
According to who? The same news that said Hillary had a 90% chance of winning the presidency? Lol!
This is the second time I have read a post wherein a rightwinger has made this point. An indication of the level of your brain power. This poll is about popularity. Clinton is the most admired woman in America and has been for 16 years. She won the popular vote by 3 million votes. Compared to all other elections in the US, most of the winners have won by less. She is the people's choice. Trump is president because he was crafty and manipulated the electoral college, not because he is popular or admired.

The Hildebeast is one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being on the planet.........a coven witch. I can't wait until she croaks because I am going to take a shit on her grave....I shan't have to wait long.
A coven witch. Wishing her dead.
Now I know what kind of lunatic I'm dealing with here.

Yeah, the Hildebeast is a luciferian ........and that is a fucking fact and so is Bill "drop trou". The same applies to the Podesta brothers. Pizzagate? 100 percent true.........these elites are pedophiles. Google "Laura Silsby, Haiti"......
This buffoon even says Pizzagate was true.
He makes Alex Jones look sane.

Hillary Clinton : still the most admired woman in the world. 15 years straight.
Barack Obama: the most respected man on the planet.

So sucks to be a trump cult member.
  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles
And he's not Time's pick as person of year as he had predicted. There are just a lot of people that don't admire the Old Pussy Grabber.

I didn't realize that Bill "drop trou" was up for the award?????
Notice that lunatic Dale didn't provide even one valid source on his Pizzagate conspiracy theory.

It's laughed at all over the country and world.
It clearly shows how low the right wing smear machine will go.

Dale.... I'm laughing at your pathetic deplorable ass.
This will infuriate Donald Trump

What's that, have Comey, McCabe and these other jerks decided to hang themselves before Trump's DOJ hunts them down to lock them up for 100 years?

The treasonous fat senile old orange clown will never win the most admired even in this nation. The majority of Americans detest him, hold him in utter contempt.

Except that he's lost more admirers than Hillary or any other Democrat candidate alive at present ever had to begin with and a recent open poll right here showed he had a 75% approval rating!!!!! :spinner:
Notice that lunatic Dale didn't provide even one valid source on his Pizzagate conspiracy theory.

It's laughed at all over the country and world.
It clearly shows how low the right wing smear machine will go.

Dale.... I'm laughing at your pathetic deplorable ass.
Who doesn’t laugh at that raving lunatic? :dunno:
Trump: I've signed more bills than any president in history.

Fact check: You're not even close

So the Dump keeps repeating the lie.

Any deplorable with even an ounce of dignity to call him out on this and so many other lies?
This will infuriate Donald Trump

What's that, have Comey, McCabe and these other jerks decided to hang themselves before Trump's DOJ hunts them down to lock them up for 100 years?

The treasonous fat senile old orange clown will never win the most admired even in this nation. The majority of Americans detest him, hold him in utter contempt.

Except that he's lost more admirers than Hillary or any other Democrat candidate alive at present ever had to begin with and a recent open poll right here showed he had a 75% approval rating!!!!! :spinner:
Another traitorous cult member.
Like cockroaches they scurry around.
This will infuriate Donald Trump

What's that, have Comey, McCabe and these other jerks decided to hang themselves before Trump's DOJ hunts them down to lock them up for 100 years?

The treasonous fat senile old orange clown will never win the most admired even in this nation. The majority of Americans detest him, hold him in utter contempt.

Except that he's lost more admirers than Hillary or any other Democrat candidate alive at present ever had to begin with and a recent open poll right here showed he had a 75% approval rating!!!!! :spinner:
75% approval rating??


Not by any scientific poll, he doesn’t.

Another question the cult won't answer.

Why has Trump tried so hard to derail the Mueller investigation and sent his goons at Fox News to try to smear Bob Mueller IF HES INNOCENT?

The website of Comet Ping Pong And Pizza was hacked and there was child porn on it. The hacker alerted the D.C police department complete with the instructions on how to get into it. A few days after he contacted the D.C police, this actor Edgar Welch went to Comet Ping Pong And Pizza and fired one shot that just so happened to hit the Comet Ping Pong And Pizza server......

Come to your own is the whistleblower's interview......


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