This will infuriate Donald Trump

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Pizzagate is just the tip of a huge iceberg....this shit has been going on for decades. You are the type of leftard that would defend this type of activity if it protected leftards and justify it. I have been very outspoken about the Franklin scandal of the late 80's and early 90's that George H Bush was complicit in covering up. Go to youtube and type in "Conspiracy Of Silence"...I fucking DARE you to watch it.....but I must warn you to watch this documentary (that was to air in August of 1994 that was yanked at the last minute) on an empty stomach because if you have any empathy? It will make you sick to your stomach.

Bite me, are a disgusting excuse for a human would rather defend pedophiles because it's all about political affiliation.
Pedaphiles? Like Roy Moore?
Didn't you support the child molester?
Damn... you're lower than anyone can imagine.

Pedophiles like the Bush, Clinton and Podesta perverts........can't make it any clearer than that...........
No ....pedaphiles like that Loser Roy Moore and Donald Trump. In addition to the 19 women the serial sex offender molested he raped a teenage girl that wasn't even part of the 19 number.
Your bias and sickness of only seeing democrats and ignoring these republican criminals shows everyone who you are.

I see you wouldn't/ couldn't admit you supported the child molester Moore.
Have I mentioned enough times yet you're a coward?

I find it rather suspicious that Moore's accusers waited until he became a candidate of the senate when he had been a public figure for over a decade. I am all about exposing pedos....did you bother to watch the video I posted? You are the gutless coward, "home slice".....and you suck at debating.
Meanwhile, Trump is loading the lower courts with hardcore conservatives and I'm reduced to hoping that Kennedy and Ginsburg remain vertical for a while.

Maybe the Democrats could spend a little less effort slamming Trump and a little more effort finding good candidates and being less repulsive in general.

That would be good.
Agreed. But slamming trump is a patriotic gesture of the highest order.
His toxic agenda should never be ignored.
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Bite me, are a disgusting excuse for a human would rather defend pedophiles because it's all about political affiliation.
Pedaphiles? Like Roy Moore?
Didn't you support the child molester?
Damn... you're lower than anyone can imagine.

Pedophiles like the Bush, Clinton and Podesta perverts........can't make it any clearer than that...........
No ....pedaphiles like that Loser Roy Moore and Donald Trump. In addition to the 19 women the serial sex offender molested he raped a teenage girl that wasn't even part of the 19 number.
Your bias and sickness of only seeing democrats and ignoring these republican criminals shows everyone who you are.

I see you wouldn't/ couldn't admit you supported the child molester Moore.
Have I mentioned enough times yet you're a coward?

I find it rather suspicious that Moore's accusers waited until he became a candidate of the senate when he had been a public figure for over a decade. I am all about exposing pedos....did you bother to watch the video I posted? You are the gutless coward, "home slice".....and you suck at debating.
No I don't watch propaganda. No time for it.
Just like the totally fraudulent Project Veritas.
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown will never win the most admired even in this nation. The majority of Americans detest him, hold him in utter contempt.

The hatred you express for the man is all the reason I need to vote for him again.
No sane people who cares about this country still likes the serial sex offender.
Exactly the opposite is true. Hatred of Donald Trump is an inidcation that you hate America, and that you hate Americans. It's proof that you want to give their jobs to low wage foriegn labor. You want to impoverish them with your insane regulations. You want to sexualize their children and teach them about behaviors that no child should have to know anything about.

I could go on and on, but that should be sufficient to prove my point.
The fat orange fool told a group of firefighters today (or yesterday) that he had passed more bills than anyone in history.

Why does this idiot always lie about things that can be so easily checked?

Fact check from a site that tracks this exact thing said the same as all his lies - not even close. He's passed the least since Ike.

Even the trumplicans are getting tired.

The fat orange fool told a group of firefighters today (or yesterday) that he had passed more bills than anyone in history.

Why does this idiot always lie about things that can be so easily checked?

Fact check from a site that tracks this exact thing said the same as all his lies - not even close. He's passed the least since Ike.

Even the trumplicans are getting tired.

This happened TODAY.
There he goes again. Just like I always say. Dumb as shit, never being informed and always asking a lib to educate his dumb ass.
View attachment 168248

Trump knows America loves Obama but either tolerates him or hates him.
This poll will completely ruin his vacation.
Makes me smile.

Dims take comfort in polls about their failed leaders. We take comfort in having control of all three branches of government and dismantling the policies of your failed leaders.
The fat orange fool told a group of firefighters today (or yesterday) that he had passed more bills than anyone in history.

Why does this idiot always lie about things that can be so easily checked?

Fact check from a site that tracks this exact thing said the same as all his lies - not even close. He's passed the least since Ike.

Even the trumplicans are getting tired.

This happened TODAY.
There he goes again. Just like I always say. Dumb as shit, never being informed and always asking a lib to educate his dumb ass.

What difference does it make? You made a claim. Now support it or admit it's just bullshit you made up.
The fat orange fool told a group of firefighters today (or yesterday) that he had passed more bills than anyone in history.

Why does this idiot always lie about things that can be so easily checked?

Fact check from a site that tracks this exact thing said the same as all his lies - not even close. He's passed the least since Ike.

Even the trumplicans are getting tired.

This happened TODAY.
There he goes again. Just like I always say. Dumb as shit, never being informed and always asking a lib to educate his dumb ass.

What difference does it make? You made a claim. Now support it or admit it's just bullshit you made up.
I didn't make the claim. Luddley did. Man you're one confused dope.
But the lying idiot DID brag to firefighters of signing the most bills AFTER HE WAS CORRECTED in the media. It's not even close. He just keeps lying and lying and lying.
Of course you're too damn lazy to check yourself.
The fat orange fool told a group of firefighters today (or yesterday) that he had passed more bills than anyone in history.

Why does this idiot always lie about things that can be so easily checked?

Fact check from a site that tracks this exact thing said the same as all his lies - not even close. He's passed the least since Ike.

Even the trumplicans are getting tired.

This happened TODAY.
There he goes again. Just like I always say. Dumb as shit, never being informed and always asking a lib to educate his dumb ass.

What difference does it make? You made a claim. Now support it or admit it's just bullshit you made up.
I didn't make the claim. Luddley did. Man you're one confused dope.
But the lying idiot DID brag to firefighters of signing the most bills AFTER HE WAS CORRECTED in the media. It's not even close. He just keeps lying and lying and lying.
Of course you're too damn lazy to check yourself.

True, but you chimed in to support him.
Trump: Obama rigged Trump tower
Result: no evidence... he just made it up.
Did Dale call him out on the lie?

Trump: I won't benefit from the tax plan.
Did Dale call him out on THAT lie?

There are over 1000 other examples.
Has Dale called out the liar on ANY of them?

I rest my case.

There's plenty of evidence, moron.
The Obama's have a lot of class. Trump....errr not so much.

well-----they both have CHARISMA. so true-------but then some people have described both John Gotti and
EL CHAPO in the same terms

I can see the resemblence between Trump, Gotti, and El Chapo - interesting analogy.

I do not see any resemblance between Trump and Gotti/El Chapo at all. Trump is not at
all CHARISMATIC. In fact----he is off-putting. His off the cuff comments are OFTEN
idiotic. The obamas speak very well, publically[/QUOTE/]

President Trump is the genuine article...nothing pretentious about him. He shoots straight from the hip with a swagger that is undeniable. No "eminence front" at all. You seem to be enamoured with the fraud that was the Barrypuppet that was behind the creation of ISIS and the taking down of Gaddafi , the stealing of over 330 tons of gold while turning Libya into another third world shit-hole.....rejoice. I wouldn't piss on Barry Soetoro if he was engulfed in flames and I had a full bladder.

wrong again------I did not even vote for barry the second time around------but I did notice his charming
smile and easy manner-------very intelligent guy------IMHO----just not UP TO THE JOB. Donald is
more up to it------but socially-----OY VEY!!!

According to who? The same news that said Hillary had a 90% chance of winning the presidency? Lol!
This is the second time I have read a post wherein a rightwinger has made this point. An indication of the level of your brain power. This poll is about popularity. Clinton is the most admired woman in America and has been for 16 years. She won the popular vote by 3 million votes. Compared to all other elections in the US, most of the winners have won by less. She is the people's choice. Trump is president because he was crafty and manipulated the electoral college, not because he is popular or admired.

The Hildebeast is one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being on the planet.........a coven witch. I can't wait until she croaks because I am going to take a shit on her grave....I shan't have to wait long.
A coven witch. Wishing her dead.
Now I know what kind of lunatic I'm dealing with here.
Oh, right, as if you deranged snowflakes haven't wished for Trump's death thousands of times.
According to who? The same news that said Hillary had a 90% chance of winning the presidency? Lol!
This is the second time I have read a post wherein a rightwinger has made this point. An indication of the level of your brain power. This poll is about popularity. Clinton is the most admired woman in America and has been for 16 years. She won the popular vote by 3 million votes. Compared to all other elections in the US, most of the winners have won by less. She is the people's choice. Trump is president because he was crafty and manipulated the electoral college, not because he is popular or admired.

The Hildebeast is one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being on the planet.........a coven witch. I can't wait until she croaks because I am going to take a shit on her grave....I shan't have to wait long.
You are a disgusting human being. Only a slug would say something like this about anyone.
Oh right, because snowflakes like you have always treated Trump with the utmost respect!

Are you fucking serious? The stuff snowflakes spew is unbelievable it's so obviously untrue.
I am always meeting people from different countries. One word Trump is a joke.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.
Project Veritas...???




....... and once again, delusional dale proves to the forum that he’s the looniest poster here.
Dale has a lot of company with being the worst.
Did you know Trump donates toProject Veritas?
One fraud donating to another fraudulent organization.

The tale is in the to be a leftard........seriously

Uses the totally discredited Project Veritas AGAIN.
This Dale is fucking crazy. Maybe crazier than Trump.

When was it discredited?

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