This will make the gun nuts happy

You think people who are hit by a stolen car should be able to sue the owner of the car? Are you completely insane?

No, I'm not insane. You Windbag seem to be rather ignorant, "you can sue a ham sandwhich in the United States". And if the elements are proved to a jury, you can collect.

You cannot sue a ham sandwich. Even if you could, you cannot sue the victim of a crime for the acts of a third person. Feel free to provide any examples that prove me wrong,

I've owned guns all my life and no matter how loudly they insist I use them for mass murder, I just say no. :tongue:

:lol: Making a mockery of common sense:
Actual Lawsuits That You Will Laugh Your A$$ Off At !!! - Club Myce
[ame=]The Magic Christian (1969): The old values are crumbling - YouTube[/ame]
If a crazy person and felon WANTS a gun, they're going to get one, no matter what the laws say! That's why they're called CRIMINALS. They break the law!!!

Now if any of those people had had a gun on them, this might have been a different story and people may have been saved. But you wouldn't see it that way....

If we were able to trace the weapon used, we would be able to pinpoint who sold (or had stolen from them) the gun used. Then, the victims families would have an avenue to civilly sue the person who provided - willingly or not - the gun that killed their loved one.


Now we no longer have to wonder if you really are as stupid as you seem.

What a nutjob.

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