this women's march is a fraud! what about the women living under sharia law?

they get beat like dogs. and executed if they breathe in public. not a word about them. not one word.

This march was only for the rights of women who are very left wing snowflakes. If you have any opinions that vary at all from Gloria Steinem, it was made clear that you are not invited.

Madonna said she wanted to blow up the White House, so it was obviously a very productive event with a very sophisticated level of discourse.

The March for life that happens in DC every year for the past 43 years regularly has over 500,000 people attend, and I'll bet anything the media doesn't jerk of all over themselves for that march on January 27th.
Maybe you need to read just why the protest is going on. You won't find it on right wing hate radio
We know why it's going on. It's the left unable to accept defeat. When liberals talk they assume everyone agrees with them. If you don't they act shocked and outraged.

They forget most people don't live in a big city bubble universe. Trump hasn't said or implied he would do anything to take away a woman's rights. The protests are shame, a fraud, and what the left does time after time expecting different results.
Most people do agree with liberals, and that may be why Hillary won the popular election by almost 3 million votes. Is it a fraud that Trump loves to grab a young woman crotch, and how many law suits have been filed against him for sexual discrimination?
You're full of it. No, most people do not agree with liberals. Liberals constantly lie to push their agenda. If people agreed with them they wouldn't need to lie about it. Liberals are arrogant power freaks and ASSUME they speak for the world.

Your post is a good example, Bill Clinton abused woman and leftists didn't give a fuck. Trump talked trash and libs are outraged and will be until the last liberal dies. Hypocrisy and liberalism are two sides of the same coin.

I remember the rhetoric well. Clinton lied under oath about his indiscretions and the Republicans pursued it. The liberal narrative was it was unimportant to the position and the Republicans were sour grapes. Anyone who denies that FACT doesn't know or is foolish. Then during the Hillary campaign the story was "Bill's not running for POUS"...............What the fuck kind of logic is that, seriously? The ONLY reason she was in the general election is BECAUSE her HUSBAND happened to have been POUS, and he remains HIGHLY popular with the left. That and he'd be first lady. It's hypocrisy and stupidity defined, and proof we're not the intelligent species we assume to be.
Does POUS mean "Piece Of Unbelievable Shit"?

they get beat like dogs. and executed if they breathe in public. not a word about them. not one word.

This march was only for the rights of women who are very left wing snowflakes. If you have any opinions that vary at all from Gloria Steinem, it was made clear that you are not invited.

Madonna said she wanted to blow up the White House, so it was obviously a very productive event with a very sophisticated level of discourse.

The March for life that happens in DC every year for the past 43 years regularly has over 500,000 people attend, and I'll bet anything the media doesn't jerk of all over themselves for that march on January 27th.

folks at the women's march in Berlin chanting: "Allahu Akbar"...a dangerous development to say the least!

Don't you think God is great?

so you're tryin to be cute, eh? terrorists fucking yell that when they slaughter innocents, don't they, oh wise one?

Some people yell Oh God!!! when they have sex, don't they, oh dumb one. Does that mean every time a pastor says it, he is having an orgasm?
Organizer For DC Women’s March, Linda Sarsour Is Pro Sharia Law with Ties To Hamas

And those tens of thousands of idiotic women fell for her stupid line when she personally believes women have NO rights.

The fact that an Islamic faction was one of the organizers of the Women’s March is laughable at best. Islam is responsible for the worst abuses of women and children not only throughout history, but at present day. Islamic supremacists who wish to impose Sharia law in America have infiltrated various leftist movements in order to appear as an oppressed minority.

More @ Organizer For DC Women’s March, Linda Sarsour Is Pro Sharia Law with Ties To Hamas

And this shouldn't surprise anyone:

Billionaire George Soros Behind 50 Groups Supporting Women’s Protests Yesterday @ Billionaire George Soros Behind 50 Groups Supporting Women’s Protests Yesterday

And here are the four who organized it:

Tamika D. Mallory, whose bio says she “has worked closely with the Obama Administration as an advocate for civil rights issues, equal rights for women, health care, gun violence, and police misconduct.” She also served on the transition committee of NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Carmen Perez, who served as the executive director of Belafonte’s Soros-financed The Gathering for Justice.

Linda Sarsour, a self-described “Brooklyn-born Palestinian-American-Muslim racial justice and civil rights activist,” who serves as “the Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York, co-founder of Muslims for Ferguson, and a member of Justice League NYC,” her march bio relates.

Bob Bland, the CEO and founder of Manufacture New York (MNY), which his bio describes as “a social enterprise that is rethinking the fashion ecosystem (design, development, distribution) and creating a new, vertically-integrated business model that will transform apparel & textile production for the 21st century.”


The Muslim Veil, not pink p**sy cap was the real symbol behind Big Women’s March @ The Muslim Veil, not pink p**sy cap was the real symbol behind Big Women’s March


Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour has family ties to Hamas, recently met former Hamas financier @ Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour has family ties to Hamas, recently met former Hamas financier



w/many more @ Third Position on Twitter

It's amazing how quickly these fake news sites can come up with these fake stories. Imagine how much good they could do if they weren't crazy sleaze bags.
So fake that these items are showing up all over the Lame Street Media. Bugs hell out of you, doesn't it?
Exactly what I was thinking. Where has this outrage been for Honor Killings, refusing to allow girls to enter school, forcing 10 year old girls to marry old Muslim sex perverts? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? But some imagined threat to Roe v Wade by Trump and they spill into the streets like a swarm of hornets.
Where have you been?!?!


Those Hashtags sure scare Muslim terrorists!
folks at the women's march in Berlin chanting: "Allahu Akbar"...a dangerous development to say the least!

Don't you think God is great?

so you're tryin to be cute, eh? terrorists fucking yell that when they slaughter innocents, don't they, oh wise one?

Some people yell Oh God!!! when they have sex, don't they, oh dumb one. Does that mean every time a pastor says it, he is having an orgasm?

a religious orgasm, yes!
This march is simply hordes of failed single mothers protesting. Someone who understand the fact that being a single mother is not desirable for the kids has taken the office. No more encouraging stupid behavior.

It's always a pleasure when idiots self identify!

You're a self righteous, mendacious, ignorant, hateful and worthless example of a human being. On some level you must know this; I can't imagine others do not shun you, unless of course you only express this hate when you can do so while hiding behind a keyboard.

Great, more idiots self identifying! The pleasure that is Trump's election just keeps on giving.

Please keep up the ridiculous, vile leftist smear tactics. The deeply racist tactic of attempting to make Trump a women's issue has worked so well before. Oh, wait... most white women voted for him!

Losers doubling down on losing. It's troubling that these hateful morons actually beat people up just for holding a different view. Hate indeed...

Thanks for proving your ignorance and mendacity; the world saw the multitude of women, mostly white but all colors, ethnics and creeds marching in cities around the nation.

I stand by my evaluation of you, you're a disgusting piece of deplorable shit.
Last edited:
This march is simply hordes of failed single mothers protesting. Someone who understand the fact that being a single mother is not desirable for the kids has taken the office. No more encouraging stupid behavior.

It's always a pleasure when idiots self identify!

You're a self righteous, mendacious, ignorant, hateful and worthless example of a human being. On some level you must know this; I can't imagine others do not shun you, unless of course you only express this hate when you can do so while hiding behind a keyboard.

Great, more idiots self identifying! The pleasure that is Trump's election just keeps on giving.

Please keep up the ridiculous, vile leftist smear tactics. The deeply racist tactic of attempting to make Trump a women's issue has worked so well before. Oh, wait... most white women voted for him!

Losers doubling down on losing. It's troubling that these hateful morons actually beat people up just for holding a different view. Hate indeed...

Thanks for proving your ignorance and mendacity; the world saw the multitude of women, mostly white but all color, ethnicities and creeds marching in cities around the nation.

I stand by my evaluation of you, you're a disgusting piece of deplorable shit.

Your evaluation is as worthless as your credentials to make it.

The loser single moms, and feminist lesbians don't prove a rule. Trump got the white woman vote... they are content that Trump, not the regressive left, serves their needs... and the needs of all of America.

They know that putting America first is not exactly scandalous. Some others don't.
they get beat like dogs. and executed if they breathe in public. not a word about them. not one word.

Be careful now, it would be deeply misogynistic to criticize the favored ideology of the feminists: Islam.

On other news, they have much more pressing issues to worry about, such as the fact that tampons are taxed.

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