This Young Gal Thinks For Herself.

Name Biden policies you do not agree with.

massive spending.

border polices.

student loan forgiveness

capping credit card late fees

attempted mandated vaccines for all most workers

pushing EVs

attempting to curtail oil production, which he failed at, but he should not even try.

just to name a few off the top of my you do Trump.... :banana:
I also fell for the DNC propaganda in my younger years. After the Carter administration I started to back the RNC propaganda. In 1983 I married up with our Libertarian party USA & remained with them through 2014 as a contributing member. After 2014 I avoided political party affiliation & started voting in support of various candidates that appeared to support our federal Constitution & BoR.
I left the democrats and went to republicans, after which I turned independent. But, in my state, there is no one to vote for in the primaries as a registered independent so I registered back as a Republican just so I could vote in primaries but still consider myself an independent. For many years I have voted a mix of Democrats, Republicans, and others but most democrats now have fallen off the edge of the Earth and are no longer an option, except for a small handful of possibilities, a very small handful. Most have lost their sanity.
Left wing rants like this are examples of democrats who are fed up with Biden but TDS gets in the way of doing the right thing.
Libertarians, if they had an education they would not be libertarians.

I joined the party, once. Got a nice book with essays and articles by libertarian authors. This was during the Iraq war. The theme was, that Democracy would never work in Iraq because Iraq never new democracy or had people who thought of freedom.

Yet, since before the first world war their were groups of freedom fighters in Iraq.
After the first world war, Iraq got a constitution and a form of democracy.

Complete ignorance, the book was based on, put out by the libertarian party. I quit after that. You can not have a foreign policy created by those with no education.
Then again democracy doesn't work anywhere as Socrates once predicted so accurately yet was executed with hemlock for such stances.

Before you think this country was ever supposed to be a democracy then you like me were brainwashed in those socialist think tanks called public education system.

The word DEMOCRACY doesn't appear in the Constitution nor Declaration of Independence. If that was the ultimate government the founding fathers wanted, that word would have appeared at several times if not a bunch. Not once.

However CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC does which is distinctly different and has been replaced by the word democracy and that was all by design.

Voting was never supposed to be right just given out to everyone and the left through their identity political strategy used to political correctness to force it onto us and thereby destroying the CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC that it was SUPPOSED TO BE into a "democracy" which are always doomed to turn into demogoguery within only a few short years.

Hence the reason this country has GROUPS seduced by false promises. They are barely educated enough to right their own names let alone understand the complexity of govt. spending and the notion of taxation without representation.

Instead we are turned into one word or three word tropes and platitudes and campaign slogans. We've all seen the interviews on the streets of these ignoramuses who have the power to vote.

I know I'm spitting in the wind with this reality, all while we wonder just how the fuck do private citizens who were free give up their power to the federal govt?

The power of group think and conformity. We call it peer pressure. That's the power the elites used and they are able to target large groups with bullshit promises.

That reparation check is still on its way. Just vote for us!!!!!!

Divide and conquer. Well we are divided and conquered and the ones laughing now at that shall he gnashing their teeth and wailing, more than likely forever.
Then again democracy doesn't work anywhere as Socrates once predicted so accurately yet was executed with hemlock for such stances.

Before you think this country was ever supposed to be a democracy then you like me were brainwashed in those socialist think tanks called public education system.

The word DEMOCRACY doesn't appear in the Constitution nor Declaration of Independence. If that was the ultimate government the founding fathers wanted, that word would have appeared at several times if not a bunch. Not once.

However CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC does which is distinctly different and has been replaced by the word democracy and that was all by design.

Voting was never supposed to be right just given out to everyone and the left through their identity political strategy used to political correctness to force it onto us and thereby destroying the CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC that it was SUPPOSED TO BE into a "democracy" which are always doomed to turn into demogoguery within only a few short years.

Hence the reason this country has GROUPS seduced by false promises. They are barely educated enough to right their own names let alone understand the complexity of govt. spending and the notion of taxation without representation.

Instead we are turned into one word or three word tropes and platitudes and campaign slogans. We've all seen the interviews on the streets of these ignoramuses who have the power to vote.

I know I'm spitting in the wind with this reality, all while we wonder just how the fuck do private citizens who were free give up their power to the federal govt?

The power of group think and conformity. We call it peer pressure. That's the power the elites used and they are able to target large groups with bullshit promises.

That reparation check is still on its way. Just vote for us!!!!!!

Divide and conquer. Well we are divided and conquered and the ones laughing now at that shall he gnashing their teeth and wailing, more than likely forever.
nice reply, I honestly like it, but you are addressing my comment as if I stated our government is a democracy? I spoke specifically of Iraq and what the Libertarian wrote in this book

Amazon product ASIN 0578003104
massive spending.

border polices.

student loan forgiveness

capping credit card late fees

attempted mandated vaccines for all most workers

pushing EVs

attempting to curtail oil production, which he failed at, but he should not even try.

just to name a few off the top of my you do Trump.... :banana:

Never should have hired Sessions.
Never should have signed any deficit spending budgets
He should have prosectuted Hillary.
He should have ended all foreign wars
His handling of COVID was poo…..Biden took it and ran with it.
He should have pardoned Assange and Snowden
He should have ended all foreign aid to enemies
Trump DOJ should have gone after every Democrat.
Trump should have never reached across the aisle for anything.

Just off the top of my head.
nice reply, I honestly like it, but you are addressing my comment as if I stated our government is a democracy? I spoke specifically of Iraq and what the Libertarian wrote in this book

Amazon product ASIN 0578003104View attachment 917072
Yeah, I know. I saw a few posts that democracy was used. Trump says it too and it's a bit discouraging.

It was based on this comment

"I joined the party, once. Got a nice book with essays and articles by libertarian authors. This was during the Iraq war. The theme was, that Democracy would never work in Iraq because Iraq never new democracy or had people who thought of freedom."
Never should have hired Sessions.
Never should have signed any deficit spending budgets
He should have prosectuted Hillary.
He should have ended all foreign wars
His handling of COVID was poo…..Biden took it and ran with it.
He should have pardoned Assange and Snowden
He should have ended all foreign aid to enemies
Trump DOJ should have gone after every Democrat.
Trump should have never reached across the aisle for anything.

Just off the top of my head.

so your biggest problem with Trump is that he is not authoritarian enough.

Sounds about right coming from you
Yeah, I know. I saw a few posts that democracy was used. Trump says it too and it's a bit discouraging.

It was based on this comment

"I joined the party, once. Got a nice book with essays and articles by libertarian authors. This was during the Iraq war. The theme was, that Democracy would never work in Iraq because Iraq never new democracy or had people who thought of freedom."
Yep, a pretty ignorant statement put out by the Libertarians in regards to Iraq. Just a little bit of reading of the Middle East brought me to Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Lawerence, Lawerence of Arabia. Lawerence mentions that there were groups in Iraq that met in secret discussing plans for freedom. And of course, with a little bit more reading we see that the British who had the League of Nations Mandate over Iraq, established a constitution defining a democracy as the government for Iraq. That was when they made Fiesal the leader of Iraq, after the French kicked him out of Syria (the french had the league of nations mandate for syria).
Yep, a pretty ignorant statement put out by the Libertarians in regards to Iraq. Just a little bit of reading of the Middle East brought me to Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Lawerence, Lawerence of Arabia. Lawerence mentions that there were groups in Iraq that met in secret discussing plans for freedom. And of course, with a little bit more reading we see that the British who had the League of Nations Mandate over Iraq, established a constitution defining a democracy as the government for Iraq. That was when they made Fiesal the leader of Iraq, after the French kicked him out of Syria (the french had the league of nations mandate for syria).
My point is no democracy ever works anywhere and the power elites know it. Hence the reason this country was never supposed to labeled as that and that really didn't happen until those same elements were put in charge of educating the masses.

That was the slow but sure way to regain the power that the founding fathers had taken from them. It was and started out as an idea. It was never really tried before. The only thing that really compared to it was the freeing the Jews from Pharoah. It was George Washington who turned down being a king which set the standard. We weren't going to have an elected "king." Virtually every president that ever took office despised the experience. Thomas Jefferson hated it so much that he had it left off of his tombstone that he was ever president.

The point is democracy wouldn't have worked in Iraq cause they never work cause they all turn into demogogueries and one thing we have learned about humans through history is very few of us can truly handle freedom.

Why? Cause it doesn't mean RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES. It means ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY to do what we ought. Most of us and includes me in many ways are more comfortable in being controlled by someone. In other words more comfortable in our enslavement. That's the lesson we've learned. We are more comfortable in our sins. That's the lesson we get from the Jews who were set free from Pharoah. They started grumbling about how they were better off in their enslavement.

That's the way we are and that is what the devil through his minions or democrats and power thirsty elites. They know all too well our nature and that is so easy to take advantage of and they do.

That's why democracy, while sounds good, only gives the devils power to seduce the masses and it really isn't all that hard for them to do to the gullible and ignorant.
My point is no democracy ever works anywhere and the power elites know it. Hence the reason this country was never supposed to labeled as that and that really didn't happen until those same elements were put in charge of educating the masses.

“I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. … Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never.”

― John Adams, The Letters of John and Abigail Adams
It seems John Adams is describing just why they never intended the nation to be a democracy. Hence the reason they never saw fit to call it that in the Constitution. It seems.

For some reason my response with quoting isn't working.

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