Thomas More was No Saint!

Catholicism...what nonsense. That cult has perverted Christianity for their own gain since their inception. Pedophile priests and all of the Churches problems id punishment for their perversion of God's word.
Roman Catholics defended Europe from the brutal and cunning muslim warriors--!!

See how much you owe the Vatican? Now shut up and convert to true Christianity--aka Roman Catholicism!
Is it not unbelievable that we would have politicians and even our own President attending such a Mass - the Red Mass - praying to this dead Inquistor - Thomas More - who history tells us put to death the humble servant of God - Tyndale? If that doesn't reveal a frightening level of ignorance in this country I do not know what does!!!
More died before Tyndale. How then did More put Tyndale to death?

Happy St.Patrick’s day. Be sure to wear your green
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Roman Catholics defended Europe from the brutal and cunning muslim warriors--!!

See how much you owe the Vatican? Now shut up and convert to true Christianity--aka Roman Catholicism!

True Christianity? I believe you already know the Vatican is the arch enemy of True Christianity. You already know this. Have you heard the latest? There is a video out called The Pope shows his true colors which exposes his anti-Christ beliefs. I'll go get it for you. You need to hear this one.

Note that it is a Catholic priest who exposes him - A former Catholic priest who is now a born again Christian and points out that the Pope is teaching blasphemy that is no where found in the bible. He declares in this video that only Catholics have salvation and can go to heaven and outside of the Roman Catholic Institution there is no salvation. Honestly when you see what he said and how this born again ex-priest uses the King James bible to expose his lies - you can see that the opposite is the reality. THERE IS NO SALVATION INSIDE THE RCC. Any who desire Christ must come out from among the Roman Institution and it's abominable teachings.
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Catholicism...what nonsense. That cult has perverted Christianity for their own gain since their inception. Pedophile priests and all of the Churches problems id punishment for their perversion of God's word.

I agree 100%. Thank you.
Pentecostals,not RC, are out of touch.

The Roman Catholic Institution is not out of touch with God. They have never been in touch with God!

It's an anti-Christ - godless Institution, Jake. There is nothing you could possibly say to change that fact.
There is nothing you can say, Jeri, to make your wish so.

Tough. RCs are as Christian, or more, than you.
Roman Catholics defended Europe from the brutal and cunning muslim warriors--!!

See how much you owe the Vatican? Now shut up and convert to true Christianity--aka Roman Catholicism!

I'm still trying t figure out how the KJV Bible has authority over any of the earlier Bibles.

I always thought the KJV was written for the Anglican layman and was instrumental to breaking the religious monopoly the RCC had in the British isles.

I guess I've got it wrong, huh?
No, you didn't. You know full well the authority of the King James Version bible which is why you spend most of your time on this board trying anyway you can - to discredit it - deny it - destroy the faith of others who believe what it says. One day you'll answer for that just as Sealybobo, Alang, Pacer, Boss,Pratchettfan and several other hard core God haters here will. You need to repent while you've got breath in you to do it.
Never forget, The King James Bible was edited by a committee.

The giraffe is a horse, also edited by a committee.

Oh please, Henry. The Holy Spirit approved that Book and it is just as God would have it to be. The King James Version Bible is the Word of God and what is in there was approved by the Holy Spirit or it wouldn't be in there.. The other translations that have come out such as NIV NKJ & others that continue to come out are an entirely different matter. They are removing many Scriptures from the bible and changing Scriptures into entirely different meanings - very serious matter and the only thing to do is stay with the KJV and hold onto it no matter what.
Never forget, The King James Bible was edited by a committee.

The giraffe is a horse, also edited by a committee.

Oh please, Henry. The Holy Spirit approved that Book and it is just as God would have it to be. The King James Version Bible is the Word of God and what is in there was approved by the Holy Spirit or it wouldn't be in there.. The other translations that have come out such as NIV NKJ & others that continue to come out are an entirely different matter. They are removing many Scriptures from the bible and changing Scriptures into entirely different meanings - very serious matter and the only thing to do is stay with the KJV and hold onto it no matter what.
ah. and where would i find this 'official approval' by the holy spirit? which edition did the holy spirit approve?

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