Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

Any objective opinion can be anti-black or anti-white. Facts have no color. The only organization that will never have an anti-black position is a racist organization, or one that is achieving some end by pandering to blacks. An organization that is looking for truths will have positions that favor some groups at times and don't favor groups at other times. In 1950 an organization could truthfully say Muslims have never directly attacked the USA. If the same organization said the same thing in 2002, it would be lying. Same statement, same group involved; different facts.
And so white right wing anti black organizations paids sellouts to present anti black positions. A racist organization is pandering to whites. Spare me the lecture.
True, intellect being generally frowned upon in the black culture.
Wrong. White culture doesn't respect true black intellectuals. You get white fragility. Sowell is no intellectual.
I know Thomas Sowell and there isn't a "hustler" bone in his entire body, Paul! He was a believer in communism when he was young. He came by the views that he holds now because of a lifetime of experience. I never once heard him utter anything that was even remotely "racist" in any of the lectures I attended. Not even close. You hate Sowell because he isn't an apologist.
So fighting white supremacy is hustle ?

There is no money in fighting racism. The money is for black people parrot white supremacist talking points. So if you are a black person ? And you talk about black crime, Chicago,black single mothers, black ghetto. Basically if you say things that let white supremacists off the hook and pin everything on black people ?

White people will make sure you are well fed. You'll have the house, car, the money, the show. They will love you.
Wrong. White culture doesn't respect true black intellectuals. You get white fragility. Sowell is no intellectual.
Well, I got to ask. Who do you consider a black intellectual? Because here is the thing. I am not seeing much contribution from blacks to the intellectual community. Hell, Spike Lee might be at the top of the list, and that really is not saying much.
Wrong. White culture doesn't respect true black intellectuals. You get white fragility. Sowell is no intellectual.
Wrong, white culture respects intelligent men like Sowell and derides whiny bitches like you. Grow up.
Well, I got to ask. Who do you consider a black intellectual? Because here is the thing. I am not seeing much contribution from blacks to the intellectual community. Hell, Spike Lee might be at the top of the list, and that really is not saying much.

And that's because you don’t know many if any black people (at least not those who live in black communities), haven’t spent time yourself in those communities, and don’t read or listen to black media.
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"The Bell Curve is a good, well-written book. Harvard................" Stop. No it's not.

*shakes head, exits convo*
Perhaps CON is the operative term.

Why is it that Sowell never seems to discuss the economic impact of racism on black Americans.

There are a multitude of books out about this, but the darling black "conservative" economist doesn't seem to have written one. You would think with all that conservative grant money he's been paid....

Oh yeah, that's the point, don't write about what really happened, write stuff blaming blacks for failing.

Stop your filthy ass hate of a Black that did not sign up to be a slave on the Democrat welfare plantation.

It just makes you look like more of a racist asshole than we already think you are.
True, intellect being generally frowned upon in the black culture.

Well, at least the "you acting white" element of the black community.

These two might feel differently:


Well, I got to ask. Who do you consider a black intellectual? Because here is the thing. I am not seeing much contribution from blacks to the intellectual community. Hell, Spike Lee might be at the top of the list, and that really is not saying much.

And that's because you don’t know many if any black people (at least not those who live in black communities), haven’t spent time yourself in those communities, and don’t read or listen to black media.

I'll note you didn't name any black intellectuals. Why? I know why...because all of them are conservatives.
Women who have children have boyfriends. A father not being in a house is not why black men get paid 82 cents for every dollar a white man gets and that's with the same education and experience. Sowell never seemed able to talk about that yet he was supposed to be an economist.
Women who have children got pregnant.

A father figure not being in a house is why black boys turn into street thugs and black girls either have children or abortions.

Sowell is an educator. Economy is just a facet of his expertise.

You would do well to emulate him.
I think that is spot on. Sowell has made a career of telling people what they want to hear. One can hardly qualify as an "Economist" while subscribing to the theory of libertarianism. For instance, some cool con artists created a libertarian nation state somewhere in South America. They trumpeted how there would be no government involvement in the markets and suckers gleefully purchased plots of land, They ended up buying the equivalent of swamp land, and lost their asses, because there was no government oversight.

Sowell position on charter schools is a good case in point. He starts out by saying the problem is finding equivalent socioeconomic cohorts to study in public school as opposed to charter schools. But he ignores the fact that charter school students have motivated and involved parents, that is how they got in a charter school. And then he comes to the conclusion that charter schools provide better results. I call bullshit. If those parents would have been involved in a public school, the results would not have been the same, they would have been better.
Sowell says a lot of things that people do not want to hear. Hence the posting of this delusional OP.

In today's bullshit liberal agenda, parents aren't allowed to have a say in their children's education. The teachers' unions have seen to that. The local school boards and the arrogant unions are demanding that students be indoctrinated with CRT whether the parents like it or not.

Try watching the news.
Nobody serious in the black community respected Thomas Sowell. No-one. That's why you can't name me one black person like Thomas Sowell that is remembered in history.

  • You know who MLK was.
  • You know who Malcolm X was.
  • You know who the black panthers were.
  • You know who Rosa Parks was.
  • You know who Nelson Mandela was.
  • You know who Muhammad Ai was.
Why ? Coz they stood up and fought against and unjust system and were not afraid to die.

Thomas Sowell was a black man who was a senior fellow at The Hoover Institute which is a white supremacist think tank. This guy was a piece of work. He thought that the book "The Bell Curve" (The white supremacist bible which is a book that basically tries to prove how stupid blk ppl are) is a good well written book.

He's made his money from hustling the white supremacists by articulating their racist views for them.

Sowell was a POS.
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